Title | : | 10 Reasons You Should Study Math |
Lasting | : | 6.04 |
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Views | : | 197 rb |
I wouldn't say math is beautiful - rather objective Comment from : @tatiannamaldonado3530 |
great video EXPLANATION is Fair Comment from : @keehott |
I have never used Shakespeare in my career I have never used knowing the Battle of Hasting was in 1066 AD in my career Knowing Demark, Sweden and Norway are Scandinavian countries has not been used in my career I have not used the Treble or Base clef symbols in my career I have not used my PE Soccer skills in my career I have not used my Chemistry knowledge of Bases and Acids in my career My knowledge of the order of the planets from the Sun including Pluto - never used in my career But I'm glad I learned them And they add to my none career life I have used math and logic in my career and everyday life though Not Pi, Phi, e or i but I didn't need them Still glad I learned them Math ties a lot of things together for me and makes life interesting and connected Comment from : @stevefrandsen7897 |
Why can rationality be beautiful? Huh? Comment from : @jmrabinez9254 |
Dear Sir , please suggest some science experiments to teach students and some cheap teaching aids Comment from : @virensingh6693 |
I really like #10! Comment from : @jgregorymoxness8360 |
I finally want to engage with mathbrbrbrbrbrJk lol Comment from : @nuclear_reactor5x5 |
Actually, math is not that useful, unless you want to be some kind of math expert and get paid for it Anyway why should I use math when I have a calculator? Am I the only one that used math in life only to know how many math homework pages I had to do every day? I challenge you math lovers to go to order something to Amazon, and tell 'em to solve some equations and find out which letters those results are You'll not get your box There are a lot of other ways to keep your brain active, and please, stop telling people that math is the most useful thing and people who hate it are nothing but fools, just because you like math the same way I lake literature and video games Comment from : @carminetancioni7444 |
Thank you for an excellent video Mathematics is found boring as teachers fail to explain its varied applications as are done in above video A video a must for mathematics teachers Comment from : @AncientWisdom222 |
i think i needed to hear this as an english major i dedicated my life to words the simplifying the world into numbers, is exactly what the games been missing!!!!! Comment from : @whatsinaname1492 |
The reason I want to learn math is because I'm taking accounting and accounting is the language of business so math is like the fundamentals to money in a sense Not exactly but u get my point Comment from : @Nick_song |
Thanks! I'm glad you like my E8 image enough to use it Comment from : @jgmoxness |
yeah keep bullshitting around Comment from : @lucashallo4760 |
Why is maths so hard to learn, and frustrating Comment from : @Psychokitten113 |
2:05 hahaaaaaa Comment from : @Novak2611 |
All thumbs for the reason 10! Even when we teach and try to teach maths perfectly, we do it for ourselves Good luck, more fun and take care, man! Comment from : @lifeunfair1794 |
Thanks for everything Comment from : @laprepa1146 |
Over my dead body, I've always learnet programming, but Everyone tells me tha you must study Math, Bruh yOU WILL BE ABLE TO CREATE BETTER CODE THINKING A LOT WITH IT Comment from : @laprepa1146 |
-M:entalbr-A:busebr-T:obr-H:umans Comment from : @consuerdz1103 |
Brilliant Comment from : @rebeccalopez2997 |
math is all about following all rules and apply in all the rules if you miss the rule you can't unlock math Comment from : @elidel3299 |
Thanks You inspired me to start studying math Comment from : @HumanBeing11011 |
Math prevents you from flipping burgers That's what my parents said to me XD Comment from : @SL-cp3sr |
Don't study math! Trust me Comment from : @maximkuznik4246 |
From fractals to Euler to game strategies to technology, math is beautiful Comment from : @KanoBoom |
Express a problem mathematically Comment from : @benquinney2 |
In other words, math can make you smarter Comment from : |
Dear sir , I just listened to your speech on Ted Ed channel It was really wonderfulBUT I have a question That how can we study in the way you taught with this wrong educAtion system I am a high school student Till 10th grade I was in love with maths but now the only thing I think of it is that it is all about learning formulae and applying it to solve sums as directed by our teachers also in physics we can understand things at deeper level and watch demonstrations But still it's Not interesting WHAT can I do on my own to improve the way of studying ????? Comment from : @kirangrewal5965 |
Math help us understand science or truth better Level of math for this purpose is difficult So you feel there should be explanation needing simple and little of maths Exp science in simple language remains a challenge Sure you tube done well for this Comment from : @premgopalduggal6938 |
nah fuck that Comment from : @ewfurry8207 |
i can use calculate to do my math that i need so why i learning that shit in the school? Comment from : @mohammedkhalil655 |
Why we learn math? Because we have to Thats the only reason Yes, we should learn it definitely but it shouldnt be most Important subject at school I am on IT school Hardest and most important should be Programming, HTML or networks but no, math is the Hardest and more important Math improve your brain skill, its true but just few of all students use it in real life Problem is we probably cant change it Our Kids and Their kids will be bullied Math Because They have it These are sad times Comment from : @DaxyCZ |
