Title | : | Essential Travel Money Tips |
Lasting | : | 6.44 |
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Views | : | 88 rb |
So now trdelnik is suddenly traditional Czech? 🤣 Comment from : @vladimiradoshev5310 |
what about when using the restroom Do you need coins? Comment from : @sunnyballet |
Is it best to pay in local currency in Poland as well I take it I been twice before but can't remember if it better to pay in polish money Comment from : @laughingatyoutubegangsters |
It may have reached in a few years, but being in 2019 we could not pay with a bank card in the cafe in the center We didn't eat :D Comment from : @deimantekaminskaite-danilo9715 |
This bloke is a legend, thank you Comment from : @drewwilliams6888 |
Love to pay by card, but how it works for tips? Comment from : @mabot72 |
I've been backpacking central Europe for the last several weeks and was so pleased to discover how much easier it is to pay by card in Prague! Comment from : @lowrillewelyn2368 |
Thanks but which taxi apps??? Comment from : @MWB_logic_reason_respect |
In Germany, many smaller places do absolutely not accept cards Comment from : @herbertschmerbert |
Just went to slovakia and they still had the coin only confusing machines for public transport tickets, hopefully they change them over soon! Comment from : @copperfoil8373 |
You guys dont use Google pay?? Comment from : @mathveeresh168 |
2:01 why always the old Belarusian ruble 😭😭😭 Comment from : @hahakasst |
well now it feels like you are the scammer Paying by card includes bank fees and bank conversion rates And for example people that dont use Euro, there are banks that will transfer to euro and than to home currency So the fact that they take cars is good, but if you want to save up some money on bank exchange rates which can be huge, youd better find an exchange office that has a good conversion rate without the fees and use cash Plus cash is a beter way of keeping track of how much youve spent Comment from : @ivanpruks9975 |
I disagree with this Having foreign currency in a foreign country is vital Especially in South East Asian When in third world countries US doller is king and can come in very usefull Even had to bride a police officer with a visa card - thought not! Comment from : @bigg2838 |
I tried to pay with card in one of the little pubs you mention in 2020 Thier card machine was broken so I had to get cash from one of those scam ATMs So it's always worth it to bring some crowns in cash I also visited a restaurant with my family near the border and their card reader was "broken" as well, so we had to pay in Euro with a very bad conversion rate Comment from : @rangehottv7254 |
One thing is missing If you stay at a not totally shady hotel, you can usually exchange cash (at least Euro and US Dollar notes) at the reception into local currency at much more reasonable rates than in the street The guys at the hotel want you to come back or recommend their hotel and should thus have no or only little interest in scamming Same is true for Poland and Slovakia So if you want to travel Europe and come from outside of the Eurozone or Dollarzone, exchange your own local money travel budget into Euro or US Dollar notes (not coins!) before your trip and you will get along Especially US Dollar is accepted worldwide as there is also 1 Dollar note (most banks worldwide only take notes and not coins when converting back, as far as I know and the Euro notes start with the fiver which is already a lot of money in some places) I've been travelling to CZ and Poland for years Both CZ Koruna and PL Zloty are bound to the Euro through the EU, have had roundabout the same exchange rate to the Euro for years, and thus the cash exchange rate should ideally be around 24-25 Koruna or Zloty for 1 Euro, or 100 for 4 Euros Good luck travelling! Comment from : @oberfrange |
bWhat about Mexico?/b Comment from : @DanielaRojano |
The map is very wrong - we in Lithuania have Euro from 2015, and Estonia even from 2011 :) Comment from : @ItalasLT |
Is there a new map with recommended exchange places? Comment from : @jeffmerheb3182 |
If you are from an EU, or EØS country will you pay fees when using your card? Comment from : @EnFyr |
Plenty of banks charge stupidly bad exchange rates for paying on your card in different countries Comment from : @OllieHamon |
Take it easy guys This is not end of cash whole is just advertisement for Visa 😏 Comment from : @happymiro |
I don’t quite understand: wouldn’t it be smarter to pay in cash in order to avoid transaction fees for each and every payment you make? Comment from : @laurajpr2 |
This reporter is douch bag 😡why u r not going after corrupt politicians These ppl r small part of the puzzle Comment from : @zulzulzulaan2396 |
Ugliest t-shirt ever Comment from : @boaconstrictor3754 |
I just bumped into one of your videos of Czech and found it so useful You are doing a brilliant job exposing these scamsters Keep up the great workbrbrgod bless Comment from : @poswares3435 |
I use it Revolut!! 😁 Comment from : @thenbenagcz3931 |
Not every place accepts every card, American Express is NOT accepted at the most places Comment from : @TheAlexZR |
It is unfortunate that you "partnered" with Visa on this episode, as it has clearly driven the approach to the question It may not be favourable for everyone to use card to pay, particularly if your bank charges you fees (which can be flat-fee, variable-fee or a combination) to make a transaction The real answer that - in my opinion - should have been offered here is for example: Use a Travel Money card (still possible with Visa I think?), Order currency before travelling, Finding a reputable vendor (ie a "decent" exchange office)brbrWithdrawing money at an ATM is for most people going to be equivalent to paying with card, and in some cases I have seen, can be even more costlybrbrThe advice is great, but I think that your answers didn't really respond to the questions Comment from : @Exp93 |
