Title | : | Do we think differently in different languages? | BBC Ideas |
Lasting | : | 4.21 |
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Views | : | 236 rb |
Yes, it's change our thinking shape when I speak English i connect to Western culture Comment from : @WaseemAyyan |
Et lorsque ich denke in quatro languages? Comment from : @ginnaestamanis1944 |
Yes - languages can have similarities but also significant differences in the way people think and express themselves about the same topic Comment from : @kostasp8631 |
What about vocabulary? Can one have complex thoughts with a simple vocabulary? Comment from : @LymanPhillips |
🇺🇿🇺🇿❤️❤️ Comment from : @OyposhshaErkinova |
When i think in english i tend to be more philosophical and logical yet artistic, but when i think in korean i become more childlike and somewhat shallow and superficial Its so weird Comment from : @Asian_American_Christian_Love |
Whorfianism has been consistently debunked by serious linguists This video is flatearthist!!! Comment from : @rasmussonderriis |
The tone, notes and the pitch of words in a language decide that what effects will it have on the speaker and also on the instant environment Comment from : @bharatsingh8604 |
Is it not that culture, environment shape mindset and thinking and these shape language? Comment from : @TheGuggo |
I think the difference is in the culture of the most countries speak this language what create this difference Comment from : @AyaRaoof17 |
I certainly think and behave differently depending on which language I'm using Sometimes it's like I'm a different person Comment from : @ak5659 |
"the structure of a language forces us to attend to certain aspects of reality that are relevant for a langue, at the moment of using that language" Comment from : @quiquichannel7260 |
The way I act and carry myself in general when spesking English is the total opposite than when I speak Filipino I speak english at home and like alone time, very quiet, play games on the pc and much more understanding and even the way i think differsbrbr Switiching to Filipino which is what I spesk in school I find nyself having a different train of thought, socialize much more, very loud and love the company of others, almost as if in two different people brbrMy question is if the difference in the way I act in different parts of my life is because I speak a certain language, or do I speak the language because of the different parts of my life Comment from : @inigochicano |
Can you increase the music a bit more so thay I could listen what's being said? Comment from : @syedmoheelraza4161 |
I think it depends Language may influence your thoughts because of how people use it and the cultural aspects of its countries This is not exactly the language, but the people using it But that's still one the main parts about languages: the culture, how people usually use the language It just makes sense to me 😅 Comment from : @sthefany955 |
NO language doesn’t shape the thought, but it just translate it loudly every word has its own power , weight ,and colors in its own language 😉 Comment from : @freespirit4809 |
Uzbek language Comment from : @zeboberdiqulova2744 |
Personally I dont know what would be different? I think language is a tool to communicate Comment from : @백인줄어든다 |
In my opinion: Yes !! Comment from : @soumenshit6770 |
stupid annoying background music Why should there even BE background music? Comment from : @steveneardley7541 |
I speak Spanish and English, and its easier for me to express emotions in English than in Spanish, even when Spanish is my mother tongue, its funny, in Spanish my way to speak is more direct and emotionless, but English is the other way around Comment from : @letingrad |
I am a native Russian speaker and (as it seemed to me) very polite But when I speak English to people who don't speak Russian, I feel like I'm rude Comment from : @maratselihov8371 |
It is difficult to think of something when you have no words to describe it Comment from : @hcm9999 |
Uzbek ❤ Comment from : @diyorabobobekova1711 |
Yes, there are differences between languages that show up in experiments, but those differences are so tiny they amount to nothing Imagine that a person is skilled in football and they learn another sport It’s no surprise that they would use metaphors from football and apply it to the new sport, but it would be odd to say that they think differently about the other sport when compared to another who only knows the other sport Language use is a skill, a very complex skill Do we think differently in different languages? Of course But only in the details If people really did think differently, in a concrete fundamental and interesting way, depending on the language they speak, how could we translate ideas from one language to another? The obvious answer is we couldn’t Comment from : @parlormusic1885 |
You are just stupid! Comment from : @frankkim8795 |
When you learn a language you do not just learn the language - you also learn a lot of the social etiquette surrounding it Comment from : @Awesome_Aasim |
I'm lost in this content I read a book with similar content, and I was completely lost in its world "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint Comment from : @Bill0102 |
Of course we we think differently in different languages why do you think it's so difficult for everyone to get along on planet Earth Comment from : @ericswain4177 |
Conversing in different languages affects the flow of my thoughts My primary language is Filipino but I find English more expressive and technically more precise when I'm describing abstract concepts Humor also comes across differently between these two Something I find hilarious when I hear it in one may not translate as funny in the other Comment from : @rayzrodriguez2901 |
What I notice solely based on the Eurovision song contest, singers tend to sing with more emotions in their own language vs in English For example, Tix's song "Fallen Angel" vs "Ut Av Mørket" Ut Av Mørket has more emotions than Fallen Angel so Languages can affect not just the way of thinking but also feeling I also prefer saying "I love you" to my boyfriend instead of "Ich liebe dich" (even though I'm also fluent in German), because I feel it more in English Comment from : |
