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Debunked: "The Rich Don’t Pay Their Fair Share"

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Information Debunked: "The Rich Don’t Pay Their Fair Share"

Title :  Debunked: "The Rich Don’t Pay Their Fair Share"
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Comments Debunked: "The Rich Don’t Pay Their Fair Share"

Ok Curious about what others here think about other taxes What about consumer taxes and the FICA tax Doesn’t that take more as a percentage out of lower incomes; thereby, making the tax system as a whole more flat than progressive? I get it from the income tax perspective But I also understand taxing the dollar a million ways isn’t good And more as a percentage eats into building wealth for lower/middle income earners gets taken away
Comment from : @alex-ellsworth

Address the fact that that Musk, Bezos and Zuck are worth more than the bottom 50 of Americans That is monopoly which produces suboptimal results in a capitalist economy to boot
Comment from : @BadAssDude69

You’re wrong again, Shapiro
Comment from : @jwbjpb1338

Trust the rich guy telling you all this while avoiding literally anything that doesn't support his narrative
Comment from : @dparadi1

the rich are the people that have more than the rest brfair share means proportional to what you have brtax the shit out of the rich
Comment from : @MrBardel4363

Before Reagan did they pay 70?
Comment from : @BlakeHaskins-s9j

The only moral option is to tax the rich with approximately70 -90 percent rate for every dollar after approximately 3 million dollars That was the tax rate during the best period of American economy br💰💰💰💰Billionaires exist because of gov investments in high tech and infrastructure , gov subsidies, saving the big corp when they fail etc therefore it is ONLY moral to tax them to help the rest of taxpayers who fund all the above
Comment from : @dsgio7254

🙃🙃🙃🙃haha people constantly moving these brackets? Yes all of you dont worry in 10 years you will be wealthy Please look at the real numbers and you pockets
Comment from : @dsgio7254

I can't believe people in the comments are buying this bullshit
Comment from : @Jegrygerfede

Isn't this the lizard who tried to profit of eppy pens?
Comment from : @SD-vy7gj

They also consume beyound their fair share of a dieing planet Conning their grandchildren out ofntheir future for their own plesure and conveyance Funny how you think you can buy that
Comment from : @SD-vy7gj

After deductions, based on AGI, the rich seem like they pay a lot But they get so so many deductions that according to Gross Income before deductions, they pay almost nothing And those deductions are totally biased for the rich and only for the rich
Comment from : @rsb7608

He's ignoring the reality of how the rich really avoid taxes
Comment from : @rsb7608

So, I don't follow him, but Shapiro is blatantly misleading his viewers here Why not show ALL forms of taxes as a proportion of income AND also mention that the rich have rigged the economy so as to take more than their share of the pie while underpaying workers? brbrBecause he fails to tell viewers the whole story, this video is dangerous propaganda
Comment from : @HealingLifeKwikly

I used to say the rich don't pay their fair share, until I went from making 30K to 100K People also don't realize how they are able to get mortgages and car loans and credit of any kind It ain't because of poor and broke people
Comment from : @danieldoucet9121

Comment from : @TheAbyrr

5:40 It’s important to add: brbrAccording to the EPI, "The top 1 earned 146 of all wages in 2021”brbrAnd they’re paying 40 federal taxes
Comment from : @definitelynottigerwhitten5865

Was talking to a leftist chick and told her in CA, my marginal tax rate was nearly 50 She said that was insane And I just stared at her, like, these are the policies iyou/i support! I don't think she had any idea what tax rates look like She just decided rich people need to pay more
Comment from : @voskresenie-

small mistake, Republicans always chose to hide this fact The top 1 pay 45 of the income tax; the income tax effects the poor much less than the rich; the rich are untouched by social security tax, sales tax, and state taxes The poorest people pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than that of a rich person its easy to dumb it down to an income tax, but of course they pay more in an income tax This video is very biased, and it shows when you actually know a thing or two about the economy let me say that again, look it up and find the true stats, but the lowest tax bracket pays more in taxes than the highest tax bracket, he also fails to talk about how easy it is for people to use loopholes to avoid paying taxes and how the loop holes disproportionatly favor the rich over the poor literally everything is deducted so the tax rate listed truly never is what it says, its much lower
Comment from : @FunNiceGuy444

