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How to REALLY learn a language in 2024 (a linguist explains)

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Comments How to REALLY learn a language in 2024 (a linguist explains)

Finally a real teacher!
Comment from : @sevenrbj

Started french this winter and I'm hoping to be able to read a book or listen to a podcast this summer Also visiting a wedding in France but my goals for speaking/comprehending at the wedding are not as clear at the moment
Comment from : @moertin

What if you're a neurodivergent who hates apps and ai used in them being suggested over resources made solely by qualified linguists? :(
Comment from : @siginotmylastname3969

i’d like to be able to take grad level class in mandarin, read a novel, an academic paper in my field (math), navigate comfortably in mainland china, be able to crack a joke, and be able to bond and properly get the know the international students at my university
Comment from : @augustnoe4122

Just started dating a woman who is Romanian, but fluent in English I'd like to learn the language for her, and for the approval of her family Any tips here folks?
Comment from : @wigglyjiggly4498

watching this on 2015, I wonder how's your Persian going? hope you achieved the goals you set!
Comment from : @miguelpincos

i grew up as a native bilingual of german and english(in austria) and i like the way you address me at the beginning of the video "maybe you already have a few languages under your belt" yeah technically i do and i dont know how to learn a language so thank you for addressing us native polyglots who dont know how to learn a language
Comment from : @zephyr733

Hmm my answer to the question “why do i want to learn a language?” almost always will be “cuz it sounds cool” 😅
Comment from : @lilynedeleva2617

My goal is to talk with colleagues in a partnering company in their first language
Comment from : @Michael-ig3hn

Happy to have found you! Dabbled in French for 18 months floating from app to app workbook to workbook
Comment from : @maddiemarin7301

great info- thank you!
Comment from : @mlewbank

I want to learn French, but more to read and write, not necessarily talk to people But I don't want to skip over pronunciations altogether French is a pain in the cul to get right
Comment from : @Freemelon07

I really hate the English language Especially being my first language It's very difficult to learn and comprehend Latin languages That Germanic influence isn't no help either
Comment from : @BobB-pn2ip

I just learning words for the beginning 1000 portugese words in 3 weeks Im aiming for about 3000 before starting to work more with grammar
Comment from : @anul6801

I am persian and i've moved abroad in Italy to study i have a private teacher who lived in Italy for many years and he knows Italian it's been a year that I am having classes with him but for the past 3 months I feel like there is no progress it might be also my fault but I think his method is not working anymore i am scared of speaking Italian, I understand most of the words, but still can go further than doing daily routine things with Italian, not actually having a conversation, I really don't know that should I push myself more, or should I change my teacher
Comment from : @aysanfp7981

3:30 kaliforniya flag is the most hilarious and genius thing I've seen in a while 😂
Comment from : @momirno

I’m a second gen Bosnian immigrant in Australia and English is the only language I know fluently, my Bosnian skills are disappointing to say the least and a lot of my extended family don’t speak a lick of English My goals are 100 to be fluent eventually, but to at least start being able to hold a decent conversation in Bosnian to connect better with my family and roots in general, and I’m literally just writing this as a reminder to myself lol
Comment from : @peachb3613

Thank you for listing number 11 and giving some slack to the neurodivergent, both of which apply to me I put learning Spanish on the back burner now since I need to focus on university studies I knew for over a year that I would ditch Duolingo, but I wasn't ready for the intense "step up" that Lingoda invites Keep up the great work!
Comment from : @RosanneLoriMalowany

I love my Duolingo Would love to know what a better app is for practicing speaking and listening Will eventually afford iTalki or preply, but want to have enough under my belt AND know which language I need to learn before I commit that kind of money (Moving to Europe, not sure which country yet)
Comment from : @HillaryHacks

