Title | : | Why and How Paul Invented "Christian Theology" |
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lots of words, little said Comment from : @povilaskimutis1409 |
It is shocking that people spend years and thousands of dollars on theology degrees yet fail to confront this foundational issue But when you finally do, as thousands of Christians are realizing every day, you will see the truth—Christian theology is built on deception brbrThere is no actual historical evidence for "Yeshua" The Christian Bible consists entirely of stories written by anonymous authors, decades—some 70 to 100 years—after the supposed time of his life This means there are no firsthand accounts, no contemporary writings—only secondhand stories Even Flavius Josephus, often cited as evidence, was not an eyewitnessbrbrThe figure of Yeshua was a creation of Rome, and there is no credible proof of his existence But even if he had existed, he failed to fulfill any of the essential requirements of the Mashiach He did not accomplish what the true Mashiach is prophesied to do according to the TorahbrbrTake the time to research deeper—don't accept these claims at face value The truth is there for those who seek it Comment from : @YX_15 |
They turned this into greek mythology Comment from : @lifeisgood5698 |
What would Jesus' peace be upon him religion be? It wouldn't be Christianity Comment from : @lifeisgood5698 |
Paul was a liar! Comment from : @hassanmirza2392 |
How did God let all the Christians be misguided all this time All this time its been a devil religion Comment from : @A-RJ |
Everyone of you are just unbelievers Comment from : @textusreceptusbeliever6136 |
First of all Paul never existed second of all all of religion is made up there never was a Moses never was a Jesus not even a man named Jesus none of it is real it is all 100 made up and it's made up out of myth nothing's real in the Bible nothing Comment from : @montymartell2081 |
Any college of religion is not a college of learning it's an actual college of stupidity Comment from : @montymartell2081 |
Its apparent from some of the comments here that these people do not know the word They know nothing of how God gives the word thru his servants, they know nothing of Paul's calling and lastly they know nothing about God overall Comment from : @rowanthomas6552 |
Christian Theology is simply Paul's Greco-Roman Philosophy of religion Fashioned by Paul So the subject evangelicals call , " the Gospel " is simply Paul religious philosophical message its huministic Christian custem, Greco-Roman stoicism is what Christian is Yes! In being thus, It's been a successful message in transforming human nature by this philosophyand shaping a Greco-Roman world 🌎 but is it God's word?? Or G-ds message??? Especisly looking at its supersessionist nature, towards the religioun it grew out of , namely Judiasm Comment from : @explore365 |
This is a doctrine of devils Don't listen the talking heads who have and don't hear and eyes but can't see Just poke the cyclops and move along Comment from : @Dudeeeed |
Ridiculous, All scripture is God breathed approved justified validated by God Only one Gospel any other Gospel is no Gospel at all Pray that you experience the great kindness, long-suffering and unwavering Love for humanity and his message of good news It is near you ❤ Comment from : @DuaneBeliveau |
Bible the most sold out book in history of man kind, and the most unread one Read it in my opinion is nothing holly in it, thanks to that I rejected any form of Abrahamic indoctrinations that comes from so called LaLa Land AKA Israhell Comment from : @damianhellson9651 |
All the gospels disagree - if you've ever looked closely as a disciple would John was faked - it testifies against God and Jesus, if we consider Matthew and the Hebrew scriptures
brThose who believe John, in reality, reject Matthew to rely on John Comment from : @barnsweb52 |
Ever since I got familiarized with the NT of the bible I said this;Paul is the founder of Christianity,they called him an apostle to the gentiles,for a reason Comment from : @misscameroon8062 |
Paul hated Jesus potential of becoming a king so jealously overwhelmed him,so he contested Jesus with his invention of Christian theology by his crafty lie Comment from : @hajiabdulrahman3105 |
The Way came before paul christians were called christians before paul converted Comment from : @eyeinthesky7336 |
Who is Paul? Shouldn’t you first explain who Paul is first? Comment from : @alcordeiro8877 |
God says to Adam on his being ousted out of paradise don't worry and don't be sad I will send down my prophets whoever believe them and obey them will return to paradise A word of warning Paul was not prophet, never been visited by angels but acting like Jesus but he was not the holy one so whoever follow such a man is like following satan to hell Comment from : @hajiabdulrahman3105 |
