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The Trillion Dollar Coin SHOCKING Revelation!

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Title :  The Trillion Dollar Coin SHOCKING Revelation!
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Comments The Trillion Dollar Coin SHOCKING Revelation!

I got an idea if we're just gonna start doing whatever we want instead of having them create coin this worth enough my to stamp out our debt why don't
Comment from : @brandons7272

Excellent video very informative article!brbrSuch a coin approved to be minted may not impact inflation as much as we may believe since it's not actual money put onto circulation Now I'm not an economist but my understanding of inflationary pressures caused by injections of money applies only if that money ends up in circulation The $1 Trillion stamped on the proof Platinum coin would be merely a nominal $ figure it seemsnot actual cash being injected into the actual money supplybrbrbrI think it could be just a matter of time before we see a Treasury pay-off $1 T Proof Platinum Coin authorized by Congress I'll bet that the incentive to approve such a coin seems too enticing to bspend-crazy politicians/b bIt will be like a kid at the candy store who got his hands on his overly liberal daddy's credit card/bbrbrSo, seemingly little risk of harming the reputation of the party which pushes for its approval in Congress
Comment from : @CoinsAZ

Does that mean that every platinum coin is worth a trillion🤔😂😂
Comment from : @djkramerd4582

Can I write a trillion dollar check? No I can't cause I would be charged with fraud Only wolf's in sheep's clothing communist marxists rat bastards would "reimagine" economicsThey just printed your hard earned money labored hard for and gave it to their stupid young voterstypical commiesit's time to break out the millstones
Comment from : @gabezendar2670

The reason not to do it Is it’s more important to maintain slavery and keep the masses in debt They do not want the “swift” system to fall Block chain in debt is the other “boot on the throat”
Comment from : @bobandmaryw4336

Haha congress didn't screw up giving the president that power They did it on purpose They act like bumbling fools with no brains yet continue to somehow systematically take away our rights They somehow continue to get rich beyond belief but get nothing important done It's all a plan by both sides 2 wings of the same bird I will still continue to vote republican because this woke crap is awful
Comment from : @Userhfdryjjgddf

Just crazy Another way for them to print money to cover them selfs
Comment from : @ScorpionMetals

That this won’t go away tells me that it will happen at some point unless DC curbs spending (we know they won’t) With that in mind, Uncle Sal, do you think Platinum will shoot up when this occurs?
Comment from : @butts-r-flyeffect2838

platinum unicorn farts!!!
Comment from : @johnnydollar666

Fiat fake government is out of control, we're not paying this back keep on printing😅😮😢🎉😢😅😅❤
Comment from : @ddprepper5227

Awesome report Sal I don't think a trillion-dollar coin is going to get us there, I think we need a monster box of quadrillion dollar coins LOLbrGet some real money gold and silver while you still canbrbr😊😮😢🎉❤
Comment from : @ddprepper5227

love platinum but this is silly just revalue us minted coins by issue of the denomination platinum 100 thousand, gold 50 thousand, palladium 25 thousand, silver 1000, copper penny 100 etc tada metal standard once again and its simple😮
Comment from : @rockymarcianothe3rd135

Thank you for the information Sal 👍
Comment from : @noicue8078

Are you sure they haven't already printed trillion dollar coins? The government already is doing all kinds of dirt in the dark!
Comment from : @rondoottosen4275

I will soon be placing these on Ebay
Comment from : @williame8202

Nothing about government shocks me any more
Comment from : @CyberCurtainTwitcher

If they mint the coin, the entire world will ditch the dollar
Comment from : @201sovereign

Socialism is what they're going for Is it not?
Comment from : @lukef5370

Why not just make a bunch of billion dollar coins? Maybe they could make them out of gold, platinum, and palladium It would be unique enough that no civilian would own such a minted coin unless, of course, they paid a billion for it It's not a terrible idea anyway
Comment from : @lukef5370

The US government already has trouble reigning in high inflation Why do they come up with all this crap, 1 trillion dollar platinum coin that no one can afford to buy? Are people at the US mint making decisions psychologically sound? I heard about this and fell off my chair It's preposterous, psychologically unsound
Comment from : @goldmaple5290

Tell me seriously Sal, if you had a trillion dollars in cash would you buy this coin, this one coin You could spend your trillion dollars to buy so many things, so many thousands or millions of gold and silver coins, change so many lives, buy lots of companies, land, real estate I don't even see the very rich going for such a coin I honestly think the US mint is shooting itself in the foot
Comment from : @goldmaple5290

Comment from : @JamesBrown-nu8vk

Sounds like President Camacho's economic plan youtube/WT9RJxqDIAI
Comment from : @danrumble74

The money changers wouldn't like it if the debt was paid off, no money for them Yellen would be yellin brWhat gets me Sal is the money changers have been in charge of the money it's entire existence and now we're suppose to believe that they don't understand how the economy works or what they are doing is bad for our nation? They are trying to suck the system dry and steal all they can including souls if they canbrHave a blessed day Sal
Comment from : @DeathChild7

If this happens, would the price of platinum have a revaluation to the upside?
Comment from : @thomastrefz

👍🤙 I'm backup I was camping With the family no Internet service
Comment from : @riesche82

If they had a trillion-dollar coin it would be worthless like third world country currency brAnd destroy our currency 🤷‍♂️
Comment from : @williamjones1212

A trillion dollars in one hundred dollar bills would fill a mile long freight train double stacked containers brThe problem with the dollar and the federal reserve is how little a dollar is worth now days compared to what it was worth when the federal reserve was created and the USA enslaved the citizens for generations
Comment from : @patchrat1

Take this for what it's worthDiehl is currently the president of US Money Reserve
Comment from : @Evom777

Sal, if you order one please order a second for me ThanxbrI think Elon would approve ❤🐥💋
Comment from : @goldcic

