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“NEVER Collect Social Security While Working?!” (Why Not?)

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Title :  “NEVER Collect Social Security While Working?!” (Why Not?)
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Frames “NEVER Collect Social Security While Working?!” (Why Not?)

Description “NEVER Collect Social Security While Working?!” (Why Not?)

Comments “NEVER Collect Social Security While Working?!” (Why Not?)

Thank you everyone for your support We are getting overwhelming amount of calls regarding Social Security questions Our intention was to help the community but we did not expect so many calls brbrUnfortunately we cannot answer all these questions unless you have the intent of working with us Again, thank you for your support
Comment from : @kciis

My goal is to get better
Comment from : @JdT-y1j

😂 ❤ Thank you for this great video, you guys are funny to, so thanks for that! I do still have a question on this that maybe you can help?brbrIf I retire early at 65 will the income restrictions go away when I reach 67 (FRA) or will the same restrictions exist as at 65? Thank you!
Comment from : @KordTaylor

love your video very informative are you able to share a video on the calculation of the withheld money and the payout at 67 if you make above the limitation before your full retirement age
Comment from : @MegaAlex010101

I retire from the VA at 65 and I got Social Security and on the VA we had Retirement I paid until I paid in the Social Security I work a second job full-time in my lifetime I was this affect me Social Security office said after January I will be 67 andI can work up and earn up to 69,000 a year Please help me explain this to me I get a pension and a Social Security from my job
Comment from : @susanlang4218

I retire from the VA at 65 and I got Social Security and on the VA we had Retirement I paid until I paid in the Social Security I work a second job full-time in my lifetime I was this affect me Social Security office said after January I will be 67 andI can work up and earn up to 69,000 a year Please help me explain this to me
Comment from : @susanlang4218

Simple question I’m 61, my annual employment income is 97 thousand Is it wise to claim social security at 62 while still working to the age of 65 and fully retire at 65 ? Or claim it at 65 ?
Comment from : @dw8591

Thanks for the infobrThe scariest part is the government keeping track of all of this stuff👀😄✌️brBut, im trying to keep educated on it as I get older (Oy vey)
Comment from : @avlanche7777

WTF is "Spousal Benefits"?
Comment from : @MTB_Rider_96

So, if I'm 64 now and I make $175k annually, my SS check would be ZERO until I reach FRA, 67
Comment from : @MTB_Rider_96

Does income from IHSS count? I take care of my live in disabled grandson It is not considered taxable income I don’t have to report it to the IRS when filing
Comment from : @vicgalindo1

What if you started at 62,but went back to full-time employment and you want to at 66 10 months or during my last calendar year
Comment from : @Bakbaki-gg6gh

I heard you say if retired at 62 thats for life Are we limeted income for life or at 67 no limit full retirement age ? Thank you
Comment from : @robertbernal5793

I retired from the VA at 65 and I will be 67 in May 2025 and they told me that when I get 67 I’m at full retirement I can work up to a certain amount of money 59,000 I think it is and I also get a VA pension that I paid into so what would happen to me if you could help me
Comment from : @susanlang4218

Very boring
Comment from : @kyunglim2965

Tell the people who want to cut, privatize or raise the retirement age to just RAISE THE FICA CAP!!!! Why do politicians ever entertain this little known fact!! RAISE THE FICA CAP!!!!
Comment from : @debbieredling-wh7fp

Does rental income apply?
Comment from : @dannyvafa3639

Here’s the rub that nobody talks about If you are working and waiting for your FRA, what happens if you DIE before that? You claim and receive ZERO dollars Just a thought
Comment from : @jimbu6651

I may be going back to work full time in 2025 making Roughly $1000 week I make about $2000 month on SSI $2000 month is not enough to make my bills My Question is should I collect SSI until I reach my Yearly Limit of $28000 and at that time have Social Security suspend my SSI until the first of 2026 ??… Would This Scenario be a possible option for me ?
Comment from : @DeweyBrown-ix6dr

