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How will Kody and Robyn Brown Make money? #sisterwives

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Title :  How will Kody and Robyn Brown Make money? #sisterwives
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Comments How will Kody and Robyn Brown Make money? #sisterwives

He certainly isn’t paying for any of his other kids
Comment from : @valeriesoles2758

I bet all his cars, with the exception of the pickup he purchased from his sister in law, are all rentals Why would a guy with 18 kids need a 2 seater???
Comment from : @judeiz2203

It was pretty shocking when Gwen admitted that she had no clue what Kody does for a living You would think that at least Christine could discuss it with the kids, they are all grown except for Truely And it kills me that Truely was the last to know about the divorce & the move because Kody insisted on putting it off 🤬
Comment from : @judeiz2203

Looking forward to more recaps, love you guys!
Comment from : @judeiz2203

Kody & Sobyn are already filming a "Seeking Sister Wife" knock off I've read they flew to Puerto Rico & a smart cookie already turned them down Hopefully fans of the original Sister Wives show will ban this one, seeing as any proceeds only go to those 2 🙄
Comment from : @judeiz2203

Well nothing scares him but poverty baby Here it comes
Comment from : @janet5202

You know Cody does cameos for money now 😂😂 one lady was saying how much her sister HATES Cody and she was going to pay Cody for a birthday cameo for her LMAO 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
Comment from : @karenmoss1605

I’m not sure what he was selling, but a friend saw him selling something at a gun show in the Phoenix area
Comment from : @anneeverett9139

Apparently Robyn writes books The are on Amazon
Comment from : @xxspudsmomxx

Robyn is going to have to get more “customers”, he’ll continue to be her best Gun shows aren’t going to keep him in his lifestyle alone
Comment from : @tinamarie4516

He sells firearms, just not legally It’s well we’ll well known
Comment from : @CZMuzic2714

He'll bow down to TLC and do whatever needs to be done to keep the show (income) going He'll put the CP land up for sale to get money - my predictions
Comment from : @TinglingWhenMingling

Perhaps Robyn can find more Best customers?
Comment from : @lisaowen6103

Good customer service 😆 Good lord that woman
Comment from : @Georgia-oi6ie

He's currently late on his Coyote Pass taxesthe county assessed the taxes and fined them and they had until January 3rd to pay it and they failed to pay itbrMy husband used to have a firearm businesshe had a federal firearms license all of itthe small outfits People like Kody who really just go to gun shows and either don't have an official storefront or a small one simply can't compete with the Cabellas and Walmarts of the worldDicks Sporting Goods or there is even a new giant one here by me in Northern Colorado I can't think of the namebut the point being the income versus the expenses for running around to Gun Shows is just not nearly enough to support the lifestyle and expenses that they likely haveits just notIF Kody was a single guy living in a trailer and out of his truck, and really devoting every moment to working on this and not missing any gun shows he might be able to just support himselflike daily living expenses, cell phone bill, internet bill, car and trailer payments, car and trailer insurance (although I don't think Kody is responsible when it comes to keeping insurance current) and maybe a few extra bucks for beer Skittles and online dating appsprobably the occasional strip club visit if we're being honestbut a giant family with a heavy spending wife and a bunch of giant mortgages, property taxes, tons of car insurance bills, health insurance, Healthcare, perms, gym memberships, Manosphere high testosterone supplementsthe list of expenses is just never endinggun shows won't cover it!
Comment from : @missybancroft6688

They will probably work on getting a new wife to ensure that the show continues IMHO
Comment from : @sinistercyn9849

Did you hear Dayton is living in an old RV outside the big house
Comment from : @shandahedgepeth6282

Would love to see how or if they divvy up the stockpile of household goods, toilet paper, etc
Comment from : @patrowley9354

Probably by scamming fans online I'm sure Janelle hasn't said I'm divorced because her money is still stuck at Robyn home How about giving Meri/Janelle the land, they can keep the house Just like the same bad deal he offered Christine
Comment from : @IaneHowe

If they both get work from home jobs we would never know what they are doing That’s actually fairly common these days
Comment from : @clairesage572

A Brian? Better be careful, Brian’s seem to be getting arrested right and left these days
Comment from : @CraftwithJulie

This is probably why he is looking for another wife
Comment from : @lidiasonthipanya9627

They probably need to do without so much Victoria Secret! 😁
Comment from : @wendyredd9890

