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Why Americans Can’t Keep Their Paychecks

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Title :  Why Americans Can’t Keep Their Paychecks
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Comments Why Americans Can’t Keep Their Paychecks

1/2 of Americans earning over $100K are STUPID, ok
Comment from : @KrustyKlown

Stop buying your bobas, your coffees, your whatever trending now, and stop buying for style
Comment from : @rainnekomila6929

Everyone their mom and grandma talking about how everything is crazy high prices and yall STILL voted Biden 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : @deltaxgamer5474

Bidennomics made America COMPLETELY 100 UNAFFORDABLE
Comment from : @deltaxgamer5474

YOU GET ONE LIFE One It is horrible to go to work, come home, 5 or more days a week Year after year Two what end? Meanwhile you cant escape everybody living their lives outside of a PRISON We should be able to save and support the businesses with our patronage Buy gifts for family and friends and still be able to save and build Is that not the way it has been for generations There is a difference from someone living from paycheck to paycheck if the check is 3k or more verses a check of 1k This real polite and seemingly a little off to me Like school project
Comment from : @theagathokakological3052

Start teaching finance and economics in high school Im shocked that many people I know have no idea about finances And we all wonder why over half of Americans don't have one thosand dollars saved
Comment from : @bka8851

Luckily, I am fortunate enough to make some good money but I think a lot of people live paycheck to paycheck because it is hard out there
Comment from : @thehater6189

Taxes, the answer is taxes
Comment from : @BasicBrand361

It’s called “entitlement”
Comment from : @panchochilli11

Get a huge morgage, max credit cards, get an expensive car, travel shop…live a social media life style… and always play woke victim
Comment from : @rushhour8662

It is all because people are spending more Let’s blame it all on people
Comment from : @gabrielmartinez2455

Can't keep my paycheck since the government takes 1/4th
Comment from : @metalnbonez4539

Girl in the glasses spends like a fiend
Comment from : @skipole09

The issue is knowing what is a want and what is a need Sometimes these get conflated
Comment from : @karenbachar5253

Lots of people do not even make it to retirement At 41 years old, I have lost nine friends already that saved for retirement and never really enjoyed the money when they were alive It's good to save in hopes you make it to retirement, but also do not be so frugal that you miss life while you are alive and healthy
Comment from : @JMGENTERPRISES

The only one who wants you to save money is a bank so they can use it to their will this isnt like old west and small town starting a bank with decent interest rates nope pure capitalism collapsed on itself tomorrow isnt real nor guaranteed so why would anyone not live it up?
Comment from : @omnigeddon

Well rent is 1200 to 2000$ a month in 95 of this country and income are 1500 2000$ net or 3k gross
Comment from : @jeremybeaverson7167

"I'm trying to keep my car running I'm not worried about an oil change" Uhmmm 🤔
Comment from : @TheMNbassHunter

who the hot chick with glasses at 2 min mark?
Comment from : @hardstyle8184

Love how the topic of this video only depicted women, notorious for impulse purchases
Comment from : @metsatroll

I'm sick and tired of people telling me that price gouging or rent increases are "lifestyle creep"
Comment from : @dianahussain5066

The problem in the US is the high taxes, inflation, and low wages
Comment from : @carolinapadron1486

"Why Americans Can’t Keep Their Paychecks" Because the Democrats have been in power for the last four years
Comment from : @prycenewberg3976

High prices for everything have severely affected my plan I'm concerned if people who went through the 2008 financial crisis had an easier time than I am having now The stock market is worrying me as my income has decreased, and I fear I won't have enough savings for retirement since I can't contribute as much as before
Comment from : @tatianastarcic

I was a super saver Dumped over 80 of my income into investments to prepare for retirement, even though I always made less than the median US income Lived like I was impoverished After covid though, I stopped doing that, and started to spend more on myself brI still save over 40 of my income, but I let myself enjoy life a little more now
Comment from : @rebeltheharem7028

How will these people retire??
Comment from : @billykotsos4642

You Americans are nuts
Comment from : @Thomas-yo2zu

I hope that “saver” wasn’t saving in dollars because that’s the worst thing you can do
Comment from : @user-gn8lz5zh5l

Live below your means and any pay bump put it in the retirement accounts I was able to retire at age 60 following that plan My house was paid off 8 years before retirement The money that would have sent to the shylocks went into retirement accounts
Comment from : @tomjohnson5700

