Title | : | How Playing Music Changes Your Brain |
Lasting | : | 18.29 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 45 rb |
BTW - its amazing how much each section changes the meter So interesting I sent it to my music teacher daughter Thanks Comment from : @RonBaker456 |
I've never been more convinced of my own superiority 🙂 I guess I need to go tell my wife now That will fix it straight away Comment from : @RonBaker456 |
0:11 ya no one wants to talk to me either lol Comment from : @VaChiee |
Who are you? Comment from : @PrezzyRose |
You're the fucking bomb Comment from : @bobgustin7254 |
Neurable is purported to do exactly what you suggested being invented here, have you seen? Comment from : @buildingthings2helppeople |
You are so fucking smart and talented! Comment from : @RobStuart-mv7my |
"Don't buy an EEG (yet)" is the best reply!!!!! Comment from : @earthexperiments1947 |
Which Neurofeedback you use???? I would love to see my brain activity like that!!! Comment from : @earthexperiments1947 |
Flipn amazing Comment from : @ethanwimsett |
1:46 to 3:00 was a magical Mr Rogers-esque beautiful moment Comment from : @thebkstank2095 |
This is 100000 as fascinating as you think it is Comment from : @LennixForeman |
Not that anyone cares, but the article in the beginning of the video isn't linking to a study or research about the 10 percent increase in IQ, and as far as I'm concerned no such study exists If anyone knows more about this or has a source for the information given I would love to hear it! Comment from : @TheMspApple |
12:43 Comment from : @gregg_w |
I gave myself some time to think about this before commenting I like most of your other videos, and I don't hate this one, but there's something that truly bothers me about itbrbrYou refer to terms like "Intelligence", "Happiness", "Focus", and so on, as if they were well defined, universally agreed terms that you really could measure just like that They aren'tbrbrI'm not saying that the general idea of what you're trying to say is incorrect, and I know it's based on scientific (slippery slope word when you talk about psychology, though) studies and concepts, but I feel that these topics are the kind that you cannot just entirely forgo the qualifying statements and adjectivesbrbrI do know that IQ as a measure of intelligence is extremely problematic, and how problematic it is is extremely well documented I don't know what "Happiness" actually means when you're measuring that, but I imagine it is a combination of activations of areas of the brain that have been observed to correlate with when people self-report to feel happy That's miles away from saying that it is an actual measure of Happiness, and I think that this should have been explained properly in a video like thisbrbrNow I get this is not the "point" of your video You're talking about the ways in which we think we understand how music relates to brain functionalities And that's cool, and I know there is something there, it's not made up stuff, and I think it's cool that you talk about it But I think with a topic like this, that is simultaneously not really that well understood (it isn't, and your video makes it sound like it is), and extremely easy to misinterpret, you had a responsibility to be more careful with your wordingbrbrNot the biggest deal, but I really had to get it off my chest Keep making good videos Comment from : @juancasanova8434 |
You make the complex simpler to understand Maybe it's just that I'm a drumme, lol Thank you for your work! Comment from : @Abbysum1 |
Wait so the focus osc tunes to C and that’s your baseline? Comment from : @snufbeats |
You’re left handed, and play well… upside down Comment from : @snufbeats |
We'd be lethal if we combined brain I call it brain chaining when performing with musical JEDI'$ USING the force Luke🧠 🎼 and that's when I would hook your nuero wires up buddy🤔🥁👑 Comment from : @domingoleija3436 |
I've working on playing boogie drum beats & BASS SYNTH in real time for the most (in the moment) work flow Comment from : @domingoleija3436 |
Sometimes Kat A meen is a brilliant recipe to mix down creatively but hearing becomes even more sensitive but that nuero tapping in is interesting ,,,🧠🎼🎧 Comment from : @domingoleija3436 |
Hola Ben J I like dat gadget Marimba & hammer dulcimer calm me down but as a percussionist, I stray from loud crashing cymbals and high frequencies so I use brushes to practice Comment from : @domingoleija3436 |
0:10 consult a professional? who do you think i am some sort of prude? Comment from : @kakerake6018 |
Amazing!! Comment from : @OhB1canohbe |
