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Why are Dutch the Best Non-Native English Speakers in the World?

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Title :  Why are Dutch the Best Non-Native English Speakers in the World?
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Comments Why are Dutch the Best Non-Native English Speakers in the World?

Thanks for watching, if you enjoyed this video please consider sharing it with other people that may enjoy it
Comment from : @CultureCompassTV

As an Australian, this video is interesting to me because Dutch sounds partway between English and Danish or German - and they're all Germanic languages We have a lot of Dutch immigrants and tourists They're known for being down-to-earth and they fit in well here 😊
Comment from : @FionaEm

I live in Quebec and am frequently shocked at how many unilingual Francophones who are surprised that they can’t get US government forms in French They are discouraged by the government from learning English
Comment from : @Kaizerzydeco1

Clearly this Interviewer didn't went to small villages (dorpjes) and tried to communicate with the elders in English i even had Dutch people saying to me: you are in the Netherlands, you must speak Dutch! Well, i did follow the advice! Now i speak Dutch with a lot passion and hate
Comment from : @ownzrt

Just listen to spoken Dutch and you'll have your answer: it's obvious that the Dutch speak better English because their language sounds exactly like English
Comment from : @LoversGrief

Im now 8 months in Holland and im able to understand too much
Comment from : @intp961

Gut dass amerikanische Filme in deutscher Sprache syncronisiert wurden!!
Comment from : @alexanderrameil554

They have too Who’s going to learn Dutch? Unfortunately that’s why English speakers are so bad at foreign languages
Comment from : @robertbercht9875

As a child my parents would put the Adams family on and I was too little to be able to read the subtitles cause it was too fast on the screen I was desperate to understand what was going on and my parents would tell me to be quiet and just watch That's how I learned English 😂
Comment from : @acerozaki

Well, they aren’t !
Comment from : @FenceThis

Thank you, my curiosity is now being answered
Comment from : @prianggaadiwiratama9165

Dutch grammar is almost similar to English so therefore they can speak germanic languages bilingually
Comment from : @ahsanurr4219

To say we are a small country and we want to make business with the world it’s like an excuse, what about others smaller countries like Switzerland, Finland, Czechia, Estonia…brI think Dutch prefer to speak English than speaking Dutch really brThe reality for linguistics is the Dutch language is in danger bcse everyone seems to not take care of that It’s your culture don’t you even know that !
Comment from : @alexmuller5833

As a Dane I walked in French speaking Valonia/Belgium and did meet young people who couldn't speak English!!!
Comment from : @finncarlbomholtsrensen1188

natives struggles learning any other languagesbrbeing a dutch native makes all other laguages easy
Comment from : @FreddyWangNX

"I learned it due to me liking a TV show" It's an embarrassment to the world of native speakers of English that that was the model she was given to emulate—not the television show, but the three faults in that string of ten English words
Comment from : @smadaf

Comment from : @TrainerYB

Comment from : @TrainerYB

I really feel betrayed by the US school system for not teaching at least Spanish alongside English Being of two languages as a kid makes it so much easier to learn more languages
Comment from : @BongRipBing

videogames and movies is how i learned english since the age of 3
Comment from : @slayerdude18

Other than Frisian, the most closely related language to English is Dutch It is hardly a surprise that native Dutch-speakers should find English easy
Comment from : @Khayyam-vg9fw

I went camping in the Netherlands and we knew very little Dutch but we got by with English until an Oma and 5-year-old girl tried to speak with us in the campground Both didn't seem to care that we couldn't respond back in good Dutch and they kept talking to us and we barely understood either of them until the girl's mother, who is also the Oma's daughter came by to translate It was a fun and cute interaction
Comment from : @pbilk

It'll amaze you how much difference there is between the old and the young citizens, young people almost sound american Old people sound like mark rutte
Comment from : @CMJJ06

only if you ignore our godawful accents
Comment from : @LCTesla

The main reason the Dutch master English (to a certain degree) is because of the many English spoken movies we see Unlike most other European countries, they are in their original language, just subtitled
Comment from : @rudib-5304

Swedes and Danes are also excellent English speakers
Comment from : @smcdonald9991

Der Dutch ar Cidizenz off der wurld not Cidizenz off der Nederlundz 😂😂😂
Comment from : @martinburke362

I think the root course of our tendency to switch to English is that we deep down feel small and are not very proud of our quirky weird language, when we speak English we can finally belong to something big
Comment from : @frankwalders

Not a surprise england and the Netherlands are close to each other 🤷🏻‍♂️
Comment from : @tdenoudsten8526

Israel laughing in the corner
Comment from : @riazijabar5296

i can speak cockney english thats after living in uk
Comment from : @sietskevandewal7857