The big thing you missed in this video is the fact that taxes on Social Security should be illegal in the first place Double taxation is illegal and that is exactly what is happening SS recipients have already paid taxes on the wages when they were working and now when retirees desperately need this income the most to live the government gives them the shaft! Retirement may become a problem for Americans
Comment from : @Peterl4290

It is $22, 320 for 2024 or $1,860 a month
Comment from : @vincentmaloney5835

My husba d is crazy with followi g health eati g mow he got cancer what now waiting for the devil to hbrGet himplus sacrifice the good thing in life mistake
Comment from : @coraasuncion4989

If you collect ss retirement early and are still working, can you put some of your working income directly into a traditional IRA account so it doesn't count as income earned above the limit allowed?
Comment from : @stellabeatle

When you have people like Meathead Johnson who is trying to destroy Social Security for Seniors and Medicare benefits also Louisiana should be proud to have someone like that in office He is one disgusting 🤮 human being who should be impeached and removed from office
Comment from : @richardalehrmannsr7971

dejeme decirles que es una verguenza el supuesto aumento de este ano te aumentan 20 dolades y te quita 10 disen qie por el costa de vida porque me quita 10 si apenas gano 520'0 al ano ustedes creen que esto es justo que este semor Musk que m,,,,,, esta hasiendo en el Govierno les pongo en Espanol para que vean que yo hablo y escrivo Ingles pero les hago saber que nostros los hispanos si podemos defendernos hablando la verdad
Comment from : @ramirogonzalez877

No one ever mentions if your social security earnings count towards your monthly limit
Comment from : @MitchellArehart

Hi I'm 72 years old receiving social security retired early at 62 and working my question is does my social security will increase when stop working Thank
Comment from : @lauropabalan

As an investing enthusiast, I've kept aside a good sum of capital to invest for financial independence and early retirement, but my concern right now is the market rally being propaganda Is this a good time to buy stocks, or do I wait for the crash?
Comment from : @LucaMurgia-j7b

Why shouldn’t you collect Social Security while still working? Isn't it just extra income?
Comment from : @HectorBailey-zi7du

But if you "HAD " AN Ex spouse I have to say :you got a nice upgrade brother!!😅
Comment from : @jocirdasilva5073

I believe the retirement crisis will get even worse Many struggle to save due to low wages, rising prices, and exorbitant rents With homeownership becoming unattainable for middle-class Americans, they may not have a home to rely on for retirement either
Comment from : @tatianastarcic

Tax laws can be so complex, and it’s super helpful to break them down like this Understanding how different policies can impact our finances is crucial for making informed decisions
Comment from : @JosephEricx2y

Do they count the year before you apply
Comment from : @raquelaguilarcreations

Excellent video answered all my questions
Comment from : @allennidever8623

Clear information
Comment from : @liliamejiadavila1262

I'm not expecting to start taking my SS till I'm 70 (9/2025) I plan to work till at least 75 how will that affect my SS benefits if I start taking them at age 70?
Comment from : @miltoncraighead3659

Clear as mud
Comment from : @heretofore1

What I’m divorced 30:years and was married over 10 yrs to that person, and they pass away? I know their benefits are more than mine Am I notified or do I have to keep checking?
Comment from : @carolynluckas1219

Over 62 and working overseas for foreign countries being paid in local currency Meets bona fide under the yearly exemption limit Start collecting now?
Comment from : @bchc8t

I am 64 ‘ no longer work - should I start taken SSI?
Comment from : @ldp123100

Love life💜
Comment from : @ferdinandevaldez2285

I believe the retirement crisis will get even worse Many struggle to save due to low wages, rising prices, and exorbitant rents With homeownership becoming unattainable for middle-class Americans, they may not have a home to rely on for retirement either
Comment from : @CameronFussner

I delayed benefits to 70, kept working, and still work I have no regrets Unlike many single, female retirees, I don’t struggle financially and am still in very good health so I can enjoy life
Comment from : @Tootsie806

you can retire, and work a part time job as long has you stay under 18,000
Comment from : @ScottysBackYardBBQ