Fascinating Thanks for the practical content and removing some of the mysterious sci fi from the subject I, too, will love to see what we learn about all this in the next ten years Comment from : @walterpark8824 |
I’ve been watching documentaries on music studios and famous production spaces, and I am actually amazed our much women have been represented in this area, going all the way back to the 50s Comment from : @webmasterultra3487 |
Some crazy stuff here Comment from : @nathant2309 |
Damn bruh the guitar 🎸 Comment from : @bigaaron |
I would love a more technical breakdown/tutorial, I’m a software dev and bought an eeg a while ago and did some analysis but got stuck mostly in the noise filtering stage (that book sounds super interesting tho I’ll do some reading) Comment from : @phylliida |
you're pretty damn talented:) Comment from : @davidlucero855 |
"Why musicians is more smarter" that is a strange way of putting it :) Really enjoy your videos Thank you Comment from : @benbowman7730 |
your videos are like a brain org*sm All the stuff i did not know i want to know Your presentation is so coherent that I'm getting the weird feeling of knowing you even I don't It's just satisfying Thank you for your work As soon as I'm able I'm supporting on patreon Comment from : @dianapuna2617 |
One of the most rewarding experiences you can imagine? So you’re telling me not every musician struggles with imposter syndrome, their lack of talent doesn’t make them doubt themselves, and their inability to actually finish their songs doesn’t make them feel worthless? (And yet they keep making music to prove something to themselves)brbrKnowing that makes me feel even worse 😅 Comment from : @svenmify |
Having graduated uni with an EEG study on long-term memory search strategies and being an audio and music enthusiast for decades, I enjoyed this one a lot I even wrote a thesis on the state of the research in BCIs about 15 years ago, so there were so many overlaps with my own experiences that my 🧠 now thinks we are friends 😂 Comment from : @patrikbaboumian |
This is so interesting When i listwn to music in a dark room with littlw to no other sensations, i have very active body spasms I would love to know if they match up with my brain patterns or what the spasms sou d like it put through a generative music patch Comment from : @Xankek |
thank youbri enjoy your work in generalbrhowever, this one i enjoyed in a special waybrthanks again Comment from : @vatican2397 |
Dude You're awesome Performimg Drummer - been close to "big time' twice, played with some of my heroes-brKnown for obsessive months long journeys into rhythms, space and timebrSpent a month dissecting Ringos drumming , sound on "Dear Prudence" brBohnams half time shuffle, Purdie, Moon, Copeland - 3 Pandemic Lockdown months transcribing, learning Egyptian and Algerian beats Joni , Gregg, gospel Grammy nomineebrManipulating the space between 1/4 notes , and a lot of Jeff Beck music brMy POINT is!brNot of conceit Quite the oppositebrJust saying - Just one of the many music fascinated/obsessed and respectful of those whi can do cool stuff with it brLast week ,your channels in my feedbr🌞Poisonous Vinyl , SpotifybrEvery! Video has been intelligent, fascinating and relevant brI will hit you up payday 🎉brThank you🙏 Comment from : @ToddRock16 |
Find yourself someone that looks at you the way Benn Jordan looks at the comment section 🤣 Comment from : @gatorgoforth3097 |
Is the first text in the video really, “Why musicians is more smarter” ? 😂😂😂 Comment from : @dogmediasolutions |
Amazing, more like this please!! Comment from : @lt3lt3lt3 |
I have been binging your channel all weekend The level of research, citations, alternate viewpoints all combined with your insane experience is truly next level Also love the variability in content as well Heading over to Patreon Appreciate you! Comment from : @JamesOKeefe-US |
this was incredibly fascinating 10 years or so ago when i was getting into mediatation, i was interested in getting an EEG to 'see' what my calm state looked like vs everyday monkeybrain thoughts didn't know there were neurofeedback centers, really appreciate the tip i'm very curious about what a baseline is is it sort of like training your brain to recognize a flow state and hopping back there? i realize a youtube comment section isn't the most idea place to share potentially incredibly personal info like that, but you just kicked open a door i thought i had closed a long time ago! Comment from : @fosferus |
Yep, learned to do relaxation meditation back in the 70s (Nova / Horizon prog on Transcendental Meditation ) Meditate to electronic music WITH NO WORDS! Words part of mind quiet, rest of mind very aware of the body etc Comment from : @codewizard58 |