This tool is gaslighting people to think that there isn't a huge wealth gap in the US
Comment from : @_soupnazi

in the US, once you reach a certain level of financial confort, it makes to stop there because the hard work vs dollar earned begins to get disproportionate, ie an hours worth of labour earns you less compared to the quintile below you why bother if you and the person taxed at a lower rate both put in the same effort?
Comment from : @nax1807

My only complaint about this video is that Jed Clampett was not from Texas, he was from the Ozarks in Arkansas/Missouri
Comment from : @winstonsmith8441

Ben Shapiro is a multi-millionaire He is one of "the rich" Be careful believing what he says about this
Comment from : @yulia7191

I cannot be excited about taxing the rich more The government is extremely wasteful with our money I have no reason to think they would spend that wealth well I wouldn't be surprised if the private spending of the rich benefited the economy more than whatever is left from taxes after government ideas waste it
Comment from : @gurugru5958

The biggest most ridiculous lie being spread right now 😂
Comment from : @tedanderson5528

Working people have to carry the rich by paying their taxes also so they can go golfing
Comment from : @LindaMaxwell-ob3nb

People should pay for what they use, if they can
Comment from : @HelenKistler

A business paying Social Security is, paying the tax that the employee earned not the business The top 1 actually pay a lower rate than the people on the bottom due to hidden taxes and end of Social Security at 120K, Sales tax, gas tax, tariffs, phone, electricity, alcohol, cigarette, tolls etc
Comment from : @douglasmerkel8747

Why can’t anyone say anything without someone saying the opposite? Are there no facts in this life? How can we not get a definitive answer to any question ever? Either they are or they aren’t How can there not be a non arguable answer?
Comment from : @thebugalito

Jed was from the Ozarks
Comment from : @mylifesawreckfilm

Lol okay so allegedly the rich pay their fair share because the poor use social services? Hmm well why don’t these rich pay their poor workers more so they won’t need these social services? Oh wait Ben’s against that too
Comment from : @yveje9720

Rich paying majority of taxes doesn't mean they are paying fair share Don't confuse two unless if its intensional!
Comment from : @alpeshmittal3779

What da dog doin?
Comment from : @deftteacher87

You’re so full of shit
Comment from : @tamirenfisher702

Oh those poor poor rich people🙄
Comment from : @tamirenfisher702

People came here to not watch the video lol
Comment from : @nate32396

The way this guy explains while trying to excuse ultra rich is wack
Comment from : @Autonomousmode

You don't use the loopholes Trump uses? Hillary and all her friends do I guess you have to be smart
Comment from : @lyrebird65

Comment from : @Rossell-t9b

If you are not aware of how much a person makes, and how much they pay in taxes,brhow can think they are evading tax payment "Fair Share" is a very vague statement and will vary from person to person Every tax is unfair to some party with food tax being the most unfair tax there is Influence on politicans creates tax loopholes And some of these loopholes are written for people other than the wealthy People knowledgeable about these tax loopholes take advantage of them Anybody can learn more about tax "breaks" and can do things to pay less in taxes Bernie is worth 25 to 30 million dollars President Biden about 10 million dollars
Comment from : @tupperlake100

You are a charlatan! Do the math!
Comment from : @DonWhisner

robert reich needs to subscribe
Comment from : @williampowell2722

Excellent video keep making more videos like this
Comment from : @brianwhite3428

Poor Ben pushing a boulder uphill on this one Even Republicans don’t believe it
Comment from : @dannysullivan3951

country works for the richbrSays the rich
Comment from : @jawnashun777

problem is that people think that it is okay to tax rich, while forgetting that they earned that money by taking big risks rather than heavily taxing rich, force them to create a better enviroment
Comment from : @himanshusinghal242

