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The only CDROM drive with a Turbo button!

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Title :  The only CDROM drive with a Turbo button!
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Description The only CDROM drive with a Turbo button!

Comments The only CDROM drive with a Turbo button!

Look up Soundblaster Live Platinum with Live Drive
Comment from : @neophytealpha

25 minutes in and you still havent explained how does it work without serial or usb Fuxk you
Comment from : @Ginto_O

The story about finding the separate components at two different RE-PC locations really had the stars aligning for this drive
Comment from : @MrMario2011

FYI, that remote was also the same remote used in the IR Blaster that they sold separately it was a serial based hockey puck design I bought this to use with an avermedia pci tv tuner that outputed via svideo to my tv because the tuner in the tv was broken
Comment from : @BobRooney290

On the subject of optical drive quality, I’d agree for reading, but writing discs was entirely different, at least in the mid and late 90s In my circle of friends we went through dozens of brands that constantly ruined discs during burn attempts until we got to creative drives Those were the best drives for writing discs we found until we found Plextor and could afford those Eventually, around maybe 2005 or so, that all changed and the cheapest LG writers were just fine I suspect the DVD and Blu-Ray writing tech splashed onto CD writing and all the drives just got better for it
Comment from : @swilson42

😢i love that he's talking about ATAPI while wearing an ATARI shirt 👕
Comment from : @benny7811

1:44 i specifically seek out motherboards that have excellent DACs and audio connectivity It is perhaps the second most important feature, next to the number of pcie lanes Unfortunately that usually means i am limited to high end motherboards
Comment from : @Petrolhead99999

I did actually shatter a CD in a drive once, but it was already chipped
Comment from : @Wander1236

I wish I had the gift of gab
Comment from : @TananBaboo

woow, what a coincidence, I used to have a Soundblaster audio card installed with the same Creative CD ROM drive on the exact same Dell Optiplex!
Comment from : @jrvf2000

Had a drive and remote like this with my AWE64 kit Used the remote twice, probably The on-drive controls were really handy!brbrThe announcer voice was really annoying and got old fastbrbrThe media player app that came with mine was an older version that was a lot classier than the one you got
Comment from : @DanielMonteiroNit

I will now have the phrase "pegging the CPU" stuck in my head forever I work in tech so you know it will come up in a serious meeting some day
Comment from : @biturboism

Can I use my DVD rom drive as a cd player even not hooked up in my computer?
Comment from : @homemark22

Creative is junk and I don't owe them anything
Comment from : @allentoyokawa9068

"now that consumer technology has reached its endgame"brbrWe think the same way
Comment from : @RedBees-w4m

I'm pretty sure I had that exact CD Rom and remote back in the day not 100 percent but it all looks familiar
Comment from : @stephaniebri5837

I had one of these (I forget which model), the remote was quite neat to have IDE is just an extension of ISA I would not be surprised if Creative had implemented a serial port controller in the drive itself for the IR
Comment from : @sarreqteryx

36:11 Good web developers ishould/i and often do make their websites accessible to screen readers and keyboards
Comment from : @NithinJune

On the topic of CDs exlpoding in high speed drives, they absolutely could I had one of the discs of a copy of the remasteered X-Wing and TIE Fighter collection explode on me not only ruining the disc itself but also ruining the drive itself
Comment from : @Norade

I remember having one of the older Creative CD-ROMs that came with a sound card All I remember about it was that it wouldn't work without the sound card, and all the messing around with the configsys because it wouldn't work right for some reason
Comment from : @def_not_dan

More 90's! MORE COMPUTER!!
Comment from : @russwilliams4678

Heh, that's cool The blue button on the top drive is clashing with the chroma key transparency
Comment from : @MrGencyExit64

42:02 what is on your shirt 😅woke generation 🤭
Comment from : @bobbyus

Cathode Ray dude, I gotta splain u something The RAILS that were on the drive and PC< those were super common back int he day I had a few PC cases that had those exact same rails, not regulated to one brand Once I had one with rails I made sure to always buy rails and cases with these rails Made it so much easier to work on Even if the drive is fine, i could slide it out to have room to work on the pc/mobo cards easier I even had adapters to convert my 35 drives into 5 and 1/4 dsize, and I added the rails to them as well
Comment from : @duhmez

