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Prof. Antony Davies: Why Not Print More Money?

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Title :  Prof. Antony Davies: Why Not Print More Money?
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Comments Prof. Antony Davies: Why Not Print More Money?

And here we are in 2023 and Washington hasn't learned a f**king thing
Comment from : @maxcohen13

Last 4 years USA has printed 9 trillion USD Fiat currency will become worthless
Comment from : @rajeshpillai4927

this is obvious so how come nobody in washington understands it? or they know and hope the chickens dont come home to roost until they are out of office/ thereby screwing our grandchildren and great grandchildren!!
Comment from : @scottmcshannon6821

Printing money worked out excellently for Sri Lanka too And now the entire country's broke and can't even afford to keep the power running 24/7
Comment from : @praveendissanayake2509

So we’ll explained thanks
Comment from : @mosseyw

@2:44 "our wealth comes not from money, but from the goods and services that money buys"
Comment from : @jellyhair8026

This is why I stack gold and silver to preserve my wealth
Comment from : @SilverHonda0767

Comment from : @nakosimpson7459

Can someone send this to Joe Biden?
Comment from : @ZybakTV

Wouldn't printing more money also devalue your savings account?
Comment from : @triclopsgamer5934

Great vid!
Comment from : @simonharrison9727

Let's go Brandon!
Comment from : @TXLionHeart

Actually, printing money can indeed create wealth It's quite simple When people have more money, they spend it But prices only adjust gradually to the new money, and in the meantime the increased demand must result in increased production (unless all input factors are already employed to the maximum) Hence, more wealth
Comment from : @berntengdahl1519

The faction showing $$$$ to GDP should be reversed (reciprocal) to show the reduction of buying power- ie instead of 2/1 it who read 1/2 because doubling the money supply beyond GDP would reduce the monetary value by half
Comment from : @kevinferguson35

This man is clearly not an anthropologist This barter story is false Has never existed Debt predates currency Currency existed before the need to barter did This man is 100 wrong and should remove his misinformation videos
Comment from : @gabethompson3211

Antony Davies is an American Hero
Comment from : @nicholasnafziger8998

9/2/2021 - we are doomedcarry on all
Comment from : @ladedalounge

You do a awesome job explaining this subject 👍 really nice Professor 👍
Comment from : @johnadan3509

Hey guys, people in Venezuela are living like the cave man: barter
Comment from : @Brandon_letsgo

nope CURRENCY is an IOU Money is both useful as a currency AND a store of value Which is why printed paper--IOUs like the dollar and NOT money
Comment from : @nco_gets_it

very precise and well explained
Comment from : @prachigupta5800

But what if the government just inforces fixed prices?brwouldnt that stop the inflation?
Comment from : @matijas7994

Yeah um caveman stupid attitude is upside down They were smart enough not to give their first chickens to the irs to stay in their caves
Comment from : @melissaadams958

buy bitcoin
Comment from : @danrainville8877

And yet here we are in 2020/2021 and USA printer goes brrrrrrr
Comment from : @domagojv193

Best channel of youtube
Comment from : @henryjubeda7617

“Print more money for COVID-19 relief It totally won’t cause inflation nor raise the already insane debt!” -Someone in the Federal Reserve
Comment from : @midnightarcanacentraltv5815

just a simple question why would be double the price of service after we double the amount of money?
Comment from : @acidnave

Money is NOT an IOU Currency is an IOU Learn & Teach the difference
Comment from : @lagg-alot8308

This clip is just invalid thAnks tO thE FED
Comment from : @xixiezp3641

Oh how things have changed
Comment from : @tommy1539

Basic economics but sadly not well-known
Comment from : @johnkurtz4652

Now,by print you just mean move the decimal point over a few digits
Comment from : @MiggsMultiple

You can’t print money You can only print currency
Comment from : @MrWesford

Gooooold staaandard baby
Comment from : @aidenconnor2126

It can also be viewed as a hidden tax You erode the value held by everyone by printing more money
Comment from : @ClintOlsen

