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Why Trump Is Right To Call For Eliminating The Income Tax On Social Security Payments

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Information Why Trump Is Right To Call For Eliminating The Income Tax On Social Security Payments

Title :  Why Trump Is Right To Call For Eliminating The Income Tax On Social Security Payments
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Description Why Trump Is Right To Call For Eliminating The Income Tax On Social Security Payments

Comments Why Trump Is Right To Call For Eliminating The Income Tax On Social Security Payments

Thank you for the explanation
Comment from : @catmother4214

He said he wasn’t touching social security so I’m sure he’s a man of his word
Comment from : @Mylove_94

I agree should not be taxed Problem is now you lose billions that supplement Social Security You are arresting and kicking out immigrants again losing revenue without any adds brbrQuickest easiest way to fund social security get rid of the income cap! Tax the rich
Comment from : @kknight8112

Social Security is an insurance People don't collect insurance unless they need to People who are poor don't pay tax on SSI I am happy to have enough income that I am required to pay tax on a portion of my social security
Comment from : @MsReasonableperson

Stop government stealing and giving our money away We cannot bail every country out Let them solve their own problems No body ever comes to help us out ever How can we be a super power when we are dieing in debt
Comment from : @edwinrosa9303

I worked mostly for cash How can I get a bigger Federal welfare check? I'm 66
Comment from : @juangarcia8828

He may be calling for it but it’s not done yet
Comment from : @HerbertBrown-is6vu

BSthis guy should recognize govt should reduce its spending to make up the proposed shortfallsimple solutionsupport DOGE
Comment from : @JAM-qn9oh

Love Trump's tax policy of No Tax on Social Security
Comment from : @bearmarket4u926

I’ve heard that if they start cutting a small percentage of those receiving it now and also slightly increase the amount paid by younger generations Very small amounts over all?
Comment from : @rebacarmack8335

Didn’t President Bush borrow from the Social Security fund to pay for the Afghanistan war?
Comment from : @rebacarmack8335

In case you didn’t know how taxes come to be on Social Security It was a democrat named Bill Clinton
Comment from : @jimmiecalvert3572

I got to hear that again
Comment from : @glenwilliams6107

no, his plan is to dry up SS as fast as possible He is wrong
Comment from : @skippy-ti6jc

SSA did not implement the 85 number @1:23, that was Congress Congress writes the tax code, IRS collects, SSA manages SS Surprised Mr Forbes is ignorant of basic financial facts
Comment from : @joshm3342

Wasn't Biden the one that pushed the bill to tax SS in the first place?
Comment from : @Dutch1951x

It wasn't his idea, though he will claim it was It has been floating around Congress for a while
Comment from : @BlutoSan

It will give even more to the most wealthy It already doesnt effect most people
Comment from : @sherryhostetler6280

Compromise: raise the provisional income levels from the 1983 bill to $60000 for individuals and $120000 for joint returners This would eliminate a high percentage of middle income earners from paying hefty taxes on SS Benefits while still collecting taxes on higher income earners Remember in 1983, only about 10 of retirees paid tax on SSB enefits
Comment from : @HMStanley4

Fake news from dumpy
Comment from : @joeschallert4493

Let's not forget that it's also illegal The law that created it ended at the end of the war It was never extended And it says that it is voluntary not mandatory And there are only 3 classes of citizens that it is said need to pay it 1 Citizens of Washington DC, 2 Federal Employees, 3 CORPS But it's still voluntary If anyone knows of a law that makes it legal there is/was a bounty on it 50k for anyone who can prove it Thats a standing bounty It's Been out for several years but none has been able to claim it yet
Comment from : @markcompton2560

This year I just got notice of a $20 "cost of living" increase to my monthly SS check Are you kidding? That doesn't even address inflation rates For those of us living on SS, it would be much more helpful to have the income tax withdrawal removed
Comment from : @walterscalen8982

Thank You Mr Forbes!
Comment from : @twatquat3322

I also don't understand why we can spend 10 billion a month on illegal immigrants when we can't take care of social security recipients
Comment from : @Averagecitizen-cg8bb

I also don't understand why we spent 200 billion dollars on a Ukraine when we can't take care of our social security people at home that's just wrong
Comment from : @Averagecitizen-cg8bb

The people on welfare don't pay taxes and a lot of them get way more than some people on social security and the people on security worked in paid taxes the people on welfare do not they should stop all taxes on social security federal and state
Comment from : @Averagecitizen-cg8bb

Amen !
Comment from : @vernoncolasanti2467

All tax is theft
Comment from : @redleo380

the system is in deep trouble because they love threatening seniors thinking we are stupid, always saying SS is in big trouble Get the millions of de*d and fake acounts off the role and see if that helps
Comment from : @jazziez6467

