Title | : | Is a theology degree worth it? |
Lasting | : | 12.56 |
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Views | : | 22 rb |
Do you ever find it difficult navigating the secular world with all it's sinfulness and evils, when your mind is so steeped in scripture and God's requirements for us? Meaning do you ever feel so much cognitive dissonance that it's difficult to live your life within it? If so how do you deal with it? Comment from : @phoenixsasha2727 |
I'm okay with that I'm a missionary, and I never thought I'd go back to school for religion I'm seriously considering it I studied Portuguese as undergrad A marketable skill I don't regret it I knew it was a marketable skill I want to be more equipped as a missionary In the past, I worked light manufacturing I enjoyed that I wouldn't mind doing it again to pay the bills Comment from : @MarkBH70 |
Great video, really put things into perspective I’m getting ready to start my Bachelors I Theology and it is all for me, no expectations of a mega pastor etc I just want to learn and dive deeper in my faith Comment from : @TheJLMPodcast |
Ah yes, a degree in nonsense A degree in unprovable fiction Comment from : @NicolasSchaII |
Im so thankful to the lord that I came across your video I've been really thinking about a degree in theology I have my GI Bill that I never wanted to use because I am not a school person However, I found christ over a year ago, I love reading the word of my savior and completely love him I want to really dive into understanding the word more and really want to dive deep into faith and spiritually Comment from : @bryandude240 |
You persuaded me not to get one 😞 Comment from : @natehines127 |
I’ve been a doctor for 15 years and I’m thinking about pursuing a theology degree… Comment from : @lunchandlearn |
Just for the record, if any Christian is going into get a Theology degree and one of your primary goals is to have arguments against other denominations of Christianity or the Catholic Church you should not get a degree - for that realm of thought your only opponent should be Islam Comment from : @lelandlarochelle312 |
It seems to me that most people that get a theology degree do better in life, with or without a ministry, than people that go to regular universities and colleges and leave with unrealistic expectations Go ahead and get your theology degree I have a degree in journalism and it's done wonders for me, but if I could go back in time and do something different, I'd choose theology in a second Comment from : @michelnarvaez2615 |
Well not my looks Comment from : @DavidVela-o1k |
i would like to know which books you read while studying Could you tell me? Thanks for the video Comment from : @vhcenzo |
Hmmm…First of All - You must Know What God is (His Plans)saying about your Life!!brNo matter what- All that Sounds Good if you have NOT Prayed and asked God:brHis Pathway will not fail you-br1)What is your Purpose/Vision that God has spoken to you Directly-br2) Next, Pray for His guidance on what steps-br3) Everything Does NOT always make sense!! Comment from : @onlyhispresenceohp2607 |
Ha, a theology nerd I love it Totally me! Comment from : @Silver_Sun5 |
Perhaps you've heard this story before, but I was so curious about the foundations of Christianity and my faith that I became obsessed with the study of religion and ended up getting my BA in Religion (Comparative Religious Studies with an emphasis on Christianity,) at a small, private school I graduated back in 2010 and instead of gaining a greater appreciation of my faith or a deepening of it I ended up losing whatever faith I had; with around $42,000 in debt and spiritually bankrupt from the experience I've done nothing with my degree since and have been bitter to the point of regretting my decision to go into higher education, entirely I understand that this probably isn't the norm, but it was my experience Comment from : @paulyd2520 |
I am very interested in learning about the Theological material, and thank you for this video Comment from : @romijay9488 |
Can you plz list the books 📖 you read during your course I want to become a priest but don’t know how I can do it without going to a school I was trying to get ordained online Is there a way to do this without being at a college? Can you take theology online? I never graduated high school 9th grade is as far as I got but I have a strong calling to be a priest/exorcist my whole life Thanks for your help brother ❤ Comment from : @drewblanche |
I’ve been scrolling for hours trying to find a genuine video on this and finally found it thank you and god bless, you earned a sub Comment from : @loonacyy2081 |