I wonder if any of this could help me as I am recovering from a stroke (*lost the ability to play music) Comment from : @recoveryoutdoors3009 |
I still really want an EEG just so I can make my blinks trigger a physical kick drum No clue why I find that concept so funny but I do Comment from : @spidunno |
Only keeping an eye on one comment? Seems discriminatory but I'm still flatteredbrbrSrsly though I've wanted to play with neurofeedback converted into midi or cv hypothetically for a long time The actual neurofeedback training is a whole other level with generative synthesis Comment from : @0v_x0 |
I expected bass guitar to win the test Comment from : @classgrooves617 |
Fascinating I am in awe of your brilliance and persistance Thank you for this I have believed since 1983 that controlled vibration will someday be capable of healing and balancing everything living in this dimension Find the right frequency and method of delivery andseeming miracles Comment from : @CallMeGailyn |
"Can't do it under pressure dammit" (Sound goes down to fart frequency) 😁 Comment from : @josdurkstraful |
Happiness has gotta come from the song you’re playing, not the instrument Comment from : @guscost |
Thank you Fascinating video ❤ Comment from : @kalonakitu |
Hey thanks Comment from : @lumotroph |
Bro how can you produce so cool and play instrument this level😮 Comment from : @JidduKrishnamurti |
Been, thanks to YT for put you in my path I am working and learning about Music for Mental Health for around 7 yearsand I started because I wanted to help myself Thank you for this video! IS PURE GOLD!!!brHope to connect with you soon!brCHARANGO!!!! is so beautiful! Comment from : @angelocast |
new favourite channel! Comment from : @dungeonpilled |
I love your obsessions and this particular rabbit hole of neutral feedback is absolutely fascinating Anytime Benn, anytime Comment from : @_AndreSix |
Fascinating topic! I really love these kinds of videos The quality of information and the amount of hard work and effort behind your videos do not go unnoticed, not by a long shot Keep being awesome Benn Comment from : @MiDnYTe25 |
Lol the iq test part just shows how flawed the tests are by nature Intelligence can't be improved, it's pretty much the same all our lives Comment from : @MiDnYTe25 |
Late to the party but that brain scan in the start is so interesting Even when you are just talking you can see Broca's and Wernicke's areas lighting up so clearly Comment from : @lessefrost |
On my Apple phone there is an app called ThumbJam which i love brThe Cello makes me especially happy! Comment from : @smkh2890 |
You are making very involved deep videos on very interesting subjects You really are quite unique with the broadness of your subjects and approch them from many different angles Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas and for putting so much effort into the presentation Comment from : @simonyin9229 |
What is this the program fro "Brain Controlled Music" part? This graph like structure looks interesting Comment from : @andynameistaken |
Benn, that was beyond fascinating! Seriously cool :) Thanks so much for all your effort making these wonderful videos Comment from : @maxjohn6012 |
What is happiness? I mean how does a doctor define it within the primitive parameters afforded by the use of an EEG, what does happiness mean in that context of such a small electric signal? What does baseline mean, how do they know if it's a healthy baseline or not br I don't find this topic to be woowoo I find it disturbing and highly intriguing! Tell us more! Comment from : @petevenuti7355 |
okok time to become a patron, man, noo, pleaso don't keep talking bout his stuff, this is the jaaam Comment from : @GrayContrast |
Don't worry I play tuba Comment from : @TheDumbTwin |
2:23 Goosebumps: Activating Comment from : @claudiusraphael9423 |
Is there an consumer-level BCI that uses infrared? (I remember reading a while ago it turns out some frequencies do get thru the skull, but get blocked/reflected by varying amounts depending on blood oxygenation and some other stuff like that) Comment from : @tiagotiagot |
I cannot like this video enough! Well done Comment from : @drewkantos |
Thanks for sharing! Comment from : @xavidiaz8109 |
Please keep talking about this forever Comment from : @xSaintxSmithx |
The most interesting video I've seen on youtube in a while This should be in the trending section Amazing work Comment from : @muchomacho79 |
Benn is just a gem of a content creator Never stop being you Never compromise Comment from : @heavenly2k |
