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SUPER Gems? What MS65 Morgan Dollars Look Like compared To MS66?

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Title :  SUPER Gems? What MS65 Morgan Dollars Look Like compared To MS66?
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Description SUPER Gems? What MS65 Morgan Dollars Look Like compared To MS66?

Comments SUPER Gems? What MS65 Morgan Dollars Look Like compared To MS66?

This is great info I agree having compared lots of slabbed Morgan pics
Comment from : @de_pin5835

Thank you so much for this video As a newbie in a senior citizen who needs to raise some cash I'm about to submit several silver dollars including 21S morgan that I believe to be approximately 67 MS i've done a comparison with online pictures as you do in this video and have become somewhat dismayed believing that it seems opinion and perhaps even the graders mood believe it or not comes into play when these coins are graded if possible could you respond to this who would you send to for grading BCGSNGC or another? I have to do this this week when Canadian any help would be greatly appreciated thank you
Comment from : @richardm742

If AI can “read” a hundred written samples to generate a consensus, it can do the same with hundreds of photographs Between the top 4 grading companies, there’s plenty of photos to generate a consensus of grades
Comment from : @remyferrari8501

The 66 are more frosty
Comment from : @SuperTundra08

I think untill Ai is Not doing all the job throughout the grading process Human opinion on this Grading companies will belike , If you can keep it a grade below of hitting the grade that is going to have the most value, We can keep a high value on certain coins already graded and fromour own company interest and collectionThat's whatsup in this Grading business
Comment from : @Ac3230753

Morgan's are my new favorite
Comment from : @buyystocks

It probably depends on who sends them in if APMEX sends em into to get grades they probably get graded up one Average joe sends em in they get a strict grade
Comment from : @silverback7783

Grading ruined sports cards collecting and coin collecting tooThe vultures smell a buck and the passion and the history takes a back seatMoney ruins everything
Comment from : @JohnnyLandscape

PCGS YouTube grading 101 they are all MS 65
Comment from : @carlkleynhans3864

Graders can have bias If a grader just graded couple real high quality coins before your coins, your coins might get lower ratings as the grader might do a comparison and put your coins on lower scales
Comment from : @epicnoodles3633

we agree true grading would be nice
Comment from : @matthewgilmore5307

There are a lot of chatter marks on some of those Even though these coins are in great condition, this is a great demonstration of dated judgment and new acceptance of similar outlooks
Comment from : @duanerutherford2163

By bag marks, I am referring to the dark ares especially on the obverseBye the way, what is the highest grade Morgan you have ever personally seenThe actual coin? I saw a 68 1895 at a show once
Comment from : @harrybond1485

Buy the coin not the grade Great video
Comment from : @Jim-re3sr

I have a hard time distinguishing ms63,64,65 I have some 63 and 64 that as good or better than some of these ms65
Comment from : @johncrace911

You can’t fight city hall
Comment from : @glenncollins4778

Excellent video 💯🔥
Comment from : @vm999

Yeah, I wonder if we could set up an AI to train on grading Morgans, Peaces, Benjis, JFKs and Lincoln Wheaties (and other high-volume coins) I bet it wouldn't take long for something that uses facial recognition to be retrained to grade coins
Comment from : @Pdstor

I've been collecting for 60 years I've studied, used all sorts of magnifiers, stereo microscopes, etc High end grading and certification is hocus pocus The emperor has no clothes In my opinion, slabbing allows the wealthy to engage, purchase, compete, and brag to their peers without learning about coin collecting I dislike slabs - they get scratched and I like to handle my coins
Comment from : @Andriastravels

That last 1898-o really was a stunner, great vid thx!
Comment from : @shibbidydoowop

Great idea with using the EF 42 or EF 48 grades I know it’s a bit different but they already do it for for the VF grades Great video as always
Comment from : @christianityisunstoppable4155

I think there needs to be a tier system within each gradebrbrLike MS62A would be a top end MS62 coinbrbrMS62B would be an average MS62brbrMS62C would be a coin that just barely makes the 62 grade and only slightly better than an MS61AbrbrAlthough I agree with Daniel I think first we need to fill in the missing lower grades It shouldn’t go from F12 to F15 What about F13 and F14?
Comment from : @blake7587

Love your videos great info for us just dipping our toes in this hobby Hope you make it up to the Dayton coin show o e day
Comment from : @TheWardog1701

I dont care if there 64 or 65 I got them when they were 1$ out of a slot machine in 1962 🙄sold worser ones 25$ ea way back
Comment from : @donalddesnoo5303

Great job Daniel! The last coin which was MS66 was clearly higher quality than the MS65's you showed You clearly pointed out the differences between grades
Comment from : @jjh5728

I had 10 ms 65s and I looked for years to find any markstoday, the would be 68s a 65 should have no marks on the face or in fields, I had an 1893 ms 64 4 years I had that coming luster beautiful not 1!! Mark it was flawless
Comment from : @graymikep64

excellent video Thank you for this one
Comment from : @meatsackofdoom

A 100 point grading system 25 points eye appeal, 25 points strike, 25 points luster 25 points marks or bag damageDo this to observe and reversedivide the total by 2 so 98 on obverse and 90 reverse equals a 94 coin
Comment from : @TheFalcondan95705

