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Debunking winter tire myths

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Title :  Debunking winter tire myths
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Comments Debunking winter tire myths

A couple of things viewers might want to know about snow tires One is that the rubber compound resists hardening up better at low temperatures than summer tires In other words the rubber remains "stickier" than summer rubber The second cool thing about them is that they cost you very little While they are on your car, your summer tires are sitting in the garage getting a rest and visa-versa for your winter tires in the summer Effectively doubling the life of both sets of tires Get a cheep set of steel rims for the winter tires to avoid the cost of removing and reinstalling tires on rims which weakens the seal over many seasons and usually does some damage to your fancy magnesium rims It also makes switching a breeze at the shop or in your own driveway Takes about 30 mins of effort Way worth it
Comment from : @michaelhutz405

Winter tires!? My new tesla drives itself getting snow tires would be ridiculous
Comment from : @jayrum106

All weather tires, strike a nice balance, like the Nokian WRG series, or Goodyear Weatheready tires They wear a little faster, but are better than all season tires
Comment from : @jamesgeorge4874

2:31 The three peak rating on All Terrain tires is a scam They're tested in deep snow, not compacted snow and ice Actual winter tires (like blizzaks for example) are way better in the winter than All Terrain tires
Comment from : @dalefrolander3583

Winter tires are noticeably better than all season tires (actually three season tires)
Comment from : @dalefrolander3583

In Norway it no thing called all season eiter summer or winter tyres
Comment from : @tomirvung4015

Last winter I had 2 winter tires in the front and 2 all seasons in the back The front had excellent traction in mud and on ice while the back was sliding all over the place I learnt my lesson 😂
Comment from : @चेतन_महाराष्ट्र

Snows all the way around - the best traction for going and stopping in the winter
Comment from : @davidrobins7753

I was shocked to see the difference when I use winter tire for the first time it feels like u driving on road in summer time so much control
Comment from : @romyvasir9249

Should be mandatory in Canada October 1 Needs winter tires Just like Austria , Germany , Switzerland and so on No with Winters one point for each tire and a massive fine
Comment from : @Ferntreeequipment

In Finland we use commonly studded winter tires from november to march
Comment from : @aris95

I remember Matt from SAIT! Cool!
Comment from : @GriefPB

Comment from : @NSWvet83

All season tires arent winter rated No all season tire is winter rated
Comment from : @hondabro5162

How do Mud & Snow (M/S) compare to winters? Pretty close?
Comment from : @gmaan7004

School busses don't use winter tires and they drive little kids a round
Comment from : @coochiecrook7120

Nokian WRG4/5 Best tire for summer and winter
Comment from : @krecikowi

Winter tires make a HUGE difference! I more enjoy driving my 2wd 8th gen Civic with Blizzak WS90 winter tires over my FJ Cruiser with Duratrac tires (a winter rated AT / MT tire) Yes, the FJ is non stoppable, and better because of the 4wd and lockers BUT, if the snow isn't over the bumper, the Civic is so much more fun to drive in snow and ice Feels so connected Can do little slides around corners and be in complete control If you have never had winter tires, do not say you don't need them You'll be amazed if you try them But, I did get some Falken Aklimate All weather tires for my CIvic now We'll see how these all weather do in the winters
Comment from : @earthling1984

Remember reading consumer reports when they came out completely trashed every claim that was made about how safe they were
Comment from : @MikeMcGrath-p3b

Take everything said with a grain of salt Remember, tire manufacturers and tire shops WANT TO SELL YOU NEW TIRES
Comment from : @indoorroadkill3369

Good advice As someone in the lower 48, snow is only about a 3 month thing at most(am in Iowa) I can’t justify the extra expense of extra rims and tires for my FWD vehicles I handle by switching to my AWD vehicles in snow Winter tires are loud and do not handle well outside of cold weather
Comment from : @robertr4715

Confused why Ontario doesn't have winter tires mandatory like Quebec does from Dec 1 to Mars 15 I mean, you basically have harsher winter storms in Toronto than we have in Montreal Now it's true, many drive on fairly worn winter tires but still overall, I feel safer knowing nobody around is having fun with all seasons in 2 inches of fresh snow
Comment from : @Peppermint1

In North Western Ontario, winter tire are not mandatory but highly recommend We can have -40 temperatures and feet of snow Winter tires help in all these situations immensely
Comment from : @joedella-mattia2234

Failed to mention that the key fact that the rubber compound is different for winter tires, it is not just about the tread pattern and sipes Winter tires remain pliable, and able to do their job, at far lower temperatures than all seasons All season tires start drastically losing performance below about 7 degrees Celsius, as the rubber hardens due to the cold temperature
Comment from : @HamBown

Winter tires will pay for themselves in one fender bender ,
Comment from : @papabits5721

All weather tire are better than all season tire if you don’t want to put winter tire
Comment from : @myfirstname8333

good video, but i only heard one myth, what are the others?
Comment from : @jimc9516

Who drives 10 years old tires??? aftee 5 years they feel terrible already
Comment from : @vincentmercier8595

