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Why does the U.S. keep making pennies?

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Title :  Why does the U.S. keep making pennies?
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Comments Why does the U.S. keep making pennies?

Trump keeps talking big shit about cutting down on government costs yet stopping penny production wasn't on his list of things to do
Comment from : @Cyancat123

No more!
Comment from : @nathanielcowan3971

We should get rid of all change except quarters
Comment from : @lmknow7x

That’s why Trump wants to end pennies
Comment from : @luigianchondo7241

That's what happens when citizens doesn't give a f about it and doesn't feel responsible for their own economy
Comment from : @pd7375

Pretty sure Trump mentioned discontinuing pennies
Comment from : @powerunder9000

We need to make a cent great again The issue is we DEVALUED our money So, stop printing money Maybe coin less often Cut costs so we can coin cheaper But don't abolish the cent as we only have a dollar because it is 100 cents Getting rid of it means an immediate 5 inflation increase And consider the PER USE cost of a cent Yeah it costs three cents to make It gets used THOUSANDS of times before it no longer has use based on superficial physical traits Name one other thing government makes for three cents that can be used thousands of times?
Comment from : @mentalgasm

Boomers think that there are finitely many numbers between 1 and 0, the only numbers that count are the ones they count How do we explain that everything will be fine in theory if in practice we use nickels
Comment from : @Lericah4902

Because it costs 15 cents to make a quarter, and 505 cents to print a dollar, so I think as a country we recoup the losses
Comment from : @jacobsitton7038

F'N ridiculous
Comment from : @coolraul07

I really wish that it amazed me that we have millions of morons that can't grasp that a coin gets used more than once Sadly, this is the level of deep thought I've come to expect from my countrymen Way to go, guys
Comment from : @daviddavid5880

We don't have penny'S in the US We have one cent pieces
Comment from : @hollyh-zw1yb

Thanks for the reminder I'm gonna take my 724 pennies to the bank tomorrow
Comment from : @zedmelon

They stopped making them tho
Comment from : @BennyMex90

isn’t every denomination of currency more expensive to make than it’s worth Considering the federal bank lends money out with interest…
Comment from : @toast9003

It's because the government is stupid and corrupt, as we are seeing now
Comment from : @johnnyc5979

Make Pennies Great Again(make the US Currency Strong!) And $5 coins!
Comment from : @omstout

Its actually insane how useless pennies are
Comment from : @danraul9759

This is not the Roman Empire, the mint is not a for-profit business It is a service that keeps whatever arbitrary units of currency we demand in circulation The question is not if it costs more to make a penny than a penny is worth, the question is if we need pennies enough to keep the service
Comment from : @Tyneras

Cananda already phased out their pennies and just round to the nearest 5 cents for cash transactions
Comment from : @Blaze6432

Another scheme to make it harder to pay cash for anything
Comment from : @313comput

so we spend 2x the amount of an F35 making pennies every year? And we're going to make 2500 F35s? Cry me a river, I use pennies WAY more than I use F35s
Comment from : @tedmich

They need to stop selling things for 99 ! Why does everything need to end with a 99 ? I’d rather they raise it and keep the penny
Comment from : @revemb4653

That’s why Canada got rid of the penny Wouldn’t be surprised if the nickel is gone in the next decade
Comment from : @tylerduchesneau

they go to my couch
Comment from : @kiiandrii

Ok you're right but using Elon Musk as a source really does not help your point 😭
Comment from : @TrainBoi227

Australia ditched the 1c and 2c coins in the 1990s Those 1c coins are more trouble than they're worth
Comment from : @henrytang2203

This video aged poorly
Comment from : @vladimus9749

Good news: Trump has asked to stop penny production
Comment from : @ThoughtsOnNews

Who cares Do you know how much a one hundred dollar bill cost to make?
Comment from : @johnrobertd748

Money shouldn't have more value when melted
Comment from : @pest2133

We should only be using quarters and nickels
Comment from : @mbabchuk1414

No more pennies!
Comment from : @LarsLiveLaughLove

Comment from : @starfromsomewhere

At least future generations will have historical artifacts they can dig up
Comment from : @cm3carranza395

