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What is Political Science? | College Majors | College Degrees | Study Hall

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Title :  What is Political Science? | College Majors | College Degrees | Study Hall
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Comments What is Political Science? | College Majors | College Degrees | Study Hall

Comment from : @MuhammadGulam-cf2oh

Its so complex It need whole year By the way Im an computer Engineer I can teach him in short period of time, so that he can clear his exam
Comment from : @revolutionaryresearcher

Well, we created these systems, could live differently
Comment from : @leah_simson

Is it an art course
Comment from : @JudithPatrick-r9j

I know nothing about politics however, I used to have a close friend who never went to college and may just get voted in as a member of congress in 2026, seeing her growth from activist to politician has been phenomenal It's about networking and being outspoken, once you find people who don't have a voice, but have pockets full of cash, They'll support/sponsor you until the end
Comment from : @LiquidChamploo

DrAhmed AdamAli Agrarian Reform
Comment from : @AhmedAadan-n2c

Political science is amazing 😻 but not all political parties are good 😊 but we need more people like this who will understand what we have to offer them and not only will it be better than this country but will also be better and better in future generations as well 😊😊 thank you 🙏 and have a blessed year to all who celebrate 🎊 love ❤️ and enjoy your weekend 🎉
Comment from : @indigo-fz8vo

Comment from : @naveedwaseer6060

I went to learn polatical science can you help me in on line
Comment from : @HagosLeake-c3z

The world needs more bartenders
Comment from : @counterpoint9260

Jones Brian Wilson Laura Moore Steven
Comment from : @ИринаКим-ъ5ч

PoliSci as my pre-law course
Comment from : @lansnicolli9507

The best part of a Poli Sci degree, learning that its ok to emigrate from the US
Comment from : @PhonyMcC

It should be called Political science and accompanying corruption
Comment from : @bobwhite2

to everyone who commented: thank you so much you all bring me so much hope for my future
Comment from : @pluto7382

I used to be a music major, and now I'm a poli-sci major with a music minor Next year I'll be a sophomore and I'm excited to learn about everything! My goal is to go into public affairs or something similar! This video helped me a lot
Comment from : @tcl09110

She’s cute
Comment from : @LegendKiller03000

i love politic scienc and diffucult scinenc
Comment from : @Lessontime468

Your lecture is good but you are talking too fast , it's sometimes difficult to catch your words, as we are not native EnglishbrAnd The too much speedy talking have not good impression and couldn't understandable
Comment from : @GulMuhammad-fb3hv

A great and super video❤️🙏🏻
Comment from : @SA33135

This video really eased my anxiety and further helped me realize how much I really want to do this!!!
Comment from : @RapHarajuku

There is no such thing as “political science”! That’s just a fantasy they try to teach you in school! Don’t fall for any of that!
Comment from : @cbsteffen

I'm watching you Liberia
Comment from : @jusublamacedukuly3498

Pol scie is the major subject of a courses, example collage of LAW and collage of CRIMINOLOGY- POLICE ADMINISTRATION
Comment from : @leordnersie2871

After a long and arduous battle to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life, I've finally settled on political science I want to help make a better world for as many people as possible Political science seems like the best avenue to let me do just thatbrbrI'm hoping that I'll enjoy most of what my program will throw my way home spring, but I can already tell that I won't enjoy the math class(es) that I might be in for I suppose I'm willing to bite that bullet if it means I get to improve people's lives at the end lol 😅
Comment from : @o3o930

Hopefully we get a PoliSci major / phd as a president instead of the clowns 🤡
Comment from : @affinity9769

I am finding both this and the “How To College” playlist on CrashCourse very inspiring, even though I am not at all sure I plan to return to college for grad schoolbr brI know you don’t have time to cover every possible college major, but how about hitting some of the creative arts like Art, Music, or Theatre? And what about specialty school like conservatories, seminaries, or trade schools?br brDo you plan on any follow up courses on what happens AFTER college, like finding a job, going to grad school, pursuing a PhD or specialty degree like JD, MD, MLS, etc, or returning to school for additional training after being out of school for a while?
Comment from : @BrianHutzellMusic

The vast majority of law schools in the US leave graduates with far, far more debt than a typical graduate's first year earnings post graduation I strongly feel that that should have been at least mentioned with a footnote
Comment from : @GlenCote

Currently a political science and marketing double major with a minor in communication studies It’s not easy 😭
Comment from : @Xiani_e

Poli sci major here! It's a great major, don't hesitate to pursue it if you're interested There's no better time to study it than now
Comment from : @May-kc9cv

