Title | : | High Deductible Plan G and High Deductible Plan F Medicare Supplement - A Good Value? |
Lasting | : | 8.13 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 64 rb |
I am considering HDG, I was wondering if you can get riders that help with the MOOP like you can with Medicare Advantage? Comment from : @glennthorstensen5119 |
Will High Deductible Plan F rates start rising at a faster rate as fewer people will be on it in the coming years? Maybe that would be a good reason to use Plan G High Deductible? Comment from : @donbrown9258 |
The difference of premium costs between Age of Attainment and Age of Entry and Community based plan should be emphasized Comment from : @VeganWithAraygun |
I enjoy your info Just turning 60 this July but trying to learn early 😅 Comment from : @steves3234 |
To my thinking, HD-F and HD-G in most situations are going to be exactly the same, because the Medicare part B deductible of G plans counts toward the identical Medigap plans HD-F & HD-G deductible The only exception I can think of is if you hit the plan deductible solely through part A (hospitalization) expenses But how common would that be? The downside of F plans is that the average age of participants will rise in time relative to G due to no new young enrollees, which are generally healthier Comment from : @fairbanksbrian |
I live in WA (CRB :community-rate base) and consider switching from co retiree supplement plan to HDF or HDG In order to compare future premium increase, does CRB meant for each plan as an individual community? With the shrinking HDF will it has less people to bear the total medical expense, will HDF has higher premium increase despite HD? brbrWhen calling one of the big insurance company H, one agent found WA is a GI state thus no underwriting, but call another time the next agent said GI is only applicable to medical advantage plan but not HDF nor HDG Is that true or depand on the insurance companies? Comment from : @Ed-kw7vw |
Is Plan F a good value in Massachusetts ? Right now we have Blue Cross/Blue Shield Medex bronze Really high premiums each month :( Comment from : @donnadifonzo339 |
this is 2 years old why don't you update and give up to date prices you quote Comment from : @mistercash1000 |
I sold two plans to a couple They were trying to switch from F to N since it was so much cheaper The wife passed underwriting and got plan N; the husband did not pass and had to stay on F Comment from : @newbirth35 |
I'M wondering about " high deductible " I've has surgery & radiationand didnt have to pay anything everything was covered Could you please explain ty Comment from : @myratraney |
Like your videos You need however imho to better mic your recordings As your market is older this is even more challenging Comment from : @LarsPop-Tartus |
I live in Palm Beach, one of the most expensive areas in the nation for Medigap plans I didn't get on Medicare until age 71 After evaluating all of the plans I chose HDF United American Both HDF and HDG were the exact same premium believe it or not, so going with HDF was a no brainer for me United American offered the best price Comment from : @craigmoesel4749 |
All it takes is one really serious or chronic illness and you can find yourself paying these deductibles over and over again Just imagine getting sick or injured in December and still being in the hospital in January Your $5,00000 deductible (which seemed reasonable) just became a $10,00000 deductible, because it is an annual deductible, not an incident deductible like car insurance Now imagine you have a chronic condition like heart disease, or cancer that drags on for years and years! You could be paying this deductible over and over again, and you are stuck with this plan because you need to undergo medical underwriting in order to change! Better to be a little over insured to start out than to be uninsured when you really need it Most of us will need more and more medical care as we age, not less Comment from : @alansach8437 |
Do you cover Alaska? Comment from : @woodrowallen |
Hi Stephanie, do they still offer plan FHD in Florida? Comment from : @enterdata |
Hi Stephanie, I’m turning 65 this year and am now in my IEP I’ve always liked high deductible policies because I tend to look at insurance to help with catastrophic needs Since I’m relatively healthy and have money (6 figures) already set aside for a health emergency, would I find value in continuing a “high deductible” strategybrAs I enter the Medicare program? Comment from : @gungadin6447 |
Hi Stephanie! My question is about underwriting If you set up a medigap policy with a company and later want to make a change BUT stay with them will underwriting be required? Let's say I signed up with Etna for a high deductible Plan G and later wanted to change to a regular plan, but stay with them; will they require underwriting?brThank you! Comment from : @vanderpoolfarmsllc9983 |
Hi Comment from : @philgambill4473 |
