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Why are Indians more successful than Chinese in America?

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Title :  Why are Indians more successful than Chinese in America?
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Comments Why are Indians more successful than Chinese in America?

Well, you guys fixed your country, while we haven’t
Comment from : @Vitamins152

Because Chinese are discriminated in the US I had a few Chinese friends who got denied a job because they had a Chinese name I Got the job despite being Chinese because my name was spell in Vietnamese
Comment from : @monkeyking-self-proclaimed7050

Indians are more faithful You have omitted the main point Any moment your mother country will ask you to come back with what you have learned, if possible, siphoned off the technology from that country brNo country trust Chinese because of Chinese policy of hegemony on the small, weaker countries entangling them in debt trapsbrCommunism is the other side of same coin that holds Islam
Comment from : @amitavapaul2061

Perhaps you r absolutely right
Comment from : @ashokapradhan2925

Individuals don't make a country strong, it takes more than individuals and unity to make a country strong
Comment from : @hongqi5734

It is better to go home to make China First than to remain in US to make US firstbrOnly idiot would drop its mother tongue to adopt foreign language as national language
Comment from : @hongqi5734

Comment from : @Join_My_Teligram_channel

Still india is running by dirty politics, reservations, caste, religious clashes, different types of discrimination, every human here is suffering some sort of complex, when they go to other countries they will come out from all above so they flourish
Comment from : @kiddscaartoonvideosworld8298

Good analysis!!!brbrKeep them comming
Comment from : @venumadhavaraokatroju4319

Because theyre promoted by the powers that be in the west America is a corrupt country and fast becoming an S-holebrbrA few decades ago, China was poorer than almost every country in the Africa, and poorer than India Now it is not even remotely comparable to Africa or IndiabrbrIndians are good at pushing their way into power in declining western countries The Chinese are good at building a civilised society
Comment from : @Krumpina1029

Chinese want to reap the benefits of the USA but not assimilate and that is wrong and that their downfall
Comment from : @LenaBeena2023

every Chinese I knew wasn't intelligent, just memorizes stuff in the book
Comment from : @PatagoniaArg

I think Indians have the extroverted personality advantage, which makes them rise up the corporate ladder rapidly Also the reason why they’re chosen to lead many Fortune 500 companies
Comment from : @noushs8004

Indians hate to admit, it was their colonial masters who unified a subcontinent into a single country, and gave them the greatest gift of English language, among uncountable others Indians will remain ungrateful, it’s in their DNA
Comment from : @Vick1472

This is a plan from the West that's why Xi Jinping goes his own way, don't blame your own people, you don't think well
Comment from : @kevinl7173

the US is an English dominated society, although current woke policies are trying to change that but that is another story you can be the brightest and most talented of people, but unless you can gain some mastery of English in the US, you will always have a serious handicap or several handicapsbrbrwhat good is it to see, if you can't read and understand English? what good is to hear if you can't understand English when it's spoken to you? what good is it to be able to speak, if you can't speak coherent English? what good is it to have hands if you can't write coherent English? we have words for those with those disabilities we call them blind, deaf, mute/dumb, lame/crippled a Chinese could have an advanced professional degree they earned in China (or even the US ironically) but completely unable to put it in use in the US, if they're not proficient in EnglishbrbrAsians (and Latinos too, but Latinos have the benefit of having many institutions cater to their lack of speaking in English by providing bilingual services and facilities) that don't understand English are also at higher risk of being cheated, defrauded, misled, likely to pay higher taxes, fees and interest rates and possibly be deemed less creditworthy all these are significant challenges in progressing financially despite being "smarter"
Comment from : @OlJackBurton

You answered a lot of questions!
Comment from : @Monstacheeks

lndian people are good only at talkingbrThe bridges and airports built by Indian engineers are collapsing one after another in India You can hardly find any decent high-tech company in India, however, USA high-tech companies favor Indian CEO and engineers 😂
Comment from : @xyz-3998

It’s communication
Comment from : @twiga7318

Cause Indians can speak English and the Chinese can’t and often don’t even want to learn
Comment from : @keith692

Please impress your thoughts in Indian generally please comment
Comment from : @OmGuptarestart

Chinese are rigid and less flexible when dealing with employees
Comment from : @PrettyGoodLookin

Don’t create unnecessary division/ distraction! Everyone who adopts this land and adapts to its values/ work ethic is a proud American 🇺🇸 God bless 🇺🇸🙏
Comment from : @Razdanvinodk

china always blocks india in United nation security council permanent seat
Comment from : @vipulnayak83