You forgot the gold part 😉
Comment from : @sammaina_

youtube recommendations going crazy again
Comment from : @MrTycoon1995

It's criminal for government to tax citizens & also print money The inflation tax
Comment from : @hOtneO

I've been a profound student of economics and have come to the final conclusion that inflation is not what is being preached I've studied all cases of hyperinflation None of them had a monetary cause none All cases of hyperinfation had causilities of international action-reaction politics All of the cases All Hyperinflation have been correlated to wars, crises, anti-West politics and local decolonization processes and all of the political aftermaths All cases Hyperinflation has never been driven by monetary elements, but by sheer international politics and counter politics In short, hyperinflation is, and has always has been a product of international debt structures which are politically played as instruments to opponents relying on imports of certain key-resources or key-product always brbrIn Weimar, the Ruhr area became occupied by France and Belgium in 1922 shortly after Germany could no longer pay its humongous debts imposed by the Treaty of Versailles WW1 on its turn was financed by huge debt structures The country was left broke whilst there never was a logical reason blaming Germany for WW1 The Treaty made Germany pay unsustainable astronomic amounts nonetheless This caused inlation The Ruhr area was basically being looted by France and Germany during occupation which caused hyperinflation That part was and still is the economic heart of Germany brbrZimbabwe, had its rootcause by a decolozation process set forth by Mugabe on which the Western forces opposed, specially by Tony Blair with whom Mugabe had a particularly antagonistic relationship Mugabe protected Mobutu in military ways Mobutus one single autocratic system initially was well supported by the US and European leaders from the start since he opposed to communism Plenty of photographic evidence of that era as well an ocean of historic articles After the USSR collapsed, Mobutu was dropped and Mugabe started to support him against foreign military invasions As a result, Zimbabwe became part of a Western boycotbrbrVenezuela The most simple example It heavily relies on imports of goods and exports of crude oil to be refined in the US by exclusive contracts A simple rapid boycot against Maduro was enough after he called for elections for constitutional reform and since the oil contracts included a 'nonrefinery' by Venezuela Much can be said about Chávez and Maduro, but both refused bribes from the US and they gained support from Iran, Cuba, Russia and China Instead of military action, the US declared an ultra intrusive boycotbrbrThere, hyperinflation for you ;) All non-monetary
Comment from : @lindaoffenbach

concise and simple explanation nice video
Comment from : @Hasi_era

Inflation is understood but why don't we buy more goods from other countries or pay our debts taken from other countries??
Comment from : @manideepakam

What if,, somebody illegally printed the money in the mint with untraceable serial numbers,, let's say 1 trillion dollarsbr,,, and circulating it,,, could it effect the economy of the country?
Comment from : @kitmontes7743

What a crock o Shiz first of all you are assuming retailers will raise prices, and not meet demand of purchasers, but suppose they meet that need easily and it just continues the cycle of product and supply economist have created an inflation scenerio and not a overall goods and demand scenerio
Comment from : @tannerutah

Money printer go brrrrrr
Comment from : @twin-gk8of

Well, the Fed wants inflation to go through the roof, so that people who already own assets can have the best of both worldsand beyond
Comment from : @nachannachle2706

Loved this video do one for an economy for a community of 100 people with factors as the governemnt who prints money say 10 people brPeople on welfare say 45 with an income of whatever your choice brFive businesses brRestaurant 2 empoyeesbrClothing store 2 employees brAnd few other businesses make it up show a working economy with my examples to have all 100 community members accounted for to sustain a working economy of 100 people
Comment from : @jiggalojonski

Soon to be Banana Notesuseless
Comment from : @fitnarina

in 1913 a dollar's value is worth about 2 cents today The caveman's money under a rock does deteriorate In 1913 a bullion of gold could buy you a nice suit In 2020 a bullion of gold could buy you a nice suit This is why money needs to be backed by something
Comment from : @GuntherSnaps

And of course printing money just means spreading out the value of each dollar over more bills, which means deteriorating the value of your savings If you have $500,000 in savings for retirement, and government prints double the money, the value of the dollar inflates so that each $1 now is worth half a dollar was before In essence, your savings as been reduced to the previous purchasing power of $250,000, and your retirement savings is now cut in half because the government wanted to force you to have more now
Comment from : @dostthouevenlogicbrethren1739

this explain why you can't print money to everyone but what if i just printed 1 million alone and kept it for myself I would be a millionaire just like that and the world doesn't know-
Comment from : @SKCandygirl