The problem is and always will be there’s a conflict of interestbrYou have to list value of the coin when submitting for grading (that might be worth mentioning as I’m assuming not everyone knows that) and the grading companies get a percentage of the declared value (used to be 1 I haven’t done it in years so I’m not even sure If thats still the case) brbrThey’re public corporations; for profit companies, with investors and shareholdersbrConflict of interest brAnd don’t even get me started on the politics of the grading industry brI’m not jaded, or pessimistic brThat’s just lifebrJudges get bribed - don’t tell me coin graders don’t get incentivized by companies like Legend, Stacks Heritage David Lawrence etc etcbrDon’t be so naive brbrNow that said yes they’ve done way more good than bad and the overall scheme they do a rock solid mostly consistent jobbrBut they’re human and they’re a corporationbrMy feeling is They’ll never want to submit to “technology “ there’s too much at stake
Comment from : @Samscoinsandheavymetal

I agree, I have seen the same thing and I couldn't grade a coin to save my life But, I can see things that should not be on a MS65 or MS66 and others Each type of coin also has different points to grade them correctly As I said I could not grade a coin, but can see obvious marks, dings and scratches
Comment from : @charlesdavis7461

Do they want people to send these misgrades back? More profit, idk From an aesthetic standpoint the last 66 does have eye appeal Gash on breast odd though
Comment from : @bjanks00

You can have more contact marks and still get ms65 grade if the strike and/or luster is above average Grading is not based only on surface preservation (ie contact marks and wear)
Comment from : @matthewrosenthal4688

I agree that an upgrade is needed in the grading of coins Tech might be the answer
Comment from : @patrickstevens9391

I watched your video 4-5 times and paused it to compare my best ungraded Morgans with same dates and mint I also took several screenshots to compare them at another time and let a friend compare However, I believe mint luster has a great percentage of the graders decision I noticed a good bit more luster on your 66’s
Comment from : @mhyatt82262

The 66 is awesomespecially the fields65 is okay but a lot more black stains but their beautiful thats the way I see itgood luck
Comment from : @ronaldoseradilla3570

In my opinion a ms65 should look nearly flawless but most 65's look like junk
Comment from : @Mark-sy2bx

I think you should still do a 2 hour video of showing coins Just for good measure
Comment from : @Alexandersarreola

My opinion that 65 gradeis 64 / 64-plus that 66 is supposed to be 65
Comment from : @ronaldoseradilla3570

Danielle I think we have a need to have another video done on close am and and wide am because there’s apparently pennies that are on the market and Ebay that her people say that close I am with my names in it clearly not like 96,94,and95 close am and selling for outrageous prices and I try to tell them that they’re supposed to be close AM they just don’t listen if they were they would sell for a lot more than 1 to 2 Thousand
Comment from : @coinmaster7480

My guess is that your going to start and open up your new grading company finally 🙂🙂🤙
Comment from : @michaelporter5679

im sorry its 1878 cc morgan dollari wanna sell it for a right pricejust caol me#09060230076
Comment from : @dadivasrolly2781

my1978 one dollar ishavea CC mint mark iwanna sell it for right price
Comment from : @dadivasrolly2781

i have morgan dollar 1884 no mintmark and 1878 morgar dollar so good condition i wanna sell if you wana buy it in right price i wanna sell it to you sirim here in phillipines my cellphone number#09060230076
Comment from : @dadivasrolly2781

You are absolutely right about the grading standards and using technology to get a more accurate and consistent grading scale
Comment from : @MikeSmith-yo9ch

Daniel would you consider doing a video showing some coins in your private collection ? Thank you I always enjoy looking at the M S Morgan Dollars you show in your video's
Comment from : @MikeSmith-yo9ch

Luster and over all eye appeal are the two ending factors when the 4th judge on the committee finalizes the grade I always use the same concept when purchasing a coin Just like nicely toned high grade coins adds much flavor and value to a particular grade I don’t buy grades, I buy the coin! I would pick an ms62 over a 66 if I felt like that coin had the x factor for me
Comment from : @kelkel3201

Nice job Love your work I see what you did there, I like your style!!
Comment from : @cness849

Daniel, THANK YOU I love Morgan's (big surprise huh)I saw no difference between the grades 65-66 Same marks on neck, same on face, feathers showing marksWatching your video's is my coin college because you teach, demonstrate, and help us learn Good work!
Comment from : @johnlarue2248

It is the 69 and 70 that I have a real problem with really difficult at times to detect why a 69 coin hasn't been graded as a 70!
Comment from : @TrevorHoneyball

In my opinion from what we have just seen i think with the exception of the last 66 they would be lucky to get a 63/4
Comment from : @jamesharrison3845

