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Avatar 2: The Quest For More Money

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Title :  Avatar 2: The Quest For More Money
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Comments Avatar 2: The Quest For More Money

I didn't really like Avatar, I felt like the story wasn't interesting or compelling and neither we're the characters It's a vfx masterwork that's advanced the industry by leaps and bounds I also don't think it's a bad movie, it was entertaining in it's spectacle but not really engaging I know it was a better than average movie because my mom loved it and she's got the best normie barometer around, her liking it means it was entertaining and engaged her, to the average person I think would put it at a 9, to somebody interested more deeply in this stuff it's probably a 7, I can't put it lower if 5 is average even though I think the story and characters are so bad because on balance it's a good bump up from average even though I wouldn't ever put it onbrbrI don't think the second one gets the same benefit as the first one, it's spectacle can't hold it up on it's own so I'd put it at a 6 It's hard to get the scale accurate when so many movies lately have been utter garbage but once you put some greats onto the scale it makes more sense like I just put on The Fugitive a little while ago when looking for something good to watch, that's at least an 8 and that smokes Avatar 2 so it must be a 6, LotR is a 9, 10, 10 I think so that also makes sense Also Hunt for the Wilderpeople from that guy who ruined Thor and eyeless guy from Event Horizon is an 8 which is better than Avatar 1 Just trying to convince myself that genres don't matter on ratings and I think that all tracks
Comment from : @bencheevers6693

I never compared it to Pocahontas, it's more like Dances With Wolves 🐺
Comment from : @tjm11015

Avatar 2 felt really hollow compared to the first one Aside from a couple emotional moments, it felt really rushed They should have focused on tribe relations or something It could have been so much better Oh well
Comment from : @chrisherber1635

During the first movie the Avatars were hella expensive The second movie happened over a decade later in movie time as well as real time, and technology gets cheaper and more abundant with time Who's to say that Avatars haven't gotten cheaper?brbrNow, the retcon about Quadritch having a back-up mind does make no sense (unless the characters themselves knew Avatar bodies would be cheaper in the future) Him having a son is a weird retcon; and him having an avatar body instead of a clone human body is just weird
Comment from : @Alejandroigarabide

Quaritch was brought back because they didn’t have time to make a new antagonist
Comment from : @Addahandle-q6t

Oh no, if they can upload memories why didn't they just upload Jake brother's memories? Why harvest space whales when you can just upload yourself into a younger clone?
Comment from : @Balevolt

James Cameron hasn't made anything worth watching since the early-mid 1990s (Terminator 2), he's made three of the worst modern films that were somehow successful (titanic, avatar, now avatar 2) i don't know why people would want to watch an overbudget cartoon with no redeeming qualities because all i see is CGI not film making
Comment from : @HunterGargoyle

You right with the implication that I thought as well so essentially space Jesus for A2 (Just watched some of your Synder stuff hahhha) Yeah I hated the shoehorn so much Also really? brbrI love you videos so much, you are excellent at what you dobrbrCan't wait for your next eps of Rings of powrr--- it's a doozy of incompetence! @random film talk 9:35
Comment from : @Batmarkman

I've played well over 5 years old games with better graphics
Comment from : @Svafne

I watched this movie and It's kinda funny that space whale go was so ridiculous that I remember that but forgot about the human planet ending
Comment from : @maniacalgod

If they really wanted to bring back Quaritch, here's how I would have done it:brbrWe know from both of these movies that when someone dies on Pandora, their consciousness is basically uploaded to the planet-wide neural network that exists between the trees that the Na'vi interpret as Eywa The first movie also established that this is no different for humans, as when Grace died, she experienced the sensation of being with Eywa as well brbrSo by the end of the first film, you have thousands of dead humans, including Quaritch, who would theoretically be uplaoded into this same nueral network What if Quaritch was able to essentially corrupt the Pandoran biosphere, like some kind of computer virus? What if he was trying to kill off the Na'vi by having the wildlife attack them in the same way they attacked his forces at the end of the first film? Maybe he would even try to basically do what he was trying to do in the climax of the first film - destroy the Tree of Souls, and essentually neuter the Na'vi connection to their world and to their goddess
Comment from : @PrasokourC

U couldve just nuked the shit outta them from orbit 😉 and how did the humans get A foot hold on the planet
Comment from : @proffesordickfacejr4886

