Title | : | Why Was Jesus from Galilee? |
Lasting | : | 1.57.41 |
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Views | : | 96 rb |
Jesus (of Nazareth) as inventedbrby the anonymous Greek authorbrlater on known as Mark existedbrbecause the view that this characterbrwas invented by Mark from the mysticalbrJesus the Christ of Paul et al is bra minority, and truth is always on the brside of the majority, no matter howbrfoolish this thought may sound to you Comment from : @Hermes1548 |
Is it possible to get your lectures as a pdf or a book? Comment from : @CherinetDaba-b7m |
To me the sword Jesus was supposed to bring, was a warning that Christians were to be persecuted So they would be exposed to the sword Comment from : @peterhendriks4736 |
If an early Christian and a skeptical Jew were in Jerusalem, would they go to see the alleged tomb or ask Joseph of Arimathea? Comment from : @danielmalinen6337 |
Very, very good lecture I’ve been to a lot of the places you describe and your fascinating lecture brings those places alive again and sets them in the historical context Thank you so much Comment from : @TarpeianRock |
Mulțumim! Comment from : @VSP4591 |
Um, because he was from Galalee? Der 😂 Comment from : @edwardsmith1060 |
23:49brThey've always been obsessed with mutilation Comment from : @LemanRuss6thLegion |
If there were plenty of Greek speakers in Galilee and the temple rabbis hated the Septuagint and Jesus, and the New Testament has always been in Greek, why does everyone force the conclusion that Jesus could not speak or write Greek? Comment from : @crimony3054 |
I just learned a lot from your lecture My brain thanks for providing this Comment from : @songsmithy07 |
Most people are unaware of a Bethlehem of Galilee, situated in the area allotted to the Tribe of Zebulon, Joshua 19:10-16, being the birth town of King David It was not until the reign of Jeroboam, Solomons Son, that Bethlehem of Judah was built as a fortified town, 2 Chronicles 11:5-6 You can find Bethlehem of Galilee on Google Maps Hope you find this interesting, though controversial Comment from : @DavidJones-ji9ce |
Did Israelite society ever evolve into a kingdom?brIf so, when did they do that? Comment from : @TheLookingOne |
Really love and appreciate your very helpful and informative lectures Thank you so much You're excellent Comment from : @tiosurcgib |
There's a reason Jesus never called scholars into his movement - given Faith being principal and not personal bias nor conclusions Five hundred witnessed the crucifixion Comment from : @soundjudgement3586 |
Bollocky bollocks! Comment from : @ccryder8398 |
Hmm I wonder if anyone has done DNA testing on the Galilean population Comment from : @angelusvastator1297 |
The shroud holds the evidence I have always been a sceptic now I'm convinced he existed Comment from : @livegoodkimfowler |
Fantastic lectures sir!! Comment from : @Gostovids-qt8vf |
The real Juses or the one that Paul made up!!!' Comment from : @Donald-c6p |
Another very well done video Comment from : @larrydunn4626 |
King David never had a son named Solomon? Comment from : @whidoineedthis |
Solomon "not a historical person?" And you're a Pastor? Beware! Acts 20:28-31 Comment from : @DonHosfeld0824 |
Was Josephus from Galilee? I suspect that Josephus contributed to the Jesus invention, and that political elites in Alexandria may have also contributed to it's design Titus may have been the original Jesus, but somehow it evolved to a Jesus that may have been an actual person that may have actually been crucified as a messiah type revolutionary Comment from : @MitchellRose-gi2ln |
🤔Why was Jesus from Galilee? ☝️ Got 2 hours? Comment from : @inoshikachokonoyarobakayar2493 |
Interesting I'm still amazed that faith in Jesus Christ is powerful in my being PTL! Comment from : @2ndbar |
12:12 oh, for chrissake, Israelites were worshiping a Canaanite god : El Comment from : @NotMyGumDropButtons444 |
Jesus does have a lot of namesakes since "Yeshua or "Jesús" in Spanish-speaking countries is a common given name Comment from : @EvelynElaineSmith |
What’s Jesus a translation of? Comment from : @joeregan3570 |
Jesus was from Galilee because his mother went into labor there, Comment from : @essardaudinett6934 |
It's pretty obvious the efitors and corruptors of the NT were blind guides and deceptive scribes Vonquering death meant to crucify our carnal flesh not literal flesh Death to our carnal SOUL as noted in Isaiah 53 No one died to pay our sin debt or that person would still be dead Thats the wages for my sins, eternal death Not 3 days of death And there is none without sin no NOT ONE Comment from : @RoseSharon7777 |
Henrews 5:7, psalm 18, 41,91 refutes the crucifixion and the whole point of Passover Comment from : @RoseSharon7777 |
The fact that folks haven't figured out Isaiah 40:3 in Hebrew contradicts their understanding of the Jesus story is mind boggling You'd think after 1900 years someone would have noticed it Comment from : @RoseSharon7777 |
Why was Heracles from Thebes? Comment from : @penandsword4386 |
