Title | : | Why Olympians Are So Broke | Big Business |
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It's important to understand that public sports are entertainment and have no other function The reason money came into sport was to capitalise on publicity generated by viewership The various sports in the Olympics are usually of little interest and therefore attract little sponsorship No public money should be spent on promoting minority sport as this is the province of private support We don't expect struggling artists to be funded and neither should we expect participants of lower level sports Comment from : @OlBeefy |
Are we supposed to feel sorry for these people? Comment from : @glennwatson3313 |
Who should pay them? Not me Comment from : @glennwatson3313 |
The inclusion of professional athletes robbed the Olympics of it glory Amateur athletes can no longer compete with another athlete who does sports as a job Now, another stupid idea, Enhanced Sports is being floated around No wonder, the Olympics don't carry as much weight as it did before Comment from : @joeOdhiambo |
It's because amerikkka sucks Comment from : @raymundohernandez8322 |
It seems like the media picks a few athletes to focus on and promotes them Comment from : @nightreader1264 |
This is just soo sad Comment from : @forcedbreathingistyranny696 |
Why does the track and field CEO make 12M ??? Comment from : @TLBxFinds |
Title should be why "US" Olympians are so broke?brbrOther countries pay hell lot Comment from : @kuberchaurasiya |
The German government allows their Olympians to serve in a branch of the military that gives them time and money to train Considering the size of the US Olympic team's sponsors (Visa, Proctor and Gamble, Nike, etc) they should be able to support the athletes financially so they can dedicate themselves 110 to training for the Olympics Comment from : @MalenkyGoblin |
The Olympics are broken ❌️brThe us capitalistic system is broken ✅️ Comment from : @hossamrioter471 |
Ive always felt that while we may send some greats to the Olympics, we don’t always send our best How many people could perform at the Olympic level and beyond if only they had access the training Comment from : @Historybluff1986 |
Amateurs compete against sponsored pros and the public is asked to take the tab Comment from : @Terry-d8m |
In other words being an Olympian is not a smart idea for the vast majority of the athletes Comment from : @IamChavez |
its a game, i work a lot and it is still not enough, lol, our, the US government has to buy bombs and bullets for proxy wars, FACTS Comment from : @WASHINGinAZ |
CEO making hundred times the athlete who pours sweat blood and tears into his or her craftbrbrCapitalism is wild Comment from : @alphalijahsworld9010 |
They have it easy compared to athletes in the third world Comment from : @stevo728822 |
There’s an obvious discount to careers like this that the person actually wants to do unlike better compensated corporate jobs that people might not want to do and probably wouldn’t want to do Comment from : @Phlegethon |
7:36 This guy was not even in the Olympics how is he the best Comment from : @blackinton2526 |
Even if you win a medal some countries dosent pay for it Comment from : @bigboy-hp1bb |
Its crazy how people like snoop dogg made like $500,000 off the Olympics and all these other celebrities are making profit off of this yet the actual athletes dont unless they win medals Comment from : @gabeguzman9478 |
❤❤❤❤❤ Comment from : @CamiDL29-mh1xx |
Surprised that US olympic athletes pose with the American flag after competing and don’t burn it on live television Comment from : @sparklebear5 |
Youd think a country that gets so much in taxes would give a shit about the Athletes Carrying its name to the podium, oh,my bad, forgot they only care about funding black ops looking for imaginary WOMD’s in innocent Islamic states Comment from : @zeketargaryen1440 |
Because no one cares about their sports outside the Olympics Comment from : @AJD-od9nq |
i mean if you do a service, why do u expect a pay? Comment from : @Pong_ping95 |
Until the US start sucking in the Olympics, the government will never get involve Comment from : @jokotri2186 |
The bad outweighs the good for me Comment from : @b3tt3rfad3d |
All the olympic gals can be legit influencers, tik tokers & OF models brbrThe dudes are gonna have to do construction work 😂 Comment from : @effervescent_smegma-s1w |
That why Africans don't do well in Olympics ❤😂🎉🎉 Comment from : @olajidelawal2924 |
It's impressive US still gets most or in top 3 medals without support thanks to amazing infrastructure India doesn't get support as well and they don't even come in top 50 inspite of 3times the population Levels Comment from : @fortuneltd3591 |
Because they do not play soccer Comment from : @Suburp212 |
Capitalism Same thing happens to doctors Before we graduate we are surviving off of loans and even before gaining acceptance we are working odd jobs and hoping to get in because no one hires you for 1 year or for the summer anymore…people see the glamour side of things but don’t realize the pressure and hardship one must get through in order to achieve the idealized life of a doctor… Comment from : @AlexZ-lc6nl |