UmmmmmmmI think I need to do this Ben help me out man I also share your obsession with sound and music and the mind and energy and wavelength and general super nerdiness I was sl bummed when you were like I doubt anybody is as interested so I'll leave it there, I was like nooooooooo, keep going bennnnnnnnnnit was riveting I had stopped doing what I was doing and was totally engaged So I'm totally gonna pursue this either way, cuz o my god this is what ive been waiting for, so will you please help me do it correctly? Thank you kindly, I'm hoping theres an email I can aquire to message you? Comment from : @ElectromagneDikk |
This is the coolest shit I've ever seen in my life Thank you so much for making this F*cking awesome! Comment from : @AegisPred |
ive been secretly using the sound of brainwaves in my music for years :) built a brainscanner for dog brainwaves, neurofeedback is not as fun Comment from : @bangkokdangerous2507 |
this is extremely impressive Comment from : @krishpop-n |
Hi Jordan, I am a neuroscience PhD student who uses EEG and has certification in neurofeedback, we work with a lot of the same system I see there (muse, for example) Your video is very interesting! I also wonder if you are doing any noise correction when you are playing instruments, because I can see a lot of muscle movement artifacts there! Either way thanks for delivering neuroscience in such an interesting way 😁 Comment from : @zhongjiebao7536 |
If I had a happiness-o-meter on while watching this video on, it would have got to such high frequencies, I would have had to evacuate my nervous dogs Brains! Music! Visualisation! Python! Mental health honesty! New ideas! brbrAt least a good week's worth of pondered thought material, in this video :) Comment from : @kristendavies5220 |
I'm so happy to see you've done another video on this (and again it's so well explained and edited)Like a lot of people, I've always wondered what it would be like to just be able to create music with your mind, (and it looks like you're the furthest along to accomplishing this), but I'd never considered the potential downsides and genuine damage such a persuit could entail brbrEither way your approach to musical neurofeedback seems totally comprehensive and very astute, considered and sensible You seem like the ideal candidate to be researching this and I wish you the greatest success and I hope one day to even just have your musical pitch meditation tool Comment from : @fardreaming |
That Reaktor patch is in your patreon? Comment from : @ricgl84 |
Fascinating Comment from : @fangblade360 |
Loved watching the stress go wild on the drumset because same Comment from : @brandongunnarson7483 |
Rah that is so sick Love when the notification on his watch sends the song out of tune Cyborg meditation Comment from : @jamiescott6342 |
Omg I'm a musician and a scientist and this video is everything ❤️ Comment from : @ATIARImusic |
My new favorite channel 😮 Comment from : @andrewsalazar4798 |
Hey, if you ever need a test subject for this stuff Comment from : @JoMcD21 |
0:47 My anxiety and depression stems from being in so much pain but all the doctors not begin able to find anything wrongdon´t know if anything besides answers can help thatalso, not having any more makes things worsebut ide rather be homeless and not have this physical pain anymore than rich and keep dealing with it Comment from : @fortheloveofnoise |
That ronroco part deeply touched me What a wonderful instrumentbrLovely video as alway Benn! Comment from : @RosentwigMusic |
I thought I was smart This guy though Comment from : @darthmorbous |
Intriguing matter question: have you thought that not only the instrument but also what you play could have an influence? Have you tried playing different grooves on the drums? DIfferent song genres on Guitar/piano etc? Comment from : @mabian69 |
I definitely saw that result coming from drums Comment from : @andremoreau8390 |
Only problem with this whole approach: "stress" isn't necessarily bad for us, on an even slightly longer timeline than the moment of experiencing it If you had kept the measurements going constantly during the hours or even days AFTER an intense bout of playing each instrument, you may well have found that the 'stressful' drumming day actually enabled a relatively better improvement in baseline for all metrics in the hours afterward Comment from : @MultiRodc |
Me, coding a DAW in Pure Data, hearing "musicians are just smarter than non-musicians": "yep :)" Comment from : @seedmole |
This is absolutely fascinating stuff and I'm always shocked by people who aren't intrigued by it And I've specifically been dreaming of responsive/adaptive music generation, and it seems close enough to touch! The potential of such technologies is severely underappreciated Comment from : @ittixen |
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