The rich people don’t pay their fair share because they pay their taxes with monopoly money They literally pay their taxes with made up theoretical nonexistent moneybrbrThey don’t pay their taxes with the billions and billions of dollars of profit they pay your taxes out of stock value brAnd if the stock value is worth more than what you would owe in taxes, the government pays you
Comment from : @Helfirehydra

Yes the rich pay an higher amount they have more income Poor people pay a higher percentage of their income
Comment from : @marshallkvas2211

Ben starts with blurring the lines between the poor and the rich, giving the false impression, that there are no poor peoplebrThe lie starts with the quentiles, by saying that "all humans are constantly moving between all these brackets" which is a blatant liebrIf that would be true, everyone of us would have been in the top quentile at leaat once in our life, which is, again, a simple liebrThe amount of bullshit that leaves his mouth is too much to be depicted
Comment from : @esmolol4091

Debunked: "The Rich Don't Pay Their Fair Share"brBrought to you by the rich
Comment from : @abstract5249

That's how taxes work, Sir You make more you should pay more
Comment from : @brenee1498

Wow Ben nice try You dodged everyones real concerns Namely that the top 001 ( not, top 25, the gap between the two is way too large for that distinction to be practical in this conversation) of the people dont pay taxes in ways which they normally would have to without glaring loopholes in the american tax system The idea of their "fair share" is probably also linked to a utilitarian idea that one person cannot gain as much utility or happines from an extra 100 mil$ in their bank account or a third jet or island as 1000 people could with 1000th of that money That being said there are reasons not to further tax the rich: 1 They've earned it (american dream, etc) 2 They know how to make buisinesses that solve problems or needs and therfore generate money better than othersbrSo either the public needs to demand the unamerican idea of more direct utilitarianism or they need to stop spending money on things big companies advertisebrThoughts anyone?
Comment from : @skolskr774

I think that the 1 should pay 1 as long as they only own 1 of the wealth
Comment from : @owgdj

Absolutely agree But you cannot seem to be able to get the point across People do not want to listen no matter how true the statement is They need to believe the system is rigged against them
Comment from : @countryman3460

“Pass a big chunk on to the next guy” brbrThat’s not how taxation works The big chunk goes to random government projects, not ‘the next guy’
Comment from : @brilliant_stories

It is not about taxes only It is about corruption and ability to block new people in your sphere
Comment from : @balsarmy

This whole video is bullshit Ben’s a millionaire of course he’s biased towards the rich The poor pay a disproportionate amount of consumption taxes guess you forgot to mention that And let’s not ignore the fact that while yes companies are liable for paying into Medicare and social security- they often offset those taxes by lowering wages So essentially the worker is paying the full amount into social security/medicare and the employer pays squat The richest 400 Americans own more wealth than the bottom 60 now This vast wealth inequality can be traced to almost every societal affliction imaginable and it needs to be fixed The way you do that it cap their income Invest more in social programs Im tired of hearing this bs about rugged individualism and personal responsibility It’s important to a small extent but human beings are a communal species NO ONE PERSON OR FAMILY NEEDS TO OWN HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS No one And for the wealthy to sit upon their piles of cash, hoarding it at the detriment to the most vulnerable and marginalized in society is wrong It’s INHUMANE Tax the rich
Comment from : @cayladodd9216

Pay livable wages to all full time workers Be responsible for the environment A rich person is someone who steals from the poor for his own wealth These are the people who need to be stopped The problem isn't wealth The problem is a one sided system
Comment from : @coachtaewherbalife8817

All of our politicians are the Rich and make sure all the tax loopholes stay in place for them and their friends
Comment from : @robertscholfield4048

Remove welfare system and alimony and child support Biden is the 1>> and dodged taxes And sold out the people and government and a recent senile puppet potus POS Personal income tax under 400k needs to be gone anything above 1 and remove homestead property tax under a certain amount per areanew need to understand that fiat currency is garbage controled by the private Rothschilds bank aka the fed And we borrow our money from them No fuckin hunks of anythingwe are fucking slaves The taxes are so fucked up because of the government and bribes aka lobbyists money
Comment from : @mikedubovs1574