From my experience, my answer is that the way you think expands beyond the line that one language usually can provide It is simply because additional language provides one more different tool you can use with additional channel that you can get information from like radio channels So it is not simply because we think differently but because you can have one more power tools on you r belt Comment from : @pahkk |
The eyes speak louder than the voice Because the eyes are the windows to the soulbrThe voice does not always follow the soul Because sometimes the voice utter things that lead the soul to suffer Comment from : @veloro7 |
I think more important than the language itself is how you aquire it I was an only child who didn't have many friends at school, and I learned English mostly by watching sitcoms every day after doing my homework And I think because of this, I'm actually more instrospective in my native language and funnier when I speak English Comment from : @luisguilhermeoliveira5794 |
Interesting idea Comment from : @JoeyBlogs007 |
subscribed Comment from : @FlatStella1 |
Great video, but still the shame that at the end of it that Uzbek guy speaks Russian and not his native language:( Comment from : @clairedepretre6544 |
Culture, which includes language, is an accumulation of the way people thought in the past Obviously it has a major influence on the way we think, but as people's thinking changes, culture and language also change Thinking changes culture, and culture changes thinking Both are constantly changing And of course, that includes languagebrHowever, the whole idea presented in this video of grammatical gender affecting how people view objects has no basis in reality People do not view a bridge as masculine simply because their language assigns it a masculine grammatical gender Comment from : @artugert |
I believe culture is what influences our thinking The language is only used to communicate that culture Comment from : @wynduu2 |
Maybe there is an optimal language for each personality/history/vision ? Comment from : @faresgharbi |
I don't think so Comment from : @muhammadisaac07 |
E com tudo isso, sabemos que falar mais de uma língua é muito bom pro cérebro Enquanto os americanos dos Estados Unidos são limitados demais e resolvem falar "fala americano, você está na América" Mentes inferiores e limitadas Comment from : @chikititus |
I speak Italian, which has roots on 2 of the greatest epics: Aeneid by Virgil and The divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri and I can express infinitely better the nuances of things compated to other languagesbrEnglish is rapid, clear, no nonsensebrSpanish is comicalbrFrench is the closest to Italian but with a painful pronunciationbrGerman is toughbrSlavic I ignore but my mother in her own way loved it and she prayed in Slavic Comment from : @angelabender8132 |
being an native english speaker I NEVER think about gendered words in other languages for lack of a better expression "i just learn the words as they are used" so a word being fem or masc even if it changes depending on the noun, really doesn't mean much, same with numbers in other languages expressed with different values tied to the words, you just learn what sound means what value I hope this makes sense and does not sounds arrogant Comment from : @itchyPoncho |
english talking people (particularly american) very accustomized to lying, because what's written and how they pronounced it, is almost always different Comment from : @ashkenaze |
Of course we think very differently certain words could have so many meaning for example for what what you saying in English could have 3 or 4 different meanings in Arabic, French or Spanish 🤔 Comment from : @jeremyhodge6216 |
Absolutely, in addition, when you switch languages, you need to switch your demeanor as well It is awkward otherwise The way you act and move your body have to match the language you speak Comment from : @pong5466 |
From my personal experience, I can say that the language I use at a given moment does not change how I think, but each language I use is related to specific social situations For example, at home I speak Polish (my native language), at work I speak English (I live in an English-speaking country), and in the bar I often speak Spanish because my friends speak this language I have noticed that it is very difficult for me to talk about topics related to my work in a language other than English or to joke in a language other than Spanish, but this is more a matter of certain habits than the language itself Comment from : @marekgalteestaff7087 |
Up to a point, but for the important questions it does not, consider hate and war Comment from : @johnmurray8454 |
IMHO it could like using different sieves for thoughts 🧐 Comment from : @goerbeach6652 |
"Language is culture and culture is language" But is that also true for languages that have no written form (oral only)? Comment from : @maurbentein4716 |
I get from this that languages influences thoughts in various accidental minor ways I don't get the impression that an idea expressed in one language can't be expressed in any other, nor that the basic way we perceive reality is different because of different linguistic assumptions Comment from : @grantbartley483 |
A grammatical error in the video: "given to thinking" not "given to think" A gerund is involved, not an infinitive I wonder if that caused him to think in a different way? English is a very "nouny" language I think this is significant myself Comment from : @alanwhiplington5504 |
Illuminating, as always-and excellent Comment from : @Romalvx |
In some ways, but not in the manner put foreword by the gender benders Castilian and Basque are quite different in word order How does this affect the bilingual inhabitants? The same can be said for Hungarian and Romanian I can attest that gender neutral languages don't have gender neutral cultures Whorf was not the sharpest blade in the drawer Comment from : @christopherellis2663 |