Can't wait to see what you've got cooking!
Comment from : @twilghters4turnbull

Daniels Grading Services, I would definitely be a customer 😀😀👍👍👍
Comment from : @michaelporter5679

You busted out that big smile 😃T the end and I started laughing Some how happiness is contagious thank you for caring enough to teach
Comment from : @yboohcs

We need to get a more transparent system that allows buyers and third parties to validate a coin's grade based on 'actual reasons' from the grader's perspective, not just some brief history on the Sheldon Scale while saying "Heyyy, trust us We are Professionals"brThere is absolutely no good reason not to do this, and I can see only bad ones on why they would
Comment from : @Bibleedification

What I hate is toned coins that have gouges in the cheeks in the feathers in the fields toned like on the PCGS is calendar prime example Min state 68 plus that coin is not a 68 plus is tone it's covering all the marks are but if you look close at the picture
Comment from : @RayRepublic

Could you answer this question every Morgan has a different die and die pairing and varieties A lot of different vams feed your finger vans in so forth Some of the dyes Are different and some have rounded edges if you look at around to ditch coin compared to square edged coin of the same year you think the rounded edge coin was worn but it's just to die
Comment from : @RayRepublic

What are the best undervalued MS 65 Morgans to invest in?
Comment from : @danabertsch9699

Thanks for another great video
Comment from : @josepchwill1304

I'm not an expert, but I don't think most of those coins rate more than 63 or even less
Comment from : @robertfeinberg748

I`d love some one to make a video of cracking out 10-20 morgans from generation 1 & 2 holders, resubmitting and see how they grade out today
Comment from : @JASN-oj5qu

Totally in agreement that some of them seem to have too much rough marking to be a 65Yep, "opinion" is a tough way to cover these investments
Comment from : @strange-universe

This is why I never invest my money in TPG's "opinions" They charge too much to begin with, and get it wrong a lot That batch of Morgans you showed looked more like ICG graded them, instead of PCGS
Comment from : @Olde-Raleigh-Shoppe-NC

I need more Trump Bucks to Invest!!!
Comment from : @randyherbrechtsmeier4796

Interesting as they all mostly look like ms65 with the exception of a couple that looked better
Comment from : @kristinebailey86

I truly believe that the tpgc are MORE forgiving when it comes to Peace and Morgan dollars than Kennedy's
Comment from : @typeviic1

CAC needs to sticker ANACS
Comment from : @typeviic1

Looks like some were graded by throwing at the dartboard !!
Comment from : @dennisjanda5081

I think the more mirror like ,they go a bit easier on the grading because chatter can be seen better Thats the only thing i can think of
Comment from : @jimmycapps7263

The 1898 O looks pretty good ✅
Comment from : @phillipbyrnes2885

Hey Daniel, I just wanted to say hi and I think that your advice is on point and I have learned sooo much about every single type of coins especially when it comes to grading my coins But why when you send your coins in to be graded by PCGS and you can see your reflection in the Morgan Silver Dollar from 3 inches away why doesn't it get a DMPL or PL grade your coin?? Thanks again for all of your videos they are great and I wouldn't know half of what I know about coins now if I hadn't of watched them br-Thanks again Daniel a huge fan
Comment from : @michaelporter5679

deep gashes on a breast a 66? PLEASE!
Comment from : @stevensenlacere1619

It was interesting 😎 👍
Comment from : @silvercoins

Not one 66, ‘cept the last one It’s disappointing cause of the price differences But it was a good lesson I enjoyed it I’m actually learning how to grade Morgans watchin these videos Thanks again!
Comment from : @jamespass4337

How those 65s got the grade is beyond me At least half of ‘em were 64s and the one with the real obvious contact lines under the eye, near the lip and on the cheek, really a 65? Come on If that was cracked open and resubmitted, lucky to get a 63 or even a unc details with a scratch, lol
Comment from : @jamespass4337

That 98o was super choice and the only ms66 I agreed with The 65’s were hit and miss and I agree It’s pretty disappointing to see cac certifying some of those coins
Comment from : @tylonnplatinumthe3rd659

I have bought some graded coins just so I can learn grading So I am a beginner on this and I figured there is a slight differences between grades They probably should of been advancing their system a long time ago
Comment from : @jclikespam7791

I agree with you 100 when you see so many marks in the field and cheek, it just doesn’t cut it as a high grade coin
Comment from : @shekatagani

Thank you DanielWell Said !!! Frankly I have seen Morgans graded MS62 less "Cheekey" than some of those graded 65 that you showed us I am with you all the way the services can do better, especially with what they charge
Comment from : @ABLEROONE

I agree that that last MS66 is pretty hinky Even with the CAC sticker In addition to the marks on the breast there are also multiple marks above and below "In God We Trust" Maybe if the obverse were a 67 it would average out, but I don't think it is I like CAC in general but I think their standards can be a little strange They seem to ignore quality of strike and die deterioration Sometimes they'll certify a coin that is obviously overdipped Dealers tend to want huge premiums for CAC Morgans so you have to be careful and shop around
Comment from : @jeffw1267

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