I think the show needs to be canceled There’s no story there now Three wives gone and the remaining ones don’t want to talk The show is pointless Cancel it The two lovebirds can get real jobs like the rest of us or try their hands at MLMs
Comment from : @lunaredgrave8794

I think they should be worrying about "what if Sister Wives" is no more Who wants to watch a show about Kody and Robyn without the other wives? What sort of drama can they manufacture now that the whole premise of the show is over? And although they seem to be leaving the door open to Janelle not being gone (they're separated, right?), I can't imagine Janelle not demanding her fair share if she ever came back into the Kody orbit - and especially if she Doesn't go back
Comment from : @melniee2551

Comment from : @sarahrichards5598

Pick N save haaa yes girl I get it
Comment from : @veronicamcminn7775

Kreepy Kody will try to spin it and talk Janelle and Meri into compromising or giving up some of their income to subsidize his/Robyn's lifestyle Hope they see right through him and kick him to the curb
Comment from : @birdenthusiast2095

I think they will sell the land, kody already wanted to sell it at one point
Comment from : @sarahemf

Can't wait to see Kody and Robyns real jobs? Can't wait to see the other 3 ex wives on the their new show "Single and Thriving"
Comment from : @marymarmolejo6508

If any of the wives are going to sue for their share of family funds brI would start a lawsuit asap File against both Kody and Robyn If Robyn decides to file for divorce to keep the money tied up This could take forever to settle
Comment from : @womanonthinice1276

Only fans! They can show everyone the weird stuff the other women wouldn't do!
Comment from : @thesimulation9651

Since Robyn has 12 years experience in customer service I’m sure Victoria Secret is willing to hire her 😂
Comment from : @Tanguay1

Hahahaha Pic and Save I remember that one
Comment from : @bobbiejotarnecki5035

I don’t think Kody and Robyn should be on the show anymore They should go off and raise their kids, get real jobs, and stop pretending to be polygamists I wish them the best
Comment from : @katejackson4281

Time to sell the mansion and move into an rv on the property lol
Comment from : @BarbieBud

I guess Robyn could always get more customers You know…for Her sister wives closet
Comment from : @betsymcmillan3260

We'll see
Comment from : @eileennwachukwu7620

If I was so worried about being poor/broke, I would save more instead of trying every new business scheme he comes across Get rich schemes do not work for the everyday person, only the person at the top earns the big money I'm fairly sure we see this all the time with mlm's
Comment from : @TheMissnola

I was thinking he has been auditioning for a manosphere reality show? Or something like that Maybe a Mormon Duck Dynasty?
Comment from : @charmingfrock101

I’m so glad you covered this I’ve been curious about how lucrative his business is I know nothing about the “sportsman’s” market and he talks like he doesn’t need these women or their money
Comment from : @julieowens1769

The writing is on the wall That's why Kody stated the only thing he is afraid of is poverty I think the ousted three wives have been asking for their money for a while, and it was taboo to mention it on the show and the tell all Robyn and Kody's money ship is sinking Karma
Comment from : @elainelevasseur7213

Selling would be difficult with interest rates over 6 Divorce typically changes people's economic status drasticallyI think life will change for them They've lost three incomes
Comment from : @sleeplessannie149

I Really do hope Merri & Janelle get All their Deserved $$ back , We can all laugh when Robyn has to pay for her Own lifestyle 😂😂😂😂 We know the show may have 1 or 2 more seasons that will limp along I do hope The Best for Janelle, Merri & Christine…
Comment from : @IndigoBellyDance

You can only tell some many lies before the truth will come out I don’t think Kody or Robyn are aware of this fact Which makes sense as neither of them are mental giants
Comment from : @mp1201

I've been rewatching Sister Wives, and I saw over one of Kody's former classmates that a lot of people thought he was gay It's an Season 3 episode 4 towards the end
Comment from : @cookisfamily78

I think Jennelle's land is paid for But they can't divide all the land into different parcels until all the land is paid fir But I don't know 😕
Comment from : @bostonterry7460

Wonder what 18 season will show ,,,, Perhaps Meri packing up and Janelle packing up, what other can they show
Comment from : @dailydribble

Janelle has always been in charge of the financial system in the Brown family to include doing everyone’s taxes Janelle is savvy and I would double cross her… Maybe Janelle will never receive everything that is owed to her? “Kody and I are separated” Code for Janelle is getting her finances in order
Comment from : @cherylharrison3789