You seem more happy and relaxed than in most previous videos Something good happened in life? Comment from : @anssi2267 |
I do not have a Visa card as mine is Mastercard Will that work too? Comment from : @audiepineda2878 |
Yes we need to change money!!!We realy neeD! Comment from : @uaputte |
I wish I could get your card with these drawings ! Comment from : @ThibaultLapers |
So, when you swipe your card, is it in euros? Would it be better to use Revolut and pay in crowns? Comment from : @gallahant |
I don't have a chip in my credit card Can I swipe my card at all the locations that you can "tap"? Comment from : @mikeymutual5489 |
Regarding cards: lots of banks incur insane charges when you pay outside the euro area Revolut is known to have solved this problem Recently I've been traveling to Israel, and I used Revolut, and my experience was overwhelmingly positive Comment from : @kurczaczak |
Thank you for the tips 👍👍 Comment from : @Renvega77 |
I’m now in Prague and the scammer at the ATM thing happened the moment we left the train station I’m not making this up, it was five minutes after we left the train that a guy came up to us Comment from : @Thats_quite_cool |
or have revolut ;) Comment from : @TheSoul1988 |
Lithuania and Estonia uses Euro since 2015 (2011 in Estonia), your map at 1:30 is very old, incorrect and misleading But thanks for your great videos Comment from : @kewlele |
the archive footage now, you stop that haha Comment from : @Emthe30something |
AVOID ALL EURONET ATM RIP OFF ! Comment from : @johnsmith-rs2vk |
Golden rule , buy your Czech ( Notes ) Kronurs in your country of departure Comment from : @johnsmith-rs2vk |
Anytime you pay with your card abroad, you get charged a fee by the bank Bank conversion rates aren't any good, either Comment from : @rinleez |
Does buying tickets inside bus or tram costs extra? Comment from : @sahilnazirpottoo |
A question But you must always choose on the POS the currency or is default in CZK Because in the video you used a Czech card so is never asking you But for me that I've a Revolut Card with both euros and Czech crowns and not Czech card, it will always ask me? Because someone says that some seller click euro before asking to you Comment from : @Costax96 |
one still needs cash for tips Comment from : @albertakhmetov1959 |
BULLLLLLLLLLLLSHITTTTTTTTTT Comment from : @graemebuchan1919 |
Video would be nicer if you were more transparent about the paid sponsorshipbrFairly disappointing from your guys Comment from : @devilsadvocate2643 |
I went to Prague 2 weeks ago (i'm from Spain) and i followed all your videos, they were very helpful, so thank you so much! i even saw you two recording at the Astronomical Clock but i was too shy to even say hi and thanks for your videos! haha anywaaaaay, i recommend to change at least a little bit of cash as i experienced, there were some places that only accepted cash, not visaa few of them also accepted paying in euros, so better have a little cash just in case :) Comment from : @Xversa_ |
Thank you for your service, I love Prague, but I'd like to ask you how to be well accepted inside pubs or restaurants I know, I'm a tourist and probably is clear even from far distances but I want to respect all local traditions Everytime I enter in a pub and ask for a table, I get a negative answer What's the secret to be the wellcome Sometime I had to go in and sit down, without asking, to drink something And how to tip, paying with card, not offending? Comment from : @francescoserpetti6119 |
I've been working at a camping site in my home town of Eger (Hungary) for 3 summers now The camping is right next to a valley that is full of vine cellars and since our region is known for our vine it is the most common destination for our visitorsbrbrNow, every time one of our guests would ask me about ATMs in the valley I'd tell them that there isn't one plus that all the cellars and restaurants accept card nowadays These were the "easy" daysbrbrSo, even though I'm right next to the valley every day, I almost never go down there However, a cousin of mine held his birthday in one of the cellars a week ago And what do I see? An ATM in one of the parking lots Now I have no clue how long it have been there, and that is not even the important part The important part is that I found your channel about a month ago so I immediately recognised the branding of said ATM EuronetbrbrNow I don't know if we have the same fees and stuff on Euronet ATMs as you guys over in the Czech Republic, but now I know that there is an ATM in the valleybrbrSo now, whenever a guest asks about an ATM in the valley Now I can't say that there isn't any Which sucks Because I know that most of our guests don't speak English well enough for me to explain to them why the Euronet ATM is bad All they'll hear is that there is one I can still emphasise that they accept card but many of them (probably due to age) prefer cash And I feel guilty any time I "send" someone to use the dreaded Euronet ATM So yeah It sucks Comment from : @zetenytoth5404 |
It might be a good idea for an episode to respond to Adam something's new video "City Review - Prague" he even used now famous staircase Comment from : @MShermesMS |
Hi Janek & Honza Thank you for your videos and for the valuable information you share on this channel I’ve been following your channel for a long time now and I thoroughly enjoy your content One question, @1:31 why does my country of Kosovo show within the borders of a neighbouring country? How would you feel if I included Czech Republic as part of eg Germany, Slovakia or Poland?! It doesn’t make sense Greetings from Kosovo 🇽🇰 Comment from : @ilirfazliu7817 |
