Title | : | Kody Brown u0026 His Wives Shockingly LOW Salaries Revealed, Way Broker Than We Thought |
Lasting | : | 11.38 |
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Views | : | 66 rb |
I wonder if they are paid more now 😊 Comment from : @shay494 |
The on Sister Wives drama I watch is on uour channel I caught an episode back in 2013 while at my daughter's house Comment from : @seameology |
They are using fans to rake in cash for these mlm! I have seen people say they are buying this or that to help Meri because they feel sorry for her and Meri plays that stuff up They all do They give you just enough hints to keep you coming back or following her so she can bombard you with ads for whatever she’s selling When popularity wanes she will be in trouble and by the way the other shows do it too! Little peoples darling Tori does the same thing They will milk fans until they are bone dry and yes I find it disgusting when they use their fan base like that Comment from : @katluann |
Poligamy sure seems to be a selfish lifestyle The welfare fraud & questionable finances sure isn't appealing Comment from : @patlytle1128 |
If TLC would pay Robyn every time she cried, she could get them out of debt in 6 months 🤣 Comment from : @moriahfeatherrae8265 |
I believe Cody and Robin spent all that money Comment from : @christyfox1477 |
NOW we know why he has multiple wives, and just as I suspected there's a financial incentive brHe uses the women as work horses to fund his & Robyn's lifestyle brJanelle you are being USED girl! GTFO now!! Comment from : @therealMelB |
The reality TV money is to supplement not become your only source of income Comment from : @kittenbrave1003 |
Is participating in an MLM really a job???? Comment from : @whitneykawahara |
I don’t think the issue is that polygamy is illegal It’s immoral and that is why advertisers shy away from the sister wives Comment from : @Maya-ig9kx |
No doubt due to Kody's superior negotiating skills NOT! As much money as this show has raked in for TLC, they should've been paid more Comment from : @mermer58 |
Who is Leon? You said this was Meri and kodys child? Comment from : @tammysr2010 |
I'm sorry but why isn't food stamps not investigated They lie about everything I bet our taxes are supporting them in more ways than we think Robyn is the only legal wife The other ones are single moms according to the law They don't even have money for the coyote pass 😜 Comment from : @cranberries7678 |
Look at his hair He is a freak Comment from : @cellostrings2522 |
Kody spents a boatload getting his hair permed Comment from : @bethjarrard3020 |
My momma said: borrowing from Peter to pay Paul !!!!! "Allegedly" Comment from : @vernamorales2326 |
LPBW is fake??????????????? Comment from : @karenbayer8286 |
Caffeinated water, but they wont drink coffee because of the caffeine 🤣 Comment from : @GoingGreenMom |
Does anyone find it funny that according to Kody he always worried about $? But when Christine tells him she’s leaving Kody is concerned that she’ll bring in a husband that will want “their” money? No one thought that was funny?? The things that come out of his mouth always “Outs” himself!! 😅😅😂😂😂😂😂😅 He’s such an Idiot! Comment from : @vickiaverett2744 |
I never understood why each wife had to have her own home I can understand Janelle and z Christine with their large families but Meri and Robyn? Do they have to live in a city for the filming crew? Seems like a farm or estate with lots of outbuildings/cottages would have worked better for them I guess no one wanted to sacrifice anything for the big dream of building except Janelle She should be in charge of their finances Comment from : @susancook1448 |
A few years back I remember Christine and Jamelle were looking into becoming real estate agents That, or something like that, I would think would make sense They could use their name recognition & do something legit MLm's are usually pretty dicey And of course there's Robyn- professional crier! Comment from : @katherinechase3674 |
I bet a Christine spin off would do pretty well What a big, beautiful F-YOU that would be to Kody too 😂😂😂 Comment from : @chelktty |
I do believe it was Kody was the one begging TLC to bring them back for one more season and it would be the one to take the pay cut Comment from : @hughesmary21 |
If by “sometimes gets sassy” on her live sales you mean Meri gets downright rude, you would be correct! 😂 She talks down to and is very condescending to her customers, and they just eat it up and say “you’re so nice Meri!” Because of her “celebrity” status 🙄 Comment from : @jenniferandrews6487 |
How do they live in those beautiful homes if they are broke????? Comment from : @luannyates5199 |
Multilevel marketing companies are not very attractive to me Robyn mocked merits when meri was thinking of going to college I find that disgusting Comment from : @kathyglass2922 |