Comment from : @vickiwhaley7854

Not if he restructured it
Comment from : @vickiwhaley7854

Yes, I agree to elimating the income tax once and for all You see this is a downright Karl Marx Marxisim value, also in aother downright Marxism value is a "CENTRAL BANK" like the "FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM" also the Bank of England, and the Bank of Canada etc
Comment from : @Patrick-l2g3g

It is right and just Retired seniors are on a "fixed" budget They have previously paid their dues in their working years
Comment from : @roadrunner6085

I don't pay taxes on my social security anyways because I don't make enough Just above the poverty level they need to double our social security they did it for the immigrants
Comment from : @juliawoodrow219

Thank you, Steve From now on, I listen to you, only!
Comment from : @NMJazzman

Isn’t that true that most states don’t tax Social Security under a certain amount with the exception of 13 I live in Utah They do text Social Security unfortunately
Comment from : @Mary9beth

Social Security is money we’ve earned through our hard work However, I’d like to see how things play out, because at this rate, we might not have Social Security in the future anyway brbrSenior citizens should keep their social security but the rest of us who are young enough The future will be different and we need to secure our own future
Comment from : @benjaminreyes3624

Thank You ! Mr President !
Comment from : @robertlandrum8598

Abolish Social Security
Comment from : @TrumpPuppiesFreedoms

Eliminate all tax on citizens especially property taxesSocial security pays nothing anyway so those taxes don’t make a difference if they are taken awayEliminate all tax on legal citizens and everyone would vote Republican til the end of timeThink about itTaxes other countries on tariffs only and that what you use to run and make your country better overall
Comment from : @MB1BUMPER

Outright liesbrTax on social security does not prop up social security brSo, removing tax on social security payments does not hurt future social security paymentsbrTax on social security payments goes into the general fundnot to social security
Comment from : @samshare2146

Why doesnt SS pay for burials? If i die before collecting a penny Why is my family burdened with the cost of burial?
Comment from : @SeanMac1776

I'm 70 years old, working still full time, collecting my social security and paying taxes on it at 85 while I'm still paying into social security Not seeing anything in return and federal and state taxes get rid of taxes on social security now
Comment from : @plaintruth9179

How about us "younger people" handle our own money The older generation dropped the ball letting the politicians do this bullshit
Comment from : @thenaturalyoutubing1067

Comment from : @barbaramitchell9619

We need help: NO TAX ON SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME PLEASE!!!!!!! Just stop the corruption going on!!!! Thank you in advance!!!!!!!! ❤
Comment from : @barbaramitchell9619

I don't like paying tax on money that I already paid tax on, but it seems that eliminating the tax on SS benefits will deplete the fund even sooner than has been reported for years
Comment from : @jpmulli

Federal government can bail out To-Big-To-Fail Banks and the Politicians to scared to raise the Social Security brTaxable Income from $168,000 to say $500,000 per ear, just show how the RICH controls the so called OUR REPRESENTATIVES, to who they really represent and for what! The $$$$ & their pockets When is Middle andbrthe going to WAKE UP?
Comment from : @brw2891

Elimiunating the income tax on SS does two things It gives a temporary increase in SS without impacting the SS program When the the gov't taxes SS benefits, it's a way of taking money out of SS by proxy and not having to pay it back The gov't should not be a SS beneficiary It's likely that if SS is no longer taxed, future raises will be scaled back considerably The increased benefit will only be temporary until inflaction eats it up
Comment from : @danburch9989

Well the Social Security Fund is a "trust" in itself, instead of threatening us retirees that it will be broke around 2035 or whenever, refund the monies Kennedy, Johnson and Reagan dumped into the general fund instead of pledging billions in aid to Ukraine Israel and other sources!
Comment from : @jimfiedler2704

This is not good I relied on the income tax return being a single mom I believe it should not be touched
Comment from : @elgamodesto6660

Not really just a way to bankrupt the systemTaxes go right back into it
Comment from : @danforrest6440

It's enough to try ro retire with the curse of Fed monetary inflation We need a stable economy withsound money - not just inflation and taxes until the grave
Comment from : @nrm55

Is he going to get rid of Obama too?
Comment from : @TashaHuntley

So SS retirees will pay $1T over the next 10 years to roll back in to pay for their SS benefits? Typical Government program
Comment from : @jackarnold7887

The intelligent measure of rational taxation Well done, Sir Well done
Comment from : @MelvinNewcomb-m3g

Taxing anyone over the age of 62 should be illegal they have paid enough taxes in their lifetime
Comment from : @craigwinters9832

they need to stop funding wars and put that money towards the problems here at home
Comment from : @zacharysmith9502

OK Boomer! Skipping down the lane screwing Millennials and Gen Z Typical gerontocrat!
Comment from : @jw8284

SS is a slush fund that the government steals from regularlybrKeep the government greedy politicians out of the fund and it would be solvent for a long time
Comment from : @kevinschoeller394

Is Steve older or younger than President Don? I hope he's younger so he could be president
Comment from : @muhc8550

