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Should we get rid of standardized testing? - Arlo Kempf

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Title :  Should we get rid of standardized testing? - Arlo Kempf
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Comments Should we get rid of standardized testing? - Arlo Kempf

ironically, I got the same score in english test but at two different levels, when i'm good and when i was bad in english the difference is for the worse one that i had crammed the knowledge on a paper the teacher gave us before the exam, and for the better one that i did not cram anything before the exam it's was just my real knowledge of english at that time
Comment from : @MinhNguyen-ov5bi

I knew students who were straight A students in high school but would forget all the information the following year Some people have a really good short term memory
Comment from : @writingismagic5597

Comment from : @ErfanMousavi-zd7yh

This is worse than IQ and stereotypes
Comment from : @tdman

lol im very smart and me yhink test are good lmao
Comment from : @Skibbby-yes

I think it's just dehumanizing No one cares about their kids' well-being, just their grades I guess it prepares them for a life of being only valued for how much money people can make from them though Ugh, I hate my culture
Comment from : @amazinggrapes3045

The comedy about this international English language test is that they are not "friendly" to anyone that isn't a genious about this test We can get a high score, yeah, but at the end what's the reason behind complicate things to a level of "confidence", "exact word usage (Writing)", specific amount of words and random knowledgebrAt the end IELTS and many other exams have the lack of friendliness and also ignores the objective of language itself Communicate, we can be polite, attentive, up to the date of many topics, but for work, study, and talk we need to communicate, not being like the "reliable" person that elite language academics saybrBut hey I'm just a normal person and I can't change the hard/tuff direction that multiple academies of language like to do in order to sell more books, training programs, even testbrbr(Oh and I'm about to end 10th semester and finally become a legally proper teacher, I hate the fact that foreign languages are being managed by "academic" companies that want to standardize how the people talk and communicate, the grading system and the difficult and way in which they evaluate is about "confidence" but also exact pronunciation and strict use of language I get that academies and business have a "face" that we have to use at the moment of talk and write letters, but being too strict with it with everyone isn't that good
Comment from : @DarenKajiWolf

Comment from : @wiggluededgessnatched

Thank you for sharing this video God bless you 💗
Comment from : @inokesoroverebasaga139

At least in higher education, I feel that standardized tests are a must Rich kids can get internships, volunteering positions, etc through their connections, and they can get a good GPA at an elite school by buying off the right people, but they can't fake their way through the SATs or ACTs (at least, in a perfect world they can't) The SAT and ACT can be aced by any student, rich or poor, if they put in the work, and that evens the playing field
Comment from : @creamofthecrop4339

Of course This is, because belief in the usefulness of standardised tests should be associated with mental illness The reason for why standardised tests failed America for 40 years is because of mental disorders in those who still believe that they work, and because children do not have standardised minds The idea behind standardised tests was to force Nature to conjure up some kind of a human memory which could memorise the content required to answer them Nature cannot be forced to do things Nature does what nature does Thanks for the lecture
Comment from : @Yatukih_001

1:24 ولو كتبتم "العربية" في ذلك العمود لكفتكم عناء الكتابة
Comment from : @إبن-العربي

Wait,the ruler grew back magically and also cut an orange I never knew a ruler could cut a orange , 2:22
Comment from : @suyiyu8471

I hear dat, up in here
Comment from : @MS-st1zb

THIS IS GONNA REPLAY IN MY MIND AT 4 AM 😂😂😂😂😂 🤣 🤣 😂😂😂br5:06
Comment from : @LluvioCT

Forget anything that comes out of Harvard Harvard has turned into an insane asylum We need to keep standardized testing Who do you want performing your operation or flying your airplane? Do you want the high achievers who worked hard and scored well or do you want people who became surgeons and pilots through affirmative action? Answer the questions clearly and honestly
Comment from : @TheHare-rv3hj

Stop whining! brNo, we don’t get rid of standardized testsbrWork harder America, and did I mention stop whining?
Comment from : @hsmd4533

Standardized test, and only one per something, are used, because they are cost efficient The goals mentioned in the video can be solved by more sophisticated standardized test or a set of a wider range of them, But that would require more money, because more manpower would be needed
Comment from : @mikloscsuvar6097

Has anyone seen Korea's exams for their students? Our kids would fail in an instant because they cannot properly read or write Forget mathematics We have dummy teachers teaching students
Comment from : @findingkelly

When you leave school, nobody is going to ask you to take a test They will however expect you to think conceptually And therein lies the problem
Comment from : @Dustinwhy8

totally wrong, chinese have a very best education, because they have a standarized test on gaokao, they standarized test make them good in education,
Comment from : @muhammadmanshur5570

