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How to use ChatGPT to learn a language: tips and prompts

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Title :  How to use ChatGPT to learn a language: tips and prompts
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Description How to use ChatGPT to learn a language: tips and prompts

Comments How to use ChatGPT to learn a language: tips and prompts

All I do is just text ChatGPT as My practice for French
Comment from : @pandorawilkins1824

I am learning Brazilian Portuguese and I love football (soccer) I often ask ChatGPT to prepare some texts about Brazilian football (history of the teams, biographies) It is really useful!!
Comment from : @videosport75

I have just started to use chat GPT to help me with Finnish, my new language It is hard to get a grip on So I make it generate sentences within my wishes to let me get more material to start recognising the words and the grammar without "doing" grammar Ti gives me as many examples as I like
Comment from : @changingme1412

Thanks for this advice steve I just tried using it explaining history about tito bros in first person and it worked
Comment from : @travis3077

Good to see you here, Steve Always enjoy listening to you
Comment from : @ianmcm589

I usually get nothing out of listening to you Same with this video nothing!
Comment from : @j2shoes288

Are you the one who translates into Arabic?brbrbrThanks
Comment from : @KayadidiDidi

I just started learning German, I used LingQ today, due to my stubborn nature, I only started with this app 12 months after I followed your channel, damn I went on 70 speed and with that mode that plays one sentence at the time I felt immersed in German for the first time It is such a gift that you created for humanity Steven You're my inspiration and I don't have words in any language to express the gratitude for God's work you're doing here and in all of the other channels Thank you!
Comment from : @bartroszak

I'll try it!
Comment from : @robmuld2685

I'd imagine most language content creators arent a stong fan of chatgpt Wish I would of found this a year ago when i seems to have gotten popular Since i suck at learning, i can create my own lessons based off my weekness and have a non human to interact with to avoid self embarrasment
Comment from : @RyanMJustin

It's the most powerful language learning tool I've ever used
Comment from : @flux789

The prompt:brCreate a 1000 word summary of (book/movie/documentary/video essay/historical period) in (target language)brbr(I'm saving it for myself later haha, thanks a lot for the video!)
Comment from : @malossszz

Please send me the link ,which chatgpt u were using
Comment from : @hattorime4662

I upload pages of the books I'm reading I ask gpt read them than we have a discussion in the end it provides a feedback about my English
Comment from : @rafaelforte3899

ChatGPT is great honestly, I'm currently learning Russian and I can ask ChatGPT to generate stories for A1 level, A2, B1 etc and it does brIt helps me memorize words and I train my reading skills brIt is very good brIt can also explain me quite easily things I don't get instantly, differences between Зачем and Почему, things like that brit is really good
Comment from : @netizenz7182

The mistakes of ChatGPT is kind of good for you in the way that forces you to double check and delve deeper So you understand whys snd hows
Comment from : @rlrihards948

Muito obrigado grande mestre!
Comment from : @ClaudioMarzo-s7n

For French language too
Comment from : @IlianaGeorgieva-k7s

Well, it's good
Comment from : @IlianaGeorgieva-k7s

Thank you Steve✊🏼 good advice 👍
Comment from : @POLYGLOT_LS

I do not trust Musk either He is very arrogant Thank you for all your videos, Mr Kaufman!
Comment from : @johndavidnew

Thanks for this video, Mr Kaufmann
Comment from : @smallvillepodbr3

hello! your video just popped up and while i was watching i got surprised that you've been learning turkish! it's so inspiring to see my native language! good luck with learning turkish it's one of the richest languages in the world!
Comment from : @elifkaragoz2554

I have asked it to write a 500 word story only using the top 1000 words in Language And give me the same story but in English Tadaa, bilingual simple text I love it
Comment from : @MisterGames

I use ChatGPT to create graded readers for me in the languages I'm studying, but it hadn't occurred to me to import them to LingQ! Definitely gonna have to do that going forward!
Comment from : @GwynneM

One thing to note is that while ChatGPT is excellent at explaining grammar and giving enlightening examples, it is absolutely horrid at etymology If you ask it any etymological question, there is, as of September 2024, almost no chance that the output won't be nonsensical garbage
Comment from : @daMacadamBlob

Yet another excellent and motivating video Thank you And more very good suggestions in the comments
Comment from : @williammorris7279

I’m beginning to learn Croatian, and I could really see using a program like ElevenLabs to take these 750 word summaries and convert them into spoken audio The voices are much more natural, so while you can’t really converse as far as I know, you can get natural audio on the content you want, at the level you are at
Comment from : @tcufrogsfan45

Merhaba Ben bir lise öğrencisiyim Bana vermek istediğiniz birkaç nasihat varmı? brSizin gibi bilgili birinden nasihat almayı çok isterim! Teşekkürler!
Comment from : @Jeehme

I've been using Chatgpt to write stories for the last year and import them into Lingq I have it write them on whatever I'm interested in at the moment
Comment from : @HipopatanicLandmass-wf5bq

Does the lingq app also have Egyptian Arabic?
Comment from : @denkarto

How would you teach a language in a classroom?
Comment from : @luisalfredowalker67

