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How U.S. Military Linguists Learn Languages Fast

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Title :  How U.S. Military Linguists Learn Languages Fast
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Comments How U.S. Military Linguists Learn Languages Fast

DLI isn't the only intensive 3-letter language school See how Latter-day Saint missionaries learn languages fast at the MTC 👉🏼 youtube/Ox6MdRTc0yE
Comment from : @storylearning

My attempt at made up language (6:02):brYellow dogbrPack of runnersbrFleet of carsbrGreen dog
Comment from : @ShornaSamuel-b1r

Who came from ig
Comment from : @B0rez

Спасибо ❤
Comment from : @Cloudyearth1


Comment from : @sinsdeville1

That's why US is the biggest military thing in the world
Comment from : @NostalgiaOfRock

Submerge yourself into a pool with the language you want to learnbrbrIf that language of yours in same languange tree with your wished to be learnt language things will be easybrbrLearn profanity / cuss words at first brbrIf language has a different alphabet, master it first
Comment from : @aramtopaloglu

you want elle teaching you those languages!
Comment from : @NvyZero

As soon as u said Korean for her and I saw her I was like oh she probably loves bts plssjdkfkfk love her not hate but I clocked it’s ok tho i stan Wonyoung
Comment from : @expensivepink7

Wait that’s so interesting the dlab made up language
Comment from : @expensivepink7

They’d get my Korean to perfection wow 😭
Comment from : @expensivepink7

Do they teach them all the inappropriate phrases too I imagine every culture has so many and would be important to know for defense reasons lol I wonder what that’s like
Comment from : @expensivepink7

@1:40ish--just run a mile or two, do sit ups and pull ups (look up your age levels rq'd) and you can hang in there for 3 months of basic training to get to the school It's an all expense paid fat farm! lolz🎉
Comment from : @honeybadgerisme

they don't learn language as such, they just use practical conversation which is less than 1 percent of any language, the same goes to american students who student foreign languages in american colleges and universities btw :D you are the least foreign language speaking able people in the history of the planet This is btw also the reason why you will lose against not only China but also Russia, China, probably even Kongo, because your intelligence is not intelligent in global terms
Comment from : @JanRozsypal-s7x

9:09 its "Hindi" dude Hindi is a language, and Hindu is a religion You dont have to be Hindu to learn Hindi
Comment from : @R3YZE1

Learn a language to demolish each other?
Comment from : @TheBryanyingst

Your not an American hope you get caught
Comment from : @atergfox

Repetition, repetition, repetition That is your only true key The more you use it the more you learn it
Comment from : @Ryan-gw3yv

I was a Mess Halll Cook at the DLI in Monterey in my 20’s 🥳
Comment from : @lightwarrior432

My husband is a linguist in the Navy
Comment from : @AmeeraG242

Hands Up to the people from Instagram
Comment from : @zhaijhonleeberi6141

I watched this video when it came out I just turned 18 and signed my contract I will be going to the dli It doesn't even feel real right now I remember you saying "it probably ain't gonna happen" but it did
Comment from : @Slyrak0

I've studied Russian, and I can clearly tell the US guy speaking Russian from a native Russian
Comment from : @vivianadellerose3880

3pm perhaps is 15hrs30
Comment from : @Reamigullas

Any channel that has an intro that 1 min or longer need to revise their videos Just get to the pt We don’t care about all that fluff brAlmost 4 min in and still not to the point but explaining why
Comment from : @Sunshinerainglow

Having taken the DLAB a couple times I clearly know my language learning capabilities I actually feel sorry for people I know who work tirelessly at learning a language but have no understanding of why they somehow just can’t quite get ahead on language proficiency 85 all the way I will never try any language beyond a romance language and that is weak
Comment from : @johnhansen8272

9:03 "Hindu"brbr*hindi
Comment from : @neiloychaudhuri

Graduated from the abbreviated Farsi course in 88brbr6 months long as opposed to the normal year at DLI
Comment from : @JonahPedersen-tz3uk

Around the 9 minute mark is a table of languages, in which is listed "Hindu" under category 3 Hindu is someone who believes in Hinduism, a religion Hindi, on the other hand, is the name of one of the languages from India 😊
Comment from : @mybeautifuldoggies

There’s a famous YouTuber named xioma who learns languages really fast
Comment from : @sabrinaevans8746

Uuuuu I been able to learn 3 all on my own and asimílate culture well Imagine under training??😮🫨🫨🫨🫡🇺🇸🙏🏻mmmm ro old fr this ?
Comment from : @eastcoastnews9529

Fk this video! I got ads dumped on me every 2 minutes NEVER have I had that before This is sucko not going to subscribe all your vids probably like this Dam
Comment from : @LightwalkerN7