Definitely want more on Michel Thomas!brbrAlso, after hearing about Mr Thomas, I suddenly have no excuse not to learn French, German, Dutch, and Portuguese while trying to move to Europe with 2 sick kids
Comment from : @HillaryHacks

this video helped a lot, thank you greatly! I tried learning German when I was 12 last year, I took two semesters, and I've been continuing on my own I would love to move there once I graduate - the food, work culture, nature, and sociopolitical environment are something I want to be a part of I want to live an average, calm, stable life, and that's not very possible here in the USA for young peoplebrbrI've found that German, unlike many stereotypes, is a beautiful language when spoken, and I appreciate how literal it is (words are pronounced exactly as they look) it's a very concise and efficient language ("do you want to listen with me?" can simply be said as "willst mithören?") I'm around a B2 level right now but hope to become fluent within the next few years so that moving will be a little smoother!
Comment from : @romalea

subbed as soon as you popped off on all the bs language people on youtube that are either lying or extremely gifted lol
Comment from : @lord_voldemort44

Great video 🎉
Comment from : @LearnLanguagesDrAlex

i wanted to learn Russian for like 2 years now , never started cause im afraid of failure my goals or the reason why i want to learn is to listen to Russian movies , to talk to Russians and understand my fav video game series which is the Metro games also to better understand russian and soviet history
Comment from : @CareraDrift

I wish I could tell you how I really felt about this video doctor Taylor Jones I want to be very respectful There's probably a more helpful way to help people like me that watch your video without feeling certain ways If you allowed it I'd share with you in private I do appreciate that you want people to learn languages and open up all the wonderful things that comes with it
Comment from : @Legendaryfiremedia

Is that a Linux or Unix book on the shelf? Let me know (in a Nutshell)
Comment from : @LinuxHurts

Trying to get a latina girlfriend need spanish
Comment from : @romankenny105

Currently have a 2 year relationship with a danish girl and I would love to suprise her and to talk to her family and when we have kids to be able to have our kids to be bilingual
Comment from : @jordanmarzec_1765

I want to learn Spanish I am using dualingo, and Pimsleur I am getting vocab and some grammar from dualingo, and I am speaking and listening with Pimsleur Pimsleur is a drag, honestly, but I think it is necessary I can spend hours on dualingo without much effort I also plan on singing up for a college class starting this summer I also plan on watching and listening to hours of cartoons once I feel I have a good enough base to benefit from them What is your opinion of my approach?
Comment from : @Mike-c1v4j

00:20 Watching this video ahead of New Years makes me either 11 months late or 1 month early btips forehead/b
Comment from : @acquij

What book do you recommend for reviewing the sentence gammar of Spanish? I currently typically use a tri-fold quick study laminated guide by bar charts for Spanish grammar, as well as various on-line dictionaries for verb conjugation This is useful as a quick reference, but it isn't really conducive for seeing the whole I could see how a book with multiple example sentences coupled with a sentence diagram and a bit of instructive commentary could be very useful My problem is I am not using my Spanish often enough to keep all the grammar rules in my headbrbrIt would also be useful to know what reference book is the Spanish equivalent of the Chicago Manual of StylebrbrFor context, my focus with Spanish is to be sufficiently fluent to be able to deliver corporate training, as well as management consulting services in Spanish My Spanish is currently just barely good enough to sanity check machine translated written materials, and sufficient to read written Spanish with only occasional use of machine translation My speaking skills are intermediate level aided by having spent 40 hours a week for three months using BaseLang, yet has faded some from lack of daily use (My LeSS course in Spanish can be found here: agilecarpentrycom/clp/sp_global/)brbrAs a child, I often only fully learned how to properly pronounce English words as I learned to read Sentence diagramming always came naturally to me in school In studying Spanish with BaseLang I was reminded how important reading is for me as an individual learner Speaking and listening practice remains critical, and I'm sure more active writing with the guidance of a teacher would be helpfulbrbrI am not currently prioritizing moving my Spanish forward as much as I could, but that could quickly change with the right client engagement
Comment from : @nawkboy

دستتون درد نکنه 😅
Comment from : @AliMoeeny

thank you so much for the neurodivergent tips 🙏 lord knows i forget them too often
Comment from : @YT-bk9wr

you a jew?
Comment from : @jaoadjabir6820

My origin idiom is spanish, I want to learn this language beacause I will look for job in speak english country
Comment from : @dannypaologastulo3177

