Title | : | How To Manage Your Money Like The Top 1% (The 60/30/10 Rule) |
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I appreciate your commitment to guiding others toward financial success We all strive for security and a better quality of life, and this can be achieved through smart investments, mindful spending, and effective budgeting I'm thankful I discovered the value of hard work and financial independence early on in my journey Comment from : @viviancarolgioao |
Currently retired and I have most of my 401k contributions of $200K going into small cap and utility funds, because these seem to be at a "discount" right nowI'm hoping this is a valid thought process? Comment from : @CandiceHandelle |
Given the current volatility in the stock market, I believe investors should divert their attention to lesser-known stocks With 35 of my $270k portfolio invested in stocks that have sharply declined from their previously high status, I find myself at a loss on how to proceed, feeling overwhelmed by the situation Comment from : @DesireeJames-q1z |
I’m glad I invested $425k in TSLA when I did, and with Trump coming into power, this could just the beginning for the company I have $190k to explore other opportunities—what stocks should I add to my watchlist? Comment from : @TropicalGoodnesss |
Fast food should always be viewed as a luxury, just like any form of dining out Comment from : @nickcruz8748 |
Thanks for your efforts Marketfeed, very interesting and useful Video, I like the way you have explained stocks, you are just like my Mentor, her strategies helps beginners to earn in the market without loss Comment from : @Mariecardona58 |
Expectations: 45/20/35brReality: 90/8/2 Comment from : @zxtremedemon |
Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing below the $100k mark and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $234,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest a huge percentage of my profit and it got more interesting! For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home at the beginning of summer Comment from : @GeorgestraitStriat |
How about the 45 for taxes it should be 45/25/20/10 Comment from : @itzebuddy8762 |
60 on needs is too much Spend only 50 brWants can be 5 to 10 brWith the rest in savings/investments Comment from : @keywestalert6329 |
was particularly bothered about if the Roth IRA and vanguard indexes are only for american citizens? could someone pleasee explain Comment from : @nova-fy8my |
50-need 30-saving 20-wants anyone? Comment from : @dan7533 |
Inflation: hold my beer 😂😂 Comment from : @sirTangale |
I usually look up your videos for updates! Our government has no idea how people are suffering these days I feel for people with disabilities not getting the help they deserve Thank you Mrs Emily L Romano, imagine investing $12,000 and received $305,500 Comment from : @MarcusDiana |
01:08 I'm picking my jaw off the floor brI've always considered fast food to be a luxury Comment from : @BeeblebroxTheThird |
This is dumb… that 1314 milli won’t buy a bag of chips by the time her is 65 True, but is it really?? Comment from : @JMZM7907 |
Great video, Id only argue that gym/fitness is 100 a need Comment from : @andretheseal9837 |
I love video that highlight someone making 50 today and in 40 something years that’s 1 M trying to factor in that that equals their salary from 40 years ago but never adjusts their potential salary after 3-5 per year is now a lot higher Comment from : @richardwysocki7490 |
Sigh, the old inflation nugget rears its ugly head again How can this keep happening? The effect is massive Your retirement savings calculation for Marty McFly at 7:50 with a 42 year balance of $1,314,332 is way out because 8 is most definitely not a Real Return figure With historic average inflation at 33 his retirement account balance at 8 for 42 years would be $336,118 Apply the 4 rule to that and his "comfortable retirement" annual income as you call it is a whopping $13,444 Comment from : @DiscoFang |
lol everyone here lives an auto-gaslighters dream :DD Comment from : @BanaGhoo |
I sort of follow guide this but I flipped the last two I dedicate 30 of my income to savings and investments & 10 of my income to wants Comment from : @thomas_dries |
Hi Humphrey, how about insurances in The Netherlands that takes about 10 of the pie and in the US? In our household its divided as like:brSavings 14brInsurances 10brFixed costs house (mortage)16brFixed costs car 10brDaycare 5brother fixed costs like netflix 10brPersonal spending 18brFood an other 17br Is that normal? Thanks for your opinion Comment from : @davemuller441 |
I've always been fascinated by how top investors achieve millionaire status through their investments Currently, I'm sitting on $345K from a home sale and I'm torn between investing in stocks or holding out for a better opportunity Comment from : @hannahbrownnn |
GYM is not a want 😒 Comment from : @Diogenes20111 |
I think gym membership should be a need not a want (for the basic membership), because that will greatly reduce medical expenses for the long term Comment from : @Jymbroni |
Great video , I always appreciate the information Comment from : @alanbrandenburg1564 |
My main worry is how to increase my $240k reserve, which has been sitting idle for a very long time with little to no profits I understand the long-term strategy, but my savings are being eaten up by inflation, and my portfolio is losing value every day I need to find a solution Comment from : @LuvmeRos |
What about someone thats 22 no bills and lives at home making 1700 a month I buy groceries pay for gas thats it Comment from : @xpologyz |
