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Standardized Testing is not Teaching

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Title :  Standardized Testing is not Teaching
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Comments Standardized Testing is not Teaching

The main thing I feel for the tests is they shouldn't make it a requirement in order for students to graduate I think that is wrong on all levels
Comment from : @erikarikhiram2177

Skeptic Magazine devoted half an issue to this Standardized tests are incredibly predictive One reason for doing away with them is that they correctly predict which students will graduate Ignoring test scores increases minority representation though, as the scores indicate, the odds of graduating with low scores is less likely brbrAs for bias, are they biased against whites who score less than Asians or Hispanics who score less than whites or blacks who score less than Hispanics? A lower group average does not mean a test is biased, employers are prejudiced, schools are unfair It was noted that you'd expect biased to show up on history and language arts but it was math and science with the largest gaps
Comment from : @smb123211

The fact that even the creator of standardized testing said it is very bad
Comment from : @sovietunion4875

Just flunked out of college I get 90-100 on assignments, but 60 on exams, and exams are worth 80 of the grade, and you need to get 80 to be allowed to move onto the next semester Waste of time Waste of money What little I do learn while grinding for a test is forgotten immediately after the test is taken
Comment from : @mapacker5450

My elementary school started working on standardized tests when I was 7 Fucking 7 I'm in college now
Comment from : @skypaver989

Kids minds are still developing in such a young age enough with the testing Teach kids how to think as individuals not all kids are the same
Comment from : @AmanSS890

Test don’t teach anything all it teaches is how to memorize a huge amont of information in a short time and after words the kid forgets the information the next day And these multiple choices are confusing Test don’t prove anything just that you can memorize that’s it
Comment from : @AmanSS890

What tests has learned me is thatbrbrThe better grades you have the more your parents love you
Comment from : @Koremel1

sadly no one will actually be able to change it :(
Comment from : @YourPuppyTube

just seeing tests makes me want to start a riot
Comment from : @randommemesweekly4417

What standardized testing is:Remember that thing I said 2 hours ago? Yea well you had to remember that and show your work
Comment from : @kingmac6638

i know i am very intelligent, but i just don't care about most of the things that they teach us it's nearly impossible for me to get the motivation to study
Comment from : @eliasgonzalez5073

Computer based self paced learning and testing is the answer
Comment from : @DaveWard-xc7vd

Report cards? Have you been following the grading scandal in NYC?
Comment from : @DaveWard-xc7vd

Out of all my years in public school it wasnt until college that I actually learned anything , I have to refresh things that I learned back in fifth grade because I forgot it this method should be called the use it or lose it instead
Comment from : @Tfichtenbaum

wwwchristienkencom the school reform landscape: fraud, myth and lies
Comment from : @GG-fh1cb

I literally just started middle school and I'm scared cause of the experience I've had today was my first day and I'm already stressing
Comment from : @ernna8425

my brain: just got an order from the boss, dump everything that's about standardized testing!brbrclones in mind: everything?brbrmy brain: everything!
Comment from : @randommemesweekly4417

Trump needs to do something before It’s too late
Comment from : @Nefare1781

Nothing is gonna change tho
Comment from : @giwrgostsagrhs1689

I hate to study and do homework all this should be done at school In the working world it's done at work not home
Comment from : @thefadeddog7635

I am fuming because I stayed up till 12:30 and got a 78, I know the material just couldn’t display it
Comment from : @Swifter172435

State tests and highkey hard My class considers me “smart” and I get slight below average on those, and no one even cares Smh, if its useless stop doing it
Comment from : @renarizaki

If you enjoyed this, I would recommend The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education by Grace Llewellyn
Comment from : @ZocNad

The FSA in Florida is a complete joke They have to curve the test so much bc everyone does bad on it Sophomore year for the reading test all I did was answer the questions and didn’t even read the passages I got an 80 You can clearly tell how much I’ve learned all year from that
Comment from : @Jackattack_321

I’m gonna send this to my state senator (who supports these tests)
Comment from : @Username-eq7fh

CorrectbrbrIt is assessing
Comment from : @DaveWard-xc7vd

This is all true! Those dumb tests do nothing but judge you on how smart you are That’s kind of just like bullying
Comment from : @Shahzs0

I once went to jersey village high school in Houston All I did during 10th and 11th grades were testing There was a test every single week I didn’t learn much
Comment from : @CagedJock

I graduated High School in June, I honestly don't remember half the stuff they tried to teach us
Comment from : @NeedForSpeedViper

I'm taking so many standardized tests being in high school though It's horrible- really It's making me feel shittier than I already feel
Comment from : @sophiayamagughi

I appreciate this it helped me with my speech
Comment from : @cececurtis6532

Thank you producing this succinct to-the-point animated video I will share this with my graduate students at the university
Comment from : @drmei-yanlu7233

hey chris, we'll putbrI was fighting common core before I knew it was a thing I notice in childs second grade class and started to complain but teachers never mentioned common core now in forth grade I discovered I wasn't just a bitchy parent, it's been common core that's the secret problem oh man I have a meeting next wed with principal and teachers I can't wait I think we're opting out of state tests the may 2017
Comment from : @earthminus10