I love the Netherlands with all my heart in the linguistic aspect, the Netherlands is a linguistic paradise: In Holland there is cultural openness to natural and planned languages and that is all beautiful and deep and kind too There is space in the Netherlands for cosmopolitan culture, there you can speak Dutch, Frisian, German, English Afrikaans, Saxon, you can speak Ido, LFN Italian, Occitan, Spanish they will understand you, you will understand, in scientific and cultural and popular circles you speak Lojiban , Interlingua And you in the Netherlands can be Dutch with several languages and cultures and a kind and beautiful country and open to other cultures similar to it and supportive of it too It is one of the lands of polyglots in the world, and long live Holland forever, hugs from the Dutch and sweet kisses from the Dutch, everyone
Comment from : @SinarNila

I understand the younger generations absorbing English through mass media but I'm surprised more Dutch don't speak German better than they do German seems closer to Dutch than English is
Comment from : @elgee6202

Don't forget the Dutch speaking people from Belgium
Comment from : @thomasdepauw

I am Scottish and have lived in Norway for twelve years or so here Standards of English are also excellent and here too British and American tv has subtitles, which was also useful for me when I was learning Norwegian
Comment from : @joseraulcapablanca8564

I sink ze french are good too, no ?
Comment from : @TotallyFred

That is all very nice and well about English What about French, German and Spanish?
Comment from : @tomm4073

When I visited Amsterdam and Haarlem last year, everyone I encountered spoke English What was so impressive was the quality of the English spoken; it was flawless and mostly with an American accent
Comment from : @texasflood1295

not all the people in the video speak english correctly but most of them are from older generations the younger generations speaks english way better
Comment from : @Wordsandsounds

Languages are beautiful, I speak myself 4 languages fluently French , Spanish, English and Flemish that’s my heritage In America most people speak only English it’s a shame!!
Comment from : @edgardesmedt4419

Another major factor is that Dutch, along with Low German and Frisian, is the most closely relate language to English Makes it much easier than if you’re learning from Chinese
Comment from : @jakobbergen7574

Because, if you call the Amsterdam Starbucks, they will answer in English and if you speak Dutch, they will hang up on youbrTry it out, they will not speak to you if you don't speak English
Comment from : @Widdekuu91

Most of the people in this video seem to like falsely praising themselves It has nothing to do with trade, being “citizens of the world” or “open-mindedness” The reason why Dutch learn English so fast has the same reason why an Englishman would learn Dutch fast (except for they do not have a reason to) Both languages are part of the West-Germanic Language branch Frisian is a sister-language of English and Old-English is actually very similar to Dutch There is no genius here It is purely language-based that English is the easiest language to learn for us Also easier than German because German as a language is a lot more complicated brbrCompare these three languages:brG: Ihr (plural) - Du (informal) - Sie (formal)brD: Jullie (plural) - Jij (Informal) - U (formal)brE: You - You - You
Comment from : @Alex-hz2xg

FunFact: The Netherlands has been scoring the highest score in the EF English Proficiency Index (EF EPI) since 2011, with it being in first place as a country from 2011-2022, and Amsterdam being ranked in first place as a city, during the same timespan brbrAs of the most recent rankings from 2022 Singapore and Austria came in second and third respectively While Copenhagen and Stockholm did the same as cities
Comment from : @khalidalali186

steenkolenengels ook zo een bekende nederlandse uitvinding😶‍🌫
Comment from : @irma567

Because you have to!brI do support the policy making people learn multiple languages, because it is important for a small trading country, but I feel anger because university has switched to English and doing things in Dutch or not international is seen as undeveloped It is a sign that the people in charge do not care for normal people If you are anglophone who does not get the problem, imagine all English and American universities swishing to French Studying in a foreign language is very hard, especially for people from normal families and people with dyslexia
Comment from : @Treinbouwer

Here in the Philippines, English is the medium of instruction Ironically, most Filipinos have less proficiency and comprehension in the English language They even laugh and mock at anyone who speaks English
Comment from : @pvdp2

The Dutch are the best English speakers well apart from Dieter Harmann who even has a scouse accent 😂
Comment from : @joncullen5382

You can tell the Dutch by the fact they use the Dutch structures of sentences when they're speaking English It comes so natural (the 2 of them are incredibly closely related), we don't notice that we're going wrong about it I'm not even quite sure I'm not doing it myself right now
Comment from : @TheTekknician

i have a dutch sister in law, when we went to holland for the wedding to my brotherwe found that a great number of the dutch spoke good english, i really like holland for that
Comment from : @rogerdavid3297

Bro, learning English because of Scooby Doo is the most awesome reason!
Comment from : @christianwhalen9263

The person in the last was Indian i guess by accent and looks
Comment from : @MayankYadavdivine