My sister said this once in an argument about the economy, I just oh boyed my way out of the argument and ended it right there
Comment from : @VIDEOGEDDONx

I was waiting for him to point out gold was money before usa force everyone to use dollar bills
Comment from : @kendreamer6376

"Cavemen aren't able to save for college because chickens don't last long enough"brr/brandnewsentence
Comment from : @AustrianEconomist

I agree, mostly As inflation increases, the relative cost of your fixed mortgage goes down, and that’s a pretty large chunk of most people’s monthly expenses,
Comment from : @MrMichaeledavis83

what type of nonsense is this ?
Comment from : @elitegamer5503

You forgot to mention that money used to be backed by gold, now it's just fiat currency So now we trade goods and services for worthless paper Now we trade our life energy for worthless bits of paper and the government gets to tax us brbrbrSeems like madness
Comment from : @supersneakusa4492

Comment from : @JessieDarylCacafranca

Nailed it Sir! brGreat concept
Comment from : @angelscor7365

The problem is other countries can stop trading in dollars ww3 nuclear war
Comment from : @arcangle723

Money is God! The man that aint got money aint shit!
Comment from : @patrickciacco1083

Comment from : @nc8842

That idiot, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, should watch this video
Comment from : @OG213LA

Ok but we need to print more money Why do we get new editions of existing bills, and why isn't that causing massive inflation every time a new design comes out
Comment from : @-__-_-_--__--_-__-_____--_-___

Cavemen don't need college They just hunt and eat
Comment from : @zohaibhameed6195

Wow those stone age colleges sure are expensive as hell
Comment from : @casperado666

When I was a child, I really didn't understand, why the government doesn't print more money I mean, for me it was illegal, but the government can do that, right?
Comment from : @simonkraemer3725

Too bad that doesn't make any sense
Comment from : @Shakedownsss

Our governments print money all the time without causing inflation Other countries print too much and it causes inflation If governments stopped printing all together we would go through a deflation worse than the 1930s
Comment from : @zeusvalentine3638

Generally well done, but there is no good evidence for a barter society It is far more likely that societies used debt based systems prior to the invention of money and that money was just a natural outgrowth of societies increasing in size and a need to keep better track of who owed and who was owed
Comment from : @acvarthered

personal opinion hope no one mind it, the whole point from the video is printing more money wont simple help people to get richer cuz products price will raise considerably too but if the government just print them and hand to the poors i think it can work out also why the goods price will raise? the price of something are we human name it so if the world bank money printer or some money printer organization make more money while the government take care of goods price i think it will work out that's all i found out that few words up there are not spelled right but hope u guys get what i mean
Comment from : @saitolouise7136

I am 63 and don''t get any pension Earlier I get 48000 quarterly as interest on my fixed deposits, now getting only 38200 quarterly on the same amount, though cost of medical and other expenses rising every month What is the future of people like me who saved money for their old age ?
Comment from : @scorpian6013

everyone has unlimited money people do what they love world is happy place fund all science end all disease fund all defense system technology we are forever safe and protected ignorance will not move humans forward you all know this
Comment from : @toddkyler534

inflation is a lie
Comment from : @toddkyler534

Money did not solve entirely the coincidence of wants  There are people who want stuff but don't have the money the other party wants and vice versa
Comment from : @ThePeterDislikeShow

The number of chickens would grow!! Some would die but with enough food and space the number of chickens is infinite
Comment from : @joeblues2000

Printing money backed by NOTHING causes inflation ("Money" backed with nothing is actually called 'fiat currency", btw) On the other hand, printing money backed with GOODS AND SERVICES would not cause inflation, because there would always be an equal amount of goods and services to match the amount of printed money An example of money backed with a good or service is typically called a "gift certificate" or "promissory note", and you have the power and ability to print and issue both
Comment from : @self-issuedcurrency

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