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How much of your Social Security will be taxed?

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Title :  How much of your Social Security will be taxed?
Lasting :   11.32
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Frames How much of your Social Security will be taxed?

Description How much of your Social Security will be taxed?

Comments How much of your Social Security will be taxed?

I've watched two of your videos and understand Social Security better than ALL of the other explanations I've heard on YouTube Thank you! I'm a subscriber!
Comment from : @flygalteach

SS costs the Federal government 135 trillion Musk and DOGE will cut this by 50 About time Stop the greed by seniors
Comment from : @tomblevins5020

There are 3 different tests for ss taxable income, don't you want to run all 3 tests to find the least taxable SS?
Comment from : @flybirds2024

In my case it will be 85
Comment from : @joeyoungs8426

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
Comment from : @ChristopherAbelman

interesting but why do you mention the state? is the state relevant?
Comment from : @mikegruber172

Is there an age when my Social Security will no longer by taxable?
Comment from : @ticleve2

Comment from : @Stephenoh33

How is SS taxed on a dependant? I will be collecting at 62 when my child is 11 So for 8 years my child will collect 50 of my FRA (she'll be in HS when she's 19) Question Does my child basically submit a tax return at the age of 11 every April?
Comment from : @TheK9Shepherd

It would have been better and more clear if you had done the actual calculations for each example to show how you arrived at the answer Your answers were correct but someone without knowledge of the process would never understand how you arrived at the answer
Comment from : @johnscott2746

Very informative Thank you
Comment from : @mohamedgoldstein5565

Under Example #4What If the person working is paying normal payroll taxes throughout the year Is there something extra they have to pay?
Comment from : @hankernest9596

Best explanation on SS tax I have seen so far
Comment from : @brindacockburn9951

My wife makes over 200k per year and she’s 9 years younger than me but I want to retire at 62 and take socail security to do so Are they gonna tax my socail security?im in California and my wife is gonna continue to work
Comment from : @Slaytheday388

Comment from : @jeffmax2941

insane!!!! work for 40 years contribute over 1/2 a million to SS and they tax your own money when you take it at retirement Plus you don't get the lump sum you paid! what a scam!
Comment from : @ToddCrommett

thank you for this video , this really helps me understand
Comment from : @puddintayne9254

Check you history the Democrats started taxing Social security
Comment from : @waynegood9233

Why do t people understand you’re not supposed t9 live off social security? It’s a supplement
Comment from : @dcg590

Very helpful and educational Thank you
Comment from : @AnneMcDougle

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
Comment from : @Veronicastyle-

What is provisional income?
Comment from : @Hbd2002

This is genuinely the best explanation I've seen so far! Good on you, Lane
Comment from : @christophersfactory

What is "provisional income?"
Comment from : @ArSlade

What a rip off system Average Americans bring home 75-80 of their paychecks only to be turned around again pay taxes on SS which they already paid as a tax for 40 years of work
Comment from : @davidjsouth231

So much of the people who retired at a higher income, are being tax to death and the federal government is robbing our money that have already been tax
Comment from : @marvinbellomy3874

I am an expat living in Thailand 🇹🇭 I’m running into all kinds of trouble trying to get ready to file soon I was told I had to fly to Manila Philippines 🇵🇭 to try and file there I am on a tight budget and this would cost a lot Any help or advice would be appreciated I turn 62 in June
Comment from : @gilllawson2214

Thank so much sir🎉
Comment from : @babubhaiparekh

Thank you
Comment from : @carmenmollica1454

What if I decided to go back to work because prices are so high? I received my SS at age 62 but am now 68 I know I would pay tax on my work but I believe I would not be taxed on my SS correct? Why do they tax us on SS when it is money we already paid while we were working? Thank you
Comment from : @keynadarling

Super helpful, wow, thank you!!
Comment from : @johnmeye

I’m supposed to be getting 1572 a month from Social Security have no income except I do side jobs and claimed about $14,000 income from that Social Security can answer this but what am I going to be taxed? Thank you
Comment from : @azimmey

what if one spouse is retired and the other isn't the retired spouse is working but under the income threshold while the other is not Should the ret spouse file tax separate ?
Comment from : @BeniBen

Joe Biden put this tax on social security
Comment from : @RonAskey

That money was already taxed Now it's robbery
Comment from : @michaelnewton6388

Why would they tax social security at all??? Don't make sense to me
Comment from : @justsayingforafriend7010

Do you have calculator to calculate these pensions?
Comment from : @chris-zu6sf

You only did one scenario on singles and the rest for married can you do more on the singles please!
Comment from : @laurasaylor6892

i don't know anyone with that much SS
Comment from : @tomy5868

I wish they wouldn't tax the very little bit of money i earn part time bc i dont make enough to file so they get to keep everything they withhold i also get ssi
Comment from : @franbrochu4844

PLEASE explain how you came to the 28 and 19 conclusions
Comment from : @MLIOGJXNUYAT

Is it the same for SSDI?
Comment from : @strokerace4765

keep voting Democrat, they love taxes With the big push that they’re just going to text the rich However, they end up taxing all of us more and more
Comment from : @clint120

I am 100 disabled from a head injury in 1994,why do I have to pay taxes on this at end of year,I don’t understand
Comment from : @ronmacdougall9612

Why are the taxes going up in 2026oh yeah Trump's tax increases on the middle class LOOK IT UP FOR YOURSELF💥
Comment from : @Joey-fs7ro

Why is it a different of provisional income for each person? It looks like the taxes are set to keep us in poverty level forever
Comment from : @gerrimattison5291

what are the thresholds? what about deductions? You explanation is useless without those numbers?
Comment from : @johnshaunfield636