Love this video Have been on a big spinning wheel choosing degeees for my college years Having a family and covid striking down has post poned me tremendously and my ambitions deteriated Was 24 when i was closing up on my associates of arts, now im turning 30 Just now got back in the want to study and have come to the conclusion that i want to major in philosophy and psychology Possibly theolygy as well since i love the study of religions It all ties together 🖤 even though I'm very ambitions in becoming a big dj 🤣 i just love to help other people and having tools to do so is very blossful Comment from : @AnxiD444 |
I am a agnostic who is thinking of getting a bachelor in theology This video gave me alot of insight, thank you <3 Comment from : @Willonly-ww5no |
Well spoken Sir Comment from : @mosesmelo5535 |
Love it Comment from : @haydongonzalez-dyer2727 |
Last part of the video Gold I am strongly considering to start a degree in theology now And I think I got my answer Will start working on that asap Comment from : @Rikusm1 |
What advice would you offer to someone who wants a theology degree so that others would recognize their biblical knowledge? In other words, their motive is to garner more respect in a church setting as a teacher of the Bible Comment from : @kf4zmt |
As a fellow Moody grad, I can say that your heart really appears to be in the right place, brother I can tell that your walk with God has not only affected your head but your heart Thank you for posting this All the best 🙏 Comment from : @Humblebeginnings1986 |
Can you please provide the books you read while studying theology I can’t go to school for it but if I get the chance of going in a future, I definitely will Comment from : @edwingonzalez4210 |
My degree has taken 75 years i must join you in saying that I am definitely a NERD Comment from : @philipjones369 |
Yes if you could list the books you read that would be great Comment from : @nrtnrt6676 |
A degree in Theology is useful for your Education for you now and into the future It may not have any direct application, but it builds your personal character into the future A philosophy degree is more useful as it exposes you to more varieties of mindful education for self-development not just Christianity is in your case Comment from : @yttean98 |
Wash your hair Comment from : @xavierpaquin |
All of thise things are valid, but i also see that as an idictment of what we consider "pastoring" in the Western Church Pastoral staffs generally need better theological roots than they tend to have MDiv's are treated as a "trade" and Theology tends to be treated as "extra" and "interesting" Comment from : @Bl_Radio |
I really liked this I’m currently deciding what classes to take before I move on to college, and I know in my heart I have a burning desire for the priesthood God may be calling me to this way of life, or not But either way, I quickly discerned that getting a degree in theology would be beneficial to me at the very least spiritually whichever path I’m called to chose in life I hadn’t gone much deeper into getting a degree like this, but this video helped a lot I likely will be able to discern my vocation in college and whatever I chose still be happy with the degree I have, Lord willing I’ll probably do something tech related on the side as a backup Comment from : @boss56679 |
Thanks for sharing You are right This applies to any type of degree The best scenario is getting into a good job, or field, that offers college support, which can be used to advance your career within the area you are working This is not a recruiting campaign, but the military was good for that Those in ministry should be constantly learning Thanks again, and God bless Comment from : @FreeBird-111 |
You got to understand that having a theology degree gives you the right to open your mouth 👄 on the Bible Comment from : @isaiaguilar6377 |
No Comment from : @davidc4408 |
I would like the booklist Thanks Comment from : @Farmandranchliving |
When I was little kid, my parents took me to a museum in NYC I heard them describe some historical figure as a "Renaissance Man" They defined one as someone who has education in disparate fields and thus can reflect on matters from many angles I decided to become one I got a BS biology, a BS geology, and an MDiv Hence, I know something about life, the planet, and God You friend, are a Renaissance Man Comment from : @jamesgossweiler1349 |
Thank you for doing this video, I found it very insightful Comment from : @davidgoode7416 |
Currently getting my bachelors in theology in a smaller seminary but not really as a job getter, just so i can study my faith Im getting an associates in IT Project mangement for my career Comment from : @ForneverstarOfficial |