Sooo there is a cross between this and the media center stuff I used to have a soundblaster audigy 4 It came with still a terrible ir dongle 🤣 But it had a creative media remote and a media center like the windows media center in a time of plain old windows xp You could also custom map the remote keys It was still a credit card ish But had rubber keys "The more you know" 😂 We did have weird times
Comment from : @apcolley

21:10 - or someone is leaving parts for you to find like retro breadcrumbs 😂
Comment from : @filipvanham6052

My family PC was all creative, the sound card, the speakers and the drive without the remote Takes me back to playing lego loco
Comment from : @aliread4206

Cool video! I can proof this drive was a junk I used to have one (can ´t remember the exact model but I remember the remote) I got ridnoff this pretty soon The IR was indeed absolutely usless and the drive was noisy and the reading capability was much worse than my later simple Toshiba drive Which by the way was a total oposit - industrial look; one button, undestructable So absolutely 100 agree that this is a super nice thing to your weirdo HW collection and it looks awesome! But if you just want a good drive for your retro so not buy this! 😀 Sad tjis product failed becose you are right! it could potentialy brought nice fearures to the general boring PC boxes I live in Central Europe and the drive was marketed here but not harshly - just meehanother drivehere it is, have fun
Comment from : @pavelfara9333

I used to have this hi-tech CD-ROM that made it possible to control my PC remotely Today remote control is common, but in the 90s it seemed like a glimpse of the future The drive could even talk And when you combined that with some voice control program, you felt like you were in Star Trek
Comment from : @lomien007

Regarding the semi-stuck tray I bet it's the drive belt, that became old, stretched and less grippy A common fault on pretty much every single optical drive with a loading tray when they start to age
Comment from : @Sama3L

Its using DMA its writing the comands directly to the system memory
Comment from : @totalmichel

Some prebuilts have truely awful audio and sometimes the headphone jack breaks That and audiophools who want super high end stuff
Comment from : @FennecTECH

I had VideoBlaster, an S-Video recording card, with overlay capability
Comment from : @ivanmaglica264

The voice playback of the cdrom instantly reminded me of the red queen from the resident evil non animated movies " you all are going to die down here" 😮
Comment from : @Vespirah

Flickr beta, NYNEX!
Comment from : @m__rocka

Looking at the inside of that Optiplex, I suddenly recalled a smell of those older computers back in the day Just me or?
Comment from : @deadatmind

AIWA ACD-300 used to have those controls too, yet being an external drive
Comment from : @dmwzr

8:43 I remember my 486 being barely able to run Settlers 2, but it did work on lowmem setting that removed the midi music (and (some?) sound effects?) Putting an audio CD on the drive and listening to it was while playing was the solution to save me from gaming in dead silence Vanessa Mae is my Canonical soundtrack for Settlers 2 😄
Comment from :

I miss EAXbrEdit: They should have had a physical indicator on the drive instead of virtual icons I would also have given the remote RF capability… and just made it better in generalbrEdit 2: Imagine combining this drive, the Kenwood TrueX (fastest CD-ROM ever), that five-disc changer, a dual-layer DVD±RW burner and Lightscribe all into onebrEdit 3: To make Lightscribe better… make some modifications to the drive motor
Comment from : @AmaroqStarwind

My question is how tf does one use the “surround sound” jacks on motherboards? None of my speakers have those jacks on their ends, and my AVR doesn’t have opposite jacks either, and the only way this could be utilized from what I’ve seen is to get 3 pairs of those computers speakers with a 35 jack and USB for power, and plug all three sets of those in to those jacks… but I’m also confident that doesn’t make any sense and I’m just missing something
Comment from : @iRedMCYT

In 1994 the company Aiwa released the ACD-300 with even more buttons 😀
Comment from : @CD32Freak

most of the onboard sound I have encountered has been garbage
Comment from : @stevencamp6824

Imagine all those people probably spending $300-$400 on a 48 or 52 speed drive, and their computers were never fast enough to get any more than 24x speed and they never knew about it
Comment from : @user-yv2cz8oj1k

Love the demos of obscure technology products ❤ I’m betting that this CD-ROM is something for which a corporate customer gave requirements For example: the bespoke direct access to numbered elements on websites seems like it would be for training materials and perhaps had an audio element Maybe requirements also called for audio feedback (annoying for consumers) Speculations but if they mass produced it and wanted to unload the excess quantity on public in the form of an obscure product, it would possibly be a way to cut their losses
Comment from : @DrCavanaugh

