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EVE Online - Top 5 ways to make ISK in High-sec

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Description EVE Online - Top 5 ways to make ISK in High-sec

Comments EVE Online - Top 5 ways to make ISK in High-sec

400mil/h - tell me how much you want to clickbait without telling me how much you want to CLICKBAIT
Comment from : @TheQuartzMatrix

I still don't get how having more alts makes you get more money mining I mean, each of those alts needs an omega - that's what, 5 billion isk? So each of them would have to mine out at least that much monthly just to keep the omega status up So you'd need to make 70 million / day on EACH of them, playing EVERY day of the month, mining for at least 10 hours a day How does that make any sense?
Comment from : @Darkfault

i returned to EVE after few months, and was doing some T0 abyss electrical in my worm for 1 hour, got 52mil ISK, i noticed some new SKINR studio crates drops that are worth 10mil each, so i guess abyss is worth even more
Comment from : @Morfik45

I did 9 hours of grinding for escelations didnt get one in 9 hours
Comment from : @stevedavis7561

me, goes to low secbrSUPRISE MOTHAFUCKA
Comment from : @Flours-cm8wr

430M ISK/hr is only about $2 USD an hr
Comment from : @davidj9977

My faction reputation for mission running is sky-high I had no idea I could turn down missions with very little impact on my standings No more Angel cartel missions for this camper
Comment from : @ElizabethRobertson-b4z

wtf is thisbrbrtop 5 ways to make isk in high sec, and pos 5 is some rare event that sometimes drops shit stuffbrhow is this on of the top 5 way to earn money? lul
Comment from : @VoodooD0g

lame as hell we need ISK to plex to do thesebruther garbage this video
Comment from : @neozerker

rob someone and buy plex! never have to undock!
Comment from : @doeskrippsayheyguyshowsitg578

None of the numbers you're mentioning for ISK per hour is not at all accurate You have to account for all the other things you have to do to setup the gig and get there Try cutting the numbers in half
Comment from : @NeuroGlob

I think that regarding DED site escalations, it has a tendency, in fact it might be every time I'm not sure, to drop the escalation site in lowsec Is this a big deal? Absolutely Lowsec bordering on highsec mission space is probably the most dangerous space in general in all of EVE There is no one there to save you, and because of the constant trickle of naive players nudged into it by missions etc These systems typically have a rather sizeable population of full time zboardkillers and gankers who specialize in having their way with youbrbrI just got a 02 escalation site today I checked the activity there and it was not insignificant There were several accomplished killers who operated there Now, I know I'm pretty easily scanned down in that pocket So I look at the structure of the mission and see that the acceleration gates are unlocked, which means that once I am scanned down, anyone can follow me in I look at the potential rewards and know that these particular faction modules aren't great I'd be risking a ship that costs considerably more than the average lootbrbrSo there goes making ISK in highsec for the combat exploration escalation part At least in this example and I suspect in most of them To do these in highsec and get so lucky you both get an escalation as well as one that's in highsec space (if that's even a thing), as well as being a mission that drops the good stuff, as well as actually dropping the good stuff, has to come pretty low on a list of ISK making activities in highsec
Comment from : @QualeQualeson

Thought EvE was a second job 😉
Comment from : @Lucpol1986

Wow man all of your channel content is just remarkably worthless You have a nice presentation at least To anyone who watched this vid and is now down here wondering what to do just stop coming to this channel, you'll just be bad at eve after hours of watching
Comment from : @Clandestinemonkey

Got A week end pack for me?? I use on my alt Deat Poet Or any other give aways give to Mannic Mc'Vane
Comment from : @TRainMusic24

Great vid!
Comment from : @mattstrauchon6756

L4 missions are barely worth it compared to the other options on this list There is such a high time investment to unlock compared to other options, just to unlock some of the least interesting PVE content in the game The LP helps, a little
Comment from : @Darth_Insidious

can u do l4 misions in a drake??
Comment from : @matalita2001

If u go minning with 2 omega accounts with a strip minner and a orca by emptying belts u get allot of isk and its easy BUT its boring as hell sadly
Comment from : @RcAddict88

BRO your task bar XD
Comment from : @them4309

One thing I've learned as a new player on Eve is that experienced players think a new player already has skills that take months to earn when giving us new player advice
Comment from : @bl8388

American p
Comment from : @supersand7502

EASY step 1 uninstall Done There is ZERO point playing eve to make isk in empire the bots control the markets and so do the devs Just quit eve is dead ALL the devs who created it have left and the only devs left in eve online make skins and keep the servers up OR nerf ships to stop players from being to bored i guess
Comment from : @kawrss31

just for someone who wants to run the ded sites in high sec you really dont need a good ship but when your skills are low i would recomend a battlecruiser with beter skills they are even possible with a cruiser
Comment from : @itsgamingtime9578