2:22 in ruzzian? for what?
Comment from : @Pantelyk

Love the book summary idea so much! I exported a list of the 510 books I have in Goodreads, assigned them each a random number, and have started making 1000 word summaries of them in four languages, rotating through languages one by one Have also done this with random things I've seen while reading ("write a 1000 words on the Cagot people"), etc Love it!
Comment from : @georgehdick

Sorry Mr Steve The subtitles in the video are a little out of sync I don't know if it's a YouTube problem, but it was a bit confusing to follow what you said by reading the subtitles
Comment from : @ofulanojohndoe

I’m a Spanish teacher for English speakers and ChatGPT is our best ally I only help when AI can’t or makes mistakes
Comment from : @angeldeschain0

Great idea!
Comment from : @jankoszuta9835

DONT!!!!!! Learn the languages with the chatgpt I did it and literally 30 of his "translations" were completely bullshit Eg I told him to list me the numbers 1 to 50 in syrian arabic I told him he should write them how theyre actually pronounced and also in arabic It said so much wrong stuff I told him his mistakes and told him he should write again He literally made the same altough I just told him If I didnt knew what the numbers were I would have learned a bunch of shit In arabic ashara means ten and 8 means tmani 18 means tmin ta'ash It told me its tmin w ashar (trans to 10 and eight) And that happened very often even if I let him correct him 10 times it still was there and everytime he assured me that it is right
Comment from : @kawabalik5080

终生学习、继续教育 😊了不起啊
Comment from : @TulekBehar

Comment from : @edubicuo

I wonder if there's a way to give GPT a document of all your words in LingQ and their level, having it create stories or summaries with your optimal amount of new and recognized words
Comment from : @TexasChainsawManager

You're awsome man
Comment from : @yanniellydellomes8863

So, any plans to bring AI to LingQ? I think there are several use cases for it
Comment from : @catboy721

This has been brilliant Thank you
Comment from : @janeknight3597

I've started recently to refresh my grammar with ChatGPT, for example give me opportunity to practice 'so', 'such', 'such a', 'no such', 'so long time', such a long time' etc Everytime you'll exposed to a new example etc It's better than our paper workbook with a few that same examples all the time
Comment from : @brain_respect_and_freedom


Comment from : @EnglishVid2

Hello, I asked for a description of how I spent Midsummer brMy command to ChatGPT was as follows: br"An account of how I spent Midsummer At the cottage, I wandered in nature, took photos, rested" brChatGPT said: brChatGPT br"The midsummer weekend at the cottage was wonderfully relaxing and refreshing I spent much of my time immersed in nature, which provided a much-needed sense of peace and tranquility The surroundings of the cottage offered breathtaking views that were a delight to admire brIn the mornings, I often went for walks in the forest, wandering along the paths and marveling at the diversity of the natural world As I walked, I could hear the birds singing and feel the gentle breeze on my face It was the perfect way to start the day, helping me unwind and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life brPhotography also played a big part in my midsummer celebration There were many beautiful sights in the forest and around the cottage that I wanted to capture as lasting memories The sunsets over the lake were especially breathtaking, providing wonderful opportunities for photography Various plants and animals that I encountered in the wild also found their way into the frame of my camera brDuring the day, I made time to rest as well It was lovely to lounge on the cottage terrace with a book or simply bask in the sunlight while listening to the gentle lapping of the lake These peaceful moments with myself helped me recharge and gather energy for the days ahead"
Comment from : @leenasipponen8958

Chat GPT does not work well at all for languages which have more than one form - stylistic/dialectal variation, such as Arabic or Welsh The erroneous assumption is there is one single standard form which needs to be taught
Comment from : @stevehewitt2332

I may try this but I think I have to ask in my target language, because I've tried asking it in English and it replies with a terrible American accent
Comment from : @intjmikepearson1350

For interesting stories I would recommend Claude (35 Sonnet), because it’s better at creative writingbrAnd ChatGPT is the better choice for summaries etc
Comment from : @Elythia

Interesting thoughtful video! But how exactly have you been able to measure your own "Known Words Vocabulary"?
Comment from : @jimmccann3856

Claude is better imo
Comment from : @julbombning4204

Thanks Steve! Great advice
Comment from : @viaanjansevanrensburg9536

As for the amount of unique words: I've been reading this month some books in some languages that I'm learning, putting them into the tool to separate the unique words, and, I need to say, I've noticed how misleading it can be For example, there is a book in French called "La Dame en Blanc," which in total (and I'm talking about the first word appeared in the book until the literal last word) have 231,220 words, of which just around 17,000 are unique Martin Luther King's biography, one that I'd read in English, even mentioned the other day, has within the same analysis, the total around of 131,000 words, of which around 13,200 are unique Furthermore, "Fables", a French book, exactly 7,123 total words of which 2,205 are uniquebrbrFor that reason, I suspect when I see those counters showing "oh, you've been in contact with 30,000 unique words" It looks like too much It may be not true, not even close to that, and rather, way lower than that Because it depends on how it's been counting, what the algorithm considers a word or does not And by far, it seems that the algorithm considers somehow more words than it actually is
Comment from : @nalberthreis