Hi Lane, great stuff, thanks It would be helpful to confirm that provisional income is the same as combined income Also, you show their tax due, it would be great to show their standard deduction and whatever other deductions they had times the applicable tax rate to get to that tax due Again, thanks!
Comment from : @rickbolner8909

SSI funds were already taxed while we were working - let's stop this $$$ grab NOW
Comment from : @michaelbriscoe3533

I presume unearned income like interest from a money market account to be the same for the provisional amount ?
Comment from : @stevencole7331

No one should be paying damn taxes if they are retired and paying taxes after like 30 years Absolutely GARBAGE 0:47
Comment from : @joseCalderon1976

Thanks for posting this excellent video I have one question regarding how much tax will actually need to be paid In Example 7, $25,963 are due However, in the case of a married couple, would this be covered by the standard deduction anyway, so no taxes would actually need to be paid? Or, am I not understanding the process Thank you
Comment from : @John_McFadden

In the Arkansas example you forgot the standard deduction
Comment from : @fredsalmon3228

I am 66 and half in full retirment age and working full timebrHow much is my tax to social security?brHave no any other income such as pension or 401 k
Comment from : @songsamsam1425

I find the exception of the term "benefit" This is my money that I paid in starting at age 15!
Comment from : @darla2142

So I only pay tax on the portion of my assets i liquidate in the tax year and my tax rate has nothing to do with my total net worth?
Comment from : @trailguy

Hello, quick question, I am a 62 yo retired Federal employee I get a monthly annuity and have Federal tax taken out of that My wife still works and has Federal tax (10) taken out each paycheck This past year we got a Federal tax refund of over $2k Since I turned 62 two months ago, my SSA Supplement ended Starting this month I will begin receiving my Social Security benefit payment which works out to be about $700 more than my SSA supplement was per month My question is, since my wife and I received a good amount from last years Federal tax return, am I required regardless to have additional Federal tax taken out of my Social Security benefit even if I think we are paying adequate Federal Taxes on our income? Thank you
Comment from : @jet0715

Question: Do the taxes get removed when the checks come out or do we need to save for these taxes and pay with our income tax?
Comment from : @karencrittenden414

How do you figure the provisional income? what a bad deal
Comment from : @briankelly2950

Is social security still taxes as much if you use it to pay medical insurance if you are not old enough to qualify for Medicare?
Comment from : @crisduran2876

what does "Provisional" mean?
Comment from : @Chiefkahuna2

Do people with decent pensions have any way to reduce the percentage of SS benefits being taxed to below 85 percent?
Comment from : @Dukiedukester

Subtitle C social security taxes according to the US Treasury Secretary is triggered upon a "privilege" or in layman's terms an excise tax, which the average American making domestic source income does not qualify
Comment from : @alphonsoeiland3196

If I've already paid taxes on the money I paid into social security, why do I have to pay taxes again when I get it back?
Comment from : @notmyfault29

Awe, was hoping you do CA
Comment from : @yolandalopez2555

Back to the drinking game! Every time he says sochacurity, take a shot
Comment from : @stephenparsons6011

Vote out Democrats dummies Duh!
Comment from : @Collusion10

Could you mail me the forms to enable me to recieve ssi i dont want to put my info on the internet ive subscribed and have been watch your videos they have cleared things up for me and i thank you very much
Comment from : @kevinsnyder8448

So depending were you live will very in taxes
Comment from : @gillesuzan180

Wait, how does the wife have that much benefit? Max she should get is half of his?
Comment from : @paulmarino8810

Omg Question live in GA will received my ssn in oct single working for 90,000 Per year my expected amount to received will be $2400,09 How much tax will I be paying back?
Comment from : @halcyonbrighterdays

Are you kidding and we can't pass it on like Europe if we die early? This is robbery
Comment from : @luckyduckydaisyflower2344

i recive ss $2,57100 l am 66 and still working my anual job in a year is $69,00000 my wife does not work she gets $93200 she is 63 i am in my job on my w-4 am single and put an extra $10000 per pay period how would my situation work thank you
Comment from : @JoseRivera-dd6et

What if one spouse is strictly civil service retirement and one is minimum social security benefit?
Comment from : @jeanniestaller797

What about state tax on SS income?
Comment from : @danielzegler4156

Thank you, Ronald Reagan, for signing into law a tax on social security, putting further strain on Seniors "Government is the problem"? Yeah, and you were part of it
Comment from : @Hendo56

Awesome content!!!! I much rather watch these videos than all of the other videos that do not benefit me at allbrThanks Mr Martinsen I truly appreciate you providing information that is help to US ALL Im 53 years old and I was exploring the possibility to retire at 56 but this information is very helpful I have two choices nowcontinue to work until 62 or retire at 56 and move to another country
Comment from : @SuperMan-bh9lq

The politicians (ron reagan), are taxing the devil out of us!
Comment from : @db8646

I am very much a beginner in investing In your book, I would like to know the TOC before I buy it
Comment from : @darlene5481

I am a house wife for now because I have to take care of my illness husband And I was working from 2000 to July 30 2022 I will be 60 years old in October 10 2023 Right now I can't go back to work anymore because I have to take care of my illness husband Am I Aligibal for the binifit of social security money And when I can apply for it thank you very much Please give me an answer
Comment from : @orninstennett167

But whether you take money out of your 401 or convert it to a Roth - you still pay taxes So I fail to see how converting is “better?”
Comment from : @rn87mom94

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