I think we got to stop fighting it makes it harder for us to love each other to the best of our ability
Comment from : @grigoriyefimovichrasputin7897

huh, so that's why my rulers aren't telling me what the elephants had for breakfast
Comment from : @CarlosTB1708

Would love to know who paid for this video Jesus
Comment from : @AaronStierCohen1

School testing is racism As long as a students attend classes, they should receive a degree That includes no testing for student doctors, lawyers and engineers
Comment from : @quartytypo

Lol Another PR piece for as social change agenda we’re supposed to believe is just some thoughts The intellectual environment today is poisonous
Comment from : @WinstonSmithGPT

Stop the Testing and standardization of people - everyone is different and should not be used against individuals
Comment from : @rjeannerenner5984

I'd love to revisit this topic, especially after the pandemic
Comment from : @gracebertram6660

Yes, we should All they do is poorly reinforce what has already been shoved into students' minds multiple times
Comment from : @cherrycolareal

Comment from : @EliasGBM

It’s almost like there are standards in life we expect from people…
Comment from : @jeremyncrm2012

Comment from : @asanitheafrofuturist

You just roll the orange along the ruler one revolution
Comment from : @user-Dumbunny

The benefits of standardized education is that people with trauma issues can use the structure to teach even if triggered, you just continue
Comment from : @TheodoraKimmelHello

I feel like exams and standardized testing should be banned because these only focus on how well and how much you memorize something not the ability to know how well you learn something
Comment from : @ninjapirate123

Who is doing the best on the SAT? Asians Which ethnic group has been taking standardized tests the longest? Asians Maybe this video is addressed to ethnic groups that do not come from a competitive exam culture? And maybe groups that don’t have parents who push their children to prepare for exams?
Comment from : @zachgates7491

When i was a child in gr school doing a standardized test the teacher told us when we complete the test we can go outside for recess I circled as many answers as fast as possible without even reading the questions just so i could go outside and play Now that i look back, it may have not been the best idea Lol
Comment from : @myaccountishacked6417

Yes we should get rid of testing 'cuz math and english is raci's
Comment from : @cheaserceaser

Yeah well let's mug history, current affairs and get a job regardless of whatever the job demands
Comment from : @rahulchakrabarty9083

Comment from : @ColorWheel87

Test measure diligence not intelligence
Comment from : @xandgold3030

Well… I made IQ tests and the final result was 120, what’s considered to be above the average However when I have to undertake myself to an academic test, my bands tend to be 6, 7 or 8/10 So I can basically talk for hours about psychology or music, for example, and even make precise observations But for the academy, I’m considered to be average or lower than the expected I developed Exams Anxiety, what ruined many academic and professional chances I had
Comment from : @AmandaGoutenberg

All of you here that are complaining about standardize tests should be a shame of yourselves Your children will be tested in every part of their life and in order to pass those tests they have to rely on studying, critical thinking, seeking outside advise, etc A few examples would be to find a spouse, dating, job interviews, friendships, running a business, getting a loan, etc Competition and preparation is a part of life We compete for everything in this life Standardize test will be replaced with extracurricular activities like expensive projects and having them published In the end people will be complaining about the same old things That getting into college is too competitive and unfair to middle class and low income families
Comment from : @tomlewis9776

Have you ever wondered how some of these people that we meet at the post office, the MTA, city jobs in general got hired? If you do, read on Some of these people are so twisted and confused and lost A lot of them can't even form proper sentencesbrbrI finally figured it all out The entry testing standards have been lowered through the years It's the only way this "educated" bunch can get into a city job The same thing is happening with college entry exams The exams are now so easy that a monkey can pass brbrIf they continue to lower the testing standards, there will come a time when the only requirement to enter college will be a pencil They will ask: DO YOU HAVE A PENCIL? IF YOU DO, GET IN THERE, IT'S CALCULUS What the heck is going on in the United States? God help us all
Comment from : @guidofeliz8384

Me: sees title brAlso me : Yes yes we should
Comment from : @aubreypassey6086

The Chinese may be intelligent, but this is one thing they got wrong
Comment from : @FamilyHistoriandude

More "ah butts" and "what if's" Stop making excuses
Comment from : @psychicspy

Life is bigger than a test and so my best advice to young people out therebrDont allow a poor Result to determine your dreams and life Opportunities even in the year 2022
Comment from : @jamesbedugraham8056

Well like Sporting events Standardized Tests cannot be gotten rid offbrbrThey are still useful for placement at English Speaking Schools like in Canada or the USAbrI suggest one test with only 200 Questions like the SAT of old like in 2001 or 2002
Comment from : @jamesbedugraham8056

W nuice
Comment from : @LOL_MANN

Yes we should
Comment from : @TierosIsBetter

Comment from : @TierosIsBetter

Should we get rid of standardi- YES
Comment from : @VeiledSeer

standardised tests is just a measure of explanation and memorisation to the required problem and meeting its criteria instead of improvising it and how deep of that certain knowledge can be expressed
Comment from : @k4z1r1n

