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PSA: Rich people can be miserable too

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Title :  PSA: Rich people can be miserable too
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Description PSA: Rich people can be miserable too

Comments PSA: Rich people can be miserable too

I tell you something that you don't knowAs you getting wiser yourself is becoming smaller and smaller and smaller but dont worry you will not get there
Comment from : @giannispapa-RCC

I'd rather be rich and sad
Comment from : @狸貓-z9d

Experienced divorce lawyer here Wealth does not equal contentment, love, or happiness I have a front row seat to see ultra wealthy people live miserable lives and go through terrible divorces
Comment from : @jcnlaw

I wonder what she means by really rich? What does she mean by degrading?
Comment from : @Kika-rn9tq

They are not necessarily smart
Comment from : @barrynichols2846

I think I would never be an insanely rich person because I would see the excess and money I could bless humanity with I wouldn't feel comfortable hoarding it Also I'd make sure the money was earned fairly with my employees feeling good about working for me (which might entail profit sharing) All of that spreading the wealth is expensive And the right thing to do
Comment from : @yuppers1

That's just another reason to get really progressive taxes Your not even taking anyone's happiness away at this point
Comment from : @wilczajagoda734

Being extremely smart, or beautiful, or rich, or famous, or powerful- is isolating lonely, and psychologically degrading brbrIt becomes very difficult to be a normal happy person when you exhibit those traits
Comment from : @Random_UserName4269

The rich people hate in the comment section is hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂 I honestly think it's just those you have something I want but I don't have so I'll hate you rants
Comment from : @Laura_N_Nengo

My mother worked childcare for the ultra wealthy I wouldn't trade places with her employers for all their millions Addiction, unchecked mental health issues, infidelity, rotten teenagers, they are a mess
Comment from : @teddyrux

Poooooor little rich people
Comment from : @meridian1003

Have you seen the show “Expats” yet? What are your thoughts?
Comment from : @VHanhnee

Just look at Elon Musk He is the richest man in the world and still a miserable loser Dude payed 44 billion to be cool on Twitter and failed
Comment from : @Cowboydjrobot

It’s true and they have no concept of what it’s like to be poor Their advice is something like, buy stocks Like, 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Comment from : @fancyfree8228

I really don't care how 'miserable' the ultra wealthy may or may not be None of that misery inspires them to abstain from exercising an abusive amount of power in the economy
Comment from : @Matt_Fields_29

Rich people often are miserable that’s why so many celebs off themselves it’s not a coincidence
Comment from : @Alexis-ey4kp

When I worked for the very wealthy, I noticed that there's such a thing as too much money At some point, more and more money tends to confer diminishing returns, in terms of life satisfaction Beyond that it can even shade into negative returns There were some exceptions to this inverse relationship, but not very many
Comment from : @EyeLean5280

well if their problem is feeling isolated and pressured into achieving more it's easily fixed! brDonate or use funds for the benefit of a community brConstant progress since it allows the hidden artists and innovators to mature and create public wealth, and THE solution to the isolation and discrimination issue
Comment from : @fay7388

But which of them would trade their wealth for anything less?
Comment from : @lianxie5582

It reminds me of Tahani from the Good Place, she wanted to be in more and more exclusive circles until she was in the ultra vip lounge all by herself
Comment from : @zal119

You summed it up well It’s lonely
Comment from : @dg2517

I don't pity these people
Comment from : @ellisdunegan

Given that I have no friends and only talk to a few members of my family, I think I should at least get to be rich I mean, I'm already living with the down side of money So, I'll take the benefits now
Comment from : @TKHaines

Humans and animals weren't made to be really really rich individually More reason to TAX the RICH !
Comment from : @mountain85

Your definition of rich is wrong Start there brbrYou know what money can't buy? Good health and time So we are all equal in misery and happiness
Comment from : @triggabun

Well portrayed Neglect is prevalent unfortunately And the feeling of trust is usually false
Comment from : @pearpo

I'm still not sympathetic lol
Comment from : @sillielillie25

Yeah I'm not gonna show sympathy to multi-millionaires, I'll leave my sympathy for people who actually are suffering
Comment from : @machoke666

I grew up adjacent to luxury and it didn’t make anyone happy Too much booze, too much of everything It all went away eventually and so did the generational trauma cycles Funny how that works
Comment from : @erwinl8152

Aww poor babies, they should pay more taxes
Comment from : @picklechips1483

When I was 18 I went to an addictions rehab A large or portion than I would have imagined was of people similar in age to me but, who had very wealthy parents and I felt so incredibly bad for those young adults! They literally never saw their parents They would try to do things like crash cars or blow all their parents' money on drugs to literally try to get a small amount of attention from their parents The parents of these children were clearly trying to use money to substitute a loving relationship with children Some of the stuff I heard was wild Really inconceivable to a basically normal a lower middle class person
Comment from : @Olivia-pj6fw