Invented?br silly mansilly idea Comment from : @davidcrane6593 |
Paul, a roman weapon to destroy judaism Comment from : @BeerAlejandro |
What I want to know, iis if the DaVinci code was true? Did the VAtican know about the cover up of the early disciples ro that Jesus was never God? Did the Vatican have documents that prove that the origin of Christianity is fake? Comment from : @lukeyznaga7627 |
This gentleman needs to understand why the growth of Judaism has stalled, but Christianity has reached the ends of the earth I hope he finds the LIGHT one day We Christians need to pray for him Comment from : @jamescharles9396 |
May God judge him Comment from : @narindraramanankasaina2545 |
Paul is an anti christ and a liar He is the false apostle from Rev 2:2, the ravenous wolf from the tribe of Benjamin YHWH allows false prophets to tests our faith Don’t fall for it Comment from : @WashYourWorld |
The speaker is a liar like Paul was Comment from : @mmc5261 |
✝️ is greek mythology mixed in with Roman doctrine🤦🤦🤦🤦 Comment from : @0786AHA |
Education without Salvation it's Damnation, the first thing is We Must be BORN AGAIN and we can understand the BIBLE Comment from : @felixmichael-ks3ip |
Paul DIDN'T INVENT anything!! Father God and Jesus through the Holy Spirit has all the plans Paul was just fulfilling his calling!! Comment from : @77saint77posttrib |
Paul was an agent from hell and the spirit he met was an evil spirit not Jesus Comment from : @matthewray5954 |
Paul is NOT a Christian! He is a leader of the Sect of the Natsarim, a Sect of 1st Century Judaism Acts 24:5&14 Comment from : @marsonofjo344 |
If Paul invented Christian theology, why do you see Mary doing it in Luke 1 ?brShe understands Jesus is going to be born of her asks the angel questions, hears explainations and all the reasons why, and in the Magnificat she’s making all the deductionsbrAlso, Isaiah in chapter 52 and 53 is doing it, and Paul even gets a lot of his Christian theology from that Comment from : @isaakleillhikar8311 |
I cannot believe we have a man (Mr Wright) in an age of rational science and logic, who actually believes in talking snakes and donkeys and people coming back from the dead, flying up into the sky etc etc- basically that Harry Potter is REAL If it were about a Hindu God he would be falling about in hysterics at the credulity and absurdity of it all All religion is mesmeric demented logic indoctrinated into the innocent mind and imprinted at an early age The man is an utter, utter, something or other (I cannot say in case I get flagged by YouTube) Comment from : @marshlightning |
See if you can prove Paul taught what Jesus did in the Sermon on the Mount - it's impossible to prove, because Paul taught against what Jesus taught - if you just pay attention to the facts given Comment from : @barnsweb52 |
Blasphemy, repent and come to Orthodoxy Comment from : @thomasmalacky7864 |
Paul was a chosen vessel unto Jesus! (Acts 9:15) and (Acts 26:16-18) We have a bunch of Churches, that need to turn from the power of satan unto God! If you are not using a King James 1611 Bible, you are in darkness even now! Comment from : @DottieWade |
Christian theology is simply Greco-Roman religious phylosophy! The helinistic religious view of placing such philosophical thought in historical context Looking at Jewish life Jewish context from a Hellenistic view brbrLater superimposed onto Hebrew scripture, and imposed on Judiasm as supersessionism Comment from : @explore365 |
So Jesus couldn't do it so Paul had to complete it? Who is Paul? Comment from : @rosemaryraplar8 |
This attack on Paul is an attempt to water down the Gospel! They want to strip out his writings to enable the one world religion! Paul stands in the way! They are servants of Satan, just like the Pharisees of old! Comment from : @stephendavies2925 |
My word this man is so clueless it's not even a joke!! Paul was the biggest heretic of our time and much of what he said contradicted Jesus and the Old Testament Jesus never called us to a new way of thinking, this is bs, He called us to repent from sin and turn back to keeping the torah commandments that God Himself spoke and commanded Except He came to pay the ultimate price of our redemption and make a new covenant that would reconcile us to God, without the need for animal sacrifice brbrHow were the early church to know how to live? By going to synagogue on Sabbath and hearing the torah as given to Moses and putting that into practice And by hearing the teaching of Jesus from the disciples who knew Him Not teachings from Paul who never met Jesus ever brbrThat's why all the churches in Asia Minor eventually rejected Paul, as he himself admits - they realised he was a false teacher, teaching against God's law and commandments That's why James had Paul go to the temple - he knew that if Paul was false God would expose him, which He did when the Jews saw him and wanted to kill him, rightly, for teaching against the God's commandments But being a liar and a coward he managed to get the Romans to protect him, and years later when he was going to be released, he appealed to Caesar because he know if he was released the Jews would get him, put him on trial and stone him for his guilt But by appealing to Caesar he would enjoy Roman protectionbrbrWhoever follows Paul does not follow Christ Know that Comment from : @MrOrtmeier |