There ya have ityes indeednonethelessLOLvideo could be cut by 5 minutes if those words alone were edited out😂 Just ribbing ya Unca Sal Good video!!!
Comment from : @jefflafave858

Norm has left the building sal
Comment from : @raygilreath552

Inflation would see many to the kerb
Comment from : @darylroughley2807

This is so stupid!brWho in the world would be such an idiot to accept this?
Comment from : @txbob5978

So childish Just frame that IOU
Comment from : @kent3172

Mint the 32 T$ coins and toss them at the banker's feet
Comment from : @tertiaryobjective

It's a pretty silly idea Put a Trillion dollars on a platinum coins is about as good as adding another 0 on all of are cotton fiber notes! It will just raise the price of everything!
Comment from : @richardmetcalf2346

The big issue If the Govt can just re-value a 1oz Platinum coin to $1T What is the real value of all Gold , Silver , Platinum coins in circulation How can the Govt Platinum coin be $1T but my Platinum coin is $1100 ?
Comment from : @M3LTUP

The fact is a trillion dollars just isn't worth what it used to be 😅
Comment from : @villewintermaul1907

Get rid of the new 84,000 IRS agents to save this money, benefits , etc because they are unnecessary
Comment from : @johnbethea4505

It's so laughable to even think about doing this Higher inflation would shut the whole country down If this could be part of the plan to take us to the brink of collapse, this would do it Fascism and social degradation!
Comment from : @melvinworsham5360

Comment from : @martinolsen868

it could have at least been inlaid with rhodium to pretend its valuable its worth platinum spot lol
Comment from : @zombiechow9974

Now you have fiat coinage
Comment from : @harpazoskys5133

It's always the Republicans that want to protect the filthy rich so they don't need to pay their fair share of taxes while the rest of us working and middle classes pay
Comment from : @lamarravery4094

Very interesting, it looks like Slick Willie stuck it to all of us not just Monica
Comment from : @Hippiebls

When people say Bitcoin isn't fiat, I like to point out what Rafi Farber so eloquently said: "Satoshi Nakamoto printed 21 Million of them and makes people do useless complex math problems to find them" Off subject, but had to say!
Comment from : @nicholastracy4915

Hey Sal 😅
Comment from : @danielcaissie1207

Thank you 😊
Comment from : @micaelakerley2351

They've voted to collapse the currency!
Comment from : @rondoottosen4275

I'd gladly trade my 1 oz platinum coin for that one They are equal in weight and metal content Let's make this happen!
Comment from : @BeardedWonder-fx6bq

But Will other nations accept it as a trillion dollar coin?brbrCan this trillion dollar coin gain the confidence of all the other nations?
Comment from : @Jason-cg7cq

TrillionDollar baby 🎶 - Alice Cooper
Comment from : @rudypoo4370

Who is the dude on that Platinum coin?
Comment from : @IP0Monsturd

Sup Mister SM and everyone
Comment from : @mykittenisagrandmaster4381

Love the channel sir Absolutely great
Comment from : @goodcitizen6326

So I break in like the "Pink Panther" and steal the $1Trillion Fed coin, I guess it becomes worth $1000 and they just say another Platinum coin is worth the $1 Trillion?
Comment from : @nickelstacking2023

If they mint that trillion dollar platinum coin, I'm gonna see if I could buy it at Spot
Comment from : @Gardylmon51

lets just mint a coin out of solid nonstilationabiliam and make it worth 1 bajillion dollars
Comment from : @MatthewKrekeAuthor

make it out of rhodium or some rare metal only found in meteors
Comment from : @MatthewKrekeAuthor

I always thought minting a trillion-dollar coin would be the end of the us economy
Comment from : @MatthewKrekeAuthor

That is wild how that trillion dollar coin option was baked into the cakebrThey knew they might need this option even way back in the 1990s 😲
Comment from : @WorldMoneyWins

They can buy my platinum coin for 1/2 trillion What a deal

So they are probably going there when it’s all said and done Boom fed and everyone paid off and we get rid of them and treasury can go back to minting coin as per the constitution
Comment from : @justanotheroglesby2847

A Trillion Dollar Coin is proof of fake money, fake interest on that money and fake taxes to pay the Feds back Keep stacking real money!!!
Comment from : @Der0Nibelung

I’ll take PLATINUM for one trillion Alex😂 We had to get it the old fashioned way 😬 Thanks Sal👍🇺🇸
Comment from : @nrthshor8586

Cool I have 1 of those trillionare platium Eagle 🙂🙂
Comment from : @betod3113

I'd rather get a big stipend, than a big stymie 😂
Comment from : @phraktl

Can I have some of that money? I'll take it in gold Cheers
Comment from : @phoenixexploration33011

Comment from : @mattbittner775

Th us platinum is ugleee I want platinum like the next guy but this Thang ain't it
Comment from : @manoffire786

if they mske a trillion dollar coin im sofaking rich
Comment from : @robb8331

I still need someone to explain to me how the Treasury could say their one ounce Platinum coin is worth a Trillion and my same one ounce Platinum coin is only worth $1000 an ounce
Comment from : @nickelstacking2023

At even $1500 an ounce for platinum, it would take 666,666,6666666 ounces to equal $1T What they are doing is just pressing fake value if the coin only has say 10 ounces of platinum in it No different than printing an extra trillion of fiat cloth dollars
Comment from : @mutantryeff

they could mint 5 or 6 a year and stop collecting taxes, looky here I'm as smart and logical as they are
Comment from : @ownsilver

Dropped at least 1 trillion likes!
Comment from : @coincollectingfun

I'll take two Do you think they will finance it for me?
Comment from : @jarodspade1

Hate to lose that sucker in the couch
Comment from : @sicsiksam

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