In short apart from mainstream sports its definition a waste of time and not worth it in all these other sports😅 Comment from : @kinjalvyas7679 |
I’m training for the Olympics and studied massage therapy and became a coach Now I train myself , massage myself and I’m an entrepreneur I’m going to be a self made millionaire by the time I reach the Olympics and now I’m getting the idea to sponsor more athletes SVA strong village apparel is the shoe company On the road to become a doctor as well Comment from : @Cristian_is_saved |
So it's not only Pakistan USA has this problem too The gold medal winner from Pakistan Arshad Nadeem didn't have money to buy a new javelin and his village had to gather around and donate for his new javelin They even donated to send him to Olympics Comment from : @raomuhammadusama9244 |
And they also have to do this without cheating when others might That's tough Comment from : @SpartanFarron |
Wait, you have to perform to get paid? What kind of capitalist madness is that? Comment from : @ShooterMcGavin31 |
i’m not surprised because the usa doesn’t like to pay anyone their employees and college athletes don’t get paid not surprised 🤦🏾♂️ Comment from : @samariahoward4024 |
Corrected: Why AMERICAN Olympians are so broke Comment from : @wrednax8594 |
Our government not paying our athletes is just so dirty to me Comment from : @kelvinevans3197 |
If you know the name of an olympion, they arent broke The ones who are popular have tons of sponsorships and dont have to pay for much However, for every 1 olympion you know of, there's hundreds you dont that are right next to them in the games but get no money Comment from : @SamPlautz |
I have an electrical engineering degree and I still struggle Incredibly stressful and a lot of works A lot of responsibilities and so on as well Your brain wants to explode at times Comment from : @0animalproductworld558 |
I love working out Comment from : @0animalproductworld558 |
The Olympics is and always has been political It's also purely vanity Really, athletes aren't generating goods or services, so they're not a real value add to an economy They are strictly not critical at all to the operations of a country They're purely vanity for a country's "image" every 4 years, so they fall into entertainment The entertainment industry is both tough & lucrative Just like Hollywood actors, you either boom or bust I'm not willing to pay you money to do sports all day unless you can win and make me money in some way The only funding they will naturally get is for philanthropy or voluntary donations, and that makes perfect sense Comment from : @bentley2495 |
Why should they expect to make money playing? Now, if they are marketable and can draw a crowd (like professional athletes) they are lucky and provide value Bur really, throwing a hammer, jumping a hurdle, swimming etc what value to society are these? Comment from : @JamesGaudet-h3j |
The wealthiest professional athletes are those with professional leagues with big audiences such as football cricket and basketball Comment from : @laupeter4594 |
Well when you get this condition why go to the Olympics NFL offers a you a contract and you make $20 million as a linebacker Comment from : @ewokssfan1642 |
If you won a gold medal for India, you become a literal king which is the opposite of broke Comment from : @yashvora5658 |
Cry me a f**king river Why would the US government support them when we have people here who need to eat Athletes are mostly supported by their parents They’re spoiled adult kids Comment from : @Avsfan23 |
2024, USA’s reputation is struggling because of Ukraine and Israel… these consume billions of dollars… 2024, USAs flag is flying proudly at the Olympics and we have people killing themselves to make USA proud and yet they get nothing? No salary? Less than $40k for a gold medal? In the richest country in the world? Comment from : @iMeanWell857 |
So Olympians are working like slaves, just for a few weeks of fame, a gold medal,🥇 some screams and applause, and just to be able to say they are the greatest in the the world at something 😢 Its all idolatry! Satan has tricked so many ppl i tell ya! Im the greatest in the world at being me Big whoop!! I still wanna be paid for my time! Comment from : @clean_rene |
In India we offer Govt job for elite athletes, so that's one way of earning Comment from : @max8543 |
USA athletes already have the fundingbrbrIn other words if you are already an establish pro athlete that gets paid a lot Go for Olympics Comment from : @Imran-Lalani |
The vast majority are from extremely wealthy families, or at least very well off Taking that much time to train means someone is paying the billsbrbrThere are exceptions, but they’re rare… this exceptions Comment from : @nwj03a |