what i don't understand is when you pay by cards in shops don't you get a high commission fee and a bad change rate by the bank ? Comment from : @nawelb3326 |
You wrong and giving bed infotmation credit card charge around 4 for exchange(buying ant atm) while good exchange place that i usely find its 025- 05 while paying lats say 2000 euro the difference can add up to 70 euro brAlso that way you have a batter control of total amount spend while spending and not only after Comment from : @areal935 |
if you frequent bars a lot you will find that more often than not these types of establishments only accept cash Comment from : @yanishommet7981 |
I came recently and was super excited about the wine bar and joystick arcade you showed previously Joystick bar was cash only and the wine bar too full Gutted 😢 Comment from : @facecrash24 |
I always recommend all my foreign friends to exchange some money at the VIP Exchange in Kaprova street It`s safe, it has the best rates with no commission and it`s right next to Old Town Square I would never recommend only going with your card, in my experience there can be problems with foreign cards, there are still places or people that don`t accept cards or technical problems that the place might have (happened to me in Prague several times) and I personally wouldn`t want to wander around any known or foreign town without any cash so I recommend my friends to not do it either and better have "their eggs in more baskets", so to say, you just don`t know what might happen Cashless might be more spread in Prague but I couldn`t vouch for ALL places, and if you take a trip to any other city, you will most likely come across establishments who don`t support it I always have cash for buskers, too, and a bit of foreign currency leftover is one of my favorite souvenirs And when you pay with a foreign card, doesn`t it often cost you extra?brbrI typically love your Prague tips but this one I wouldn`t get behind, my experience is different Comment from : @emphoenix247 |
thanks for the video, will come in handy in october when i'm going there Comment from : @Lisasplace |
In our country that card will be taking all too long to process even in grocery store, the cash is no hassle to our country philippines Comment from : @jeromedomingo160 |
we are visiting Prague in late November and early December for the Christmas markets Will Card or Cash be better to buy from them? Comment from : @davejohnson6338 |
Wish you could goto mykonos dk oyster bar so many bad reviews You would be perfect to highlight this place Comment from : @282828pop |
do they (if you use a card) only accept visa? or also mastercard? and do they also accept debit-cards(like maestro) Comment from : @jptv5726 |
Tak dobře se do přístavu chodilo a on to musí zase Rubeš propálit :-/ Comment from : @SINDISS |
Sorry man, usually I really like your video's but the card only message really goes down the wrong way for me I understand that you guys need sponsors but I dont think this is the best (or most honest) advice Comment from : @Gijsje |
Money often costs too much but is easier when you crack the code -- learn more Comment from : @scamkingsofficial |
Hm your map with different currency its out of date Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia has EUR from ages Comment from : @maciejnowak2768 |
that's the Prague part of the Vltava on your shirt, right? I love it Comment from : @KabraxisOblivion |
the map at 1:31 is very weird it shows Lithuania and Estonia as not having euro but not Latvia (even tho Estonia joined 4 years before Latvia) 😂 Comment from : @prplt |
It's always good to have at least some pocket cash Imagine ending up in a foreign place, with a malfunctioning card and zero cashbrSome places simply don't accept cards, or their terminal might be broken, there could problems with foreign cards, or your card could be preventively blocked by your bank (which happened to me recently, thankfully I had also another card from another bank) Comment from : @VaclavSir |
Essential Money Travel Tips Comment from : @FlawlessRhythmGG |
Good Czech phrase to learn "Berete karty?" - Do you take cards? brbrAsk before you sit down, or before you order, if you are not sure that the shop/restaurant/pub takes credit cards Comment from : @vaclavholek4497 |
Note that a lot of cards charge a foreign currency conversion fee, so keep this in mind when paying by card in a foreign currency It's usually a lot lower than buying cash from a shady exchange place though Comment from : @elygolden |
So happy that you mentioned the exchange rate but you should also say that it’s easy to use Apple Pay not only in Prague but throughout the EU Comment from : @markwarchol3139 |
It’s amazing you guys have a 112 million subscribers so glad I found your channel you guys are amazing so glad for your success and hope you get to 2 million subscribers very soon! Comment from : @markwarchol3139 |
Payment by card can be trickybrEG A Polish team leader of construction workers in Iceland has been doing shopping for the team - including a lot of vodka for the weekend Hard alcohol can be bought in Iceland (same in Sweden & Norway) only at state-run storesbrThe guy was paying with card and his workmates were giving him cash backbrAfter some years in Iceland the guy decided to buy a house The bank refused to finance the mortage due to his extreme expenditures on alcoholbrPaying in cash, in some cases, seems to be a better solution Comment from : @krzysztofj1993 |
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