You actually just made the case to keep making pennies What you just described reduces the money supply, thus reducing inflation
Comment from : @weaintdointhis

Goodbye jobs in red states making them
Comment from : @AmliFightClub4865

I have a bank in my room full of thousands of them
Comment from : @RATTLEMEBONER

I know youre not supposed to throw away currency but when i lived on the US id throw pennies in the trash like they were such a pain Like literally they should get rid of coins i hate coins just do paper money Also like when did someone purchase something that was less than 25¢ even 50¢ id be interested
Comment from : @superstonerboy8670

Make cheaper pennies, if it’s at all possible
Comment from : @williamcody6529

In the Netherlands, we got rid of small coins They're so inefficient
Comment from : @co7013

Canada: “Skill issue”
Comment from : @SFMExtraordinare

You are not a real economics channel if you're quoting DOGE, probably paid off/created by high net worth individual to spread their agenda, you can tell by the education and min wage videos
Comment from : @nerfprate

I have a friend who said "I hate pennies" and threw them into the gutter
Comment from : @turdmuffins88

People throw them in the parking lots😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @michaeldwire7200

The penny has been worthless trash since the US mint, in 1982 went from 97 copper compound to copper plated zinc, trash The nickle production is just as bad Costs $13 to put a $05 nickel into circulation A 5c nickel is worth around 8c in metal content alone
Comment from : @Threedog1963

So how do I go about finding these 240 billion pennies? Asking for a friend
Comment from : @PtylerBeats

US doesn't make pennies anymore Trump signed an executive order about it
Comment from : @JasonAWilliams-IS

Cash-based transactions make up a measly 16 of all transactions, as of 2024 By this point, so seldom does anyone even use cash to justify the continued minting of pennies, but the fact that they are so rarely kept and spent again, they need to be taken out of circulation I never keep them Most of the time if there isn't a take a penny leave a penny jar, I put them in the nearest trash can that I walk past, and if I don't walk past the trash can, I drop it in the sidewalk to hopefully let some child pick them up when they walk by Penny's fucking suck, they do not need to be minted, and they are literally a waste of money
Comment from : @SuS_NuG_It

trying my best not to say "penis" every time you say "pennies"
Comment from : @borderroar

I don’t have pennies under my car mats because one, I don’t have a car and second, I live in Europe
Comment from : @GregorLehtme

I smell another DOGE cut!
Comment from : @RAWDEAL064

❤Penny's make sense logistically but why is this a big deal when Biden Administration was spending $200 million on research on the effects of coke on pigeons❤
Comment from : @samuel2985

Simple solution, make it illegal to make things have a price not divisible by 5 cents
Comment from : @gaminggamer9698

I can smell it through the screen 👹
Comment from : @parc1694

There have been many attempts to get rid of the penny but every time the people of Illinois complain because it was Lincoln's home state
Comment from : @bigk8210

Just make eveything cost to the 05 and call it a day No more pennies Ill take my $724 please
Comment from : @rc07333

Not anymore!!!
Comment from : @biggiebaby3541

Save your pennies They may be worth a good buck when they stop producing it
Comment from : @caiohvt

Okay And how does this lower my groceries and cost of living? It doesn’t because the money that saved from not making pennies are just going to fund the tax cuts for rich people So I don’t care Just another useless thing president Elon and cock sucker Trump are doing
Comment from : @bzpgaming2550

If think costed $6 instead of things like $599 $574 etc, there would be a lot less change necessary therefore less coins needed to be produced
Comment from : @ThePuppetWitch

I solved your problem: bSTOP GIVING PEOPLE PENNY CHANGE/b just round down to the nickel ☝️brbrIf you lose 4¢ on your purchase who cares, sucks for you You were never going to spend those pennies anyway so you’re losing 4¢ even if I gave it to you🙄
Comment from : @Mr152008

Let's not pretend it wasn't almost exclusively conservative US politicians keeping them in circulation for the last 50 years, plenty of which were having their pockets lines by mining outfits and refineriesbrbrThat aside, my country hasn't had 1c pieces for 35 years, or 5c for 20 years
Comment from : @courtadbobtail600