It is not who It is who founded and made USA as the nation which is liked by many countries But different persons liking is the greatest challenge for USA
Comment from : @videomagazine3718

chinese always target chinese market but indian target always world market chinese thing is limited but indian thinging is unlimited indian does't like copy other companies ideas but chinese do indian like takeover world successful run companies chinese copy other company ideas and create new company to with same idea but Indian create new companies with new idea that means indians very successful than chinese Copy cats mind never success in the world 🤭🤭🤭🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : @MayoorathanS

"India vs China - The shortest and most absurd enmity/rivalry in Human History" This is going to be the subject of history books 100 years from now
Comment from : @sodatta11

Better communication skill is the key way to be successful in leadership role
Comment from : @samwong6460

Hell no as an indian i think chinese are very smarter and innovative than indians
Comment from : @NirajKumar-wb5hg

(To all Chinese mothers)brSlippers can do wonders
Comment from : @anshulsingh8326

I think indians pursue science IT more thats may be a reason also
Comment from : @JyotiAgarwalofficial

Well as an indian i really admire chinese people even our relation in country level its not good i have never meet a chinese person so i dont know the people of china is good or not
Comment from : @JyotiAgarwalofficial

You think Indians are smarter because all the top qualifying students immigrate to America But in reality an average Indian is not smart
Comment from : @John-e1n8d

Chinese are success in there homeland Not like indians😅
Comment from : @arindamsaha735

The very reason China is advancing its an advantage Dont discourage it
Comment from : @tobilawani2132

Language issue is for Indians as well , most people think in hindi and translate in English in their head before speaking English is not first language for people of India
Comment from : @siddharthb2545

Jensen Huang - NVIDIA, and he is actually the founder not just a hired help like most CEOs
Comment from : @TheJadedSkeptic

India earn more because the make fake earn!!!!!!! The Chinese have bunch of business in the US barely see a India business!!!!!!!!
Comment from : @lengthao8424

im chinese but born in usa, and a medical doctor we 2nd & 3rd gen chinese are becoming more and more like white people lazy and dont care to work too hard this new wave of indians are hungry and will work very hard however by the 3rd gen they will be just like the rest of us
Comment from : @raymonddon8875

There is a degradation of USA culture and its going down fastbrMy would anyone br enamored of the United States culture??
Comment from : @peterliggett5233

CEO?Head? Nope ,brWhen a company hired an indianthey will help indian only to hireuntil there is no choice to become a supervisor manager etc etc,they are becoming head not because they are qualified,but because there is no choicebrTHATS TRUE
Comment from : @alicesun7938

Indians don't spend money "almost"
Comment from : @contractorvegas5384

Chinese are more talented and shrewd than indians period and andthey are more patrioticso they return to china this never happens with indians because they only think of themselvesno patriotism
Comment from : @mandarnudupi

democracy is the differentiator
Comment from : @sudhakarg8921

I would say it is my personal choice and most Chinese like me decided to climb the technical ladder brYes, Indians diversified to service jobs and managerial jobs while the Chinese stuck with technical jobs brFrom 2007 to 2017, 1 million work green card seekers are Indian and just 300K are Chinese brSo Indians should have 33 times more CEOs than the Chinese in the US brLike what the video said, the Chinese CEOs almost all went back to China!
Comment from : @jeffreysiu6149

When it comes to chinas civilization or spiritualism or seat of learning, its mother is Bharath India will remain the mother
Comment from : @kadamaniy1997

In future, to get ahead, you will need to know chinese not english That day is coming
Comment from : @aaajjj9632

Good job with this vid
Comment from : @aaajjj9632

Indians nerves return home
Comment from : @gnuemacs1166

Makes no diference Hindus just take over countries and jobs
Comment from : @gnuemacs1166

Being an Indian in US, I know this is true
Comment from : @sagarsriva

Because u guys spread COVID-19🦠😷
Comment from : @Alice-7777

I disagree that 999999 of foreigners in China are English teachers Also, Indians are more successful than Chinese in the USA mainly because they network with other Indians Chinese don't network well with each other in the USA They often work alone or in tiny isolated groups
Comment from : @WhiteMage1972

Why are Jews more successful than both?
Comment from : @ArnoldSommerfeld

I think Chinese are more reserved, and their English wouldn't be as good in general as the average Indian (it's an official language in India)
Comment from : @johnjones6601