Meanwhile the organizations are cashing all their checks for sponsorship I love the people who dedicate their life’s to elite sports but the Olympic are the biggest scam that benefit from the talent of this brave individual but take it all 😢 Comment from : @paoleonlopez |
Sham I wont compete USA will pay if they don’t become a juggernaut Comment from : @marcusx3605 |
Olympians dont do anything for me! Why should i pay for throwing a stick very far ? Why ? Government should only do things that are enumerated, not paying for someone running everyday and be on TV Comment from : @yvhj9275 |
Lebron is a billionaire Comment from : @samnelson3852 |
Very messed up that they’re expected to get up and represent their country with pride, and the US gets to take credit for producing these incredible athletes, when the country does so little to support them in the process Comment from : @ayorandyb |
American taxes should not be funding the athletes USOC had an $18 million surplus in 2022 That's on top of bloated costs of operations no doubt In 2020 the CEO was making an ANNUAL salary of $600k Seems super "non-profit" to me Comment from : @DillonCarbajal |
The money to fund olympians should come from sponsors and the Olympic committee themselves They need to do a special tax to sponsors so they can fund all olympians training, facilities and food expenses Comment from : @danieldelacruz7305 |
Broke? Simple, they don't know how to handle so much money in their hands Most of them are great athletes but yet ignorant people Comment from : @user-xp9hu8sg9o |
Who is just editing log footage without a color grade or converting to rec709? Comment from : @nikita_kozlov |
The best athletes should move to Singapore 😊 Comment from : @MaticatsBinance |
Is the situation different in other countries, besides Singapore and the UK? Comment from : @FABIOh1976 |
Did she really just call basketball nba 😂 Comment from : @Harvey256 |
This is despicable 😢😢😢😮 Comment from : @truthtriumphs5289 |
US Govt rather sponsor billions on war than its own people that bring glory for their country Comment from : @Juveys |
If any aspiring olympians are watching this, something you can do is become a personal trainer as your day job With this job you only work mornings and late evenings so you still have the whole day left to train for your specific sport and the bills are paid too Comment from : @adityapatil5240 |
its big wall street business and fake patriotism sponsorshipnike, etc the flag, the chant echo usa usa what about the other 220 nations? look at sharri, her agents got her to change her attitude and demeanor and now she is on top,making big money Comment from : @joe-l5s4f |
I saw olympic representatives should get paid as much as politicians Comment from : @darinherrick9224 |
That Monica blonde girls a baddie🥵 Comment from : @savageone8931 |
Most Olympic athletes just have really expensive hobbies They should grow up and move on in life Comment from : @wafflewafflegod |
They should change the law and the organizer are parasytes Comment from : @AmenadielLaddaran |
America runs on nepotism brbrOur country sucks because we let rich kids get all the jobs instead of the competent people Just to get into a sport, you usually have to be wealthy from birthbrbrI’m for the sports, but honestly an an autistic person discriminated against and fired for no reason, I’d like the government to apologize to neurodivergent people and make a program to educate neurotypicals to not be ableist I think disability rights are more urgent and important Comment from : @JDMimeTHEFIRST |
Only benefits rich Comment from : @back2the80s |
Olympic athletes just like any job we’re all had Don’t be jealous folks Good for the athletes who get sponsorship 🤭🤭🙏🫡 Comment from : @hvwj86 |
This needs to change Comment from : @FromRags2Riches1 |
Congressmen always rich Comment from : @cmikhail7289 |
In this matter, the Indian government is doing some commendable work by offering government jobs through sports quotas Comment from : @dhiraj_b |
I’m not surprised because there was a couple of gold medalists that filed bankruptcy after the Olympics Comment from : @Deathtofrogleghorn |
If a sport isn't widely popular globally, it's natural to expect less funding and sponsorship interest Sponsors need to see a return on investment, so if they can't make money from you, they won't sponsor you The more visibility you have as an athlete, the more valuable you are in their eyes Comment from : @thedefaultuser |
Did she complain about making $125k per year? Comment from : @RioTGeaRMusic |
rlly interesting Comment from : @danielmaluenda9731 |
and they had billions of dollar for another country wars Comment from : @Vongreimbf109 |
I’m sorry…our olympians or qualifiers HAVE TO PAY FOR THEIR AIRFARE?????? GRRRR Comment from : @CrystalinRose |
Likely why China does so well, their athletes are well supported by the government so can focus on just being the best they can be Comment from : @flying5145 |
I'm creating a game inspired in the Olympic Games, but it's not a successful business to me Great video by the way Comment from : @DualGenStudios |
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