Doesn't this have a deflationary effect on the economy?
Comment from : @Frontline_view_kaiser

This is what doge should be working on not slashing the government
Comment from : @TheVelobicycle

They do it for taxes
Comment from : @Dabshanks

The United States mint has never made pennies This isn't great Britain
Comment from : @BrakerOfStones

Saving cents off the trillion dollar debt
Comment from : @JoshKings-tr2vc

The real question / problem is, why does it cost 3x (times) its value to produce?brbrWas it always like that?brIf not, since when did it become more expensive?brbrThe fact that 240b coins dissapear, is meaningless compared to the main problembrbrAre the metals used to mint that coin more expensive?brShould they be swapped for other metals?
Comment from : @franciscourioste4783

In Malaysia, we stopped using pennies of our currency and also the 1 ringgit coin
Comment from : @iamalphalim

Nobody talks about how it costs 13 cents to make a nickel
Comment from : @kingargon

I'm not even from US, still have some US pennies sitting around in a drawer 😂😂
Comment from : @anuradhapriyankara5226

I’ve said for years now that we need to get rid of Pennies and round to nickels This factoid has been semi popular since the early 2000s
Comment from : @frankiecedeno3724

Gwt rid of nickle and dimes while youre at it
Comment from : @zxqwerxz

This didn't age well
Comment from : @cjmeyers2926

They could just make them from something of lesser value
Comment from : @jpalm500

The US Mint more than makes up for it by the profit it earns from producing other coins Or just keep reporting bias, I don’t care
Comment from : @LiamRappaport

The secret is chamber of commerce, that represents copper interests, prevent every bill that outlaws the penny because it would hurt their members' bottom line But we can't expect reason tv to actually use REASON now can we???
Comment from : @uog293

Bah it would cost less to buy them all back at the market price of zinc
Comment from : @dollardelights8953

Euro has 1c, 2c, 5c (bronze), 10c, 20c, 50c (gold), 100 and 200 (1 and 2 eur coin)brbrNotes after than, with 5 (grey/blue old, dark green new) 10 (red/pink), 20 (blue), 50 (orange), 100 (light green), 200 (yellow), 500 (purple)
Comment from : @MrUbister

So how do i get change now when i hand them a 5 for a 499 purchase
Comment from : @krispcode

All my pennies wind up on the ground for some child to find I don't have many these days as I pay with card but I can't be asked with saving up and cashing in
Comment from : @enameless4003

We keep making pennies so the people that make zinc can make a living 😅
Comment from : @tommykrynock

The reason they keep making them is because it makes cents to 😊
Comment from : @Carnivorousplantyum

so long as we have a fractional currency of 1/100 of a dollar, we need to penny But we have enough that we really don't need to produce more
Comment from : @cybernoid001

This sounds like a job for DOGE
Comment from : @masterkief2394

Ah yes, the good ol USA one of the few countries in the world that is holding onto the penny and the imperial system This is just more reasons why you should stop electing 80 year olds to run the country
Comment from : @55metalmonkey

Canada just stopped pennies from being a valid currency all together
Comment from : @lordzombieboy

We should go back to steel pennies
Comment from : @rishithegray9559

just make a 3 cent penny
Comment from : @bruh-moment25471

Ban the X99 pricing scam Whole numbers or round to quarters
Comment from : @NEPAAlchey

Would you guys be more inclined to use them more if there was an intermediary coin between the penny and the nickel? Like a 2¢ coin? So instead of getting 4¢/9¢ as 4x 1¢ coins, you just get 2 lots of 2¢?brbrIt works in my country anyway I work in retail and customers are not shy to mix 1p and 2p's often when paying with cash
Comment from : @marksmithwas12

Yup this administration will definitely do it just like the one before them was definitely gonna do it and the one before that who was 100 gonna get on this and the one before that who was basically done with it when they did not do it
Comment from : @dllemon

Why not keep making pennies but out of recycled plastic?
Comment from : @VoltamatronSr

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