I chose high deductible plan g this year i use the va for my routine healthcare and prescriptions but i wanted the option to use non va providers closer to me when necessary i agree that the high deductible plan g is better than advantage plan since i still have traditional medicare and no networks i went from $112 to $33 per month in north carolina hope i made the right choice! Fortunately i see dr very infrequently Comment from : @pattycherry4552 |
Are there 2 plan G’s for Medicare? Comment from : @heathermoulton3221 |
Some doctors and hospitals are charging 15 extra Do these two high deductable plans cover this extra charge after meeting the deductable? Comment from : @buddhalovechild |
Do they have a plan for every letter of the alphabet? Comment from : @detective___mcnulty |
Thank you Comment from : @zinnialady5153 |
Does the high deductible plan G work with a MSA — about the same as a HSA? Comment from : @NolenKW1 |
Healthcare insurance industry is a ripoff USA healthcare is a expensive joke France Germany Britain Norway Sweden Canada New Zealand Australia all have excellent progressive programs for there people The heath insurance industry CEO's along with mostly all the politicians should be in prison for fraud, money laundering, embezzlement, extortion, economic treason of the USA government Crooked snakes, scum of the earth Comment from : @joeearley3351 |
One thing that's always confused me a bit and maybe you can help in 2021 would an HDG member have to pay the $203 part b deductible in addition to the $2370 HDG deductible or is the $203 included in the $2370? Comment from : @shawnebrowninsurance |
Are high ded G or F going to be an option for a 51 yr old who qualified for Medicare A an B in 2013 due to disability or would I always be excluded through medical underwriting? I’m good with pre-existing condition exclusions - I’m more concerned about coverage for big unknowns Comment from : @jecuyer6026 |
Who knows how much Medicare will raise the deductible Comment from : @fayeb5855 |
High deductible plan g wisc Comment from : @brianglynn7782 |
I am considering HDF (born b4 1-1-55) and Part D The only concern is that another video talked about frequent undesired “surprises” with Part D Comment from : @tonyreddy7535 |
I purchased a High Deductible plan F 4 years ago and have been very happy with it Premiums have gone up to $52 which is a gift compared to other plans This year my wife turns 65 and again we are considering a high deductible plan This is insurance and as with any insurance it is always a gamble but to us it seems to be worth it Plus because fewer people are enrolled in it the likelihood of a large rate increase is lower than that of standard plan G, which I’m anticipating going through the roof in another 7-8 years As always I really enjoy your videos Thank you Comment from : @wschield608 |
Wow I just started watching your video's and you exolain these plans so well Too bad I didn't find you when I first signed up This medicare has been a job in itself Not at all what I expected It was not explained to me whatever you choose first if you want to switch you may not be able to without paying a price so I may be stuck with this high deductible for life Not happy Comment from : @pamelaparker5053 |
I can't see folks avoiding treatment because of this minor deductible Except for chronically ill, this HDG makes sense More so than Plan N Comment from : @brocklanders6969 |
Can the deductible on Plan G High Ded go up or is it locked in based on the year you bought it? Is it guaranteed issue? Comment from : @brocklanders6969 |
Dear Abt: Does bhigh-deductible plan G/b exist for new applicants in May 2021? Comment from : @eddyvideostar |
If you would answer Im already on plan G if i were to want to switch to plan G high deductable would i be requried to have underwriting Thanks Comment from : @dhix2388 |
Does Guarantee Issue Rights affect High Deductible Plan G (ie expected large increases in premiums in the future) or does it just affect Plan G? Comment from : @kn2656 |
Does plan G HD deductible amount per calendar year or per hospital stay? Thank you for all informative videos👍👍👍👍👍 Comment from : @adassociates8235 |
Can you explain how much in total we have to pay monthly for Part B, Medigap, and Part D? and compare with Medicare Advantage Plan Comment from : @lilyloredo5136 |
As a fellow agent, great info and think it's a great value! I love HDG/F Unless you have a high usage, you'll almost always come out ahead with these plans Medicare negotiates very well for Medicare beneficiaries Comment from : @ChristopherRuhmins |
Like most videos that discuss this plan, you fail to stress that part B covers 80 after deductible This leaves you out of pocket for most visit at 20 Most people just stress the max out of pocket of $2,340 In order to hit the max OOP, most people would have to rack up over $10K in bills Do a cost benefit analysis of a Plan G vs HD Plan G If you look at average Plan G cost of $200/mo vs $50/mo for HDG, you’ll save $2K a year in premiums Over a 10 year period, you could hit the max OOP 6 out of 10 years and still save money Why don’t more people talk about this? Comment from : @joeburkhard3420 |