It would be interesting to see how the original LLC was set up and wound up and the creation of Robyn and Kody LLC and the money around that
Comment from : @clairejones1350

Keep an eye out for an ad offering to play Sister Wives with Kody and Robyn Brown A 4 week offer is just $10,000/month!!!!! Could happen or Robyn makes all her kids work
Comment from : @heatherhillman9605

Me too! I am excited to watch them go down…and the first wives (thought this was so appropriate!) make it so much better!
Comment from : @tammycope3145

Omg!! pic n save !!! My first job !!! Lmao
Comment from : @tessab5379

My question is why didn't they set themselves up for success? Nothing lasts forever They should have set themselves up financially to succeed WHEN (NOT IF) the show goes awaybrSo, I'm sorry but I have very little sympathy
Comment from : @marylesueur868

Someone posted that the house on the hill has gone up in value quite a lot, almost doubling in value They've already pulled some equity out of it, I believe There were reports of them receiving a couple of "emergency loans" with one being a home equity line of credit brbrI have zero expectation that Meri will try to get any money back from the "family account" based on her joint statement with Kody She appears to be trying to be the "favored" ex wife, now that she's not the obedient, favored neglected wife The statement smelled of Kody's obsession about the wives siding with him over other family members Why would it say that Meri & Kody will work together on the relationships with "any and all" family members? Cuz Kody is obsessed & furious that Janelle didn't shun her boys in favor of him And that Truely is totally indifferent about him And I'm sure there are other strained relationships that weren't featured on the show
Comment from : @fledge1234

Great points, Nikki, but also keep in mind it seems he got around $300k for the McMansion from Janelle and Meri combined, so the mortgage is not as high as you’d think, smart of him to do that - would be almost impossible for Janelle or Meri to get that money back without suing him, which would cost them a ton of money and it’s so involved I wonder if they could even get it back Maybe he saw this coming and put it into the house so that they wouldn’t try to get it back if they divorced/split because it’s no longer in the family money pot That money is as good as gone to them but he can do a HELOC or something similar and liquidate that money immediately if he wanted to So it’s still accessible to him, especially with the house increasing in value!
Comment from : @TheBeautyofLife101

Gotta love a Pic N Save reference ;)
Comment from : @Amy-hr9fu

But really does anyone care about Kody and Onion 👀 eyes making money ,after what they'd said and done ??? I don't have it in me anymore Altho down the road In a few years I'ed like to see if there in the money again ? 💰💰💰 Or not ! I can see Kody working in a gas station ⛽ 7 days a week and Onion 👀 eyes working at Walmart SWEET 🙋
Comment from : @kathyelliott6051

He should be worried that Robyn simply divorces him, takes half of everything in her name and sues him for child support
Comment from : @christinemyers9341

'Sister Wives' is a business, They need to dissolve their shared businesses It makes total sense to do a forensic audit, divide the assets, vehicles, repay outstanding loans from the family account, disburse the family account, dispose of the Coyote Pass lots, settle the taxes and have lawyers involved There are many contracts to separate and renegotiate (TLC, InTouch magazine, the Sister Wives brand, My Sister Wives Closet, royalties for their book, copyrights, etc) Each person should have their own lawyer to ensure that their interests are protected No more, "Let Kody take care of it" They are all over 50 except for Robyn Pension and retirement arrangements are important too For example, Meri gets his Social Security because it goes to the first wife who was married to him for 10 years Christine needs to protect Truely Robyn needs to protect Sol and Ari They need to get these things sorted out and resolved so that they can all move forward This is not punishment It is a necessary reality check
Comment from : @cathywithac

How will Robyn and Kody make money? No idea but in order for them to make decisions, they need to know their exact financial position without the financial contributions of the other women and to adjust their lifestyle accordingly
Comment from : @cathywithac

He makes squat and that is why Janelle was so shocked the money from the "family" pot was gone IMO -Kody thinks he and Sobyn will divide the property for "their" kids as well but I have a feeling Janelle is not going to go away broke quitely Thanks, Nikki! xoxo
Comment from : @aimee2234

I'm sure that there are multiple discussions about money behind the scene If there is not transparency than they need to go to court
Comment from : @kathyhutchison5868

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