How many people complaining about struggling to keep tires on their cars, trying to keep their car registration paid are going to Starbucks, getting their nails done, their hair professionally braided, and buying overpriced snacks for their kids at 7-11 or the gas station, always adding the fries, extra cheese, extra guac, and soda when buying take-out / fast-casual food, and giving their <12 year old kids an allowance 'to teach them how to budget' (aka spend it all without being taught the option of putting that $ in an interest-bearing savings account) Add the expensive habit of vaping / smoking cigarettes / weed into the equation (but they won't acknowledge that as an expense and don't you dare point that out as one as they consider this a 'health issue') The solution of "making more money" is going to equip those who are living paycheck to paycheck because of the way they're spending, without realizing how it all adds up, to do more of the same habit This is why someone making $1550/hr in 2023 can be struggling in 2024 just as much, despite making $26/hr in 2024 without any disasters, and $0 in rent increase and $0 in gas increase They'll get a second job (!) and continue to struggle just as much They still don't know what they're doing wrong, will not consider that their spending habits are part of the equation, will blame "inflation" even though grocery prices haven't really changed and they haven't even looked at their receipts to even prove the same items went up
Comment from : @FuzzyGreyPenguin

$150 a month in an IRA for 30 years can be between 1-15 million for retirement There is no excuse in my opinion
Comment from : @RiSkyNick

I am not worried about money Don't spend more than you make Its easy But please stop with the craccling voices Its stupid and you don't need it
Comment from : @rickanders5128

It isn't because of 'lifestyle creep', you Boomers It's because real wages have fallen to a fraction of what they were 50 years agobrbrAn average salary 50 years ago, when converted into how many years it took to buy the average home, would be something like 250k today So even 100k is POOR
Comment from : @londonspade5896

Once you have YOUR savings earning you more MONEY than you are saving each year, the LIGHT GOES ON IN YOUR MIND You go, "Oh, Yea! That how you get RICH!!
Comment from : @THEL0NEARRANGER

Follow Dave Ramsey’s plan to get and stay out of debt!
Comment from : @topsykretts2264

People not doing oil change is another breed of stupidity Is not about you can pay or not, is literally hating yourself 😂😂 brake the car you struggle so much to pay is so stupid
Comment from : @linanguyen1476

After I see this I see Asian countries are richer than USA … something is basically wrong in that country with so much money they print and their citizen are struggling to meet ends … something is not adding up
Comment from : @karthikckrishna

They only interviewed women for this video Women are spenders and never save It’s in their nature
Comment from : @oneupper7602

why save for 55yrs and be old i rather do it now at 30
Comment from : @biosilk

Since Biden took office, there seem to have been more unfavorable results in America These results include effects on the markets, such as price declines and sharp increases in inflation, as well as bank failures I wonder if the sudden increase in interest rates will help value investors or if it would be wiser to stay away from the stock and financial markets for the time being
Comment from : @nicolasbenson009

How is “make more money” unrealistic for an able bodied person? Thats the kind of ill informed opinion that keeps people in debt Almost everyone in the workforce can get a side job There are exceptions but that’s what they are, exceptions
Comment from : @jamie5397

Lol , im the exact opposite The more I make, the more I want to save
Comment from : @lorddoma6637

It's hard to get ahead when your bs 2 raise every year gets overshadowed by rapid inflation by the numbers we haven't had a raised in 7 years
Comment from : @MrMcbear

congress members get $170,000 per year, for what
Comment from : @itsYourfuture-f6x

bottom line the middle class needs to wrestle away a lil more from the big guys at the top
Comment from : @itsYourfuture-f6x

live cheap, save 17bucks a week for a few decades
Comment from : @itsYourfuture-f6x

Big hat, no cattle😂
Comment from : @mariorta5017

Car, house, medicines, food, presentation fashion , some education , and if you are not if university is ok but hs is necessary …just try to keep INFORMATION from computer this will make you up to date …if no job -DO NOT KNOW but my best wishes for all ( here I am looking for a good ADMINISTRATOR job too ! )
Comment from : @CLAUDIARIVAS-nf2nx

most Americans are greedy Plain and simple
Comment from : @DaniaAbraham-z3n

female vocal fry is real
Comment from : @Centerpieceofmind

it amazes me how there are no High School classes on managing your money! Learning about credit card spending
Comment from : @luvdelux10

Learn to budget your money from Need vs Want… I need a deodorant vs I want a Starbucks coffee every morning…
Comment from : @IvanRodriguez-uu4zn