Thanks so much for your wonderful videos! I wish I'd seen them when I started down the Medicare decision-making path I've had high deductible Plan F with Physician's Mutual since I turned 65 in 2017 As of Jan 1, 2021, my high deductible will drop because I've been on the plan for 3 years and my monthly premium will go to $139 I've been very pleased with the service How would you evaluate that premium for what I'm getting? Thanks again! Comment from : @puffyd58 |
Hi, I live in New York I am turning 65 in January 2021 and considering Plan G HD I pretty healthy and don't go to the doctor much and I am confused on the deductible If I meet the Plan B deductible for $198, would all my other plan B expenses be met or do I need to meet the full deductible amount of $2340? Comment from : @altep8148 |
I’m considering high deductible Plan G as I am very healthy and on no meds whatsoever However, I keep getting confused about the deductible I understand Part B’s yearly deductible applies toward the $2340 (for 2020) What I don’t understand is whether I will be responsible for 20 of medical costs prior to attaining the $2340 I understand traditional Medicare will pay 80 Do I pay 20 until I reach the deductible? Do most GHD insurers offer 100 covered wellness visits/preventive services such as yearly physical, colonoscopies etc? Comment from : @gloriawelles5534 |
Great series of your videos I know most of them are for year 2020 Do you have any new videos regarding year 2021 changes/additions/subtractions? Comment from : @five_o_fever9381 |
The specific high-deductible Plan F that I'm looking at says covers 100 of plan a deductible $1,408 for 20 20 year benefitbrbrCovers 100 of the yearly Part B deductible $198 in 2020brbrDoes that mean you don't have to worry about your $1,408 deductible before the plan kicks in? brbrAnd does that mean you don't have to pay your Medicare part b $198 a month this plan covers it?brbrSo all you have to worry about having Medicare part A B and high-deductible F is the monthly premium which in this case is $7222? Please help! Comment from : @lovessoundtrack5207 |
I need help for my parents asap please I was told HD plan f has a $2300ish deductible, and HD plan g has a $1400ish deductible is that true or false? Details please thank you! Comment from : @lovessoundtrack5207 |
Very interesting If you are not at the doctor/hospital very much high-deductible is a deal 👌💰´ Comment from : @jamescalifornia2964 |
Doesn't Medicare Parts A or B pay 80 first and only the 20 is applied toward the deductible? No one seems to mention this when talking about HDG plans It would take a major health event to even reach a $234000 deductible, correct ?? Comment from : @kimblack2529 |
Thank you for another informative video and thank you for all the continued support for your clients Another example of why I chose you to handle my enrollment recently Keep up the great work Comment from : @briansmith3764 |
Thank you so much for posting this video I've taken classes on Medicare and talked to several insurance agents - no instructor or insurance agent even mentioned that high deductible F and now high deductible G plans were available unless I specifically asked about it (later) I've been on High Deductible F for half a year in Texas I understand that the benefits for high deductible F and High Deductible G are almost the same My concern is that all High deductible F plans have almost become a closed block of business because new people entering Medicare can not buy the F plan any more As the pool of existing F insureds gets older and older, many of us will begin to have unforeseen health issues - will the sick people be trapped in the plan F and the well people able to pass underwriting switch to High Deductible G which is accepting new to Medicare people while they can As the Plan F pollutes, will the premiums skyrocket further encouraging everyone to leave that is well enough to do so, further escalating the premiumsbrbrI don't understand it, but I had a choice of a High Deductible F plan with issue age or attained age and I picked issue age, which was initially somewhat higher Now that there are not any younger people coming into Plan F, how does this effect issue age plans - is the benefit still therebrbrBasically, my question is from an expected premium increase standpoint, should we flee High Deductible F plans to High Deductible G plans while we can?brThanks - I'll refer your video to friends in the same situation Comment from : @davebean2886 |
I'm thankful for your seminars during my decision making referring to Advantage or Suppliment plans I stayed with the same Supplements N & D though on the surface, an Advantage Plan appeared to be the wise decision; you provided the knowledge & wisdom that led me to the more cost and wisest way for me to choose I've one question I live in NC and have Plan N with AARP UHC and I'm getting ready to go to see my Dr and my specialist Please give me an idea the $ amt I can expect to pay un Comment from : @kennethjohnson3895 |
Thanks for posting! 👍 Comment from : @OspreyFlyer |
Thank you!❤ Comment from : @lovecook6382 |
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