d Comment from : @inayathkhan9441 |
The fact that nobody talks about the book whispers of manifestation on borlest speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance Comment from : @डिप्टी90 |
as Comment from : @manjuladave2001 |
das Comment from : @parmgit5556 |
there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest , and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal Comment from : @sanwarlalgujar8268 |
Hahahaha, in what fantasy land can anyone pay all their bills on half their income? Most people are cashing in 401k's and building up credit card debt because they are living in the red due to the successes of the Biden admin as it destroys the country, leading the G20 in toppling western civilization so they can establish Globalism Comment from : @johnsprague4914 |
Any suggestions for a basic post tax calculator for CA? Comment from : @cansinyildiz |
So if I’m saving 10 of my income, I’m on track for a comfy retirement, right? 🤔💰 Comment from : @ThrowBackZone |
Love from Australia!!! Keep it up mate Comment from : @drpeemac |
I'm new to BTC/Cryto investment and I've been making losses trying to make profit myself in trading I thought trading demo account is just like trading trading the real market Can anyone help me out or at least advise me on what to do? Comment from : @Dejones-z2D |
Gym membership for me is a need as it is essential for your health Comment from : @ember1187 |
10 invested isn't enough unless you start at nearly 18 15 minimum and 20 if you don't start till 30 years old and 5 more each 5 years after 30 if you start latebrbrEx 35yr old 25 investedbr40yr old starting 30br45 yr old starting 35br50 yr old 40 brAnd these would still be considered minimal based on starting age Comment from : @jt411 |
I use the 40/40/20 rulebr20 wantsbr40 service debts and savings br40 on needs Comment from : @Chops473 |
Is the limit for contributing to a Roth IRA gross or taxable income? Is there a different limit for married filing jointly folks? Comment from : @bluered3228 |
I’m pretty aggressive with 50 (needs) - 10 (wants) - 40 (investing) As a single mom with childcare that cost more than my mortgage, I encourage people to keep grinding! You got this Comment from : @thedailywithbecky3673 |
CORRECTION:brbrIn Australia addition contribution to you super are from pre tax, but you pay fixed tax of 15 that is way lower than income tax (variable)brbrFor example, put extra 300 AUD on my superannuation, and as result receive income of only 200 AUD less Comment from : @MrRamkulov |
You are brilliant- damn! Comment from : @jeany2023 |
Look rule great 👌 Comment from : @MASTERQTV |
The cost of places like McDonald's went up so much because they were forced to increase minimum wage Comment from : @Mathew__Thomas |
Dude you need to do something about all these scam bots in your comments, PLEASE Comment from : @Jrv175 |
Absolute rubbish In the USA most folk are living paychech to paycheck, this site is totally irrelevant Comment from : @MENSAlady2 |
75/15/10 Comment from : @geoffrian |
Im 50 50 0when I go, I go empty handed Comment from : @passionnotparked9099 |
I would be interesting to see what kind of yearly return we get if everyone starts to save 10-20 of thier salarybrInstead of spending it Comment from : @dennislindberg2589 |
I make basic money like 50k a year and just started investing this year at 33 years i have invested 1,600 so far but will do more basically anytime i got extra money i put a couple hundred in and 50 a week into VOO Comment from : @capttokki1811 |
Duuuude I live in poland Over 50 of income goes only into flat rental of 60m and that's divided by 2 person xD Comment from : @adrianstachowski9422 |
Creating wealth entails establishing positive routines, I had only $78k to my name at 42 when I first woke up to this reality I chose the stock market as a medium of growth, got an excellent financial advisor, Financial management is a vital subject that many avoid, often leading to future regrets Comment from : @Raymondcraw1967RaymondCrawley |
For me it’s 55/20/25 needs/ wants/ savings I’ve been looking into investing but I’m really not too sure on what to look for 😂 Comment from : @dirty2403 |
I always thought it was 20 of gross This is reassuring as I save around 15 gross or 30 of net Comment from : @MTLGSE |
So frustrating that every time I come to your comment section it is (for me at least) basically only the spam bots peddling scam investors Love your work Humphrey! Comment from : @dianawelch4920 |
So sad that the investment and future planning had to take that 10 cut to needs just because boomers absolutely ruined the world Comment from : @invertedsausage8649 |
I appreciate you mentioning countries other than the US Comment from : @oliversmall |
Are pet food and supplies needs or wants? are gifts for loved ones needs or wants? Are snacks, sweets, or seltzers needs or wants? Are supplements (not prescribed medication) needs or wants? ugh Comment from : @littleleafy |
It's sad how difficult things have become in this recessive economy I was wondering how to utilize some money I had I used some of it for e-commerce business, but that sank I'm thinking of how to protect my $150K-worth stock portfolio from decline, but haven't figured which way to go Comment from : @LarsBergstrom-uh2eu |
This only applies to billionaires brThe rest of us struggle for daily needs Thanks jb Comment from : @chadr4013 |
One lesson I've learned from millionaires is to always put your money to work, no matter how small Even investing $100 per month can compound to tremendous wealth over decades The key is to keep going! Comment from : @CharlieNelson8 |