Aren't those politicians in the 1? Do they pay their fair share?
Comment from : @Tripsaas01

Did you fall for it? He makes a very good living protecting the rich
Comment from : @jimgaines6437

How about instead of increasing taxes on the wealthy, we literally just close the loopholes that the rich exploit to avoid paying taxes? Oh wait, that would go against the rich folks that fund Ben Shapiro so I’m sure he would be against that
Comment from : @ryant5447

Good video, but the idiots that need to watch it, won't
Comment from : @dogshouse1235

Granted on paper it seems like the rich are taxed so much However, social security is capped after 162,500 approx Also, there are ways of getting around these rates I believe the reason we have jacked the tax rate up so high on high income is so the government actually gets a small portion of their revenue Don't trust this video do some research The extremely rich dont typically get there by being good guys Unregulated they will abuse you Look at the turn of the century Child labor and the huge gap between the have and have nots
Comment from : @lucyk2371

Wow debunked by a Jew Who would have thunk it?
Comment from : @nevadataylor

Ben completely ignored what the song is about and tunneled so hard about a topic that is way off the purpose and meaning of the song It's about the politicians in the capitol that is north of Richmond
Comment from : @gabrielward8056

Ben says you're getting too much poor people You're rich already pay everything So starting now no more income taxes out of your paychex They don't need it the rich pay it all
Comment from : @reggiekoval2111

Ben is againt taxing the rich because he himself is very wealthy
Comment from : @juanalarcon7887

why you so mad about the Barbie movie??
Comment from : @Ifugiveubegin2live

Yeah Healthcare should be a government expenditure they tried that but the Republicans wouldn't allow it
Comment from : @Ifugiveubegin2live

But why is healthcare and education so expensive?? Why do the rich go around driving cars that vost as much as 2 houses while the minimum wage workers cannot afford 1house?
Comment from : @jonathanplanet

2023 numbersbrbr423 of all taxes paid by Top 1 income Earnersbr314 of all taxes paid by Top 2-10 income Earnersbr23 of all taxes paid by the Bottom 50 income Earners
Comment from : @petenrita

Great educational video debunking another leftist lie, but because I'm an audiophile, here's some of the music credits, by Future Joust: Time 0:17 “On The Knife”, Time 2:50 “Powerwalkin’”, Time 4:56 “Sunset Drive”
Comment from : @defaris1

Growth of American economy higher when upper tax rates higher From 21 to 4 A majority of GOP voters favor raising taxes on ultra wealthy Trickle down economics has proven to fail multiple times
Comment from : @dannysullivan3951

When you pretend that the taxes paid by all corporations are similar to the tax that wealthy should pay you don't understand the issue The issue here the is untaxed wealth of a family Untax wealth that goes on for generations They will never sell or inherit outside a corporate infrastructure They hide their money multiple ways So, what is rich and how reach should a person be? Not a company, a person!!!
Comment from : @bogdantudorache5872

All of us have unearned advantages, but I can tell you reasonably wealthy people work quite hard To me, a lot of talk about taxation just sounds like festering resentment for one’s own inadequacies
Comment from : @kristenisreal

It took nearly six minutes for him to finally get to the point: the top half of earners in the US pay almost all the taxes collected by the government, and the top 1 pay about 40 of all the bill The other side of that reality is that the bottom half of earners pay practically none of the taxes The ones with no dog in the fight are the ones who scream the loudest about inequity in the system, as well as how the money is spent They categorically hate and vilify the ones that keep the country funded, AND create most of the jobs If you don’t believe this is true, it is all public information that is collected and disseminated by the IRS, and you can confirm it on their website at your leisure
Comment from : @thatfeeble-mindedboy

Me wondering how many taxes ben doesn’t pay He sure can afford one of them fancy tax lawyers the majority of the rest of us sure can’t
Comment from : @FireDragonArmy2

Oh come on This is not even false ( like a famous physicist used to say) Here : youtube/t6V9i8fFADI
Comment from : @dsgio7254

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