Oh no, those poor rich people Anyways
Comment from : @brandon1157

Why don’t they just give a lot away and just live comfortably? Keep making your money out whatever but give back Maybe this is why I’m not rich but id just be giving money away (anonymously to most people)
Comment from : @WEFAbender6

Being rich gives you more access to better yourself no one wants to hear it no one cares about rich ppl hurt feelings
Comment from : @minicigarillo

Good for them Actions have consequences
Comment from : @ashestoashes78

It sucks that a lot of these comments seem determined to misinterpret what she's actually saying
Comment from : @stagnificence

I feel like that already plus all the inconveniences of being poorbrbr I wouldn't mind to have my current feelings of feeling socialy isolated at times, and don't feel great with my life in general while being extreme wealthy 😅😂 just for a change, I'm sure money helps to cope
Comment from : @godlyglobe

There's still a certain privilege there in that they can afford care and assistance with their mental health that most people can only dream of if they choose to seek it out Isolation is an increasing problem across all socioeconomic classes in the United States Wealth might not save people from being miserable but if/when they choose to get help with that misery it makes it possible
Comment from : @cndbooks

Turns out I already live like a rich person only without the benefit of money
Comment from : @AudreyNicAl2

Jim Carey once said he felt everyone should get to experience insane wealth because they'd understand its not a magic bullet
Comment from : @BrodieMillar-d5v

Sure, so take away whatever amount of excess money they don't need to live like a normal person, and give it to people who struggle to find normal housing Problem solved :)
Comment from : @rorocoral6463

Wealth inequality actual hurts the wealthy, not just the poor People seem to forget this Robert Sapolsky has some great discussions available online w the science explaining it
Comment from : @scinerd11

That’s why I really don’t care about them They have their luck in life, and I have mine brThey nurture their own misery anyway saddest thing to experience
Comment from : @ab2850

I'll never understand how more people who interact with the wealthy don't see that lifestyle as an awful thing I appreciate you being honest about how ugly it is Having money to meet your needs and have some disposable income and a path to retire comfortably is one thing, but ultra wealth just degrades your empathy and humanity
Comment from : @woolyyyyyyy

I love when intellectuals decide to gaslight grateful people into saying money doesnt make u feel great in life bc it makes ungrateful ppl sad :( look boohoo? Money isnt about being a happy person, its about ending financial suffering and also finding happiness in buying things for yourself once in a awhile Being a happy person overall comes down to being grateful for what you have And not everyone can be like that bc most of them grew up priveleged so thwy will never appreciate what they have
Comment from : @rainbow0027

Ok but lol id MUCH rather be misreading and rich than poor and miserable You'll never convince me being rich is worse than being poor - that's just bullshit rich people say to make themselves feel less guilty
Comment from : @Tinadonn

You understand these rich people choose to live that life They don't have to buy the largest house they can find or have a Butler and a maid and a cook They can just have a really wonderful big house with all the amenities and live a life surrounded by people that don't have a pressure to only make more money They isolate and pressure themselves to only always make even more And honestly today to get that wealthy If you weren't born into it, you're probably a disgusting person The things you've had to do the choices you've made for your corporations aren't going to be something I would morally agree with
Comment from : @yoga_danni7535

Give me their money and I guarantee I'll manage to be happier with it
Comment from : @AbiSaysThings

Another point about miserable rich people: the ones that I know are still miserable because they invent their own demons Rather than living life, and being drunk on a tropical island… They don’t seem to have anything that grows them, and they get lost in the minutia of every day fences that the rest of us would just get on with because we have jobs and lives to maintainbrbrBut for them? Without those distractions… Those minor slides become something that they commiserate on, and blow out of epic proportions into this very strange narrative brbrThey are bored So they look for demons in every closet and if they can’t find any… They just make up their own
Comment from : @tcsnowdream9975

I have no sympathy for someone that can pay for every practical need they have to be taken care of by other people I can’t afford name brand almond milk, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to pay rent next month And I’M PRIVILEGED AF
Comment from : @coolliz21

i’ve made conscious decisions against promotions or “advancement” purely because i knew i wouldn’t like the demographic i’d be associating with they would simply be way less interesting, and i decided i didn’t want to be richer if that meant i lost relationships that made life interesting
Comment from : @nurainiarsad7395

This is why I have no desire to be mega rich If the one silver lining of Reagan being president (the only one I can think of aside from the Berlin Wall falling) is that it showed how miserable that life style is It's good to have money but not live for money
Comment from : @cosmosblue772

I think it's irresponsible to make a video like this without mentioning how more money does in fact make you happier (up to a certain extent) "Money doesn't buy happiness" is constantly used against poor people when they bring up needing higher wages and standards of living Videos like this, which seem to just be sympathizing with the wealthy at a glance, add fuel to that fire
Comment from : @castr0naut