I see comments from people saying “drive safely, you won’t need winter tires” Sorry to those folks but do us all a favour and stay off the roads Any tire can be over driven and I do believe winter tires are over hyped but there is no questions they give better traction on icy and slushy roads
Comment from : @rickbateman2401

Why dont you give us a discription of the suspect Officer?
Comment from : @rvatto7144

Put my winter tires on yesterday
Comment from : @lemmy37

That is old technology All Weather ( different of all seasons) have been used in Scandinavia for decades now retailers want to buy fouble, pay for mounting, storage
Comment from : @locholoco

I got religion about snow tires about twenty years ago when I nearly went into a ditch I finally got myself a pair of Bridgestone Blizzaks and it felt like an entirely different car in the winter For anyone who thinks that it doesn't make much difference, you're just wrong Putting winter tires on your car makes more difference than 4 wheel drive, especially for stopping
Comment from : @edsedlak6827

make sure the tire pressure is correct! the sticker in the door only applies to the original equipped tires, look at the tires MAX PSI & load rating compared to the vehicles original tire specs, weight and usage to determine this psi usually a little bit lower PSI is good for winter driving, to get the full load rating out of a tire needs to be at the MAX PSI listed on the sidewall
Comment from : @DeVoNmotorsports

2:05 do a coefficient of friction test dry and wet, the tire is 10 yours old you should inspect it not throw it out, some tires sit on climate controlled shelves for 6 years or longer before being sold, like Canadian tire returns tires after 6 years, I have personally seen tires 25 to 50 years old that are still no dry rot cracks, that being said the degradation rate will most likely be faster, if it was stored in a climate humidity controlled room, should be good
Comment from : @DeVoNmotorsports

0:25 you can see dry rot on that tire right in the center, the kind that goes all the way around the tire no little cracks, long ones, happens when you drive to aggressive with low tire pressure, those are bad
Comment from : @DeVoNmotorsports

I was born in Ontario so I've been driving in snow and ice my whole life - I'm 61 I've found that a "three peaks," all weather tire on a car with intelligent AWD handles everything you throw at it
Comment from : @donnicholson3170

Try explaining to the average Albertan that winter tires are better and they are very likely to tell you all seasons are “just as good” or “I’ve been driving for my whole life and haven’t needed them” It’s a litmus test Not sure why they think they know better than the engineers who developed the compounds and manufacture the tires The data is irrefutable
Comment from : @ivancliff2514

I drive AWD in M/S tire and doing uber taxiI never had any issues Its about the way you drive, not in a tireThats it
Comment from : @erwinbernales1723

But if I am 42 years old, have driven in snow before? Would you recommend winter tires for me? lol just joking It's illegal to drive without them in Quebec
Comment from : @samcyr7314

lol the “new to the country” comment! Yes Trudeau ruined Canada 🇨🇦
Comment from : @axtonjcranston1064

My sedan with winter tires kicks my trucks butt on snow and ice My truck has all seasons
Comment from : @kawkawmccarvs7802

Why did they not talk about all WEATHER tires? They're rated for ice and snow This video could have been a lot better
Comment from : @BloodyIron

This sounds like I clicked on a vid that advertises "BUYING TIRES" I've been driving since I was 20, now 71 Tires have never given a problem Usually the car gives out before the tires since we change them before DANGER Misleading vid
Comment from : @twopianomanGAB_D

Typical cbc bullshit
Comment from : @Zzrdemon6633

Also the new-ish segment "all weather" tires wasn't mentioned Maybe not to confuse newbs
Comment from : @wusthof641

In Ontario your insurance company will ask directly if you put winter tires on Better rates when you do
Comment from : @foamer443

Anyone who’s ever driven in a snowstorm can easily see who doesn’t have winter tires They’re the cars in the ditch New York City in a snowstorm is nuts Every car sliding all over the place except those with winter tires trying to avoid getting hit
Comment from : @cornelia9778

This is a paid ad and should be marked as such
Comment from : @ChanceSummerMusic

just put snow tires on my SUV so should be good for 160 km per hour in snowstorms on the 401 zoom zoom
Comment from : @billsblue89

Money grab learn to drive properly in this country first , no matter what RUBBER you use
Comment from : @coscrupi

I live in Quebec No way i dont get winter tires So dangerous 😮
Comment from : @jackjackthompson5771

tires are one thing I splurge on - usually goodyear or michelinbras a poor student I'd just get the cheapest tire, and while it's almost half the price of a brand name, its LESS than half as good I'd get two seasons out of my summer and winter tires Now with Goodyear or Michelin, they last 5-6 years
Comment from : @braveheartbob3473

Are these the myths? What was debunked?
Comment from : @jperih

I am surprised CBC did not loop back to tire deficiencies being the conservatives fault
Comment from : @oudoorguy4300

First of all, there's no replacement for being a skilled driver Second, that tip about the manufacturing date printed on the sidewall of the tire is a good one Third, I have no issue with those that choose to changeover their tires twice a year But given that winters are gradually becoming warmer, perhaps save yourself some money and consider a top quality all season Personally, I've never used winter tires and I've driven approximately 15M miles with no issues
Comment from : @brianhickman6315