It's not just about the tax dollars but about the wisdom and skills lost when a senior retires The "young" ones who take over will have to accomplish their projects by reinventing the wheel all over again, taking excessive amount of time and cost over runs
Comment from : @wsugaimd

Trump’s policy to eliminate all kind of taxes will increase state debts! I thought Tepublicans don’t want this Reagan’s and Trump’s tax policy increased debts to new record levels They have NOT lead to an improved economy with a revenue higher than the debts Study the data instead of spreading your lies!
Comment from : @martinleuchs5403

Let's double SS and get rid of taxing people that can't work
Comment from : @earlwilliams5473

Didn’t Biden promote taxing social security?
Comment from : @johnflores1723

A SYSTEM Unable to rob the tax PAYER'S would HURT THE "THIEVES"🥴
Comment from : @thomaspennfenn6649

Democrats have been fighting for this for decades only to be shot down by Republicans So this is most likely another Republican lie for votes It was Teagan and republicans who taxed SS in the first place His elimination of SALT tax deductions hurt fixed income retired people as well
Comment from : @SofaKingSkilled

I'm thinking that's the point continuing to work is healthier the longer you live the more you are paid It's just evil propaganda don't you think?
Comment from : @cbak1819

I think most will agree that eliminating the income tax on SS payments is something that should be done However, taken into the context of our overall national debt and deficit problems, we can't simply take this action in a vacuum Responsible decisions need to be made so as to not create an entirely new problem while attempting to solve another What this video lacks is specific details on how to address this problem and deals in generalities Yes, the government won't let the SS Trust Fund go under What they'll likely wind up doing is raising the payroll tax (FICA) and extending the retirement age to 69 or 70 to start with Those will be hugely unpopular moves, but they'll wait until the eleventh hour in 2031 and claim it is an emergency that must be taken care of to push it through However, with the national debt going up $1 Trillion USD every 100 days, the bigger problem is that soon we will be paying as much in the interest payments alone on the debt as we do on national defense That is a much more dire problem we must address or SS will simply be one of several government programs that will be destroyed
Comment from : @spydude38

I don’t get this…brThere is no income tax for those who are getting social security
Comment from : @farmhouseontherock

Why can’t this be done for ALL Social Security Payments?
Comment from : @MichaelSmith-xm4lt

Mr Forbes is correct Eliminate SS tax for individual or married SS recipients However, if an individual makes over $60K or married couple makes over $90K each year that overage income should be taxed I just don't believe Congress will allow someone in a much higher income bracket to have unlimited income without taxing SS
Comment from : @jasonlocklear1323

Other funds he says…😅 instead of taxing the rich and corporations This is Forbes talking What he means by other funds, is the money used to make this a first world country not a second world country
Comment from : @dahe8883

$194 Billion shortfall currently in the Social Security Fund! $200 Billion sent to Ukraine in 2024 to support war and turmoil PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Comment from : @MichaelTodd-d5l

Let’s see if the Orange Man delivers on this He promised it among 92 other campaign promises Tips are supposed to be made not taxable as well
Comment from : @rzh3443

You don’t pay tax on your Social Security income unless you have other income Yes, I would like to see the tax on Social Security on the federal level to go away if you’re talking about taxing money we receive We don’t pay taxes on Social Security money if that’s your only income at least not in Texas
Comment from : @STurbo5247

Eliminate insurance cost
Comment from : @rodhector4331

What they aren’t telling you is that he wants to remove taxes to appease his voting base but plans to dramatically cut SS for younger people and screw them
Comment from : @BigDdreaming

this should have been done years ago
Comment from : @jonesy4588

Reduce the size of government by 2/3 reduce government wasteful spending by 100 and we’ll be out of debt in two years
Comment from : @mikeerickson2412

Quit sending money to any other countrys and fix america, robbing peter to pay paul doesn't work
Comment from : @bruceganter8449

Getting everybody to pay their fair share of taxes - teamwork - the only way to solve the dilemma The problem is everyone gets accustomed to "the usual ways" and it all goes unchecked
Comment from : @Gogalen789

When Roosevelt instituted SS, one of the three things he promised the public was that SS would never be taxed Clinton taxed SS The senate was deadlocked on passing the SS tax Gore broke the tie, thus overturning Roosevelt’s promise
Comment from : @ernestayo6131

Get rid of the property tax once you pay off your mortgage
Comment from : @fromalongtimeago

Can't Forbes afford a teleprompter in the camera lens
Comment from : @fromalongtimeago

So Actually We're owed Billions US gave to Terrorist Arson's & Crowd Plowers
Comment from : @franklinj1038

We had a revolutionary war, so we wouldn't be taxed to death
Comment from : @michaelstoltz58

Well if all the millions of illegals that stay start to work , they’ll pay into soc sec , so we might be ok ?
Comment from : @robertorosales5774

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