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7 Most Useful College Majors (2025)

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Title :  7 Most Useful College Majors (2025)
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Comments 7 Most Useful College Majors (2025)

Industrial Engineering senior student here brbrLegit u got me smiling and surprised when u mentioned my major because even tho I am in my last year of uni I keep thinking about switching to civil or electrical engineering because people keep looking down upon industrial engineers for some reason
Comment from : @Mddey

What about computer engineering
Comment from : @gurmantevfik4703

MIS/CIS is really golden
Comment from : @nursliman3600

What about chemical engineering?
Comment from : @herbertgustav6190

Is a business management degree useful
Comment from : @ANDY_wo

Recent mathematics grad here :)
Comment from : @badgeow8538

From grade 6 I was really passionate abou MATHEMATICS I wasn't the best I'll say but it gave me joy Same goes for my 11 and 12 grade I was passionate I liked solving problems if someone asked me to solve problems I was the happiest And now coincidentally I'm majoring in MATHEMATICS It wasn't my decision in fact my grades were not that good so college/ university chose that for me It's the system actually for National university in my country 😢 But fortunately as always I'm loving it I love solving problems It really feels great Other than passion I was so worried about career as I didn't get the chance to choose my major But your videos gave my some strength Thank you
Comment from : @miska_tul_mumu

Please include time stamps im begging you
Comment from : @junhuilin2097

Accounting employers enforce the catch-22 So what you say about the job market outlook is wrong
Comment from : @bobkorzeniowski

people who took Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with Specialization in Animation (BSIT animation) degree Was it worth it? How are you today? How well are you doing financially? Did you choose to get a job in IT or animation in the end?
Comment from : @joshuwaaaaa

Industrial engineering is now being called manufacturing engineering, but I do like how you shared the qupte about how versatile it is; I've also heard it called "systems engineering," but that's too easy to confuse with computer network/systems engineering
Comment from : @lyspaere

how about economics and finance
Comment from : @arunabhkhound8380

Statistics/Math Finance/Accounting Management Information Systems/IT Computer Science Industrial Engineering Mechnical Engineering Healthcare/Nursing
Comment from : @kelvinkj7074

Is criminology useful ?
Comment from : @NereidaHerrera-br4nf

I hope there are time stamp on this videos
Comment from : @Whisperhelm

How about electrical enginering, che, physics brWhy didn't you talk about these great majors?
Comment from : @HossainFallah-t4k

gender studies i think
Comment from : @Alfarabie

What are the majors with high meaning? That would be interesting
Comment from : @anthonycastro2146

Unless you don't need a job, test the waters first Don't be surprised if noone is hiring for that degree
Comment from : @davedsilva

I can't look at numbers it makes my head spin When I was a child I was called the most stupidest child and it hurts In college my math teacher witnessed how hard I worked so he begin to tutored me and he saw I wanted Ed to learn but could not 😢so he knew I just learned but forgot the next hour I am amazed at my husband who is Air Space engineer and I usually look at him and ask him how it is to be smart and he loves me But don't lose hope I'm the best hairdresser And best interior design
Comment from : @LeedsFeguson

we all know cs is undefeated number 1
Comment from : @cainandabel7059

Let’s see what I took away from each career and how it lines up with my own self; br1) Last but certainly not least, ah nurse I would never go into the medical field, it’s just not my cup of tea and I have never considered it Sure, I admire the millions of people going into it but it’s a no for me br2) Mechanical engineering: Again, I don’t want to go through all of that stress just to end up in a dark hole of nothing I want to find decent jobs with a solid pay, I don’t want to be fully limited from my creative abilities too br3) Industrial engineering: Seriously? I don’t think it’s even realistic for me to successfully make it that far to something that complex It’s just I would get overwhelmed with all of the courses I would have to take, not taking it br4) Computer science: alright, I get it I have to live in a computer to get a high pay I do enjoy problem-solving but I’m not sure I would take the decision and work with software, again not sure if it’s truly me And 10:17 I’d prefer to have a job that is longer than that time range so it’s a no for me br5) Management information systems: hmm, sounds interesting but I’m not too sure if I would go into this I have considered business still 7:16 yea, no thanks I’m a creative person and I’d much rather to use my creativity in the work environment br6) Accounting & finance: sounds boring and it doesn’t really sound like my place, plus it’s too repetitive 5:27 I don’t want to get burnt out though, I prefer working at my own pace thanks br7) Stats & math: I’m an individual who’s alright in math but noting special I guess what I’m saying is I’ll pass in fully majoring in it despite my mom having a master’s in it😅 2:01 the limited job opportunities will not do as wellbrBONUS!: A bit about myself (not that it matters but it might serve some good); I’m a creative individual who’s good with brainstorming and sharing my ideas with others I’m also an introvert who has developed somewhat good communication skills I enjoy problem-solving and working with puzzles as well I’ll find out someday but for now these are my honest thoughts 🤞🏻brAPOLOGIES FOR THE LENGTH OF THIS COMMENT, I just explained thoroughly
Comment from : @Floral_skies2727