Hey brother! I would love it if you could please please please send me the list of books! How can I reach you? Thank you! Comment from : @grantkauahijr1647 |
Thank you for this Comment from : @Jason-gt5bz |
It's a degree in nothing What a waste Comment from : @chikkipop |
I would appreciate a list of the books you studied I can’t afford to get a degree but I love learning the Word of God and teaching it correctly Comment from : @picturepablo4918 |
9:25 "Allows them to provide for their families and eat" Comment from : @noah7477 |
Thank you for your good work sir Please I want you to send me the books🙏 so that I will learn Comment from : @princeamankwa |
Would really like to know the books you read in your undergraduate program! Please share the names of the books brother! Comment from : @johnpaultuma6631 |
I wish that i could learn more about the practical things concerning the word Comment from : @The_way777 |
There are those who teach the Bible at a children's Sunday School Taking some classes at a Bible college or seminary would be helpful, but it would not be necessary to earn a degree Comment from : @someperson9536 |
Hello, I am thinking about studying theology to be a teacher Do you recommend going to US? Do you know any good seminaries in Europe? Comment from : @guilhermedelcampo4832 |
Thank you for your video Andy! I suggest you four things 1 Try to teach online (option a Make your own courses to buy them online Option b Check what seminaries are online around the world) 2 Learn a second language such as Spanish, and teach students in another language 3 Start writing your books as a theologian 4 Study a graduate degree to have more open doors not only in the United States, but around the world brThere are seminaries that are not expensive, and many students are there who need teachers like you Discern it with God God bless you! Comment from : @pcb9134 |
Hey Gospel Simplicity could you please let me know what books you had to read while in seminary please I would love to read them 😊 Comment from : @thewalktochrist8192 |
Just subscribed, thanks for sharing Comment from : @mygirlmacy |
can u mail me the books? Comment from : @Kraziihype |
I am a 65 year old that is fascinated by theology I wish this video had been around when I was in my forties coming into Christianity I am reading books about early Christians In my journey to christ in my early 40s I was almost atheist but I joined a group that required me to have a belief in a Supreme being So I began to search inwardly and realized that it was not that I didn't believe God existed but that I didn't believe that God was not what I had been lead to believe he was Thanks for the video even it is a little late for me Comment from : @billyhooks99 |
I'm thinking about a theology degree Comment from : @albanyreadshalleluyahscrip9946 |
You need to pursue a PhD in theology Comment from : @georgeheitmanis3377 |
I’m currently working toward a theology degree but also am majoring in Spanish and Accounting and I’m allowing myself flexibility in my future Comment from : @lukasbeier8338 |
Thank you🙏 Comment from : @rodikyriakou4984 |
Thank you so much for this, I'm currently studying Theology at St Mary's Catholic University in Twickenham Comment from : @empirical_blade6926 |
Nearly any structured field of study is "worth it" even if "all" it provides is a disciplined/focused approach to the world including what you find yourself having to do to "Put Bread on the Table" Comment from : @lizledbitter6711 |
Hello! I’m here about those books you mentioned on 4:40? 😊 Comment from : @christianazacarias |
I am always unimpressed by scholarshipbrI read a lot But mostly I find that scholastic attempts at assuming spiritual authority to be exhausting and misleadingbrbrSproul, and the like, just muddy the water brAnd I would rather not have to swim in such Comment from : @andreaurelius45 |
Great perspective my brother! I hope this encourages a lot of young adults Comment from : @michaelrmims |
Your third question… absolutely touching Comment from : @juancarlostownsend7013 |
Good video Austin I too have a theology degree (Master's degree) and a doctorate in leadership studies Neither is a big money maker but fortunately I had a military GI bill and other sources to pay for it all I never had to take a loan I've done some teaching and am currently pastoring a small house church for no pay which is the way I want it (saves money for more important things) brbrI agree with your opinions that it is often better to learn theology through self-study rather than borrowing/spending a large amount of money for a theology degree I believe it's possible and one could learn from self-study just as well as a college or seminary theology program if done correctly I would actually recommend most people do it that way Comment from : @Steve-wg3cr |