Constant moving and I think only Janelle was the bread earner Kody made sure that himself and Robyn bought a huge house for their kids, ironic since Janelle lived in a camper on the property to avoid having to pay rent Hope Janelle leaves Comment from : @theresathompson4719 |
They also bought that mini mansion that Robin lives in That was a chunk of change Comment from : @Glittergramma |
You know not a dime of this was put away for the kids who have had their whole lives exposed by it They had no choice in it and are probably guilted into making any appearances they do do as adults now Comment from : @ginadelsasso288 |
Kody doesn’t need any more crotch goblins Comment from : @Vixen743 |
I hope they all leave except for robin and that they end up broke and alone Comment from : @herdmentality1894 |
I don't feel sorry for them, they make more money than I will ever see He should of made better choices Comment from : @okpeace4687 |
Well Meri is renting so there is a lot of money going Isn't Janelle renting? If so there is a lot of going But with Christine gone Kody & them don't have that money anymore lol 😂 Comment from : @kathlyn8461 |
Leon? Comment from : @kerivaugn3383 |
Hey whatever Kody and Robyn and Meri get us to much anyway Comment from : @milkyway8ma |
U can’t say reality TV doesn’t pay well just bc TLC pays this family garbage bc nobody watches the show Jersey Shore, Teen Mom and real housewives get paid very nicely Comment from : @asmrdestinationsleep7917 |
They obviously have a lot more money than most of us They live in million dollar homes, they all drive nice cars, and they own a chunk of land that is worth a small fortune Comment from : @megnakamura7652 |
Maybe Robyn is got child support from her ex Comment from : @megnakamura7652 |
Kody looks like a Sasquatch in that first photo Comment from : @megnakamura7652 |
Not a fan of Meri and her attitude Comment from : @larryanddonnavail870 |
Idk as a teacher and single mom of 4 kids who makes just barely over 50,000…300 or 400,000 sounds like a lot Comment from : @melissaeriksen6772 |
They have to be making more than that Ratings are up Comment from : @katejackson4281 |
And they’ve paid for bigger weddings than anyone I know & college, re-commitment ceremonies, BIG family vacations They go to restaurants with the entire family Mortgage on the land, the houses they own & pretty high rent etc etc etc Comment from : @gretchenvanvrancken3334 |
I don't know about you but even at a cut in income, $300k is still a nice chunk Granted, it gets stretched, but it's a helluva lot more than many people earn working 40,60, even ,,80 hours s week And this is passive income that Kody earns Nothing is stopping any of them from working full time jobs outside of TLCbrPs- don't throw shade at Amber Portwood for being smarter than the browns Comment from : @michelle_m4446 |
I guess Kody and Robin will both need to get jobs if they want to keep their lifestyle! Comment from : @themarybuckeye8139 |
They really live beyond their means Comment from : @fairybliss7772 |
Who was the source for pay per show ? Can I find it online including all the details ? Comment from : @auntiesasa_wednesday |
People can be so judgmental Ignore them, you two have a beautiful family and you can see the love and respect for one another ❤️ Comment from : @lovemybunch336 |
Precious metals? Comment from : @teresabutler3013 |
"REALITY TV 📺 " doesn't have the same labor protection as other kinds of filmed, productions Comment from : @mollypapazian4423 |
Robin and Kody needs sell the big house and both get jobs Comment from : @fondaisenberger4302 |
Stupid to keep the show on Comment from : @anngranger256 |
So none of them have a real job? They're all using their large followings and hawking junk from MLM's Comment from : @lindseyp4451 |
It’s gotten really bad and they should get off of TV and get job’s Comment from : @susanbellrvliving |
I prob won’t watch the show because it’s so far behind I would rather watch your video instead Comment from : @linhaton4957 |
His biggest mistake was moving from Vegas Comment from : @kimc6325 |
Kody has very poor judgement when it comes to property purchases and occasional properties sold The arrangement they had in Vegas seemed to work well If they had only waited I'm sure they would have gotten a much better ROI Comment from : @laurieboughfman5727 |
hahahahhaaha Comment from : @julesrules65 |
The Sister Wives is still TLC's #1 reality show It is their highest rated aTV show Comment from : @carriegreene4261 |
Well maybe Christine will get more offers to sell stuff now that she’s gone lol Comment from : @kmmbagenmjdm |
Quit showing Kody and that Man Woman Bobbin Robbin! She got wider shoulders than Kody! Comment from : @KM-wf9yx |
Seriously not worth it for so little Comment from : @mbnich0269 |