I've been living off $30,000 or less than, annually, for the last 7 years I wish I could make $100,000
Comment from : @thestrugglingactor

As long as your bills are paid for the month and you have a decent savings for those bills, enjoy your life and spend what you've allowed yourself to set aside because again, your bills are paid
Comment from : @TokiToki13

And all this intense consumption fuels climate change You've welcome!
Comment from : @morgan_kemp

my car takes about $25 for half a tank of gas
Comment from : @AngelaVlahos

My wife and I are savers We have made prudent decisions with money and we are intentional with it That perhaps why we have savings
Comment from : @rahuliyer7456

Trying to live like rich people 😢
Comment from : @LoveMafae

Nation of social media billionaires
Comment from : @RRR66620

Credit card repayments and the financial dependence it creates
Comment from : @Bopzibeel

I have saved a $100 a week since 1991 and another $100 a week for big purchases paying cash works my home is paid for
Comment from : @newmobile1455

Fancy bar brand new car Cell phone Apps apps, starbucks 3 or more times a day Restaurants Living beyond your means work every time🙀😸😁😸 WTF?
Comment from : @mikescarlett3186

" Life is short Don't worry, the government will take care of you If your parents won't "br Gen Z
Comment from : @BureaucracyWorld

The wealth coach being 30k in debt is wild 💀
Comment from : @brendanforde2631

I don't know what kind of American these people but I'm a Dominican-American and I have over 12K plus a new vehicule and I always have money extra besides my invesment Plus my credit is perfect
Comment from : @IvanPlayStation4LiFe

Americans dont have 100k a year more like maybe 50k
Comment from : @IvanPlayStation4LiFe

It amazes me how people think extra money is meant to blow thru I get excited about saving Having money available when you need it!
Comment from : @Tavi-u4x

Interest rates
Comment from : @angelachanellehuang5663

Is it not ironic that the channel that created a video about “Why you should buy everything with credit cards” also posts videos about why many Americans are going broke or are draining savings all the while using credit cards is known to contribute to lifestyle creep and depleting savings when you find yourself with a balance
Comment from : @epochrocks3857

It’s all about self control! Always live below your financial means until you build wealth! Also, ditch expensive friends, it’s not worth it
Comment from : @MatchaCocoaDog

Easy, it’s called Bidenomics
Comment from : @Dreidcs2

LMAO A wealth coach that had 30K in credit card debt I’ll pass
Comment from : @jenayrandall9358

Comment from : @Elpatron1966

I budget Stay home when not working
Comment from : @angelachanellehuang5663

For most americans by the time they pay there bills and necessities like groceries Their left with a few hundred dollars or less which means they either spend it on experiences like theater tickets or a nice steak dinner or put it in savings for 40 to 50 years down the line
Comment from : @discover1114

this video is literally screaming DEI DEI DEI DEI DEI DEI DEI DEI DEI
Comment from : @Yu_Wei

0:25 don't you hate Sabrina's affection when speaking? it's so annoying Like she's running out of oxygen is this really common in the US?
Comment from : @AlanNova-vb7lg

The dumb woman said “not changing her car oil just to save money” 😂😂😂
Comment from : @PG-tc6os

Keep it with Johnsons 😂
Comment from : @PG-tc6os

I’m in a very good place financially I have no debt I don’t make but $60,000 a year but I could take a year off and have no worries I continue to pay my bills I give a lot of it to driving paid for cars My car is 21 years old and has almost 300,000 miles I don’t care what other people think when they ride past me and their brand new car dragging a giant payment, I may look trashy and like I’m broke but I can tell you I can pay cash for your car that you think it’s so cool because it’s nicer than mine
Comment from : @Toyotaguy

Being alive is expensive and it sucks
Comment from : @leoling6838

That's the plan, so you can't get ahead
Comment from : @BEACHDUDE71

Buy from PARIS websites
Comment from : @kamalcampbell2254

Media has to better at connecting information and actually presenting that Americans are not treated wel compared to other Western countries, your pay is lower, lacking healthcare, rich has seized the best areas and also bought out your housing There is zero respect for Americans in this system Worse off than any other western country
Comment from : @youyoua988

The credit card companies want you to go broke and depend solely on them Don't do it! Balance your wants and needs and pay off one card at a time Also try to put aside at least $2000 a week
Comment from : @patriciawilliams664

100k, try living on 30k
Comment from : @WOLF-ib7xx

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