The Savior did not wear long hair He didn't take a Nazarite vow and He kept His Father's Way and law perfectly br I Corinthians 11: 14brDoth not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him? br v 15, But if a woman have long hair it is a glory to her Comment from : @senatorjosephmccarthy2720 |
Was Jesus his the oldest of his brothers? Comment from : @judeahclarke375 |
And another He was also Call Emmanuel Comment from : @judeahclarke375 |
I recently read about, google, explains the 6 conditions to be Messiah, Jesus did not fulfilled Comment from : @anairenemartinez165 |
Blah Blah Blah Yada Yada YadaZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,br Comment from : @Luckey900 |
Is there any credible evidence that Nazareth existed during the reign of Tiberius? Does it make ANY sense that present day Nazareth is peopled by non Christian Arabs eagerly capitalizing on Christian fanatics if the biblical stories are true? They're just laughing behind your backs at your gullibility Comment from : @shivmongoose3343 |
Why was Jesus born in the year 0? (Approx) Was this because of the war in 70? Comment from : @SamuelGunnestad |
I find having the maps, and the main points of the narrative on the screen as you give your lecture a really useful format Thankyou for your informative and clear teaching Comment from : @theLUCYCOWAN |
Jesus was from Galilee because Mar-a-Lago was not built yet when he was born Comment from : @dominiqueubersfeld2282 |
At 27:36 we start getting into his own personal beliefs and not historical facts Comment from : @jasonclaus4743 |
Jesus was from Galilee because it was one of the poorest places Historians always mention the Sadducees, the Pharisees, the Essenes - but they rarely mention the poor Jesus' genius was in recognising that the poor were a community that outnumbered all those more well-connected people He stood for them Comment from : @OrchestrationOnline |
Because the family of BARNABAS/ ARISTOBOL; SADDUCEER, were driven by the PHARISEER from Jerusalem to Cyprus and later moved to NAZARETH at the border with JUDEA, forming the religious movement of the NAZAREANS (their sons, Peter, Maria Magdalena and later Paul) As baptism was essential to early Christians, they initially took JOHN THE BAPTIST as their MESSIAH Yet, later they changed to the younger and more inspiring JESUS Few Jews did know the Nazareans, but some understood that Jesus was their leader It is said that Peter founded the Christian community in Jerusalem, but after BARNABAS had incited the uprising within ALEXANDRIA, the PHARISEER started in the year 42 to prohibit Christian preaching at Jerusalem The preaching of BARNABAS and PAUL in Asia Minor was highly dangerous, as they were known to be ANTI-ROMAN In the year 60, BARNABAS had been murdered, and the Jews understood that the CHRISTIAN PACIFIST WITH THEIR ESCHATOLOGICAL FAITH, formed a threat to JEWISH-ROMAN order So, they planned the killing of the CHRISTIAN LEADERS James, Peter, Paul and exiled the rest Peter and Paul escaped, the Jews were punished by the Roman rulers, and great new unrest emerged among radical Jews, leading up to rebellions and the Judean war Comment from : @marcionphilologos5367 |
Jesus was from Galilee because the real estate was cheaper than in other places Comment from : @dominiqueubersfeld2282 |
De witte Jezus Christus het lamsgod beter bekend als Baphomet kwam samen met zijn moeder de hoer van babylon die half slang was, uit het hoge Noorden van de Kaukasus en zetten zich in Jeruzalem De zwarte Pelestijn Iesa was de zoon van Maria en een profeet van Allah Comment from : @rosaghafoerkhan6376 |
How Islam and Mohammed are related to religious concepts in the dirt 500 years Comment from : @ConservativeArabNet |
First rate presentation in content and delivery Comment from : @ConservativeArabNet |
Because he was born and raised therebrThat's why the gospels of Matthew and Luke try so hard (and fail) to make him be born in Bethlehem Comment from : @pannonia77 |
What a bunch of self proclaimed people proclained false prophets all could proclaim best know it or are false prophets and going to know it Comment from : @Moe-xg6bu |
Because he was from Galilee Comment from : @LarsPop-Tartus |
Since scripture warns against soothsayers/ing, what is the difference between prophecy and soothsaying? Comment from : @wendyfellows7333 |
Although as a believer I have to disagree and take exception to your critical skepticism Comment from : @jeffreywelch7481 |
Enjoyed it thoroughly However Luke wrote Lukethere is no debate Comment from : @jeffreywelch7481 |
@49:30 It seems peculiar to call Tacitus' description an attestation as he was, it seems, reporting what he learned of Christians for a Roman audience whose emperor was blaming Christians for burning Rome, ie Christians hate Rome by their very naturebrbrJosephus too is writing in Rome for a Roman audience looking for scapegoats for the Roman fire He repeats the Christian story of Mark/Matthew but gives it a Roman spin Instead of Herod being the unwilling executor of John because his wife disliked John's condemnation of the marriage, by Josephus' telling Herod himself condemns John in order to suppress potential revolt, ie the Jewish Roman historian reporting after the Jewish revolt says that the Jewish Roman procurator has only the best interest of Rome in mind To put it bluntly, Jews have a long history of suppressing anti-Roman trouble makers so don't look to them for your persecutions is the view taken by Josephus Comment from : @NuncNuncNuncNunc |