Austin i see you writing theological books in the future you are the next generation, no question! Comment from : @marcco44 |
I’m currently in year 2 of a 5 year theology degree (part time, UK)… should I really watch this video?!? 😬 Comment from : @annamccormick6864 |
Austin! When is the conversion update coming? That’s what I’m looking for 😅 Comment from : @australopithecusafarensis8927 |
I noticed the drop in content since you got your job That is the way it SHOULD be You have a couple vocations now -your marriage, your job and this channel Plus your own prayer life At this stage of your life with your first post grad job, you should be putting most of your non-family time into becoming proficient at your job As time goes on, you will be able to shift a bit but it will take intentionality Because if you are good at your job, they will throw more and more to you (as is only natural ) Try to strike that balance It won't be easy but with God's help and a balanced spiritual life you will get there Comment from : @toddvoss52 |
I've been watching your channel now for the past couple of years I actually remember the first one I watched, It was 2020 at the height of the riots and the lockdowns and it was such a crazy scary time Oswald Chambers- I looked him up because I found myself reading " My Utmost for His Highest" again I've watched you develop yourself and grow your channel over that time (I'm a grandma, 65 years old and have experience watching young people grow and develop themselves 😉) It's been a pleasure following you in your journey I've loved engaging with you in your curiosity and love of learning I especially enjoyed your foray into Orthodox Christianity I too developed an interest at that time and was seriously considering embracing that particular mode of faith I guess I'm a bit of theology nerd too, I love discussing the scriptures in depth Anyway, Justin, to quote the book of Proverbs, "a man's gift makes room for him" I have a feeling that your God-given passion for teaching and love of the scriptures will open many doors for you to walk through and God will fill your life in a way and that you weren't expecting 💗 Comment from : @mrwiggiewoo |
Thanks! Comment from : @donaldshelton1720 |
great video and great advice Austin! Comment from : @TruthUnites |
I'm an academic top performer, always concerned about my GPA In my first semester at seminary a professor asked to see me: He told me he was impressed with my abilities to research analyse and write But he was concerned that was getting in the way of growing in personal holiness Definitely second Austin's "Are you willing to let it shape you?" comment Comment from : @JohnVianneyPatron |
I got two degrees in history I often wonder if those were worth it I wanted to teach too… The second one with an emphasis on European intellectual thought (philosophy) I have a job that is not related any of they But the graduate degree taught me how to think This in turn made me think about my theology more critically, which in turn pushed me to read tons of theology books and listen to tons of theologians of all stripes who are Much smarter than me which in turn led me to Orthodoxy Hmm… Comment from : @athanasiusofalexandria4304 |
If you did become a doctor, I bet you would have a good bedside manner You communicate well and are sensitive to the people you talk with Comment from : @Alexei2539 |
Hello Austin thanks for the video it really helped me a lot right now I’m considering getting my associate and/or bachelors in psychology While doing a lay pastoral ministry before I get a degree in ministry or some related field Comment from : @jesseengland456 |
It will be worth it if one day you go the path of Cameron Bertuzzi 😉 Comment from : @jeremiahong248 |
Since you were accepted into medicine, I supposed you have to thank God you don't have a Tiger Mum Otherwise, most likely it would be Dr Austin Suggs we are addressing Comment from : @jeremiahong248 |
Define "worth" ?😄 and how is it measured Comment from : @jeremiahong248 |
A degree in Theology is only worth it, if it leads us to the fullness of “The Truth” Other than that, it was a waste of time Should of went to the “Saint Paul Center” in Steubenville, and studied under: Scott Hahns All our time, talent and treasure belongs to God, given to bryou through grace! To glorify Him with God Bless! ❤🙏 Comment from : @soldierofdivinity3245 |
Like everything in life: it depends Comment from : @imjustheretogrill9260 |
Well if you are still a Protestant afterwards it might be a waste… Comment from : @diegobarragan4904 |
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