Vespasian was likely Paul in the New Testament since it says in Titus 1:4 that Titus was one of the younger men whom Paul discipled and described as his 'son in the faith that we share' Paul's character was taken from Saul from the Old Testament Comment from : @author_veronicaj |
If you can't see that the Catholics are behind this Anti- Paul stuff to brainwash people about Paul to believe this lie, you never will Comment from : @garystanfield2274 |
Christianity was started by Constantine and he named it from an already existing pagan religion All this Anti-Paul stuff is to make him look like he had started pagan Christianity when he never did They are doing this to brainwash ignorant Christians that only know lies so why not feed them another one This guy like many others like him is being taught this lie in the seminaries and colleges The name Jesus is a pagan Christian lie, to put people in the Lake of Fire, it is totally of Satan Comment from : @garystanfield2274 |
Paul did not start Christianity Comment from : @garystanfield2274 |
There's a joke that goes: Q:"Why did God create Mormons?,brA: "So Christians would know how the Jews feel"brThe error in Paul's 'new' theological construct, along with the 4 Gospel writers, is that he leans heavily into the Jewish Scriptures Essentially, by connecting the new to the old, he seeks the power and credibility of the originalbrAlthough it starts off as a Jewish splinter movement and hope of a messianic deliverer who would restore the strength and glory of Zion, it quickly fizzles and dies after Jesus diesbrThe movement truly catches fire decades/centuries later amongst gentiles who simply cannot see the blatant theological conflicts and contradictions with its predecessor or the tampering and corruption of the Hebrew text (which the Gospel writers present as fulfillment citations) Perhaps this is why scholars and academics who can see the conflicts often remark, Rome didn't convert to Christianity, Christianity converted to Rome Comment from : @davidlenett8808 |
This is unbiblical: “Why and How Paul Invented Christian Theology” See: Galatians 1:12 Comment from : @thirdplace3973 |
In the end ,no god only us we depend on ,i guess On man huh ,its insane they say but no I think we r capable of being dependent on coz all these were our own creations to unite us but they just got so big and collided with each other ,now no civilization east ,west or middle eastern can win only all shud lose ,so that human shall win coz we forget that we invented these out of our survival instincts to unite ourselves but now the raft has reached and keeping it on our head is only gonna hinder us ,so let us make a souvenir of them and just move forward Comment from : @ashishmantri3684 |
Before Paulbr- James the Justbr - Peter in his days before the meeting with Paul; he had a very different theological position to Paul until that pointbr- Authors of the Book of Enoch who established the theological and doctrinal changes to the Messanic position in JudaismbrbrMany forerunners of Paul of Tarsus, student of 'Maharam' Gamliel Comment from : @gebrehiwotewnetu358 |
There's a sucker born every minutebr br -Paul Comment from : @klonkillee5615 |
Teaching of Christ ( sayings of Christ , especially His sermon on the Mount) are the foundation Apostles built on it explaining details But noone can understand Christ's sayings without Holt Spirit , entering him When we start trying to understand all this by human reasoning, it's impossible Ask for Holy Ghost entering you You need this experience to understand Christ and Church concepts Comment from : @natalijaasbjornsen8827 |
I know Paul is the greatest Apostle Comment from : @merledaniel673 |
The first thing that every Christian needs to know is that Jesus is not God and he never claimed to be Get a Red Letter New Testament and read every word that Jesus said Notice what he said at John 17:3, John 20:17, John 4:22-24 Also 1Corinthian 15: 24-28 The Trinity is a lie Matthew 6:9 "Our FATHER who art in HEAVEN, hallowed be THY NAME (YEHOVAH Jehovah in English) Jesus is who Jehovah said he is, "This is my beloved Son" there is only 1 group of people on earth who worship the Father and obey the Son Why not answer your door when they call Saturday morning? Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" Comment from : @lindastrang8703 |