I'm of the opinion, as an applied linguist that has been teaching ESL/EFL for 27 years, that the first main ingredient in the mix that taps into our language acquisition as a child is either urgency to stay alive or interest that pushes forward It can ba instrumental interest or integral learning for the sake of learning
Comment from : @marine-001

At the end, did you say “reach B2” is an example of a goal? What does this mean? Lingvist and Learncraft Spanish seem like great resources for Spanish learning, btw
Comment from : @TylerSimonds

دمت گرم 🤣 it's was awesome
Comment from : @Montyburn

Hola Profe, brQuiero aprender español con fluidez Sé un poco, pero no muy bien Puedo escribir y leer más de lo que puedo hablar Puedo presentarme, pedir comida, tener una pequeña charla y cosas similares En el futuro me gustaría vivir en un país de habla hispana Necesito encontrar un camino para aprender más Gracias por tu video!
Comment from : @sakspins

i want to go to usa to work as a nurse, but i need a great fluency of english so i need to practice it as much as i can
Comment from : @replicant9s

Casually mentions he goes through textbooks on his own I see you
Comment from : @AncientGreek-v9f

You can’t do it
Comment from :

I want to learn different languages because I’m a very curious person and I want to learn more ways to think Honestly, I want to know everything and how everything works I feel like other languages reveal a whole new world about how people think and relate to the world I feel like other languages unlock doors to entire new worlds of thinking and I don’t want to be restricted to the language and way of thinking on general I was born into I also want to create my own script and language just to create something unique and I think the finished product would be more realistic and interesting if it drew from my experiences learning languages in depth than simply taking random ideas from surface level learning I am also interested in what constantly learning can do dor my brain and aging process I study Biology in college and this Biology aspect of learning interests me
Comment from : @jallei337

My dads family speak a dialect of Arabic and I wanted to learn MSA properly I still speak Arabic like a kid after a year But it has helped me in reading Arabic It's helpful with some things But I learn more from watching Maha on YouTube even though she speaks Levant Arabic
Comment from : @rebmedina2835

While traveling I would like to communicate conversationally
Comment from : @voncilledemesa2075

My goal is to be among the elite 30 thousand people in the world who are fluent in Latin I'm not good at earning money, and I already experience a severe hair loss at the age of 8-days-until-I'm-28 (23rd of December), so looking good is no option Why am I even talking about all that? Cos I really want a young cute thin Italian wife, and the only chance for me to have one is to be exceptional in some way And since I'm good at languages, I need to be an exceptional language learner I can go full Language Si mp mode and learn a gazillion languages, or I can learn one - a special one And Latin is the perfect option, cos it's the most accessible with tons of materials online
Comment from : @ldmtag

These are golden tips
Comment from : @MyLanguageStory101

Swahili Goalsbr1 to understand African culture in a deeper experience br2 wanting to communicate with my students br3 be able to travel to east Africa and possibly for long periods of stay
Comment from : @calebnorton2474

I wanna become a translator, thats what inspired me to start learning
Comment from : @loudrumsforyou

I'm a native English speaker May I ask whether the speed at which you speak is a conscious decision?
Comment from : @vking1358

YT recommended this video to show me how I flunked my luage goes this year Thanks
Comment from : @viniscreios

I’ve been studying Portuguese for 10 years and I’ve visited Brasil 19 times and I’ve been practicing every day for 1-3 hours with my girlfriend who only speaks Portuguese for 7 years but I still can’t read or converse and I have to translate everything into English to understand Portuguese words don’t mean anything to me like English words do It’s frustrating I need to find a way to learn and understand without translating
Comment from : @patfromamboy

My goal is to learn Spanish to be able to become a volunteer bilingual crisis counselor
Comment from : @kellyschmidt1743

I'm learning German I just want to be able to do things like make phone calls to businesses etc to sort out problems But I never seem to come close to getting good enoughI give up learning for months on end, because I spend hours on the language and never see any decent progress and lose motivation
Comment from : @Claire_16