Charlie is consistently in my top 5 reasons for having decent mental health <3
Comment from : @Fortonor

I hate when people call this movie a Pocahontas knockoffbrIts actually a Ferngully knockoff, Pocahontas came out in 1995, Ferngully came out in 1992
Comment from : @RemoteControl-q4o

Unobtainiam I think that name is goofy I’d go with hardtofindiam
Comment from : @stevenchamberlin01

Imagine people trashing The Force and the way it works in 1977 when Star Wars first came out People today have such a narrow mind after movies like Star Wars or Alien The idea of creatures with acid for blood is absolutely ridiculous Yet, no one complains This movie is not trying to be ahard, dark sci-fi This is a science-fiction fantasy like Star Wars Why not just let the filmmaker, a far more competent filmmaker than George Lucas do his thing??
Comment from : @LukeLovesRose

Boo, you've said "Avatar 2" at least 3 times ;/ Dislike!!!1brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr-)
Comment from : @DagothThorus

By far the single dumbest film I have watched in years Not a single part of the movie felt intelligent
Comment from : @sullivandmitry1416

I agree with most of the criticisms, but I enjoyed the movie nonetheless All of the „drawn out middle part slice of life kinda stuff“ was actually the thing I liked most about the movie The gorgeous visuals and world building was so much more interesting to me than the big end fight 😂
Comment from : @niendumb

I'd watch Cuthbert the Cheesebender
Comment from : @TheMinidow

Avatar had so much potential but the writing on the highest grossing movie of all time is horrible
Comment from : @Liyahdid

I also have no idea why humans care about whale brain immortality glue when the NAME OF THE BLOODY MOVIE is a form of immortality that doesn't require going to war with operatic space whales
Comment from : @theredman2783

I thought it was cool But ive seen it in a million movies before The visual orgasim is well worth itbrThe second movie is world breaking bullshit Maybe we couldve seen how the humans went from exile to full fledge industrial city When I watched it I thought maybe I got avatar 3 and not avatar 2
Comment from : @proffesordickfacejr4886

Best animated feature
Comment from : @bailysawyer804

I think the motivation for humans to go to Pandora in 2 is fine, way better than space metal
Comment from : @SuperKratosgamer

Kiri is Na'Vi Jesus brbrMy sister trys to strangle me when I bring this up every time she watches this movie, but I don't care Kiri is just Na'Vi Jesus
Comment from : @Jade_Dragon

I got about 20 minutes into AvaTwo before I got so bored a discord message distracted me and I never went back And yet I can watch a guy o the internet complain about AvaTwo for two hours without taking a breakbrbrQuality content is quality content
Comment from : @AngryDuck79

One of the worst written films that ive seen
Comment from : @recentreyourbreath

Just checking if I missed something, as by the end in the review at least Quaritch seemed like he was actually becoming a good guy while that person who wanted to kill Spider was becoming evil, as even if you say you don't think she would have, in the end the bad guy of the last film put away his weapon first to save a childs life, while she was seemingly more willing to kill a child than him, so she definitely seems a lot more evil
Comment from : @Barnesofthenorth

This movie sucked… But I still want to fly on one of those dinosaursbrbr27:40 this kid is going to need a lot of counseling later in life
Comment from : @professorb3744

The first one was near enough exactly dances with wolves again with flashy lights and none of the charm It was bad because it brought nothing new to the screen except tech Forgettable characters, mimicked music, mimicked scenes, stupid writing It was bad
Comment from : @kurtisdeakin

Comment from : @justinouelletduberger2189

I'm not saying it's good writing, but I have to call willful ignorance on not pointing out that Kiri is a Christ allegory, what with the "virgin" birth and connection to Eywa and everythingbrbrEdit: Ah, so I was wrong/right? You do mention it, but actively choose to ignore it because the movie doesn't spell it out for you I think? Do we have to crucify her first?
Comment from : @zule10000

Would be nice to know more about the captain, Scoresby
Comment from : @General_Belu

You're way too generous for Avatar 2brI loved the first movie to the point I rewatched it multiple times as a spiritual, shamanic ritualbrNo, I'm not kidding or exaggerating I've seriously done literally thatbrBut Avatar 2brThat movie is horrible for all the reasons you listbrHence, I prefer to just pretend that the first movie is and always will be the only movie in the franchisebrI can't see any way future sequels can redeem the damage that's been done by Avatar 2!
Comment from : @OutOfTheBoxThinker