They are the MOST miserable
Comment from : @cruisepaige

I've heard so many stories of ppl starting out at a company and therefore are outsiders that the CEO etc tries to bond with Because the reality of companies is that the top brass are alienated from the workforce and miserable, some don't even have a loving partner cuz everyone they date get fixated on their wealth etc
Comment from : @harfir7169

Two videos before this one I saw a guy make an $18,000 (yes, eighteen THOUSAND DOLLAR) coffee table for a client When you’re rich, you just make up new ways to spend money
Comment from : @mollygrace3068

I worked for rich people for 1 year The hate I have for the wealthy is like a bottomless pit Deep as the ocean
Comment from : @wolfh9831

If no one around you is able to tell you no because they fear you cutting them off, you have a major problem and don’t even know it
Comment from : @wpatrickw2012

Being rich does help distract you from any unhappiness you are suffering
Comment from : @wpatrickw2012

Even rich people don’t like rich people
Comment from : @staypr0found

Many of these things are things that are also felt by living in poverty Only difference is we don't have the privilege of financial security So basically, boohoo They'll live, but we won't
Comment from : @Crow9396

Which episode is this,
Comment from : @crackasscrackle

THIS! THIS is the origin of AND meaning behind the phrase "money doesn't buy happiness"!brbrIt's NOT for kicking down on those who are trying to get a living wage so they can, you know, *live* It's for punching up at those who can afford what most can't even dream of but not being grateful for their privilege
Comment from : @jecicox7605

I’m ready for the challenge of trying to be happy while also incredibly wealthy
Comment from : @crazy4beatles

I got the ick from a millionaire who owned one of the routes at our FedEx… and his son he paid to ask me out
Comment from : @alwaysyouramanda

Id love for my only problems to be poor little rich girl problems instead of only having enough to survive Cool my peerage is largernone of us can afford to do anything with that but i guess misery loves company brbrThis is just bullshit rich people say to get the poors to stop coming for them and to shut up and get back to manning their wealth machines
Comment from : @evil1by1

being really really rich makes you insanely happy, that's been my observation
Comment from : @saeedhossain6099

Yes yes, anyway I’d much rather be rich and sad than struggling and sad
Comment from : @TheJeanean

I love how down to earth you are❤
Comment from : @PiXie232

See, hoarding huge amounts of wealth is unethical towards the people who hoard it too!
Comment from : @Zeverinsen

Um yeah , anyone can be miserable or happy for different reasons regardless of finances
Comment from : @bucknut2000

True key to happiness has always been health and community The higher up you go, the less people in your community and the more sociopathic those people become
Comment from : @yojimbo3681

The afflictions you mentioned ALL affect poor people just the same I don't know the point of 'rich people have this problem too' talks I can empathize with these afflictions no matter the wealth, but what is it that you want people to take away here?
Comment from : @jcjc4363

Boohoo, Im homeless
Comment from : @noBoxKhan

Comment from : @moniquebrown3831

The only thing i want is comfort Money provides comfort Im not close with most of my family I’m gay
Comment from : @PerryPerfectPerson

Classic Champagne liberal
Comment from : @bourgeoisbarbie7734

Same thing I did I was an assistant manager at a luxurious banquet events and the stuff i saw still haunts to this day Felt like a legit slavebrbrIm thinking of reporting them to the government
Comment from : @thatgui88

Everything listed as a struggle for an “extremely rich” person I struggle with as a non rich person I would rather feel the immense pressure to move upwards and social isolation in a comfortable living environment with money than be in the same position as a low income renter hoping my rent won’t increase next year and price me out of a place to live I can hold empathy for other’s struggles, but I’m not really hearing any struggles that are different or outside the ordinary for a working class person I guess the main difference would be I’m not wiping my tears with dollar bills
Comment from : @BreezyLavender

Revelations 18 tells us they are going to be weeping when the economy fails for them!
Comment from : @rosemarietolentino3218

They could easily give away the money that’s causing them such misery 🥰
Comment from : @NellyMariaArt

Honest question, because I grew up with very very anticapitalist parents in the 90s, what was your expectations going in?brbrMine were always really harsh, but rich* people have been more "humanized" (for lack for a better term) to me, vs less, mainly because my idea of "rich" is evolving So it just struck me that isn't the case for everyonebrbr*I still do believe nearly ALL billionaires have severe forms for personality disorders though, some are plain evil and accept it There is no way that people holding that much money, KNOWING it should be used for the better, can't be GREATLY lacking empathy and humanism
Comment from : @BebbaDubbs

Thanks for this video
Comment from : @diverstalent

Comment from : @diverstalent

Most of us would gladly trade our plebeian lifestyles in order to have the same "problems" as those of the rich
Comment from : @personnesenki4521

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