This is a no brainer full retirement age!
Comment from : @michaelhuff9701

Does rental income/rent constitute “net earnings from self-employment“? More generally, is rental income counted as income towards the limit or is it excluded?
Comment from : @MrSethmo13

Why is there a limit
Comment from : @roarman333

You give good answers but they’re also halfway answers because you don’t explain how you get do you would help at full retirement age if you work and they take 50 of your earning or one dollar or two explain that how it works how are you start getting your money backand percentages Oh, how
Comment from : @josretolentino8772

Not to be racist but it is funny that Chinese people are telling you how to collect SS :) (they may not truly be Chinese, just a funny thought)
Comment from : @sfoda511

Get your social security at 62 The government wants to keep our money I work part time and am under the limit I have to have both to make it and I was not waiting to get more on my retirement
Comment from : @Lifeof-Jo

Question: At my FRA I can earn $56,52000 Does that include my collected Social Security checks for the year ? Not clear Please, confirm Thank you
Comment from : @elmono3939

I’m presently on ss retirement but went back to work Fun got charged because I worked part time last year didn’t hit $22k
Comment from : @unclemikecruz

I didn't plan on collecting early but there are a couple of reasons why I changed my mind I am 62 and will be getting my first check in September My family members have died by the age of 60 My 3 brothers died at ages 48, 55 and 57 and my Dad lived until 60 Heart disease is in my genetics so that was the number one reason and number two is because I only make 21,000 per year so why not collect now? I have to be realistic and realize that I may not be here at age 67 Heck, I'm blessed to have lived past 60 This works for me and I'm thrilled about it because that money will come in handy right now
Comment from : @Robinsnest219

How much will your ssa yearly amount go up if you are working from fra to 70?brAssuming each one of those 4 years is higher than your lowest 35 best
Comment from : @rman52

I have a question, if I work after my full retirement age and get fired can I collect unemployment?
Comment from : @stevedubois366

Thank you for the information
Comment from : @frankballesteros8513

I have a friend on ss and still works 2 days a week Its perfectly acceptable
Comment from : @KevinDavis-z8v

I collected at 70 , i was paid back benefits from 66 and i work part time I have my health and more money than i need
Comment from : @johnmerlo5005

Dont know how you say that how they can not know when your over There was another expert thats says they track you monthly even in a annual year of income and if one month divided out is over you can get a check withold for every month thats over by one dollar and you lose the whole check
Comment from : @krakhour2

Also you need to let people know if your 1 dollar over they will hold your whole check
Comment from : @krakhour2

I am 67 and still working I started collecting SS pension at FRA of 66 and half yo While still working, my income is higher than before I started collecting SS My question is: If I stop working at age 68, or 70, will my pension be higher than what I am receiving now ?
Comment from : @Utuber10

That’s funny how come they don’t start with the White House and seated that working and getting social security what’s fair is fair
Comment from : @mariadelcarmenricardo1358

I’m a new subscriber! Like your presentation!
Comment from : @victoriacousins4501

Confusing with income limits on early retirement, no one ever states whether the income limits, include what your getting for social security retirement Example 2024 cap is $1860, now if i get $1700 a month from social security, if I continued to work, is my limit now $160 for the month? Better yet, are you saying, I can get the $1700 from SS, and make another $1860?
Comment from : @GW-bq6fr

Comment from : @rb-me7bq

I know that if you collect ss early there is an annual income limit If you collect ss and stay below that limit (for instance make $20K a year in earned income) although there is no impact to the amount of your monthly ss check, is there any downside to doing this? Or as long as you stay below the annual income limit there isn’t any? Thanks …
Comment from : @reneatwoodbridge

Cannot find information on my question I live in Ohio I retired from the state receiving a pension working a Social Security job have done that also while I was working for this state, I have paid in my40 quarters I was told that when I go to retire from Social Security that I will only get will get a quarter of my Social Security they said that I am penalized because I have a PERS pension from the state was wondering if that is really true
Comment from : @JimDuckworth-n9l

great video! I admire how you simplify this!
Comment from : @StressLessFinancial

so in your example, you lose those 5 months of ss as over income limit, but you get that back at FRA and really don't lose any money but you are stuck with that lower ss benefit for remainder of lifetime correct?
Comment from : @esbiermann62