I feel Chinese people are true patriot and they stick to their culture and language which will make China great in long run and Indians blindly following western language and culture will destroy India and Indian culture & language in long runI have more respect for Chinese sticking to their language than an Indian who is speaking fluent English not knowing his/her mother language
Comment from : @Vishalkothari5800

Respect for the way you give boths side equality brother, we are all brothers and both groups are gonna shift the west power over to the east scary times but hopefully no one gets hurt good points made
Comment from : @rupalkumar4464

And the Asian will continue to be displaced Because their failure to adapt in the white society/ to blend in to the landscape/ Gene pool The Indian female are marring white and directly canceling out there Indian culture The Asian genes and culture is not readily wrote off of hidden Finally the indians are not considered as difficult or hard to domesticate
Comment from : @monta247

As an Indian, I found Chinese people are hard workingBut Indians focus on smart workBut both are doing well ❤
Comment from : @davidjr5249

The more successful indians serving america only doing good to US only while patriot Chinese serving their own country after studying n learning from america n making their country great Taking it to top That's the difference between two nationalities
Comment from : @RandomCollections4u

Look at most billionares in Asia : Indonesia, Hongkong, Singapore, Malaysia, The Phillipines, Thailand How manny billionaires are Chinese and how many are of Indian decendants?
Comment from : @sjelinelukiman673

Even Chinese in our country are aiming to become business owners
Comment from : @sjelinelukiman673

In our country, 10 top billionares : 8 Chinese descendants, 1 native decendant, 1 Indian billionare In our country Chinese decendants are unbeatable
Comment from : @sjelinelukiman673

The Chinese think it degrading to be colonized, Indians are proud to stay in the Commonwealth and proud to be close to the colonizers
Comment from : @sjelinelukiman673

I think that Chinese people do not have a culture of being expressive and proactive, and may be to shy for western culture leading positions
Comment from : @jeanetteb2347

The brightest Chinese are in China, while the brightest Indians are in the USAbrIt's as simple as that
Comment from : @vzeq24

Simple More Indians than Chinese do live in America
Comment from : @dongunatillaka6879

well said- I like objective journalism like this keep it up
Comment from : @CaesarFernandesMusic

My experience is that chinese nationals are exceptionally hard working, especially graduate students in universities Although, majority of them move back to CHina permanently after working in USA for a few years while Indians stay back in USA Also, CHinese students have very high focus I believe they just think that life opportunities for them will be better in CHina than USA
Comment from : @Meru732

Must be white privilegeer hold onwait a minute?
Comment from : @A190xx

Same behaviour can be observed in Africa too, chinese tend to make a cluster while Indians integrate more with local population
Comment from : @SG003

I respect Chinese engineers They are hard-working, intelligent, and don't get into stupid politics I see this in congressmen They speak good English Good restaurants There are more Chinesebrthan Indians in the US There is a Chinatown, but no Indiantown Don't get carried away by a couple of more Indian CEOs in the top companies Actually, Indians are aware of Chinese brcompetition in IV league colleges Our countries have thousands of years of culture and education Yes, Indians give a good bang for the buck
Comment from : @incastinc

Indians work hard for others but not their own country, and Chinese work hard for their own country
Comment from : @Deira854

Because Indians are not spies they work hard and have gratitude
Comment from : @shantiemaharaj2783

It’s not just Chinese The Indians outperform everyone
Comment from : @hunter24seven

part of US national strategy, only retard can't see it
Comment from : @seventian6117

Jay sree ram🚩💖🇮🇳
Comment from : @pannaroy2295

I think it is all because of culture and our sanatan dharma and its branches like ( hindusim, Sikhism, jainism or budhism) brWhy i am saying this is because, 75 years back, Pakistani and Bangladeshi were part of india and they were indians too but due to religious conversion they converted islam and made new countries and this converted islamic people ruined and destroyed their traditional values, culture and accepted the values of saudi, turkey and iraqso they intermixed all the traditions and culture of all those nations in order to justify their conversion , but indian still follow the same traditions which we had centuries ago brSo its all about culture and religion
Comment from : @anupbhandari7052

Chinese talents are improving the country from China, they are patriotic but Indians are going out to serve foreign countries, forgetting their own country
Comment from : @scarfacemr1460

Humble ❤
Comment from : @MrJiwan430

But china is dooing better than India doemstically because of oine thing brbrThere is no 'Brain drain'brmost educated toppers leave india for foreign country,s leave india and develop other countriesBut for the chinese their topper return back to their country and develop it
Comment from : @advaithramesh6697

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