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$100 BILLION DOLLAR Social Security SCAM finally EXPOSED?!

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Information $100 BILLION DOLLAR Social Security SCAM finally EXPOSED?!

Title :  $100 BILLION DOLLAR Social Security SCAM finally EXPOSED?!
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Frames $100 BILLION DOLLAR Social Security SCAM finally EXPOSED?!

Description $100 BILLION DOLLAR Social Security SCAM finally EXPOSED?!

Comments $100 BILLION DOLLAR Social Security SCAM finally EXPOSED?!

Wait till you see all these fake Purple Heart certificates the FBI was able to create in Germany for themselves !!! Yes the the VA In germany have been playing games with the FBI also to control benefits for the right kind of people !!! 😅
Comment from : @JohnSpurrell

If you really think social security is bad you should look at veterans benefits and see how corrupt it has become !!!
Comment from : @JohnSpurrell

-4 : the rate of return,,,maybe improve the system?
Comment from : @EdT-xt6yv

I received 14,43592 from my 401k should I file income taxes
Comment from : @TedRichmond-yp8ue

huh So the woman who is collecting on my social security number in WA state since 2015 is a figment of my imagination Please tell that to the IRS so I don't have to sign the waivers any longer stating her W2 is not mine
Comment from : @dawnappelberg4700

Oblivious you aren’t that smart about neither, leave Musk out of it
Comment from : @timmcandrew33

For a second there, I thought you were taking all of Elon Musk’s nonsense seriously Your take is spot on
Comment from : @lobo851

So Mr Weir why didn’t you see the fact about people getting multiple checks?
Comment from : @timmcandrew33

Make a law that politicians can’t draw any money
Comment from : @donnahagen3053

Don’t you start running down Elon Talk nice
Comment from : @donnahagen3053

Do they hate us? Are they that addicted to gambling on wall street that they are willing to destroy us? Why would you not want to help your fellow man if you had that much money? I just don’t understandbrWish main media would talk to you I worry about folks that are only watching cable Do you talk to your states representatives and let them know this information? brThankyou😊
Comment from : @missshroom5512

Still sticking to, there is no fraud in the SS system? Yup, they should raise the limits
Comment from : @BillJohnston-y7o

Is the SS office really that incompetent? I can't help but to think that surely this couldn't be
Comment from : @VickyGoss

Currently FICA is capped at 176,100 so if you earn up to this amount annually u pay taxes the entire year, once u reach this amount u no longer pay fica taxes, you should be good to go Do your homework
Comment from : @allanr2444

Obviously neither do you!
Comment from : @Bull53

My trust in Elon is greater than anyone saying there is no fraud or waste! This does not mean SS people are nearly as bad as the USAID types I would hope it is filled with caring conscientious people But, so far these kind of people are few and far between If these claims are false, GOOD! I think one's best strategy is NOT to rely solely on SS Indeed, to put it as far back in your mind as possible and if and when it arrives, it is icing on the cake
Comment from : @144Donn

I would like to hear your thoughts on access to this information…brbrAre there more seniors over 100 years old?brbrAlso, I’d love to start a podcast doing the same thing that you’re doing I would also like to assist adult children with making decisions got themselves and parent’s etcbrbrI would like to visit with you about learning what you have access to etcbrbrThank you!brRhonda WhitebrEuless, TX
Comment from : @BlondeTexasGal

Unfortunately that was a gross Elon Mask lie They asked Musk for proof with names and couldn't show anything He's a big idiot
Comment from : @alfredcatter9836

Desafortunadamente todo es falso, una grosera mentira de Elon Mask Se le pidió pruebas y nombres de la personas y no ha podido mostrar nada Vaya idiota
Comment from : @alfredcatter9836

I hope you are contacting Elon with this!
Comment from : @doceansdeepwoo2532

Former what?
Comment from : @jeffreystasi2754

Sounds like thier is a good set of books and a bad set of books2 sets of books
Comment from : @MrLiberty-c8c

I find it amazing how many of you MAGATS receiving benefits but voted for president Elon will NEVER admit that you voted for your own destruction We told you they would try to destroy medicare and social security We told you it was in the manual for project 2025 You voted for it; now this is what you get Stop fucking complaining, but at least you owned the libs
Comment from : @PrincipalScratcher1

Who needs Rachel Maddow
Comment from : @soundboy57

Someone is gonna take him out… watch … He’s so drugged up… Elon is nothing but a two bit liar … like Trump
Comment from : @michaelriedel8878

The ONLY FRAUD is and are the claims Elroy Musk is making on social media MUSK IS A FRAUD
Comment from : @carolynluckas1219

Some one is using my ss number , and different forms of my name , this came up on a background check please help Social Security wouldn’t change my number , have been sued 2 times because of this person Please help
Comment from : @cherylwhittemoore6119

Mucks want to control America with AI so he will break all the system so people have nothingsays the man who stated people will not need jobs is absurd😷😷
Comment from : @Care-o9i

Mucks is lying I believe people are kept in the system for tracking purposes and the funeral homes all report deaths and benefits are stopped based on that
Comment from : @Care-o9i