Comment from : @renvironemtkill7735

ada bahasa indonesia ges
Comment from : @renvironemtkill7735

Missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also learn languages quite rapidly One needs two things: A lot of meaningful exposure to the language AND a high level of motivation
Comment from : @lukeslc-xd8ds

I took the DLAB never having known even what I was walking into and scored high Level 5 In the 1990s scoring I scored 150 I think But it only scored my ability to infer things, and logic NOT MEMORIZATION Having dabbled in learning to read Russian in the last year recreationally and nothing about that supposedly impressive score of mine has made this process feel easy The words are ENORMOUS, LONG, tons of syllables, with sometimes 5 consonants NEXT TO EACH OTHER Shit that doesn't have any reason to be next to each other in english At the heart of learning a language is developing a vocabulary And the only way I memorize is via ROTE And for me that takes time My ear is good My ASVAB was a 99 I have a high-ish IQ, but memorization is just not my strong suit I'd love to speak Russian, but trying to do so under the threat of the military throwing me into any MOS they felt like? Not a desirable proposition I had the same interest but fear of going into the Navy's Nuclear program Lots of options, but a 1 week Pre-Class to verify I'd do well would've been preferred
Comment from : @trumanhw

DLI is garbage, specifically for middle eastern languages Which is why they introduced 09L MOS and recruited native Arabic and other languages speakers
Comment from : @yasira9428

I missed my calling! Would have absolutely loved intensive language training and culture immersion in my teens and early 20s So jealous! So appreciative of this video! I have a list of languages to learn and this video has given me a wonderful outline on how to learn a language and to become fluent Thank you!!!! ❤🇨🇦 My first goal is the become fluent in French I had immersion in French as a child, continued in a bilingual program through elementary and high school, lost most proficiency in the years later at an English university but did work in bilingual positions with a lot less proficiency that I felt confident to So this is the first language I want to become fully bilingual before moving onto others that I already began learning at one time ❤🇨🇦 Would love suggestions, pointers, etc that would help me accomplish this goal 🙏
Comment from : @heidiathomson

Add it to schools
Comment from : @iscreamfitness

I attended DLI from 1994 to 1995, studying Russian It was intense Out of our starting home room class of 10, only 2 of us completed the course I was the only one to actually walk across the stage When I left the military, college was a walk in the park, comparatively
Comment from : @maxedadventureco1971

Whoa she skipped her PT schedule clearly
Comment from : @shadow6543

No chance you can learn language in that frame time a specially Americans! They hardly know how to speak their own language😂😂😂
Comment from : @importedvixen

Why do you bend your head from left to right non-stop while talking?
Comment from : @MarkNiceyard

What are rhe 65 languages they teach in Washington DC ?
Comment from : @tjtweedy3189

The extent of my language learning was German through what was basically a five year high school The first three years were surprisingly vigorous for HS, but learning came to a standstill at the AP level I took the proficiency exam my fourth and fifth years and I failed both times; I was massively disappointedbrHearing about people like these who attain proficiency in foreign languages in so little time and to such advanced levels is intimidating and equally inspiring - it CAN be done
Comment from : @absolutefoot4594

Language day was fun
Comment from : @tanialwilliamson8082

I could not stand the persons voice who had their identity concealed Get wrekt
Comment from : @DBoone123

I went there They did a LOUSY job with Polish and other languages in 1994 So much so that SOC (Green Berets) moved their troops away from there
Comment from : @tanialwilliamson8082

They pick up required bits and pieces of the language fast, not the language itself
Comment from : @Shadowwolf975

I though said the French Forien Legion were the best
Comment from : @davelloyd-wide1556

They should make a similar school for civilians It can even be for profit And the government's needs would not be taken into account
Comment from : @curtiswfranks

Such bullsh*t that this isn’t offered to civilians!!!
Comment from : @brightgreenleaves

I actually know a woman in South Korea now who is an interpreter for the US military She had wanted a different language, Russian I think, but ended up really liking being stationed in Korea and even meeting her now-husband there
Comment from : @Kovitlac

Bro got the the navy still in the blueberries 😂😂
Comment from : @thewinteryeti3614

This sounds fun 😭🙏
Comment from : @Cloeyonty

I was there twice Vietnamese in 1968 and Albanian in 1979 Sad fact Most linguists at DLI do not attain the proficiency they need That's why they extended CAT 4 languages fro 44 weeks to 63 weeks
Comment from : @RidleyHolmes-sr2tw

Hi Olly, I went through the DLI in 2005-2006 for Arabic; I also do YouTube and specialize in methodology If you'd ever like to talk just let me know
Comment from : @LanguageMatrix

I learn very quickly I kinda wish this was in all schools
Comment from : @KingBearmane