“Sat on the couch and cried”🤣🤣🤣 Comment from : @janemaruca2461 |
It’s none of by business but I’m bothered that Robin is the only one that doesn’t have to have a job while she’s the one benefiting the most from the family units income Comment from : @Help_me_understand |
OK I guess I’m naïve but I don’t get to watch you every time you come on but you said little people big world is fake if someone wants to chime in and tell me I had no idea?? Please don’t laugh I always think this stuff is real lol Comment from : @beverlypirkle398 |
I think adults should receive their own check Comment from : @lynnjudkins9078 |
I don't understand why they didn't seriously look into starting a business other than the lame My Sister Wife's Closet stuff They had opportunities over the years and the possible product placement of their own brands would probably get them business Comment from : @CAMarg-zs1xq |
Well they were broke when they started the show and they’ve spent a fortune on huge houses and there are a lot of kids! The show was very interesting to start with but it did get boring! I’m still interested in them but I haven’t watched the show in years! Comment from : @lruss5050 |
Probably broke from huge expensive children's weddings, houses Money went to their heads Lavish living Comment from : @debrat9105 |
Katie, plz cover the 6000 pages released on Depp Comment from : @tinatina3703 |
On the intro: all we the public ask is you don't have more kids than you can afford Comment from : @maddiedogg939 |
Have you heard anything about a balloon payment coming due next year for Coyote Pass? If I remember that’s part of why they were moving out of the Vegas culdesac too You’d think they’d learn, but Cody seems to like to live on borrowed time Comment from : @snappyturtle260 |
the show could keep going and we would be more interested, if they would show a honest lifestyle What they show is all BS and fluff They try to act all sweet and glossy all the time - only recently did they gloss over issues in the family - without REALLY telling actual truthsbrbrBeing honest and real would be far more interesting than the fake life of the Browns Comment from : @colleenspillers4547 |
Bet Kody & Robin take it all, nothing for Meri or Janelle 🤪brAnd, bet Meri paying a lot to the others too - They don't like her, but her moneybrChristine probably gets her own payment now, she wouldn't put up with Kody taking her paycheck after she left 😉 Comment from : @Nahanni_Norway |
Who is Leon? Comment from : @bdub299 |
He's asking "the world" for permission Loads of the world already have polygymy South Africa Saudi Arabia Iran etc br Comment from : @miaowmail |
Do you think Kody keeps all the money like Jim bob? I know on earlier episodes they all said they had a big pot all their money goes into and is divided up However on a later season Kody wanted to put some wrestling mats in Christine's garage but she tells him for that to happen she needs some things from him and one of those things is more grocery money I wouldn't put it past him to be financially abusive to his wives and kidsjust a thought I had Comment from : @kristenmiller8725 |
We've been hearing for years they took a pay cut But after that their ratings went up We never heard about their salaries going back up Also for you guys who keep talking about government assistance, maybe they're not millionaires, but they haven't collected those benefits since the show started I think they have more money than what is being stated, but Kody cannot handle money Coyote Pass was some kind of scam that failed I think he has many scams outside of the show I wish we really knew how much they earn Plus Meri is doing great, but not from TLC, as is Christine & Janelle coming up from behind 😆 Comment from : @cynthiareynolds3432 |
This fake reality show is not even about polygamy as Kody only used the first “ so called three wives” to pop out as many babies that they could He has even said that he never loved them, and it clearly showed that he didn’t treat their children with love They all were a path to his kingdom… Comment from : @dancingqueen880 |
They are all grifters who don’t want to work and why is there a new season ? There is no more sister wives 🙄🙄 They all need to go get jobs Comment from : @mariepresho3653 |
I really feel bad saying this but I would buy from Christine before Meri as her $$ are now hers and I wouldn't want to support Kody and sobbin Robin Comment from : @joycem8227 |
Hey same name Comment from : @katherineholmes8726 |
So the Browns never had a plan to support 20 children? Is this a feature of polygamy? If so I’m not convinced by the love, parenthood, commitment narrative Comment from : @jacquelinestanley9092 |
Now part of that money is Christine's so they have less going into the family account Comment from : @Chrissy85308 |
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