Track the money back and demand the return of thqt money to the SS fund Seize assets of those who took that money knowingly
Comment from : @jjjackson5183

Musk is a showman It’s funny people think he is a genius
Comment from : @Toomanydays

How about one person with two SSNs?
Comment from : @HAlanJohnson

Of course there is fraud Illegals have bought ss # to work in some businesses Why are you covering this up? Illegals are bankrupting SSI Why are you covering for Biden? Elon is a hero
Comment from : @anthonyenea8758

So what you're saying is Elon Musk has ulterior motives when it comes to Social Security and he's an undercover Wall Street billionaire set to steal it put it in the stock market for Wall Street and he doesn't want to fix it because he's going to have to pay more nobody's paid more taxes than Elon Musk I don't know you sound like you know what you're talking about I just find it hard to believe that Elon Musk has bad intentions Maybe I'm Wrong I Don't Know
Comment from : @johnfeminella9839

Don't you think that he has the intelligence to decipher that that stuff? From what I understand the guard rails are not there or have been manipulated to allow these things to happen right wrong or indifferent it needed to be audited and he's come out and said if we make mistakes we'll fix them if you're legitimately on Social Security you shouldn't have anything to fear
Comment from : @johnfeminella9839

All lies Elon is a snake, trying to steal money Send him home
Comment from : @EmilyTurnage

The reason SS was in trouble? Was fraud! Dems stealing trillions To pay for their criminal activity
Comment from : @DeepStateofIsrael

So you're propoganda Meant to support the stolen money Obviously
Comment from : @DeepStateofIsrael

So not true
Comment from : @deblevasseur690

I don’t think a multi billionaire should be involved in poor affairs
Comment from : @squadaimat2923

Elon lying Deceased people not collecting SSI The funeral homes fill out the SSI form for the deceased and checks stop immediately
Comment from : @robincarter56

I worked in a rural hospital I've seen a few farm workers using SSN's when I ran the number through Medicaid, it would show up they also had Medicare Employers were giving them SSN I went to my manager to report it She told me no due to HIPPA
Comment from : @sallyo59

Elon is lying These geniuses working for him don't know how to work the computer systems at the SSA They are missing the Legacy code system There's no fraud
Comment from : @patburton837

Can a dual citizenship spouse receive husband’s social security survivor benefits, with the spouse meeting all the USA marriage requirements?
Comment from : @Phil-wu3qj

We got you by the balls and you know it Game Over you creepy lier hope it was worth it as there going to love inside
Comment from : @Maxsteamer1

Did anyone notice the look in this guys eyes ??? he is scared to death about somethingI have to ask why is doctor working at a Social Security Office ? being a doctor one would think you were trustworthy and of course you would never steal money from the American People but I still would like to do a background check on you as I never heard of a doctor giving up there practice to work at a Social Security Office ? don't want to be rude here but if your nose was any longer I would give you 3 pinocchio's but hey that is just me you could be one of those doctors that did something you were not supposed to do I had to post about your comment on Elon Musk not knowing what he is talking about ? I find it heard to believe your conclusion as he did find $100 BILLION that you must have come across some of this money after all you claimed that you sent out the checks or maybe you printed the wrong name on them by mistake I still have to thank you for your service after all a lot of the agents at these facilities forget all about millions of dead people and you kept them alive sending them checks till they were 140 years old now that is personal care for eternity
Comment from : @Maxsteamer1

Ed Let me tell you a story An old man died, and his two of the three sons cashed the check till the third son found out and ratted them out Don't tell me we have no fraud Also stop your speculation
Comment from : @karinbaker6516

Yes, the database has to be matched to a payment file to confirm if there are fraudulent payments However, there was billions of identified dollars of potential fraud identified in the recent auditor general's report that needs to be reviewed Your tone towards the doge team doesn't help, they have good intentions
Comment from : @makosharksimmo8124

Go up the congress and take the proofbrJust saying it And not willing to show the proof
Comment from : @barbarabeckley8732

Thank you DrWeir for this SS Subject,very informative,I can even say that I have learned something new today!!! I hope Donald Trump and Elon Musk reach out to you Thank you🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👏👏👏👏👏🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺☮️☮️☮️🥰
Comment from : @thomasgargano8813

Comment from : @joeeastes9351

In my profession, I was always extremely diligent of ‘understanding’ the system I was researching in order to assure myself and those I was informing, the information could be trusted Musk doesn’t effing understand the system and is so full of s—t He is NOT a Genius He just wants to destroy and be a blowhard
Comment from : @markoo4728

SOCIAL SECURITY and MEDICARE are the best run government systems IN THE WORLD
Comment from : @markoo4728

Mr Ed it's no accident that democrat party icon is a jackass because it's takes one to be one
Comment from : @christophercasasnovas12

Are you serious? Musk is the fraud
Comment from : @billww2869

Seriously whos paying you? Lets go musk, drain the swamp
Comment from : @sergsanchez12

These distractions can now get fixed Maybe you can have a meeting with Trump! He’s a good listener
Comment from : @lynnegabby1748