I'm so glad in 2023 I know Paul or Jesus Comment from : @HugeAndHugeCoinChannal |
No God Man Here in 2023 Comment from : @HugeAndHugeCoinChannal |
Galatians 1:11 (KJV) But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after manbrGalatians 1:12 (KJV) For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ Comment from : @bstein9500 |
Isaiah 53is about Jesus and not about israelbrMicha 5:2 Jesus was born in Bethlehem Efratha 😂brFact is fact Jesus is the only Truth messiah Jewish 😂😂😂😂 Comment from : @rapture1949 |
So easy to throw doubt in the mix Explaining events from 2000 years ago But can’t figure out how a sock got lost during the wash? Comment from : @groovidg |
Revelations 39 , Modern Palestinians are the closest blood relation to the ancient Israelites Comment from : @dantefuego |
John 651-666 sounds satanic prove me otherwise Comment from : @dantefuego |
Paul didn’t “invent “ Anything… He was taught by Christ Himself Appointed by Christ… empowered by Christ Comment from : @36742650885 |
Paul is the devil's consort Comment from : @jimmsimmons993 |
Alan Watts said Jesus didn't properly understand the enlightenment experience that happened to him becausehis culture could not explain it Watts said that if Jesus had been born in India it would have been different Yes, Jesus realized he was God but if he had been born in India the culture and religions of India would have informed him that everything is God Watts is on YouTube, you can search this out easily Comment from : @Anthony-k9s |
more anti roman catholic theological mdernist heretic satanic shit worse than fuentes and ali anderson shit if yu are not baptized you are in the kingdom of satan ball cl;tist and talmudic fake illiterate senseless cuckstains yo are are not roman catholic therefore christians yu are zog cogs Comment from : @movingurbanly4346 |
Funnyno christians in bibleall were Hebrews No christians for 400 years False teaching Comment from : @sloantaylor9444 |
Jesuit programing Comment from : @jayjay-pw2lp |
Wright you like Paul are a deceiple of the devil brRepent accept jahovah and do good works Comment from : @CharlesDorman-uc5sf |
The Christian god Jesus is Satan the devil and he is not coming back brChristian’s worship Satan with a human sacrifice of Jesus to Satan brYou’ve been deceived brRepent accept jahovah and do good works Comment from : @CharlesDorman-uc5sf |
Without Paul there would be no new testament though, and theres a problem with this First of all Pauls letters existed before the 4 gospels Mark and Luke were his companions So they were not the disciples that walked with Jesus What is more reliable? Paul's letters that existed before or the gospels written after? There's historical evidence to all of this man Comment from : @christianchaidez |
Time to grow up and stop believing in Santa! brIt’s unfortunate that grown ups still spend so much time talking about medieval superstition in 2023! Comment from : @ruirodtube |
PAUL DIDN'T EXIST, NOR DID JESUS WAKE UP Comment from : @Von-z8h |
Are the Christians following the theology invented by Paul?but not the G-d's commandments Comment from : @dplaamlu |
saul/"Apostle" Paul LIED,, he said he saw Jesus in the desert before he got to Damascus,,, (Acts 9:3)
br- God Said that if anyone says they saw Him in the desert,, they are LIARS,,- (Matthew 24:26)
br- God Said if someone comes in his own name we will accept him,, - (John 5:43)
br- saul changed his own name to paul,,, - (Acts 13:9),, ("But after his conversion Saul determined to bring the gospel to the Gentiles, so he dusted off his Roman name and became known as Paul, a name Gentiles were accustomed to") ,,
br- God Said one will come after Him claim'n he is the Christ,, - (Matthew 24:5),,,
br- saul says he is the Christ/Light for Salvation to the ends of the world,, - (Acts 13:47)
brsaul of Tarsus was the Anti-Christ God Warn'd of,, Comment from : @bigpigslapperoinktoo4953 |
The Lord Jesus Christ wants us to hear Paul's Gospel The Lord Jesus Christ gave Paul the mystery of the Gospel of Grace which was not known before Comment from : @Over-for-now |
The real Jesus was a dark man and a phrophet , who was sent by the god of Moses Comment from : @donjames7647 |
Presently studying the differences between Paul and the apostles/Peter and James and those sent from thembrbrGoulder and many others Comment from : @marksequeira2757 |
Well we all could have done better without PaulbrFollow the Jerusalem Church not Paul Comment from : @Nonexistent10 |
That why the modern Church is not longer anymore a Church of Jesus, but is the Church of Paul, the second founder of Christianity Comment from : @diaFilino |
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