I liked this movie almost solely because I am the same kind of weird fish nerd as James CameronbrbrAnd the world-building is greatbrbrThe main fault is them pulling a Fast and the Furious and having people say “family” every two secondsbrbrMy dream hypothetical remake woulda been set it 50-75 years in the future Eco-terrorists comprised of humans and Navi fighting against the corporatist colonizers and their Navi allies for the future of the planetbrbrYou can have Jake sully be this folk hero who was the first guy to fight back and to unify both species in a common fight But he doesn’t need to be a character He can be dead and be inspiring based on the mythos that grew around his legacy, and his descendants carry the torchbrbrSorta like that how the last name Gandhi still means something in India even though the actual guy is long gone
Comment from : @joshwondra9821

The reason I take issue with it being a combination of better movies is because it sets a precidence for uninspired and lazy storytelling
Comment from : @NC-dw1ir

11:57 I can’t even comprehend the science of how that even works

11:35 I don’t even understand and comprehend the science of how that’s even works

I prefer to call the weird metal the humans are obsessed with Stupidonium
Comment from : @IronDragon-2143

Spider was the poo dressing for this salad Double feature forehead size and adds angst
Comment from : @AR77

I would like for this movie to be more about the replicants and not Jake Sully and his family Quaritch was the best part of this moviebrbrLike imagine a movie about a soldier that fought and died, now cloned into a body he hated and what killed him in the first place Imagine the conflicts about him not being even a real person, but a clone And not just a clone, but a navi-hybrid, on alien world that wants him dead Is he a legally a person or just a tool to get the job done? But what after that? If he do manage to finish the mission would they let him live in society or just dispose of him, like a used hammer?brbrNow that would be a more realistic dilemma for such person asking himself if the defection is not a better option, than being just horny, like Jake did
Comment from : @BaranZenon

Man you got the name of the movie wrong at least twice in this movie!brbrIt's called Avatar 2 The Water Benders!
Comment from : @MeCooper

10/10brFor the running with the title alone Brilliant!
Comment from : @Emanon

"Dances with Space Pocahontas" as we call it in our house
Comment from : @Emanon

I agree
Comment from : @chilloflamingo1395

At least the second movie wasn’t ALL about superhardtogetium or reallyhardtocomebyium…whatever the sh!t was called
Comment from : @jonathanpeterson1984

Thank you for the phrase "Raped a corpse" Brings up so many questions Mostly about consent
Comment from : @dirkbastardrelief

I keep hearing Avatar 2: the search for more money in Mel Brooks voice and its killing me 😂
Comment from : @cypher249

Comment from : @sebastiansochanski

To be fair, i think the cost of making the clones is irrelevant when the whole purpose of the humans returning is because Earth is dying If they fail to take control of Pandora, money won't matter because humanity will be dead Killing Jake was just a means to that endbrAlso, as shown in the movie, Pandora has an "immune response" of sorts that would make using mechs in certain areas almost impossible Having an elite squad of recombinants makes sense They are just like any other special forces unitbrbrEdit: alright, you did end up mentioning the true purpose of the return
Comment from : @FestorFreak

There’s a theory that neo is still in the matrix when he’s in the real world So it would explain him still having powers it’s some thing to think about
Comment from : @cesarsain3731

Avatar 2 was the most dissappointing movie I have ever seen at the theatre
Comment from : @alexbarber1566

The whole clones coming back of the dead bad guys bothers me so much The whole point of the avatars is they’re piloted bodies They have to be in the neural link machine to work it The only way they can become one with their avatar was through Eywa Not a fuckin data chip of memories Plus Quarich was much too arrogant to have a “back up plan in case we die” Second movie is now about whale goo that’s expensive and unobtainium is just no longer a thing? And they suddenly have boats and harpoons and a water base for these operations that never existed in the 1st movie and the sky people only being back for one year like the movie says
Comment from : @clairealley4739

1:00 I think the word you're looking for is "overhated" not underrated
Comment from : @maykechi7752

Its funny how many ppl hate on this movie😆 This movie was good just like the first movie period Theres lots of flaws in marvel superhero movies but people still go watch them so everyone chill the f&@# out!!!!
Comment from : @RogerDominguez-de4hj