American schools systems are like Democracy yet still controlled by their strict leaders In the IB system, communism is being used as like to make people closed from society and test them every week! For instance, IB uses a narrow ideology like at the school in Sweden that i used to go quoted ''Making a better future'' while the AP posters in the US were quoted ''Making your future bright'' Sure many schools are different, but IB is extremely strict and expensive compared to the AP system AP tend to focus more on the stress levels of the students and their health care since I've been attending in the US for roughly two years While in the IB, you're being drugged with caffeine every time to memorize useless facts about things you don't need for the future, facts that thou forget in the past two weeks after you graduate For instance Social science but not math (Unless your future job has something to do with it) I in the US, tests and reports were positive as surprisingly gave me a ''confident'' or a positive mood about my plans for the school While i had to move to IB (Sweden- for reasons), things tend to get more the opposite way than it used to be in the US I adore attending in the US-AP programs since it made my thoughts brighter and unlocked many doors for my future BUT in the IB, it is entirely the opposite If i'm wrong, please tell me so so that we can share our thought peaceful with each other -Tiberiu Chirica
Comment from : @TicTac0097

Chris, you are absolutely right Everything that you said is true There are kids who hate school, as it is, but all this standardized testing crap is not making it any better It seems that the state or school board or whatever knows absolutely nothing about education All they care about is trying to measure and compare test results of every school and student as if it were some kind of competition On top of that, they come up with dire consequences if a school doesn't make AYP I also feel bad for the teachers that bust their humps to get through college and get a degree in education, and yet getting brainwashed by those standardized testing administrating crackpots on how to teach A few beloved teachers of mine just decided to throw in the towel and retire because they couldn't take anymore of the standardized testing-based school cirriculum I didn't blame them at all They both loved teaching and would've gladly kept on doing so if it weren't for these standardized tests Teaching is a very noble profession, and what's more, most teachers love their job very much, only to have their enthusiasm and love for their job being stripped away due to testing
Comment from : @thomaskessinger2114

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Comment from : @liamearly4883

I should be doing a standardized testing packet right now nahhhh maybe later
Comment from : @ryand9841

Nut up is a thing
Comment from : @abirdhasnoname5376

damn, thats some nice drawing
Comment from : @ceka50

Education has no place
Comment from : @CrossStario

If you need help to REFUSE these high stakes tests that are poorly designed and of no value, except to the testing companies and consultants, go to wwwsaveourschoolsnjorg and wwwfairtestorg to find out why and how
Comment from : @jmksd

Could you please provide me with the references for your “evidence-based overview”? Thank you!
Comment from : @2JenH

@ChrisTienken This video is really well done A group of students and I are making a video against standardized testing-- using your video and listing your name in the credits We can share it with you when it gets published
Comment from : @ellabakker9071

Thanks for the help!
Comment from : @MrYEMSTER

This is a very good video and I am by no means denying anything that was said in this video because quite frankly, you said just about everything I have ever wanted to say I was just wondering, do you have sources for the things stated in this video?
Comment from : @caseyann715

This is very helpful, it is so true
Comment from : @MJSJenkins

why is it that only 22,000 people have seen this It is difficult to realize standardized testing isn't useful because children are tested at such an early age that it all seems normal, when it shouldn't My entire junior class refused to take the common core test and our teachers said we were being selfish
Comment from : @qwertyqwerty859

i have a petition on changeorg about standardized testing my i add this video please?
Comment from : @sbyrd42088

And we have known for yrs young children learn best thru play now prek is in part mandatory And they test children in kindergarten which should be half day kindergarten with play coloring and alphabet We are creating humam robots and poor ones at that and that's not good
Comment from : @majormana1

I remember I got a 2 in reading and writing on the standardized testing and 2 in math Standardized testing only goes up to 4 & 4 The highest I got was a 2 & a 3
Comment from : @edwarddiaz9724

Tomarow I have standerized testing I LOVE IT
Comment from : @shadowlink1354

OH, that awful SAT You spend hours upon hours on knowledge and wisdom that is pretty much only relevant to that one exam
Comment from : @alo754

I'm generally a rational person- but it's things like this that get me all twitchy and conspiracy theorizing  Beautiful piece, sadly, I am starting to doubt if anyone can listen over the noise of the Pearson Factory
Comment from : @SpeechTammy

Indeed ST produces only a society of standarized brain damaged robots An assembly line manufacturing system that is downgrading to utmost stupidity our young generation
Comment from : @Paulus_Brent

While I agree with so much of what you say… However the issue remains, how do you hold teachers accountable? There are so many shitty public school teachers I would know because I went to a public school and I cared about my education The standards these teachers have for students are so low, it is pathetic I still say that to finish high school in America is not much of an accomplishment, unless you finish as a student that was active in organizations/sports, took advanced courses, engaged in creative projects, community involvement and problem solving That just isn't your average student, and on top of that they don't learn much del___/del 
Comment from : @yasminar7476

I agree with this, but why were these tests created in the first place?  Other than the 'evaluate teachers' excuse?  I'd thought it was to supposedly 'compete with the rest of the world' and the countries that track students into particular career fields, through their standardized tests, creating it to be entirely impossible for some students to attend universities in their home countries (unlike the myth in the US that 'anyone can attend college/university and succeed at it)and thus also skewing their own data because only the results of those who passed are what is used to show how great a country's educational system is  (Or how much 'better' they seem to score than US students)
Comment from : @adhfan75

This is perfect  Shared with all of our State Senate and Reps on Education Committees as well as our local school board reps  Thank you for a terrific tool to add to our toolbox
Comment from : @theoptoutfloridanetwork9732

Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, the NY Govenor is threatening to without money for schools unless the current evaluation system he insisted on recently is changed to a system that puts 50 of a teacher's evaluation on standard state test scores
Comment from : @shavec

Excellent video, Chris I'm sharing it FAR and WIDE Thanks for continuing to shed light on this serious problem
Comment from : @LeeAraoz

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