I don't understand why people these days mostly ignore the benefits of a good audio setup I use a creative audio card in my pc with toslink and a 51 and the level of immersion while gaming is incredible
Comment from : @ggfabrizio

the Audigy 2 ZS/Fatl1ty was the last great sound card to exist not from just soundblaster but arguably in the entire PC scene, after that yeah its all built in audio and usb devices with in line DAC's
Comment from : @UncleBoobs

Hello,brI have used CREATIVE iNFRA CD-ROM in 90's, the best feature that I found rather than other CD-ROM drives is reading the CD- Audio track It plays on high speed disc rotation that prevents the track from being stopped or affected, such a shock proof protection, it keeps continued playing track without any changebrThank you for sharing your thoughtsbrFaithfully yours
Comment from : @MOHAMADGHOUL81

WELCOME! Thank you for using creative infra 1800!
Comment from : @lc5651

I have an idea I bet that annoying voice telling you about the track playing or when the computer starts up or shutting down is used for whenever you don’t have your monitor turned on and you turn on the computer without turning on your monitor and play your disc without seeing anything on screen
Comment from : @vasilibougiamas2958

You have the REAPER demo project song on a CD? :D
Comment from : @zerstaerker

41:35 Can confirm this situation had a disc explode inside a drive, It was during a computer specific course on high school, we were installing Windows XP, and I got really startles when the drive bay popped an inch forward and some chunks of the disc fell on the desk What I got REALLY scared was that I thought I would need to pay for disc (which I didn't)
Comment from : @ManoShu

Brad Sucks <3
Comment from : @henrikskjolden

Comment from : @yogeshgophane701

I use a creative soundboard in the modern era Love it
Comment from : @Sammydnh

When I was a kid, I found (at a garage sale) an external SCSI CD-ROM that had every control button, LCD screen and audio jacks I didn't have SCSI capability in my computer, but I used it as my only CD player I agree, would have been neat to see an internal drive with all that functionality
Comment from : @brandonconstant7226

In the 1990s creative acquired two leading American synthesizer manufacturers, Emu and Ensoniq Very soon after acquiring each of them, no new products were introduced
Comment from : @stevehofer3482

I had a totally legit back up DVD of Oblivion I burned for my sister to play and it blew up in the drive (the drive spent most of it's life holding that DVD), took it apart, cleaned it, worked fine after that
Comment from : @mackal

27:03 and we did ❤️
Comment from : @rxmode9733

It was because its a wow thing from 1994-5 I think if i remember right Because having computers in gen wasn't the norm this was basically like those movie type video game gloves Pointless but good for market value At the time
Comment from : @rxmode9733

There are no "stories" about exploding cds that did happen Happened to mine, it purely disintegrated inside the cd-rom Opened it up forcefully using the pinhole removed all the pieces and the CD ROM drive survived
Comment from : @ratonbox

I was hoping the mouse feature would work like a wiimote Hahah early 200's were not kind
Comment from : @colehenderson5994

I've seen an exploding CD Me and a friend had to open up his CD drive to get out all the tiny pieces of aluminized coating that turned into confetti when the disk exploded I've only ever seen it once so I'd imagine it's quite rare and only happens to disks that are somehow damaged but not noticed before putting the disk in
Comment from : @xidarian

You should get yourself a vintage plextor CDrom or DVD rom I invested in one and was the go to guy to recover music or data from damaged disks for all my friends I sold the drove with an old computer and recently heard from the friend i sold it to who still has it in their current PC
Comment from : @xidarian

Comment from : @malbbsmith6925

Early retail Philips CD-R drives had a tendency to just stop writing after a few months In terms of drive failures
Comment from : @mukiex4413

This brought back memories…I owned this Creative CD ROM drive back in the day Thanks for all your work into this video!
Comment from : @emiliocollarjr3006

Change the rubber belt from open and close drive and problem solved
Comment from : @dejanpetkovski8761

You're maybe the only person in the world who can make a video this long about a CD player and make it a great watch
Comment from : @ZGearbox_AT

3D Blaster Savage 4! That brings back memories (not too many, since there was "only" 32M of RAM on that thing)
Comment from : @DresdenFPV