Please do The Matrix series brbrBtw Neo is NOT “The One”, Agent Smith is
Comment from : @matijakranjcec8033

I have to object Avatar was "Dancing with the Wolves but with Aliens", not Pocahontas! 😉
Comment from : @Smido83

Avatar 2: Ava-tarder
Comment from : @theabsentdeity

Comment from : @YEAR10191

Unobtainium was copied from The Core Just another reason why the first avatar is so derivative
Comment from : @PeopleRTheProblem

I can understand dude not freaking out about becoming a lanky SmurfbrHe is a soldier, soldiers embrace the suck, it's what we do So while him NOT having an existential crisis might seem like a plot hole to most people Most people are not soldiers Otherwise, the movie was garbage and everyone involved in it should have their O2 subscription revoked
Comment from : @christopherhudspeth6823

Cuthbert The Cheesebender will have his revenge in Avatar 3 and it will gross 17 trillion dollars (after inflation) in the year of our lord 2078
Comment from : @Grassroots_Hegemon

My son and I like to call this movie Avatar 2 the way of bro!😂?
Comment from : @twizzle1112

Cloning? Secrets only the Sith knew!😂
Comment from : @twizzle1112

If you want to experience peak writing on how to bring a dead character back, I suggest you watch the 2006 movie "Beerfest" :)
Comment from : @meccevil321

Hahhahaaa 09:17 oh man, that's the best hands down the best moment on YouTube of 2023 for me, you win the year
Comment from : @jonbondMPG

The number of names for Avatar 2 was hilarious, with one easter egg after the other xDbrbrThe movie was pretty, the CGI and animations were pretty stunning But the plot was very weak I watched it in the cinema, so it was even prettier there
Comment from : @LexusLFA554

This movie needs a two hours long review on the plot scene by scene, that would be way more entertaining than the movie itself
Comment from : @mascamuelassmith8088

The robots being crabs is symbolic, because crabs are scavengers most of the time and frast on corpses
Comment from : @RazorsharpLT

The thing I love about this movie, is that it felt in parts like an otherworldly nature documentation, which looked super cool and beautiful and could've been the whole movie for mebrbrThe thing I hate about this movie is the whole plotbrbrPS: I haven't seen Avatar 1, so anything that is a retcon or contradicts the plot and worldbuilding of the first movie, I don't care about
Comment from : @mojin7470

I think it’s really convenient that the aliens on the alien planet evolved to look just like naked women, except they have evolved leaves that are very modestly placed to conceal their strategically It’s almost like… Jake only chased alien tail because the also-binary-alien species had some cute girls, rather than any sort of moral difficulty with his people’s plans
Comment from : @ArchetypeGotoh

This channel is a gem yo
Comment from : @TheReaper569

What the fuck they raped the doctors body?
Comment from : @TheReaper569

Hmmmlaying hundreds of eggs and letting the offspring fight to the death would have been interesting And morealienish?
Comment from : @callisto8413

Maybe Quaritich saved Spider because Spider was human and the Colonel felt the need to protect him because of that Or on top of Spider being his son? I never saw the second movie Because, like you, I felt the first one was so-so and I don't plan to watch the new movies
Comment from : @callisto8413

Having functional junk is surely no odder than for any other body-part to be functional If one is going to clone a body, and wants it to be fully healthy and functional, surely it will have a healthy and functional heart, liver, lungs, oesophagus, larynx, junk, hands, feet, hair, skin, blood, teeth, etc - and any other parts that Naa'vi have, but humans don't It might be inefficient to take special trouble to screen out body parts that are not intended to be used brbrI have not seen Avatar 2
Comment from : @JamesMC04

The fact they called it ‘unobtainium’ was honestly great It establishes that they aren’t really trying to be the next shakespeare and really just tell a nice simple story with fun visualsbrbrI’m sure there was plans for more stuff but you can tell it was not trying too hard
Comment from : @mrbubbles6468

In the age of Facebook I see the need to hate on Avatar Has anybody seen Avatar 2? Not to dig at the rest of the movie, but the first act is phenomenal!
Comment from : @lucasjharr6

Great review with some spot-on points But unskippable ads every five minutes is waaaaaay too much
Comment from : @Resimaster

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