Comment from : @jaimydegroot1931

The downside of most nederlanders knowing the English language is that we don't give foreigners who want to learn the Dutch language a chance to practice their Dutch If you want to learn Dutch, you literally have to tell us, or we will automatically switch to English
Comment from : @Apd1e

Of course the Indian foreigner Lol
Comment from : @JDwJC11

I'm a non native English speaker, but, I have been impressed by Dutch people after I travelled in the Netherland in a few months ago I was pretty surprised by their fluent English, I have make up my mind to be one of them! I really love Dutch ! Speaking fluent English is vital when you are travelling across different countries!
Comment from : @Rodrickfung

I like that there's a universal language, but it really doesn't incentivize English speakers to learn another language if everyone knows English
Comment from : @Olivetree80

They sound more like Americans than Brits
Comment from : @Tigrethetiger

The Dutch really do speak great English One time I visited Amsterdam with a friend and we were lost This homeless person sensed that we needed help and his English was impeccable
Comment from : @christopherdieudonne

Dutch is very similar to Old EnglishIt's in their DNA
Comment from : @carloshenriquebins5113

I met a Dutch guy on a train in China He spoke fluent english
Comment from : @Robertperezshow1

i think its the fact that television isnt dubbed
Comment from : @mandroidmusic

I have also heard that Dutch is the easiest second language for an English speaker to learn
Comment from : @richardpcrowe

Little secret: English is a Germanic language Dutch, German and Swedish are too, and those native speakers typically speak English well
Comment from : @oliversissonphone6143

The Germans are even better
Comment from : @meneersjonnie

As a foreign student who studies in the netherland, i think dutch english is more understandable than british or american
Comment from : @erwinmileva7214

As a native Brit I have overheard Dutch speaking English and they are generally so good at it that it takes a few moments to realise I'm not hearing one of our many regional accents For a non native to fool an Englishman albeit briefly is impressive There must be something very similar in our languages / word formations that make the Dutch so proficient at spoken English
Comment from : @PtangPtangBiscuitBarrelSmith

I think the main reason is as from 3:19 that tv has subtitles It's the same here in the nordic countries
Comment from : @Hank_E

Dutch people cant speak english lmao Only a small percentage can and it has to do with education and background But its not hard to pick up on english here since half of our tv shows and all movies and muziek are in english
Comment from : @Jblah

They may mention it is because of business, but until the 70's French was THE business language in Netherlands At least that's what my mum used to tell me Most of it is because of the need to learn it There have always been many immigrants here And ofcourse our culture is rapidly Americanizing Notice how little dutch speak UK-English? Despite we're almost neighbors
Comment from : @0783155

“We are citizens of the world, not of the Netherlands”brbrSpreek voor jullie zelf, kruiperigebranglofielen Als je je schaamt voor je eigen taal, cultuur en identiteit, rot dan op Ga lekker in New York of Londen wonen en hang daar de identiteitsloze kosmopoliet uit
Comment from : @EquesTemplar1969

If you ask people of different nationalities if they speak English, you will get the following answers:brFrenchman: Pourquoi? Je suis Français!brSpaniard: ¿Qué?brGerman: Nein, ich spreche nur DeutschbrDutchman: "Well, although English isn't my native language, I do speak it a little, but not fluently My command of the English language isn't flawless, so I sometimes use the wrong words or make an unusual sentence structure, which may cause confusion or inconvenience, for which I apologize in advance"
Comment from : @JSterko

3:30 It's not only due to simple exposure brIt's because the two languages are so extremely similar, and share a lot of the same words brIt's literally the closest language to English, not Frisian like many people like to believe
Comment from : @TheEarthRealm

Agreed I've been twice and I did not meet a single person who did not speak English A very admirable trait, and a lovely nation of people
Comment from : @ThatMashbury1862

When you want a job here though learn Dutch Most Jobs require it
Comment from : @KootFloris

Dutch sounds very similar in English
Comment from : @kaleeshsynth9994

All bullshit, we know english because we have to learn for school The generation that didnt doesnt speak any english at all
Comment from : @svennie97

i speak english very well and i will visit netherlands
Comment from : @fhhgvgjcjvfk8731

Scooby Doo had me too! lol love it
Comment from : @lani_lucia

Listen closely Mexicans who only wants to learn Spanish
Comment from : @theroyalone7588

My boyfriend from netherlands,, he can Speak English very good,,
Comment from : @blairwaldorf9804

As a native English speaker from London who visited the Netherlands 🇳🇱 recently I can say that the Dutch people are very fluent in English I’d love to learn Dutch and speak it the next time I go I’m currently learning a few things in Dutch like the alphabet for reading 📖, numbers, days of the week, basic expressions which I find similar to English and German
Comment from : @lmusima3275

Comment from : @MrRed-tf7bv

We have had talents for languages since we are a trading post for the world
Comment from : @jopvandersteen6177

Comment from : @mashoodsyed6092

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