Comment from : @twintyara6330

So its about 63 weeks to learn 90 weeks of college language studies Makes sense if this is primarly what you are working on with no breaks It still takes more than a year I'm going to be honest I thought these guys learned it even faster I guess I feel less dumb than I thought I was :)
Comment from : @jkrigelman

Pashto class of 2013 No one chose Pashto to start, and they were so keen on getting people through, they hardly failed anyone
Comment from : @NikGoodrich

Instructions unclear, instead of learning Arabic I started ten more conflicts in the middle east
Comment from : @thefirstuwu8874

dudes get paid to do that
Comment from : @thetrickster3616

I took the DELAB test,did so bad they made me infantry!
Comment from : @rongerardo1193

Kin, ri in, xinetamaj le Inglés ch'ab'al, le francés, xuquje´oxi' mayab' taq ch'ab'al Es ciertísimo, pero no todos los lenguajes se prestan para lograr un acento neutro Hay lenguajes que tienen una fonética mas compleja La desventaja de los que hablamos español en forma nativa es que la fonética es simple, demasiado simple La ventaja que tienen los anglo parlantes es que su fonética es mas compleja y extensa, eso les da mejor aptitud para entender idiomas con fonética compleja Es simple entrenamiento del cerebro en las etapas formativas Por esto yo recomiendo aprender idiomas desde los primeros años de vida I have studied several languages, and use several of them in my daily life I have my own techniques to keep them useful
Comment from : @yakonpetzinc7451

Very interesting topic, but the swiping sound is distracting and annoying
Comment from : @0711mama

Shame the Americans can't speak English
Comment from : @johnsometimesoffandsometim8933

The reason why they learn fast is because they will get recycled or change jobs and lose their bonuses So yeah you better learn it 😂
Comment from : @zeusmarquez6356

Arabic has a unique root/stem system that doesn't use "prefixes and suffixes" as you say, it's three-four consonants that are modified according to a set of "measure" patterns to make stems But it's been years since I studied it and for all I know prefixes and suffixes are a key part of the language regardless
Comment from : @danwroy

Very interesting! (just a note: "hindu" is a person, "hindi" is the language 34:30)
Comment from : @314westender159

I absolutely love the language-learning community here and how we all share a passion for learning, and d'or teaching 🎉 If you're learning Spanish and looking to improve your skills or pronunciation  to help you progress, I’d love for you to check out my new channel! My goal is to make learning fun and accessible 🌟 brbrI hope you find something helpful for your Spanish journey Thanks for reading, and happy learning! Merry Christmas🎅
Comment from : @SayHOLAtoSpanish-mm1009

My brother went to that language school and graduated 2nd in his class He knows 5 languages
Comment from : @garthg6150

I have a good friend who failed out on purpose because he got a language he absolutely hated, I think it was Farsi😂😂😂 Still…a super smart guy, he got out of the military completely & became an engineer instead In this instance I think leaving the program was the best thing to ever happen to him I would have stuck it out though, an opportunity is an opportunity in my book🤷‍♂️
Comment from : @Gallus7631

The Army chooses high IQ individuals for languages Its not a place for DEI
Comment from : @kevinhullinger8743

Same way i learned english when i first came to the USA I got sent to 1st grade as a 5th grader Once the basics were ingrained in me, they fully immersed me to regular classes By no means am i perfect but man, it worked
Comment from : @halakon666

@3:20 funny thing is, I'd just finished trying out Polish and I can recognize the language 😂 Polish didn't make the list, so now I'm doubting myself 😭
Comment from : @FiveMCity

Ones who inherently have photographic memories I would think
Comment from : @Avoid_The_Clap-Jimmy_Dugan

34:34 Another way to save lives is to NOT have intellegence gathering or hostile situations Just a thought
Comment from : @dfinma

The guy is hiding his identity because he's a snowflake
Comment from : @someonedoesitbetter3151

Glad I learned Croatian as a child and kept it upbrbrNo work at all learned by hanging out with Grandma the learning the bad words from Grandpa hahaha
Comment from : @fjordking

With all due respect, are you guys saying these people are at C2 level after completing the program? I remain skeptical
Comment from : @bubblewrap4793

As a real Russian language instructor in the military (retired), I can tell you that Russian was atrocious 😂 We (US Military) have enough native Russian speakers to teach Slavic languages Russian and Ukrainian being my specialty 😉
Comment from : @UlfhedinnNorsk

Former LingNet Sysop here Good video, pretty accurate overall
Comment from : @redoregon

My dad was drafted for the Korean War & he learned Morse Code after training for 8 hours a day ,5 days a week for about 6 weeks I realize that Morse Code isn't a spoken language but it is a form of communication so the same thing as far as training Btw,my dad never forgot it & tried teaching it to my brother & I on our toy walkie-talkies
Comment from : @ROBYNMARKOW

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