When did Lando Norris start playing EVE!? :P
Comment from : @TheAnkh

Considering that one subscription gives you three characters who can work together (not at the same moment in time obviously) I have found Planetary Management to be well worth my time as it - up to a point - runs itself Admittedly it takes time to max all three characters in the few skills required but I personally am making hundreds of millions of isk every day and only have to spend an hour every day (working on a 24 hour timer) making sure the materials are coming in You don't need to go to Tier 4, Tier 3 on certain items is a good earner Don't throw money at CCP, make use of your one sub
Comment from : @CMDR_Verm

How bad has the griefters hitting the L4 mission runners in Marauders ?
Comment from : @jesustontinsalgado6366

disappointing, why not do a video for noobs who just joined the game and who haven't got the gear your talking about
Comment from : @mg201

Mining in highsec solo you can get 150 to 300 million per hour as of 2023 if you know what your doing
Comment from : @malpherian9459

Your videos are quite nice but I'm not from your town and I must rewind over and over to understand what you say Maybe if you breath it can help too
Comment from : @baalhug

incursion isk is 200-400mil per hour depending on the fleet your in, and the ship your using you also get about 700mil in lp per 5 days/ per focus
Comment from : @mindsprawl

Eve Online is dead do not try to get into EVE I 2023 the game is wayyyy past is peak is in a very bad state since 2018 brbrThe creators and developers of the game sold in in 2018, this is a massive RED FLAG to any player
Comment from : @Pads3d

If I wanted to dual or triple box some higher end abyssal sites what is one way you think would be very optimal and also cheap? OR would you think it’s better to just trip box the worm and do those t1 electrical or whatever they are for 60 mil / hr
Comment from : @mace400

Ngl I multi box mine more than I’d like to admit 😅
Comment from : @jonathankirk5701

awesome information thank you!
Comment from : @krlovara9846

Wait L4s are more lucrative that incursions? I mean I've only run the low sec ones, but I thought the high sec ones were just 124 less profitable
Comment from : @alex_zetsu

Standing is always the bane of my existence I haven't got any of my factions standings up single a tick brI'm also feel like I'm stuck in the early game It feels like if you want to make any real money you basicly have to omega up or give up so you can get into the better ships
Comment from : @TheBombanater

also, I can only do level 1 missions How do I increase to jump up to level 4 missions?
Comment from : @nzbeeker1

I haven't asked a stupid question today, so here goes I noticed on this video, that you have 7 target loaded I only have 5 max is that a skill point thing? What do I need to train in to be able to target more items than just 5?
Comment from : @nzbeeker1

What the hell are escalation and DED sites???????
Comment from : @nicovwln7184

I don't understand - how do I get ganked in HS if I am protected in this area?
Comment from : @AN-us2en

I'm a noob and scooped up a few unattended mining drones unnoticed
Comment from : @AUTubeN22

The only way to make money in this game is to sell PLEXes and they know it
Comment from : @xavierv2659

Pretty surprised didn't add pi but it would make sense if you didn't start I have made 1 bill in a week in high sec with 1 account but it involves lots of frustrating prep work
Comment from : @Wistros

Why did you now show how to find DED sites?
Comment from : @Savior-Prime

No way you make that an hour median
Comment from : @madderthanmax

I’m on day 4 of my eve online journey I just purchased my first ORCA blue print thanks to market trading and mining brI am waiting 15 days for the final skill to train so I can start creating them
Comment from : @wyattrussell5396

10:55 Can you please post a video of you making 250mil per hour with L4 missions I'd really, REALLY like to see that
Comment from : @TheJollyKraut

For new players, looting ship debris in Triglavian space (about 50mil/h) and stealing open outposts(around 150mil/h-200mil/h) are strongly recommended Looting in Triglavian space only needs a super cheap looting ship and can produce a crazy amount of profit easily if you are lucky Faction warfare on the other hand got a bit of a skill point requirement By using a Catalyst fitted with some light neutron blasters and some magnetic field stabilizer, the ship can easily reach the 400 DPS requirement to crush the NPC in the opposing open outpost Just remember to aline yourself to a stargate so it will be easy to run away when someone on the opposing side jumps in to kill you In the meantime, fly safely o7
Comment from : @andygao7020

Bro, that taskbar ><
Comment from : @skyydragonn1

Hey I'm new to EVE Online and I've been doing some exploration, specifically wormhole explo for relic/data sites which is quite fun, but I have heard you can end up spending hours and not getting much which is making me think it's better off to start focusing my skills on combat for Abyssal's for proper ISK/income to get better ships/parts down the linebrbrWhat do you think? Nice vid btw, will check out your Abyssal vids as well!
Comment from : @stevzor

200M isk / hour running L4 missions is a jokeRunning anomic missions you can pile up Loyalty PointsbrBut to gain 200M isk buy doing L4 Missions it would take 3-4 hoursbrBiggest L4 missions are rewarded by 10M iskPerhaps 10M Bounty top but are requiring 20-30 min minimum
Comment from : @charleslebrasseur8870