I disagree Religion shapes thinking, ethics, social and moral values and even patterns of behavior Among us, the atheists are the most logical and open minded Comment from : @nomadexplorer6682 |
Yes Comment from : @lennybars8639 |
language relates to culture somehow, but rather culture as a whole makes us think differently IMHO Comment from : @greenman80 |
We can translate pretty accurately from one language to another, but when we speak, we are using a lot of “poetry”, by that I mean all these extra things that aren’t just information, like alliterations, puns, references to cultural stereotypes, little pauses ( to indicate a reluctance to say a word, or to accentuate something etc) And all this non-informational “stuff” is out of the culture from which the language evolved All languages have evolved and added words or changed their meaning according to what was socially important at some time in the past Poetically, I say I have 2 souls, one for each of my languages, but really I am the product of 2 cultures Comment from : @martinstent5339 |
Sure! That's why Germans are great musicians, arguably the best! Comment from : @abrahamjaimehernande |
I totally agree that with different language I "see" the world differently I speak English and I see the world more analytical I speak Spanish and I see the world more emotionally and religiously I speak Portuguese and I see the world more romantically I speak some French and I see the world more abstractlly My perspectives are different depending on the language I am using Comment from : @sharonkaysnowton |
No The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is only good for movies However such questions aren't without merit Comment from : @Sokail87 |
As the video comes from the BBC my mind adopts a suspicious angle on their language (read agenda) In the last few weeks in BBC-talk 'terrorist' became 'militant' and the Average 'Australian' became a 'settler' brThey're always working to change our thinking to become like theirs Comment from : @straighttalking2090 |
Very informational video ) Nice to watch facts about Uzbek language! Comment from : @shahinsmovielist721 |
In Hungarian like in the English there are neither masculine nor feminine articles, they just have one neutral one Less hassle :-) Comment from : @Danny30011980 |
I speak two languages perfectly and two others imperfectly; I do not agree at all with a notion that language shapes thoughts Language is a tool allowing thoughts to be expressed Quite honestly, the longer humanity exists, the poorer the languages are becoming The earlier languages were a lot more expressive and, therefore, better tools of communication between people Real studies of languages were being done by multiple great people; nowadays, we don’t have actual studies done, we have materials of indoctrination being spewed out of the supposed institutions of learning Comment from : @dariuszszumczyk9162 |
Languages can stucture and reduce natural capacities Deaf people still think In their culture Not in he culture of the deaf But of their social-affective envrironment And learning other languages brakes down those walls of words Best is learn a secind language related to a very different society, it will open your mind and learning several languages will help you too to go to stand in their shoesto experience their "lock of words" Lack of words dosn't mean lock of wordsit educates emotions, makes them raffined in stead of rough and brutal Comment from : @cauwenberghsroeland8607 |
O'zbekistondan kimdir bormi?🖐🏻 Comment from : @charlie_56 |
Per me L’italiano e’ un pianeta meraviglioso! English allows me to express myself in a simpler way Español es mi lengua madre Pero pienso en tres idiomas simultáneamente mientras hablo uno de ellos:) Comment from : @begabrielanunez7326 |
Love the professor wearing a RUSH shirt Rock on! Comment from : @travelswithted |
🤔🤔🤔 Comment from : @thatomofolo452 |
So that's why Hongkonger is smarter than Chinese Comment from : @thesandre |
3:52 🇺🇿 🔥🔥 Comment from : @nigoraortiqova5591 |
Hele gezellige video en het brengt heel veel connectie en brengt heel veel verbinding Comment from : @gangstersayfock |
That’s why we don’t have that stupid gender theory in Spanish and Portuguese just like the pronouns stupidity in the US nowadays Comment from : @commandergree2428 |
There is hardly any thought without language, is there? Comment from : @ParagPandit |
the movies “arrival” really goes into this topic; like if aliens exist and they have a language, they probably think completely differently Comment from : @Bob-my6jy |
Language is like blinkers It limits our vision and doesn't allow us to think in another way Comment from : @sofiya6695 |
Each language is a different way to ‘describe’ the world A simple example from Gaelic( Irish): the word for ‘old’( for a person) is ‘críona’ It has two meanings, ‘old’ but a second meaning ‘wise’, apt in most( not all!) cases I’m Irish Comment from : @ivorfaulkner4768 |
English> most My coffee table doesn’t have a gender Comment from : @Crowe90 |
The dude wearing the Rush shirt is awesome Great taste 🤘 Comment from : @joshcoxmusic |
I totally agree that we speak, think, and react differently when speaking different languages At least I do unconsciouslybrI speak 3 languagesI tell people that it's the closest thing to being bipolar 😅 Comment from : @lunainezdelamancha3368 |
Sporting that Rush shirt! Comment from : @douglasmulvaney5537 |
Whats the oldest language still spoken now ??? Anyone knows Comment from : @oreogirlz |
Не в других языках, а "на разных языках мы мыслим (думаем) по разному" я бы так перевела эту фразу სხვადასხვა ენაზე სხვადასხვანაირად ვაზროვნებთ (ვფიქრობთ) Comment from : @ფორტეჯიო |
Great material, such a shame that the background music is in the foreground Makes it really hard to focus on what the speakers are saying, even with the subtitles on It would be great if you could make the videos a little bit more inclusive for the neurodivergent viewers just by turning the music down a little Comment from : @annafolega4364 |
Excelente! Comment from : @elianesantoscabral3271 |
The bottom line is great: Diversity is probably one true universal of humanity Comment from : @adidarmawan9966 |
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