5:29 🎉🎉🎉
Comment from : @SnyderMusik

So Computer Science or Nursing?
Comment from : @knightmare2272

Comment from : @CarlosWilliamsMaximoGarciaGonz

i dont like this guys face in the thumbnail - but thats ok
Comment from : @IVY-py2lw

I am really interested in the topic of political science, and I’m just wondering, is it a worthwhile degree?
Comment from : @33044

BS accounting MBA finance an accounting degree is worth it 6 figures in a couple year especially if you get a CPA Hours can be quite long
Comment from : @lamichellehecht6947

I'm interested in so many different subjects and none of them pay well, nor are the degrees to get into the industries useful I am genuinely uninterested in all of these degrees that were listed, and I'm afraid that I'm not gojng to have a fulfilling future because of this
Comment from : @benebad

I feel you should probably specify the differences between nursing degrees LPN vs RN can have as much as a 50 difference in pay in the same city Median RN in my state is around 100k whil median LPN is closer to 65k
Comment from : @Gaenzdad93

You are confused You need accounting to understand basic finance Past 2 to 3 courses in Accounting, Finance is much more complicated than you think Finance came out of Economics I should not say anything more
Comment from : @tedbyrley4355

Depends, some people are good at maths, some at communication, some at selling, some at persuading and so on It’s just that until you work it’s essentially a hit or miss of your degree is worth your time and money brI did marketing management (with emphasis on digital marketing) and the most valuable skills I took away was how to build a functioning website, social media and email account for a business and I had to self study as they rarely let you experiment in degrees, 99 of the time it’s research writing with sources already obsolete or irrelevant today (In fact, any research paper once published is and should be considered obsolete)
Comment from : @jiaweichew3370

It's sad, but the reality is that the best jobs are for making software and devices that destroy life quality and grossly overpriced and poor quality healthcare But accurate
Comment from : @nokungfuforyou323

I've just shared these videos with my son, attending university next year So much has changed since when I was young, so I appreciate your work
Comment from : @RichardRobertson

Please do dental therapist
Comment from : @jamalmohammed17

how I wish i had seen this video four years ago br
Comment from : @千工二

is masters in finance a good degree ?
Comment from : @rusty0073

How about ChE?
Comment from : @alaraozmen6151

I have a bachelor's degree in physics and have spent most of my career doing process engineering There are four generations of nurses in my mother's side of the family One thing that has always made me jealous about my family members in nursing is their mobility As long as I continue to work in my current field, I will always be tethered to a large city in regions which host specific industries Healthcare professionals can, in principle, move to any community capable of supporting a clinic or hospital Over the years, I have seen many nursing professionals uproot and move to a new region that I couldn't consider moving to without abandoning my career
Comment from : @danwei999

You mean to tell me that my English degree isn’t useful? 😂
Comment from : @CountNickula

10:21 oh yeah I would hate to have the rest of the day wtf that’s a dream you can utilize that time to do even better things who doesn’t want a full day full of nothing after 3 hours of coding
Comment from : @gumbowumbo6784

Is sports and exercise psychology useful
Comment from : @uzo475

Electronics Engineering, Telecommunications and Information Technology????
Comment from : @ciupitustefan

I’m in a dilemma between deciding on Supply Chain Management, or Health Admin, it might be sound like an obvious choice to some but I’m interested in health and business
Comment from : @thatoneguy1741

What about cis?
Comment from : @RememberRooga

12 hrs on your feet vs 8 busy setting or calm/laid back At my place of work, I'll take the 8hr shift Alex
Comment from : @RMA8159

I studied the wrong degree Can I restart
Comment from : @novo_ephemera

Another plus of an MIS degree: if you don't know what exactly you're interested in, and want to learn about tech an business it's great! You don't even have to be great at business if yoy've tried it and it doesn't suit you It has plenty of electives and you can pick whatever field of tech you want to study I myself picked a lot of software development electives for my senior year and I've learned enough to get into an entry level junior dev job Very flexible, versatile and you pick your own path basically As a consultant, tech manager or software developer
Comment from : @MilanRubiksCube97

i did my masters in International human rights law in Queens University Belfast I know how to defend and protect myself
Comment from : @roman2soiko2

literally anyone, I really need help deciding to study an BSc IT degree with Informatics & Comp Sci or a BSc Maths degree with Statistics & Comp Sci I was accepted into both with some funding Honestly, my priority is employability and financial stability and yeah pls advise me
Comment from : @umagezangobisi

How about Biological science???
Comment from : @nooraly1203

Shane, I’m graduating with my MIS bachelors degree The options are overwhelming Can you make a video about the ins and outs of mis careers I’m looking into IT consulting
Comment from : @RuthlessYTHD

Does cse count as ce or cs or both? Is it considered a double major? I am currently studying cs but planning on transferring to cse Thanks
Comment from : @georgeabouassaleh8914

Caution lawyers, i will say something scarybrbrChatGPT
Comment from : @larry-kapo-ya7326

Not interested in anything on this list but gosh he makes them sound so goodmight have to do more research on some of this stuff
Comment from : @kieran8792