Very good ideas As with previous videos, your subtitles are out of sync with your audio They start out in sync but as the video progresses, it gets more and more off Please fix
Comment from : @barryhoffman9956

Awesome! Thanks Steve!
Comment from : @Hellenicheavymetal

Oh hey! I saw that video!
Comment from : @cassc7669

I'm starting think to use this thing call chat gpt
Comment from : @BotRenato

Thanks so much for the mention Steve! 🙏 I’m a big fan of your channel I definitely agree talking to a tutor is much more enjoyable I wonder if for some people it might help get them ready to have a basic conversation without any social pressure It’s certainly a useful tool
Comment from : @matt_brooks-green

This was super eye opening for me thank you so much Steve! I've been learning Italian for over a year and going off of what you support (CI) but my interest is in films, very niche esoteric foreign films and it's hard to find a lot of articles or reviews about the films I enjoy I just tried chatgpt and asked it to write a review of the 1970 Italian film Il Conformista and it worked like a charm Thank you again Steve I'll be using it a lot more now
Comment from : @maciek8159

Steve Bey çok güzel bir videoyduUfuk açıcı güzel bilgiler verdiniz ayrıca Türkçe'ye göstermiş olduğunuz ilgi ve alaka da bizleri mutlu ediyor dil çalışmalarınızda başarılar diliyorum
Comment from : @serkansonmez6021

4:08 how about German?
Comment from : @NathanRoeslein

Thank you Steve This just brought me to another level of learning
Comment from : @NathanRoeslein

Just the video I needed Many thanks, Steve!
Comment from : @monaylinkov

yes! its brilliant!!
Comment from : @figgettit

Wow I thought I was the only one that does this I’ll type “Write me a typical conversation with a native French speaker and a beginner French learner with English translation and key vocab”(this helps me get an idea on what to expect when communicating with native speakers as a foreigner practicing my French as well as learning key vocab)
Comment from : @Cjust15

I have been doing this for a while and I will say it is excellent for english and german, but pretty bad for mandarin It nomally makes sense for mandarin but will often say complete gibberish
Comment from : @gappleofdiscord9752

Amazing tool You can also ask it to translate into English after each sentence and even translate sentences into multiple languages at once
Comment from : @jazzerson7087

I had ChatGPT write pages of a story in a style like Dracula at a B1 level It actually was pretty fun
Comment from : @GavrielAbrahams

In my experience, ChatGPT works best when you're in the A2-B1 range With Portuguese, I was at a high A2 level, which wasn’t enough to have meaningful conversations with most people But using ChatGPT’s conversation feature helped a ton It speaks clearly, a little slower, and uses simpler vocabulary than an average person, plus you get instant feedback It’s great if you’re not looking to pay for a tutor up until about the B2 level I recently tested at B2 in Portuguese, and honestly, the robot conversations feel too simple now—I don’t get much out of them But for my next language, I’m sure I’ll rely on ChatGPT again when I hit the later beginner stage
Comment from : @emack2130

Is there a Brazilian here learning English that would like to language swap on the phone? I do a lot of reading and writing and w decent amount of listening daily but I never get to speak and I just want to talk on the phone in portuguese with a Brazilian
Comment from : @gamingwithpurg3anarchy157

I ask ChatGPT to write a short story using new words, which I write down from the book I read Usually I write them in my notebook with a translation and a context to repeat in certain intervals, and recently started to process them with ChatGPT I give it a list of words, ask it to use them one by one in a sequence provided (otherwise it goes astray and uses them randomly and may skip many words), also prompt it to highlight these new words in bold and I also give some short plot related to the book to retain some resemblance of the concocted story with a book (the affinity depends on the prompt - I don't make it detailed) So with 20-40 words, it makes an A4 page of meaningful text to provide a better context for learned words; it is easy to learn and repeat
Comment from : @yarykPlut

I prefere dialogs and linguistics My prompt for the last few days was: "Let's continue our imaginary conversation between Dr Stephen Krashen and a Chinese learner who is at B2 level and learning for over 10 years Write the conversation in Chinese, hanzi only, make it long The learner now has the question: " You can use this in the same chat and that way it will have some memories about the old topics and will connect to it
Comment from : @dianmao

Hello Steve how's it's going? Great weekend for Sir See you next
Comment from : @thiagoxaviersoutricolor8260

I actually do find that asking for specifications for language in ChatGPT is very helpful, especially if you are a fairly new to the language It can use the CEFR for generating level-based content fairly skillfully (in my experience), and having it generate material closer to your own level seems quite in line with Comprehensible Input That way I'm not encountering so many unfamiliar words, thus making it overly difficult and causing me to lose interest
Comment from : @nickbrady2303

Hi, i'm a big fan of your videos and I have been learning a lot of from them, but lately I have seen that the subtitles have a little delay respect the video, and that makes dificult the process So please check this little issue for future videos Thanks!!! Soy de Colombia y he aprendido mucho con tu canal quiero seguirlo haciendo
Comment from : @XhimponiX

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