I would love if you did a video accounting for people who like to donate to charity I personally donate 125 of my gross income It would be interesting to explore what it's like to target retirement based on that, and also how to calculate what to give based on your retirement earnings Comment from : @StevenDavisPhoto |
Managing money is different from accumulating wealth, and the lack of investment education in schools may explain why people struggle to maintain their financial gains The examples you provided are relevant, and I personally benefited from the market crisis, as I embrace challenging times while others tend to avoid them Well, at least my advisor does too, jokingly Comment from : @KarenLavia |
These spam comments are getting out of hand Yall don't have lives 😂 Comment from : @ZackSeifMusic |
Is it weird that I feel 10 is to low for saving and investing Comment from : @sONsONER0 |
I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Katherine Stewart Comment from : @mustafaburak1123 |
Hey, small question I stuff a bit of money away every month to the side so I can buy "medium" purchases like a new Phone, Holidays, Gifts, and so on Does that qualify as "Saving" or does that belong to the "Wants" category?brIt is spend at the end for stuff i WANT but in theory i SAVE it of a later date to buy things I want/need so I don't have to use credit or something like thatbrThanks for the explenation and keep up your great work Really enjoy your content and the way you describe this stuff, even tho it's a little different in Switzerland, it gives a good understanding about the whole stuff Comment from : @MrNetgearUser |
Using 8 rate of return, but not consider inflation doesn't work Either you reduce the rate of return by inflation or you need to adjust the 4 target with inflation brbrSo 10 saving will not get you to your FI number in your example Comment from : @p0yyy |
I am retiring at 45 Managing your money the right way will help you reach your goals so fast Comment from : @SuccessfulLifeInvesting |
is it ever worth it to go with a before tax 401(k) instead of a roth 401k? Comment from : @DysyR |
I have a 401k with just over 100k I have 40k in a Roth 401k and the rest is traditional and a match How could I separate them bc my work puts them all in one account Comment from : @brianschanne6941 |
30 is too much wants I think 15 should be wants and 15 savings and 10 investing Once you have your 6 months of expenses you can do 20 savings and 20 investing Comment from : @karimelmoutawakil7295 |
Hello?! 10 saving is for dummies and beginners it shouldn't be called savings, it's just like leftovers for ordinary people if you are not broke or in unhealthy debt Comment from : @nzmoonlight7602 |
Taking 10 from your savings and not your wants is fucking wild what is this shit? Comment from : @Seanhaggs |
Don't forget child care! Child care is a big expense that many don't factor into their expenses as a need Comment from : @sagarnaik3004 |
The 10 very much reminds me of the book I read decades ago called The Wealthy Barber by David Chilton Give it read if you haven't Some decent wisdom contained within Comment from : @r655321 |
Transfer of wealth usually occur during market crash, so the more stocks drop, the more I buy, in the meanwhile I'm just focused on making better investments and earning more as recession fear increases, apparently there are strategies to 3x gains in this present market cos I read of someone that pulled a profit of $350k within 6months, and it would really help if you could make a video covering these strategies Comment from : @DonaldMark-ne7se |
I’ll be the one to argue that your subscriptions sometimes can be a need 😅😅 Comment from : @heymaritr |
Newbies need to learn the ropes, know how much risk they can handle and diversify their portfolio Some folks get help from money experts or do their homework before making investment moves It's all about being smart with your funds Comment from : @jerrycampbell-ut9yf |
I do 40/20/40 40 needs, 20 wants, 40 invested/cash savings I am single, I live in a 1 bedroom in a Midwest suburb My apartment is the perfect size, I cook at home and meal prep with rice or pasta, veggies plus a fish or chick (beef tacos occasionally), and once a month I might order pizza With a small apartment my heating and cooling is low I have a paid for car I try to keep in the best condition (15 years so far) I put a lot into saving and investments because I am 46 and I want to pack in as much as I can now so it can compound and reach financial independents by 60 and at that point I can choose to stay at my current jobs (if I am still here) or I can try something new without the financial worry I'm also a homebody so If I do spend it is on my hobbies; gaming, drawing, playing guitar I can see this switching to 60/30/10 as I get closer to 60 Comment from : @BanjoTartlets |
Its sad because here in Colombia a “proper” income its like 12k a year Comment from : @Pipe-fn6bh |
The bots in the comments are craaazzyyyy Comment from : @ZuckMihoff |
I’d make it 60/20/20 10 is not enough to save Comment from : @jasonhobbs2405 |
Every time your income goes up, you should be buying more dividend paying whole life insurance Funding your own banking system, and controling the baking funtion in your life is more important than investing Comment from : @Thewealthwarehousepodcast |
You missed to factor for inflation, check what’s the purchasing power of the saving at age 65 Comment from : @eliasazar1225 |
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