I'm competing with the world, the world is dictated for the better using solid math, brbrtrump got electedbrbrsits back, well Comment from : @maxmccafferty6713 |
My math teacher wanted my class to watch this video and write 3 reasons why you should study math from the video Comment from : @luhhchi |
math is only one subject ne the next two important ones for me someone just for trivia Comment from : @peterose8721 |
Boring as f*** Comment from : @sts27hdz93 |
Give this man an IIT-JEE Question Paper and check what his thoughts on math change into Comment from : @ashishrana2830 |
Can one get an undergraduate degree in applied mathematics and use that to be accepted to an engineering program Comment from : @teentalex |
Thank you for making this video! I teach developmental math at a technical college and am always trying to convince my students of the importance of math I also want them to find joy and meaning in the process of learning I would love to share this video with them because I think it identifies many great reasons that learning math is important Comment from : @katielorz1255 |
if u wanna try the fun maths, try to solve an AMATYC test from previous years Comment from : @gauravcheema |
I've never been particularly bad at math, I just feel as if school never tried hard enough to help me understand it because otherwise I never used it outside of school However, ever since I decided that I wanted to pursue a degree in physics I've been trying been trying to take to my own devices to really understand math At the same time I've gone from indifference and mild contempt in elementary--->high school to actually enjoying my college algebra class and looking forward to moving onto pre-calc and eventually calculus Mainly because I love to describe the world around me and I know I'm probably going to need the math, and when it comes to that math seems existential to physics and the human way of describing the world Comment from : @Drakeblood97 |
maths can never be as straightforward as language Comment from : @alienrad8871 |
Do you guys believe there is a genetic advantage in math? Comment from : @jacobtran4010 |
you must be real fun on a hike Comment from : @titanarmy4116 |
Thankyou for enlightening my view:) Comment from : @bilalnadeem4835 |
The reason I hate math is this: br1 The teachers never tell you why you're learning anything, so the information seems useless br2 In every math class I've ever been in, we've never done more than one project, which usually only lasted two weeks and was quite boring br3 The teachers always teach out of the textbooks Boring We never watch videos We never do anything outside of reading the damn textbook!brbrI want to love math If teachers want kids to be engaged, they need to SHOW them why this is important They need SHOW us what we can do with all this stuff Otherwise math class will be forever boring Comment from : @marypellegrini4415 |
A lot of the commenters who don't like math are using examples of career usefulness Without people who loved math and solving equations, there would be no cars, airplanes, refrigerators etc Something to think about Comment from : @marc2583 |
I have a Bachelors degree in Computer Science which is pretty much a math degree 90 of it was math and 10 was programming I literally could have taken 3 me re math and got a Bachelors degree in math Guess what? I've been a programmer for 8 years and never used any math Jobs don't ask for math skills but my programming skills I just could imagine how bad it would be if I would have gotten just a straight up math degree The only reason I have had luck with jobs is because my degree says Computer Science so that indicated that I should have some programming skills Comment from : @peaceful4you408 |
Study math? you gotta be kidding me? that's the worst subject to study in college Many people can't do it which is the only positive thing However, Its a major that's also too broad sorta like obtaining a Bachelors degree in Business Administration so I doubt you'll get a job with it It will be just like studying Psychology, Biology or Chemistry on the Bachelors degree level so good luck with it You might have to go to grad school to stand a chance of doing anything with a mathematics degree Comment from : @peaceful4you408 |
As a math lover, reason number 10 is my favorite! <3 Comment from : @Diaming787 |
brilliant Comment from : @handleme252 |
So, why are MATH TEACHERS under appreciated and often poorly paid?!? Comment from : @BearCubster |
Math is gay pewdiepie is probaly shit at maths and he gets paid for having fun Comment from : @ufukingdrugo1253 |
math is hard Comment from : @v2hybrid |
Nailed it! Comment from : @ryansharpe8104 |
I liked after your first point The point about "having the tools to deal with surprises" I think hit the nail on the head about why mathematical literacy is such an important skill to have Comment from : @oldtimermsn |
Maths is hard Maths is beautiful Comment from : @SmallWave80 |
I am really thankful that I watched thisThis video have changed the way I think about mathematics all people must watch this video I m gonna share this video and again very very thanku for the creater of this video now I can take non med with my interest and further bsc in physics Comment from : @akamanwalia7085 |
it's a magic Comment from : @amrraouf3525 |
i adore maths Comment from : @amrraouf3525 |
Math is amazing it was used to predict theories such general relativity , quanum mechanincWithout math we would not know how big a star is without math, we will not be able to uderstand most of the thing scientific, and our way of life would probably have change even if we can still divide multiply or do basic things we will still be affected badly Comment from : @jeromeeuler168 |
I was surprised by this video! It is excellent and I hope you make more just like this one :) Comment from : @darrenfreeman4936 |