Apparently he sells winter tires !! Nonsense ! Go slow in the snow ! All season tires are fine !!
Comment from : @johnridley6843

Click bait garbage
Comment from : @bee-adventurous

The secret for new or young drivers is not to tell them how fantastic winter tires are Teach them that winter driving is hard and winter tires allow it to be possible All Season tires should be called 3 Season tires Useless in snow
Comment from : @trainstractorscarsandtruck7362

You know when winter tires are the best? In the summer For autocrossing ;)
Comment from : @the_kombinator

The exact opposite of title - click bait propaganda - move on
Comment from : @richmclovin

another national scam
Comment from : @patrickrgrier3195

This was useless He made no mention of the temperature ratings and softer rubber compounds on winter tires Seems like a video made purely for Toronto which is typical CBC
Comment from : @du3223

Is it a myth that my winter tyres will end up in Africa when port authority let them take my robbed car away?
Comment from : @querty292

Annnd he does not know how a snow tire worksyay CBC please get better people to interview Other than that It was a great commercial for why you need to buy new tires PS if you buy cheap tires from china 10 years of life will be a pipe dream But if you buy good tires and store them in the propper conditions when not in use 10ish years should be doable
Comment from : @WiFuzzy

I am 71 years old and never had winter tires If you know how to drive in all conditions, you don't need winter tires Winter tires are great for idiotic or just plain lousy drivers only
Comment from : @CowboyPants-h5p

sadly this guy has no idea about rubber compounds and tire running temperatures
Comment from : @creativeprotagonist2608

This is just what big tire wants you to believe… (Sarcasm)
Comment from : @rugbyguy59

Best winter driving tip ever SLOW DOWN!!!
Comment from : @GratefulOutlook

arent they obliged by laws in every provinces????
Comment from : @mhebert350

As a person who has driven Alberta winters for the past 25, and has driven on summer tires in winter and winter tires in summer (both with poor and sometimes expensive results) I approve this message This is all good advice brbrSummer tires are for warm (& hot) weather; Winter Tires are for Cold weather (not just snow/ice, but cold); All Season tires are okay, especially for the budget conscious, but should only be used by experienced drivers that have good instincts developed; All weather tires are a little pricier at first, but will save mony in the long run, they are as good as Summer and Winter tires, but mainly in areas that clears roads on a regular basis (Cities and Highways); if you're out in the sticks a lot, get winter tires for winter
Comment from : @Kestrel297

All Weathers are the best for Canada
Comment from : @zomgoose

Didn't see any debunking in the video Perhaps try a thesaurus
Comment from : @JBaggs-e6q

Sipes offer several advantages but the most impactful advantage, when driving on snow, is that the sipes collect snow in between each groove which improves traction This is because snow on snow has FAR better traction than rubber on snow More below average reporting from CBC unfortunately
Comment from : @j0hnny483

What myths???????
Comment from : @rustedghost

Every year I do the swap to my studded Hakkapelittas and those beauties have never let me down 🙂
Comment from : @shannond2707

There is a difference between all season and all weather tires
Comment from : @seanhart9706

If you don't know how to drive in the winter it matters very little how good your tires are
Comment from : @redsable6119

Sadly I find if you make a car 10safer people drive 25 worse, having good winter tyres is a must but dont be over confident that you have them you still need to slow down keep a good distance, the minimum tread depth on a winter tyre is 4 mmkeep them inflated correctly, Now try this place you hand on the floor draw round it with a crayon and picture the small shape you have just made now remember that you have 4 bits of rubber that size attaching you to the road, I was shown this many many years ago and it has always stuck in my mind, drive to the conditions and all will be good as for this video debunking myths not a single myth was mentioned so here are a few, ABS makes you stop quicker total myth it was designed to enable you to steer the car with your foot on the brake winter tyres enable you to drive faster in winter again total myth what they do is give way better traction but you should reduce speed and drive smooth, no sharp cornering no hard acceleration etc drive smooth and lastly cheap tyres are just as good as expensive ones, also a myth, the compound in cheap winters only just meets the required standards, it is a minimum standard and should not be considered as the same as a good quality winter tyre
Comment from : @davebloggs

This was a waste of three minutes and seven seconds Sounded more like keep my tire shop busy than real facts of why winter tires are myths
Comment from : @oby-1607

Tire age is the biggest bunch of bullshit designed by the manufacturers to get you to buy new rubber
Comment from : @ElectoneGuy

Just think, why doesn’t trucks, tractor trailers, courier vehicles, police vehicles and most service vehicles not equipped with winter tires??? Even airplanes don’t have winters on in winter season
Comment from : @nesparas1176

Even with extra weight in my truck the all season tires still sucked in slush last year Finally going to get winter tires
Comment from : @Coyote-wm5op

Learn how to handle the vehicle in the snow and ice winter tires are not going to do much if your driving in snow like it’s summer their only a tool to help you knowledge is the key
Comment from : @travispark6934

Rubber is rubber They all grip ice the same (they dont) The treads make a small difference
Comment from : @angusmackaskill3035

CBC Debunking! Lol
Comment from : @stephendavis1520

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