You had some good arguments, and some poor ones, but it seems like this is more of things tests could improve on Recognizing cultural validity is important as well as disabilities preventing a person from taking the test But if that disability would functionally impair that individual from functionally completing a task assigned to them than a test should reveal that as well It all depends on the situation such as dyslexia As someone who has test anxiety, your comment was a bit weak and almost feels insulting Its up to me to become a better test taker not tests to pander to my inabilities Either/or arguments almost always fall flat on their face, including the one you presented Standardized testing should absolutely be improved, but just like with other things assuming we should much less can just wholly get rid of things sounds a bit dishonest
Comment from : @patrickbertlein4626

Comment from : @MikeJones-et4ns

bWhen women do better on standardized tests people say they are smart, and that is why they did better on the test/bbrbWhen men do better on standardized tests people say the test was biased/b
Comment from : @CS-qy4qy

As if anybody cares about compentences - unless when it's their aces, that are to be operated on Being low IQ is kinda like being drunk - and as long as my chauffer has the right colour, I don't care, how wasted he is
Comment from : @CONEHEADDK

I always did really well That made my parents put a lot of extra pressure on me in school
Comment from : @kellykerr5225

No Se should not brbrIt should be one of the hurdles to get into undergrad or post-grad
Comment from : @cmdmd

Ironically we Can measure the temperature and weight with a ruler It’s just basic physics :)
Comment from : @nayash4744

I would be in favour of ridding public school education of standardized testing, but it would be better if standardized testing takes a back seat in public school education Reducing the roll of standardized testing in public schools is one of the things that the Finnish public school education got right Children are not standardized test scores and they're not grades of a report card Standardized test scores and letter grades on a report card are just letters and numbers and that report card is just paper Children need to be allowed to learn things in school that they want to learn and they will prepare them for college, adulthood, and beyond, even if there grades are very poor, at best
Comment from : @andreasantoni6896

The problem with the current education system is that it wasn't exactly designed for educating, but rather producing workers that requires the minimum knowledge to function You couldn't expect such system to accommodate for every unique human beings, as it is an 'average' system for non existing 'average' chilldren If you have the means, you could keep your child safe from the system by homeschooling or sending them to an avant garde school Yet this couldn't fix the fundamental crack in the societybrI really wish when the tech savvy generation take over, they will have the courage to crumble the weak foundation and start anew, this time with the right mindset planted
Comment from : @callesrubinova2182

Nobody likes being tested, so there you go
Comment from : @glenjennett

“Teacher bot can’t teach, but teacher bot can TEST!”brbr-CGP Grey
Comment from : @gabrielg2395

This video is only make sense if Someone show this to govt officials and study department so they make new criteria or way of test Old one are useless
Comment from : @deveshyadav6283

The animation is in another level
Comment from : @SkSafowan

ngl i feel like tests are measuring more of how hardworking someone is than their abilities and the tests do not guarantee the person will remember the concepts forever
Comment from : @hello8965

Findland says: yes, America get rid of standardized test!
Comment from : @ashleyladner7620

Comment from : @semja

Yeah standardized testing is bs, we live in internet society we should not need to remember so many useless stuff, we should be tested on how good we are in retrieving these infos
Comment from : @syasyaishavingfun

This is so true to me I passed no entrance exams in 3 schools except one of the three but did not meet the scholarship requirement My brain just doesn't work T_T
Comment from : @zandrewmorano4747

No it is best thing to happen to testing no cheating and no influencing to get into colleges and jobs
Comment from : @sneedsfeed757

Standardized testing is a way of apply eugenics If anyone was concerned with how well you were doing, just look at GPA
Comment from : @lowereastsideastrologist7769

I hated doing poorly on standardized tests while being able to answer any critical thinking question that the teachers throw at me - while others who scored well on standardized tests struggled to apply anything they've learned
Comment from : @lowereastsideastrologist7769

"The rules of the society doesn't apply to me I'll sit in some remote corner of an academic campus, enjoying the benefits of the state and calling for it's destruction because I'm a global citizen" brbrGive up the benefits of the state and beg for food- the way true seeker was expected to before
Comment from : @ceus90

Eliminate the SAT, along with competency testing for vehicle brake mechanics
Comment from : @michaelwojcicki3624

yes because not everyone is good at memorizing and regurgitating information
Comment from : @gokukakarot1235

One advantage of standardized test is that they make it possible to evaluate different methods of teaching Did the experimental method produce better results than control group (the old method)?
Comment from : @robertbaker1894

They are of great value, although not perfect
Comment from : @charlesbromberick4247

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