Will study hall upload crash course on poltical science reply plz
Comment from : @5mrelievethepain183

Nice work Can u guide for scholarships for Pol Sci If possible
Comment from : @packgate5116

Interesting PoliSci has the most views and most majors covered thus far have been humanitiesbrI can't wait to see the videos covering Computer Sciences (Software Development, Cyber Security, Networking, etc)
Comment from : @georgejones5019

As a 3rd year Political Science college student, these factors were discussed thoroughly Engaging in student organizations in our country, helped me understand more of what I can utilize in terms of skills and passion I could binge in to this, not only for declaring myself as a student but with our current situation, these methods, researches, analytical questions, and theories, serving beyond interactions has never been better I encourage you to enroll this course, it's a great pre-law, the skills that will be developed will be earned beyond your utmost capabilities :>
Comment from : @genietlehome

i’m a political science major, i graduate in 3 days… it’s a lot more difficult than you think, you’ll be doing a lot of papers I did study abroad, and Model United Nations Wish I saw this video four years ago haha, i’ll update here once I get a job (if i remember) If you’re thinking of doing political science, be confident in yourself it’s very important as a lot of what i’ve done took me out of my comfort zone, you have to have the mentality of “frick it, i’m just gunna do it if i fail, i fail, if i pass, woohoo” I was not a confident person going into college, though coming out of college, I’m very confident Poly sci broke me down, and built me back up Get involved if you want to grow, if you’re just the average student (like i was at first) sitting in class and just scraping by, you’re wasting your time I’m not saying to try to become the biggest suck up annoying honors kid who’s involved in 50 things- just enter one or two that interest you Trust me, it’s worth it brbrGood luck to everyone entering college, it’s rough i’m glad i’m finishedbrbrb*Update*/b- (whoops I took awhile 9 months later from initial post) br brThe job market right now is ROUGH, I got a job at a law firm as a legal assistant I tried going into politics, I applied at the mayors office near me, though no dice- Though working at the law firm made it clear to me I want to study law (it was my minor in college) Ended up taking my LSATS, and I'm applying to law school now! Even though I'm not going towards politics now, I believe that my degree is helping me- Political science and Law are best friends! Some of my friends from college who majored in political science have awesome careers, one of my friends works for the state legislator, and another is working in international politics If law school doesn't work out for me, I'm going to shoot for the United Nations Thank you for the likes, and I'm glad my comment seems to be helpful to people!brbrYou all got this!
Comment from : @razzv17

me watching as a college senior poli-sci major 👁👄👁
Comment from : @maisyrae4967

As a graduate student in Political Science, I can attest to the information represented in this video Not sure why it was my recommended feed, but still respect the work!
Comment from : @anthonydavis1453

My son will be in the dual degree program Science Po in France than Columbia University Political Science and International Studies hope it goes well
Comment from : @LLJR

law please!!!
Comment from : @MetropolitanBitch

I guess my thing is: what is the day to day like for these professions? brI come from immigrant parents so i didnt have anyone with a higher education to look up to or to ask all of these questions that i still have at 30 years old
Comment from : @mariamoreno7009

Do you think it would be a good idea to double major with a kind of business degree? I’m very interested in polisci and eventually becoming a lawyer but I worry that I may want something in business to fall back on I’m also interested in corporate law, so I feel like experience there would help
Comment from : @laurenofcourse2120

jaden smith loves this video
Comment from : @n_pcl1048

Amazing video!! Would be great if you guys could do one of these on Classics, especially examining in depth the different career paths and salaries that a degree in Classics can get you <33
Comment from : @varvarasamman4513

Finishing my Master's in PoliSci Tip: Take as many quantitative courses as possible (in-department or out) It will individualize you substantially
Comment from : @godzillafanforever1

Currently I'm in course of master degrees in Polici more specifically in CP (Comparative Politics) My advise for those who want to learn polisci I highly recommend learn some basic statistics, that is very very very helpful to write your own thesis for graduation! More advise to viewer I'll give 3! First, being book lover! also read a news paper as many you can will helpful for improve writing skill Second, choosing double major if it available which is highly recommend! Third, being a openmind when you take course sometime your professor, student and family, have different political thought on certain issue but you always open your eyes and ears listen to them And finally Polisci Student rocks!
Comment from : @khm1217

As a PoliSci major I appreciate this video
Comment from : @AlexCab_49

Just make sure u make the only right choice when u have to make a choice between quan and qual analysis
Comment from : @mdtrw

I am in first year political Science right now Any tips?? ❣️
Comment from : @Ajaxx_21

I did MA in Political Science and I love this video
Comment from : @mehrameghna007