Am 58 retiring next year but the thought of retirement gives me weakness My apologies to everyone who have retired and filing social security during this time after putting in all those years of work just to lose everything to a problem you never imagined to happen It’s so difficult for people who are retired and have no savings or loved ones to fall back on
Comment from : @Beatricegove733

Yours guys are not talking,if the person retire at 62 & continue working,the amount of ss increase
Comment from : @orlandozelaya2134

I meet my fra on May 2025 I will apply june 1st for my ss Between January and May will that income from my job be considered income?
Comment from : @liverdelove

Thank you very much 🙏
Comment from : @danieldelgado9318

All depends on what you do for a living Self employed people can manipulate the system if more than half their income is paid in cash
Comment from : @dufrenesguideservice8398

Very educational, thank you, but got a headeck half way of the video with the annoying background music,, had to leave,,
Comment from : @rvilla4329

You can't get a good job after fra
Comment from : @lolitamadrigaltownes7620

100000 At 62 take it!!! if you wait to 70 you just left 96,00000 at the table guaranteed What isn’t guaranteed is 72
Comment from : @maxsmart8954

There's no limit on how much one can earn if they file at full retirement age
Comment from : @kevtop351

this is balogna, i am a sick man that may not live to FRA, so i am taking my SS now at 64 1/2 otherwise the gubment will keep every penny that i could have received while i am alive, so do not wait as long as you can afford to take it early, you will be glad that you took it early
Comment from : @skismosis

A question: what if i collect SS early and i continue to work, but my earnings come in through an LLC, and my expenses from such LLC offset my earnings What happens in that situation?
Comment from : @vicpapagiorgio

I am in my early 60s and retired at 53 Lots of people gave me pushback because they had difficulty grasping the concept of not working if you don’t have to I looked at my life as stages I earned everything I have now through a lot of hard work, but I owe it to myself to “stop and smell the roses” in my final stage of life In my case I left the country after I retired and live in Latin America It allowed me to get away from all the negative things happening in America while appreciating my new environment I have yet to meet anyone who regrets retirement
Comment from : @austinbar266

All income restrictions must be removed When a person has a job they are paying into social security benefits as before
Comment from : @CDaeda

lol skip blanket 100 advice always has errors
Comment from : @hughmacdonald3595

Question can I still work if I file just turned 62 November, I will get paid 1099 or best to wait
Comment from : @ronyamasaki2326

Never say never If you postpone collecting social security until your full retirement age (FRA) there is no good reason why you should not collect S/S if you choose to continue to work
Comment from : @TC-eo5eb

GREAT VIDEO! Clear, to the point and easy to follow explanation - no shenanigans Thank you! 🙏 for helping us understand the crazy/complicated system of retirement we leave on
Comment from : @robari2410

I started collecting SS at 62 while working with no loss of SS I was able to put some pay into CATCHUP retirement system and my W2 showed what I received and it does not show the amount which goes into retirement system which may have been a 401k but do not remember for sure
Comment from : @zarfer

I agree I am 130 minutes into the video and the music is way too annoying to continue watching
Comment from : @lifewellloved0204

Scam , plain and simple
Comment from : @albertvasquez6207

I will be collecting my social security early as my wife has not been working for the past five years Is my earnings limit calculated for our joint income as I also need to work for living expenses? I make about 29k to 31k retail commission income yearly? My early social security is about $1530 monthly
Comment from : @928Porscheman

Hello, I just started social security and am self employed I'm an independent contractor and do door dash, you stated the word's Net Incometrying to know for sure what that means For example, I average around $30k a year, but after deductions, like mileage etc I usually pay taxes on around $12k or so, is the 12k I pay taxes on my "net income"? I suspect it is but need to be sure:) Also, if this is correct, would what I make in SS be added to that $12k? Thanks
Comment from : @ccc4eva62

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