Fact check? 😂😂😂😂😂😂brYou are in direct communication with the fraud, waste, and abuse team, or are you going to use a Democrat source like those integrity machines known as CNN or NYT?brbrSTAND BY FOR THE SPIN!
Comment from : @FoxtrotUniformCharlieKiloD-p8g

The numbers are even higher if you add the 473 million between the ages of 110 and 109 who are receiving Social Security payments, Musk posted The oldest person drawing Social Security Musk highlighted was one person between 360 and 369 years old and another older between 240 and 249br19 hours agobrbrNews to me! Did Not know anyone lived to be Over 300 years old!brbrSmells like FRAUD! brbrAnd Kim Reynolds from Iowa needs Removed! She's DisgustingYes I live in Iowa! We Need her Gone
Comment from : @gloriasandoval5835

How would we know if someone is using our SS#?
Comment from : @Susanscraps

What evidence has he provided?
Comment from : @Savannah2751

This is what happens when Tweedle Dumb, lets tweedle Dumberer loose to wreak havoc You got what you asked for 'Merica, A dumpster fire of a administration & ALL the BS that comes with it
Comment from : @jq9391

Most of them ppl live off their SSI and deserve those benefits and stories of these seniors are now coming out about how their SSI payments have ended and they have nothing to prevent them from becoming homeless Great job fascist
Comment from : @manhandler

$100 Billion ? Wow wee Thats 1 of the $10 Trillion Trump is about to Give to the Poor disadvantaged Billionaires Oligarchs in America And stack it on the National Debt Cuz we don’t own $10 Trillion Extra Dollars
Comment from : @michaelWells-ef9bx

Are social security numbers now recycled?
Comment from : @DennisdeCaccia

I call b*b****/b
Comment from : @JimmieHendrix-q1i

Former manager of social security, just getting started with it (receiving benefits) is along drawn out affair or was for myself This ex manager is full of it, another prima Donna talking head!
Comment from : @Bear-jr3ei

Your ass needs fired Social Security is so fucking corrupt paying people that's two and 300 years oldbrWhat the fuck is wrong with you people You're corrupt too probably putting some of this in your pocket, huh?
Comment from : @Faduhhxtrs-1

Numerous international retirees didn’t receive their monthly social security checks 😮😮😮😮
Comment from : @shanze5591

Well Dr Weir… they got into SS …now what… we are outraged! What more do we do Outrage is NOT enough!
Comment from : @manita2653

Can you please give this information to Elon Musk and Donald Trump
Comment from : @thelightstillshines2476

The truth is that most Social Security payments to people who are dead below the age of 100 & over are going to senior health care facilities The mindset of the owners of these is that it is to their best interest to continue receiving the payments The systems of these are use as desconected business models so that they & the employees receiving the Social Security checks to be deposited have no idea if the recipiant is alive or dead I am elated that DOGE has understood this & is doing something about it! What I like to know is the number of political contributions being made by the owners of the senior facilities, & who are the recipients of these money gifts? Hopefully, DOGE will upgrade the computer systems to automatically drop payments to dead people as soon as deaths are also automatically reported to the Social Security Administration
Comment from : @Redwood-Rose

Thank you Ed for all you do
Comment from : @johnhasbrouck6955

I do not believe a word
Comment from : @lizbethartemis4886

Tell me how social security is running out if they don't have any fraud? You just said all the people that have come to this country on visas worked and paid in and don't become a US citizen don't receive SS , no payments are made to the deceased, that means there should be a whole alot of extra money in the pot if its not wasted 12:06
Comment from : @debbiejohnson5550

Comment from : @RandolphBrown-fo3or

Comment from : @WilliamFox-c8s

Great excuse to cut Social Security That is Doges mandate, pretend to look, make up a fake crisis br Cut Social Securitynext VA benefits br Tell the old people they can go pick fruit for a living
Comment from : @jamessssss6611

Is the Social Security trust fund diverted to the general fund?
Comment from : @kel7483

You are completely wrong!! He is finding fraud!! this video you become more political Eliminate fraud, more money to deserving social security recipients DOGE is not about turning Social Security in to Private You are completely wrong He wan'ts government to be more efficient So I disagree with your perspective Its sad you turn this subject into political view
Comment from : @wonkcausa7034

Could it be nursing homes not reporting deaths and still cashing checks?
Comment from : @gregz4249

Dead people are still receiving social security benefits beyond life expectancy counting into millions!
Comment from : @renagusfoto-docren

Don’t think so actually will get less due to the fair act just sign from our socialize government brin chargebrIs like the 6 percent from the business is being rescinded in the last minutes of the Game
Comment from : @1sobenes1

What are your thoughts on the untraceable treasury payouts
Comment from : @edargentina

Dr Ed Weir to say your views are biased would be putting it mildly and ELON knows corruption better than you do so you need to take a step back and take a damn good look at what you know and what you think you know !
Comment from : @ronaldrhoades9783

I would like to see you testify in congress to stop expose what's going on real soon before it's too late
Comment from : @johnoliver3316

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