The sound blaster was killer in its day Yes I used the built in game port and the midi cable adapter In the 90s that was the best way to give your keyboard 100s of sounds The built in sound on the motherboard was way too basic By early 2000s motherboard companies upped their quality and usb replaced all the cable stuff It was now the graphics cards we needed for basic video editing and games
Comment from : @kennyadvocat

You need to use osk on-screen keyboard with a universal remote
Comment from : @CompelledFungus

My roommate and I both had a version of the remote Mine on a drive and his with a soundcard We had different versions of the software that didn't talk 😂
Comment from : @acmehighperformance2826

not tring to be special but i a, very sure i owend a cd burner that had 3 button , cant remeber the brand , but was a fancy one , so long ago
Comment from : @andreasorrentino8407

What is the song youused to demo lol sounds familliar
Comment from : @weebanatorc2666

Forever ago I had a usb cd rom drive that was only 2x speed It could read scratched brup CDs that no other drive could touch I must have ripped thousands of CDs for brfriends and family over the years I think I used a pretty low quality setting like 196 kbs brThey were all happy though nobody who let their disks get that bad cared about brhigh fidelity anyway I gave it away to a friend who showed up with a huge box full brof scratched disks Far as I know he still uses it
Comment from : @tommythetoe

Brad sucks
Comment from : @eggstoast5010

Hey man, I just noticed; that shirt design makes you look like you've got full-on pecs & a six-pack
Comment from : @tolentarpay5464

I love your shirt in the later part of the video, I wanna buy one of those for myself!
Comment from : @WolfmanDude

I think the Creative 3DO Blaster is probably by far their least remembered product An entire 3DO console on an ISA card
Comment from : @ilovethe70s

45:00 IT WAS WHAT???
Comment from : @Shromply

Seeing the icon during the "mouse" feature demo makes me wanna try Flight Sim with the crappy lil remote
Comment from : @DuckBoots

Back in 1999, In Poland (that's in Europe), 36x infra with remote control was stock with Amiga 1200 Elbox tower No creative software for Amigas Remote control was controlling the unit out of the box, without Occasionally disc would spin out on ejecting tray like a buzz saw It was loud but fast and did the job
Comment from : @aseljak

Stupid observation: Thank you for getting the tough row to hoe right So many people say, tough road That would be pretty tough to hoe, indeed Again, stupid observation and nod to my dad, who hated when people used that wrong
Comment from : @pjh1776

Regarding the unTurbo Button:brbrI had an ASUS 52x Drive and a very small Hard Drive This Combination lead me to choose the smallest Installation Option, when installing Diablo 2 This Option would leave most of the Files on the CD-ROM, which would lead to the following Gaming Experience:brbrYou move a few StepsbrCD-ROM Drive spools up, Game hangsbrGame reads CD, Game continues CD-ROM spools downbrYou move > CD-ROM Drive spools up, Game hangs brbrYears later I discovered that there supposedly was an Option to fix the Drive to 8x Spped by pressing/holding 2 Buttons
Comment from : @thevoid7480

U can put a pin in the small hole on the face of the CD ROM drive to make it eject aswell 😂 the belts are probably worn that's why it won't eject
Comment from : @chrizzbee

Very cool I was just given a Win95 road-side find that has an Infra 1800 in it but it too seems to have some issues with the tray But now I've learnt some things about it thanks your vid
Comment from : @BFOOT-retro

Yo I could have explained to the turbo button of the late 90s cd drives did
Comment from : @djlapio93litlebro

for many years the intergrated sound chips on motherboards were Creative Labs msi had them until recently also I had one of those Creative drives
Comment from : @Manuel_B

Still use an external Sound Blaster G6 myself Had it for many years and I don't see myself replacing it anytime soon It outputs to my speakers from the pc and via the toslink from my tv Still use a set of old Klipsch 21s I've had for what seems like forever
Comment from : @Drebin2293

Yo dawg check out my Hi-Fi:brbOld PSU wired to a CD drive/b
Comment from : @lostsauce0

I had a PS2 wireless remote with this crap style remote Other than being funny for Final Fantasy, it wasn’t that useable in gamebrbrOh, it did remote things too and was quite nice for DVDs Lasted as long as I used the console, so I must be weirdly gentle
Comment from : @Redmage913

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