I tend to use my political science minor to get into politics if my history degree doesn't work out
Comment from : @matsal3211

I’m about to graduate high school and I’ve been leaning towards a poli-sci major This video really helped My parents have asked me what the major goes towards and I could never answer them until now!
Comment from : @probablynot2217

This sounds way more intersting that it accualy is
Comment from : @Rebitjump

in germany most people combine political science with economics as political science in germany already has A LOT in common with economics
Comment from : @Marvin-ii7bh

Can you please do nutrition and dietetics?!
Comment from : @helenagreenslit9384

Comment from : @SultanAhmed-et3vc

Everyone in society needs to have an elementary knowledge in political science to have a rational understanding in politics and government operations
Comment from : @yusufumatumbo6865

Can you do international relations or economics next?
Comment from : @Arevik1997

A Theory for Peace: Peace Science
Comment from : @peacescience

I hope there will be one in Biology
Comment from : @masterfy24

I’m majoring in International Affairs at a university in DC this upcoming fall I really appreciate this video!
Comment from : @yuvraj9132

haikyuu!!! 2:04
Comment from : @c4ne

Poli Sci PhD Candidate here with an undergrad background in political science -- Great video but I think this understates the role of data science in poli sci -- much of what I do in any given day is more R or Python coding than actual real world current event thinking
Comment from : @jenniferlin5798

250 million people?? Really? I am in India and I had no idea that that many people were there
Comment from : @dharnishbr2709

(typo at 5:06 - "polictal" instead of "political", if youtube makes it possible to change these days)
Comment from : @alissa6380

While this video was super informational and helpful, it is also helping me realize I hate my poli sci major I love learning about politics, government, and international relations but I really wish I could find a career path that suits me I haven’t found anything that sticks out to me and I graduate in a year… it’s so fun to learn about but I have no idea what to do with it :(
Comment from : @autymnlily7621

I know this might be a more niche major but I am super interested in Spanish and I want to combine that interest with an international relations major but don’t really know what I can do with it
Comment from : @nicreisig2629

Could you guys do bioengineering? It’s a really cool topic but there are so many sub categories
Comment from : @kalibee6234

Please guys do one on Medical Imaging
Comment from : @ChrisPautah

Thank you so much for this video!
Comment from : @angelina9345

Love this!!! Are you guys gonna do a fast guide on history??
Comment from : @Kit438

I totally agree that PoliSci is great as a double major! I love learning about politics, but it is such a theory-heavy major It doesn't always teach you how to really DO anything, just how to think deeply about them I'm doing PoliSci and Journalism so I have the political background to understand it, but I will have lots of real work skills from journalism that I can actually apply in my internships and work after college
Comment from : @annajohnson1394

Great video brI will surely pass them to my students, they might find them helpful even though they aren’t in the US
Comment from : @HugoFauzi

hey guys! please do nursing next!
Comment from : @carleebruggeman6116

Great video! Can you guys cover computer science eventually?
Comment from : @CH3RRYxB0MBx

PLEASE DO THE MAJOR COMMUNICATION STUDIES!!! I have no idea what jobs I can potentially get!!
Comment from : @kirangarchagirlie

I hope we get a video on history as its been mentioned in a few other of the videos
Comment from : @CaraTheStrange

nicee, I wantt to hear about accounting too!
Comment from : @Justirring_LK

I love this, can you please do for science-based degrees?
Comment from : @amirah9140

I love hearing this take on polisci! While I'm majoring in communications, I took polisci as a minor since I've always been curious about the power dynamics in government This series is great, and I hope folks in high school get to see all the work y'all are doing!
Comment from : @Oatmeal_Queen

please do computer information systems
Comment from : @hlk2387

Please do Food Science in the future!!! Not enough people understand this major or know it as an option!!
Comment from : @avaweyrich6176

love the episode! will there be a video on sociology?
Comment from : @rebecaacosta1731

If you dont wa t a job this is the way
Comment from : @bezimeni2000

What about Anthropology and Poli Sci?
Comment from : @LeviRedrook

There is no such thing as political science Psychology, philosophy, politics etc arent science, they are subjects
Comment from : @intimpulliber7376

Love this series! Can you do food science?
Comment from : @lucasfolino3467

Great video
Comment from : @dakshsaroha8438

i like you
Comment from : @romansynovle990

please do one one biology
Comment from : @voyager3252

I did political science as my undergrad, could not get a job so I added a master's I finished my master's a year ago now and I am doing my 5th unpaid internship So I can highly recommend political science if you do not want to get paid for your work 😅
Comment from : @Nico-od4yv

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