Trading (station trading or other types) can scale up and earn you way more isk than any other activity in the game Get all 3 pilots on your account maxed in trade skills and you can make billions
Comment from : @crazysonorangaming

You say dont bother with Lvl 1-3 missions at one point, apparently you havent heard of blitzing Lvl 3's Using a cruiser, blitz a lvl 3 mission, which is really fast especially if you research the mission ahead of time The speed you gain LP and the rewards actually is faster than running Lvl 4 mission
Comment from : @crazysonorangaming

I heard PVP has been disabled in 05 to 10? you can target someone but you can't fire your weaponsCan anyone confirm this?
Comment from : @JoseAntonio-pb7nd

thx for mentioning me :) Prospektor Schipplock here :D
Comment from : @ContainerRecords

Than get PIRATED by gate campers in high secbr😂 no thanksbrTheres better games than eve
Comment from : @Unique1Media

Jesus christ, the taskbar
Comment from : @penguingamer9882

Germans speak English? None in Rottweil lol 😂
Comment from : @EpicShadeTM

TDF incursions regularly break 300 mil an hour Warp to me is awful in comparison for making isk
Comment from : @JustAGamerA

I went into one Triglavian area cluless first time I got podded in High sec by a rat and lost like 250 Million worth implants
Comment from : @DarkDarcek

Can't you check agency for the systems that triv are in?
Comment from : @gscgold

Thank you for this video, very helpful Would you do one for Alpha clones?
Comment from : @gnumann64

Made a video for robbing ess with celestis target dampsbrbr youtube/Pr_0thi0AZo
Comment from : @edwardsolomon1951

Step 1: Find a gate to low-sec
Comment from : @zarpp9411

This is quite a comprehensive list of how to make a decent amount
Comment from : @thelazy0ne

Call me American, but I hsve never, NOT EVER pronounced it tirg-lavian, but rather tri-glavian lol
Comment from : @gnarLEEx09

TwoNiner still around?
Comment from : @reilly_sharky_reese

Although you can fly battleships as an Alpha, you cant accept lvl 4 missions or higher Level 3 missions are the highest missions you can get as an Alpha
Comment from : @neobadger3590

nah i am stick with jita scam
Comment from : @corvuscorax9028

A while back I was farming rats in Gallente space when ran into a crazy string of luck In a 3 day period I had 3 Shadow Serp drops in combat anoms with a combined total over 15B in loot The best was a Shadow cruiser in a Den that dropped over 900M in an implant and a pair of modules Added to that were 4 X chip drops in drone Anoms (for anyone who doesn't know, X Chips are traded in SOE loyalty store for the SOE ship BPO's) brbr I do my ratting in an Auto Missle Jackdaw with a total isk value of just over 60M or a Navy Oprey (IMO the best Alpha Ratter)
Comment from : @Ares-jx4ep

I'd be tempted to mention relic/data site running, but the sites in high sec are usually pretty bad On the other hand, it is probably one of the lowest risk activities to do in null/wormhole space
Comment from : @HawooAwoo

the top way to make isk in high-sec is buy plex, go to jita, and sell ur plex u can make billions in seconds
Comment from : @bobpacker4875

Forgot to mention that Level 4 & 5 missions are Omega-exclusive, so if you're Alpha you'll need to fleet with at least one Omega player to do it, which cuts the profit in half (or more, depending on the fleet size)
Comment from : @TheRicardobtc

Great summary of ISK making activities It can be so daunting looking at the price of somethings
Comment from : @manycomplaints8927

Incursions make 150-300mil per hour plus LP
Comment from : @jamesbrown5262

Tnx for info ;)
Comment from : @vonlobo

Just one bit about Combat anomalies (exploration), the final escalation is always in low-sec for the lower ones Refuge anomalies can escalate into a 5/10 site which is mostly low-sec but can spawn in high-sec as well So running the Combat anomalies is not really rewarding unless you luck out and a it escalates b it is a 5/10 in HS brbrAlso since they are on the scanner, there's is quite some competition around those sites and unless you find a nice quiet constellation you may never see any in particular times of day
Comment from : @lubossoltes321

Did Incursions kick the bucket in value?
Comment from : @hiroki_rinn

Really enjoy your "classroom" style videos Thank you
Comment from : @TheGameKat

what about vaga dual large a-sh-b in abyss?
Comment from : @Tekimo

Great video, keep it up man! You make me come back to high sec for some fun every once in a while :D One question I still have tho: If Lvl 1-3 missions are not worth it, how would you recommend getting those 50 faction standing that you need for the L4s? Or is it just "run them until you dont have to anymore?"
Comment from : @cal-orrn

ZOMG please sort your faction standings OCD TRIGGERED
Comment from : @dannadeau5840

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