Honesty my goal is to learn Italian so that when I work on cruise ships I can actually speak another language
Comment from : @Michael-Oh

3:00 I am currently learning Tagalog as I am filipino myself, however i lost the ability to speak it Im able to understand it well but cant respond I wanna be able to talk with my family back in the Philippines without them having to worry about knowing (much) englishbrbrAt the same time im also learning German as I do have family in Germany and recently went there for the first time I wanna visit there more often and hopefully one day move there I dont mind not being fluent but i wanna be able to read properly and be able to understand german when spoken to me
Comment from : @chuu956

I am 77 years old with hearing and visual impairment and hoping to move to France,
Comment from : @DavidWiner-i3p

I’m trying to relearn Arabic I have lived in the UK for most of my life and have family in the Middle East and would like to learn Arabic as I have forgotten much of the language since living in the UK
Comment from : @John-zl9zp

After actually learning one language (Dutch) when I lived there, I was so excited by the idea that I could acutally express myself in another language that I ardently pursued additional languages (French, Spanish, Korean) because I know people who speak those languages and there’s just nothing like sharing that with a native speaker AND I’m aging and need the brain exercise, and have the time to do it
Comment from : @allegrahinkle9066

My goal is to travel to Latin America so I’m learning Spanish with the goal of learning fluently And I only speak English fluently because my parents didn’t teach me my ethnic language but I feel like I can learn Spanish
Comment from : @Skyblue1477

I want to live one day in France permanently and I value my linguistic Prowess in English I'd like to carry that to my L2, reading, writing, and speaking with the kind of playful confidence I enjoy in English, ideally within 3-5 years
Comment from : @Scifiguy11th

The way he says "shock natives" 😂
Comment from : @BruceClerk91

My goals for spanish are to be able to communicate with parents of my students, be able to update them on how their students are doing and express concerns when they come up
Comment from : @thereal741

communicate with my hispanic coworkers and also customers who speak spanish to further my skills in sales, and passive communication
Comment from : @txkushima1072

AuDHD, social scripts and auditory processing are my enemies I'm holding off on "comprehensible input" for now because none of it is actually comprehensible to me Trying out Mondly for now (since I bought it on impulse years ago and want to get my money's worth out of it)
Comment from : @TuesdaysArt

12:05 why the jumpscare 😞
Comment from : @queenaztinad

I’m learning Dutch to move to Denmark in a few years
Comment from : @TypicxlSortOfOdd

Duolingo works for me, simply because now that i have a 105-day streak in french, im too scared to lose it I'm learning french to speak with my french cousins One knows english, but the other doesnt care to Making it competitive in the app also makes me want to do more
Comment from : @gabrieltodd3430

I am trying to learn Romanian and I use both Duolingo and Mondly I saw your video on Duolingo Any thoughts on Mondly?
Comment from : @aubreybarrera6665

I want to talk to my family members in Spanish especially my grandmother
Comment from : @marquisgreen9753

Great video, thank you! Toda raba
Comment from : @voliteon

Ik wil Nederland studeren zodat ik kun verhuizen naar Utrecht :)
Comment from : @linuxliaison

59 years oldtraveling to France (in 4 months) and want to read, understand and speak enough (for right now) to travel effectivelyorder food, read signs, understand some conversations I have 30-45 min each morning to devote to thismaybe slightly more
Comment from : @lucky_one2

15 minutes of bro yapping
Comment from : @Colinboballin-u1z

So, glad I've found your channel I'm in the US and dating a native Italian speaker, so I've been trying to study Italian since March (this isn't my first Romance language--my mother was a Spanish teacher, and I studied Spanish and Latin in high school and college) I'd like to be able to have basic, casual conversations with her in Italian I've tried using several resources, including Duolingo, but I've struggled finding the right jumping-off point that helps me move from a passive to an active participant in the learning process (and also, something that helps me feel confident with a native speaker) Really enjoying your approach and advice, here
Comment from : @Far_Alfield

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