I loved when you said that the human race acts like a library brBut i know someone who has the entire collection, it is the prophet Muhammad pbuhbrbrAnd it is a noble thing, to be involved in this project of learning the foundational knowledge in our grand encyclopedia Comment from : @sadiaswr |
Taxation isn't necessarily nessesary to have an advanced and well functioning "society" Comment from : @justinblake8521 |
What if I want to be an artist? Being told that mistakes are bad hurts creativity, how do I create art with fear of being wrong!? Why is maths manditory? Answer : all people want is drones to further advance the world Maths is useless to artists, musicians photography etc Comment from : @kevanmcgowan8627 |
maths is hard and challenging and thats what I love about it it takes my competitive hormones to the sky Comment from : @AliRaza-lc1lo |
i had to write a paper on this video Comment from : @driabentley5196 |
maths is just incomprehensible gobbledegook Mostly Comment from : @theadoresmith2777 |
Motivational in a way Comment from : @redhat7025 |
It never ceases to amaze me how many people love to hate that which is delicate, most beautiful and elegant! They hate on the one hand and pleasure in the many fruits of Mathematics on the otherwhat a contradiction indeed! Comment from : @ernestdellapenna5380 |
You have it all wrong, Math is important for society as a whole, but it is not important to the individual Comment from : @simonkempe1212 |
always REMEMBER the answer is always 42 Comment from : @veronicajk6572 |
So you spent a grand total of 5 seconds at the end of your video describing a reason why we would be iinterested/i in mathbrbrYou didn't go into full detail, which you could and which would very much support your claim of the importance of math on an emotional, human levelbrbrDon't get me wrong, I like math Math is a beautiful thing, but people will only see that beauty when you show it to them In fact, I was only able to see how beautiful and useful math is when I began teaching computers how to do it for me!brbrBut, the majority of the video was just the same scare tactics or nagging that I endured from my high school math teachers spewed on a daily basis That doesn't really persuade many people the same way a simple demonstration of the power of math can Comment from : @Klarpimier |
br Comment from : @martint5340 |
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Very enjoyable Comment from : @edd9543 |
Thanks for giving my son that little push to do his math homework Comment from : @amilahansen8435 |
JUst thank you Comment from : @polombo1 |
I am so bad at math(s) yet I want to be a roller coaster designer when I am older, yep i'm screwed! Comment from : @ashmaxwell665 |
How would you start learning math? I tried doing it over the internet on my own and though I learned a bit on my own I feel that I need another way to learn How would one go about it? Comment from : @MsCankersore |
Very bad audio Comment from : @merrivaleone |
Amazing Comment from : @BrandiCallumrealestate |
Shut the fuck up Comment from : @robertbriggs8594 |
In highschool I never understood the imporatance of math, now that am in college I wish i had better visualization power to understand how it is that mathematicians come up with such beautiful equations Comment from : @EDUARDO12348 |
I've never had trouble with formal logic, and they haven't even taught it (well, they showed the symbols, and taught the basics, but we never USED it) Comment from : @NathanTAK |
Thank youbrIt was very motivatingbrPlease post more on your channel on Maths, and other subjects as well Comment from : @panchol721 |
Math is awesome but come on, math literacy will never make anyone a better citizen (whatever it means) Philosophy, political sciences, economics and linguistics will probably help more in this respect The argument about statistics does not really hold either I think Although it is true that some politicians largely manipulate data the way they see fit, being knowledgeable in statistics will not give us the raw data they originally manipulated Mathematics is awesome because its richness actually makes it enjoyable for many different types of mind, but not necessarilly everybody There is no need to pretend that it will cure cancer, make us rich and save the world to be interested in it People should just see it as a potentially enjoyable activity like any other akin to music, sports, board games etc from which some people make a living (mostly engineers, accountants, statisticians, scientists and sometimes programmers ) Comment from : @fabienpaillusson7390 |
Thank you for such a clear explanation! I teach high school students in Business Math and Algebra They struggle in math, school, and in life for a variety of serious reasons I've taught students in this predicament for 20 years and I'm finding that videos such as yours help them The children believe YouTube at times when they don't believe an old crony like me :) Your video shared careers that are of interest to my juniors and seniors in BM You've completed and presented information that I do not have time to do I appreciate your insight and perspective Make more!! Thank you!! Comment from : @jacquiochoa3316 |
Thank you for this explanation Comment from : @101000102 |
I am going to share with my classessome are non-believers! This was very well put! Thank you Comment from : @csrayno41 |
AWESOME VIDEO!! Thank you so much! I'm going to show it to my classes (preaching to the choir since they're precalc, college algebra/trig and calculus) But it will definitely be an interesting reinforcement of what they already know Thanks again Comment from : @caroledelvecchio895 |
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