I feel like you make the same vids with the same majors lol
Comment from : @Dhrndzvet

CS grad here I appreciate that you shared the truth about the pros and cons of the CS major The market is highly competitive for entry-level software development jobs and internships It's less competitive for software developers/engineers with a few years of experience There's much more demand for mid-level and senior engineers than for entry-level My sympathy really goes to graduates competing with others for their first job But even if your hard skills are average, you can still get that first job if you have been building your professional network and soft skills throughout your college years, since people often hire somebody they're already familiar with and respect
Comment from : @jordanjenkins1671

As a chemistry major what is my best minor
Comment from : @NdeyTaal

The lighting improved a lot, good job 🎉
Comment from : @teddybeargaming320

Would Computer Information Systems be considered CS or Management Info Systems?
Comment from : @christianaleman5903

The Best Associate Degree is Nursing because you can Become a Registered Nurse (In CA) without a Bachelor degree (you can save a lot of money) and get 10,000 monthly, after work 2 years you can become a Traveler Nurse and Earn 2800-5000 per Week and i repeat WITHOUT A “BACHELOR DEGREE” just an Associate Degree
Comment from : @rusticcast3051

Is electronics/electrical engineering also a useful major? I’m unable to decide between that, mechanical engineering, and computer science
Comment from : @k1llersw0rd80

Actually I have a question, what’s your opinion on a Computer Engineering degree? I’m a Junior in high school and I’ve been considering it, but I’m just looking for different opinions from different peoplebrbrWhat do you think?
Comment from : @electricisnthereatthemomen6535

electrical engineering > mechanical engineering
Comment from : @trulyace6437

If computer engineering from my understanding is a combo of electrical engineering and computer science shouldn't it be above it
Comment from : @hanzsintim

And a bachelor in Economics and a Master in Finance and Accounting?
Comment from : @liamgdr

And Economics?
Comment from : @liamgdr

Bros running out of ideas
Comment from : @wesleymurray2038

man these cs grads are here and there Glad i went for mechanical engineering The royal one 🙌brbrelectrical engineers crying at the Corner 🤣
Comment from : @ifty1385

You really need to divide your videos into sections
Comment from : @Mdksupreme1

I love how the cons of CS include "You aren't required to exercise" and "You get paid for 8 hours of work but probably only work 3 of those hours" 😂
Comment from : @masondicroce917

What if I know nothing about computer science is MIS a good degree for me
Comment from : @mustafamashhood2700

limited interaction with other people in the "cons" list?
Comment from : @anneshepard

1) didn't you do this list two days ago? 2) CS isn't just development You can also do IT, Networking, Cybersecurity, Application Support, Technical Support, QA (forgot Electrical Engineering, hardware repair, systems analyst, data analyst)
Comment from : @LoveFactorySweatShop

Basically you should tell everyone to start a youtube its the way to go best dream job
Comment from : @sgazuris

Great!! Now I got offers for finance, applied maths, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering degrees from 4 different universities all at the same time 😃🔫 The thing is I don’t know which one really suits me and which one that i’ll make it out The struggles to pick just one major 😩
Comment from : @momoslastbraincells7099

Question: Will AI like Chat GPT make software development a less good option as a career? I would most likely only be a developer of average skill so I am worried that I would be replaced by AI alongside many others
Comment from : @Leo-de2qb

How about Insurance and Actuarial Science
Comment from : @samuelhart5580

Just keep slamming out videos constantlybrbrThe videos can absolutely suck but as long as they a decent length and you are using a good microphone you will get promotedbrbrAlso just need to make videos on trending searchesbrbrbrbrbrbrbrHowever you are in no way shape or form actually helping anyone and the thousands of people like you are essentially filling the internet up with absolute trash Now when people want to look for anything on the internet they need a trash filter We are going to start to se AI used more and more to start hiding duplicate content aka trash contentbrbrGen Z has essentially taken the internet shat all over it Kind of like what happened to the video game industry in the late 80s to early 90s that is what is happening to content creation at the momentbrbrInflation is also sky rocketing as the economy is slowly in danger as the next generation is more interested in being used as a promotional tool instead of actually working on increasing the countries GDP through production
Comment from : @NopeSecret

Loving the new thumbnails Shane Looking very neat
Comment from : @chicken6918

What about physics
Comment from : @physics3632

What if you are undecided I feel to dumb to go back to school and taking those difficult math and science classes I applied to WGU BS marketing but they don't have many options for degrees Thank you also for your very informative videos No se 😫
Comment from : @VictoriaLepantoFatima

What abt HRM
Comment from : @Tangerine457

It would also be interesting seeing your take on ai and what jobs are more at risk of being automated by it
Comment from : @ΠαναγιώτηςΑγγέλης-ω5θ

How's Astronomy as an overall Major? I plan on majoring in it in College and some Art course as a Minor
Comment from : @user-nm8nm4os4x

I wanna do my finance degree cause i love trading and dealing with that kind of money but my brother discouraged me its what i think i love i have no other interest what should i do
Comment from : @daystillgta6

no physics??
Comment from : @mj-zo4et

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