Easy, the Greek writers of the gospels wrote that Jesus was from Galilee to match an OT prophecy As was the entire set of gospels Comment from : @parkinson1963 |
The area was Sumer, not Sumeria Sumerian was the language and the Sumerians were the peoplebrbr{:o:O:} Comment from : @ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 |
Too many assumptions You rather assume what you should demonstrate Comment from : @johnstanp9692 |
I would watch this channel, but the pedo spiral sign, throws me way off Can I please know the origin of it, or hire you came up with a rainbow 🌈 🌀 and did you know? Comment from : @kerilibearian9010 |
The scholar James Tabor thinks Jesus was the son of Judas the Gallilean, so came from a family of Zealots Later the stories of Jesus were reinterpreted and written to appease the Romans Robert Eisenman has similar theories Comment from : @dianastevenson131 |
haven’t checked you out for awhile john brilliant presentations lately the cartoons were on the money you may have a future in standup you have evolved nicely always proud and confident to source you Comment from : @theitineranthistorian2024 |
He was from Oslo Comment from : @LeeAbbuhl-c5o |
Maybe the critique wasn't aimed specifically at Dr Richard Carrier, but if so, implying a 6 year study by a PhD in greco-roman history, resulting in two peer reviewed books (including one on improved methodology), is "outside of scholarship", that's just preposterous Especially in a field so widely criticised for it's flawed methodology brbrThat being said, this presentation is a mile above the likes of Ehrman in regard to a plausible historical Jesus It presents clear and concise explanations for the possible transition between an actual person, the revelatory Jesus and the mythical Jesus of the gospelsbrbrThe issue of methodology remains, though The gospels are written outside Judea, in Greek, decades after Jesus proposed death Literary analysis show that Mark is clearly a literary construct, heavily relying on Paul Matthew and Luke is clearly based on Mark and Luke is plausibly based on Mark and Matthew, and shown to use Josephus for detail And John is very likely to be written as a direct response to Luke brbrAnd we do not know for certain which, if any, other sources was used, oral tradition, Q, etc, or what they might have containedbrbrAdd to that how the criteria for discerning what historical facts can be derived from the gospels are wildly disputedbrbrBut again, great presentation and best case for historicity I've heard so far Comment from : @Farmfield |
Joseph was 50 when mary was 15 Comment from : @jussikankinen9409 |
Thank you for sharing the intimate biases of your preferred worldview Hearing such makes me thankful that you were not the person who packed my parachutes in days gone bybr Comment from : @mikecrafton |
Galilee,wasn't a place with Greek population??? Comment from : @grumpypissy9706 |
Parents had a condo there! Comment from : @michaelseibold9977 |
This was the easiest question everbrbrJesus was from Galilee for the exact same reason that Santa Claus was from The North Pole Comment from : @DARKEMERALDFLAME |
❤ all this discussion means nothing if you are not a Believer!! It takes Faith to believe it is the Substance of Things Hoped for, the Evidence of Things Not Seen🙏💕😊 Comment from : @arliegage1380 |
A bunch of BS Comment from : @pierresmith5145 |
An example of a purely metal exercise to understand the gospel Comment from : @johanklassen6519 |
Because his disciples had to be fishers of Men and Galilee was a fisherman Outpost and some of his disciples were fisherman Comment from : @johntafoya3597 |
Isaiah 13:3Septuagint I give them command, and I bring them: giants are coming to fulfil my
wrath, rejoicing at the same time and insultingthese are the aliens Comment from : @ahyash9660 |
I mispelled Fionnecian Comment from : @MacAirgialla |
IS(is), RA, EL(elohim) Comment from : @MacAirgialla |
Jesus was in Galalee to bring Everlasting Life to the World This is the Good News We Preach Comment from : @danielchrist263 |
Story of Jesus parallels the Flavian invasion Comment from : @brandongonsalves3615 |
Something in the Bible says that Jesus doesn't like black magic sorcery but isn't it sorcery that brought him back from the dead? Comment from : @ChristopherBumbolo-y7m |
You better read the Bible Jesus was Born in Bethlehem, Judah's tribe He moved to live afterwards to Nazareth in Gallelee Comment from : @leydahediger8400 |
I was subscribed but I unsubscribed due to too many upcomings Comment from : @brianbrian1769 |
You speak with a forked tongue Why are you serving Satan, and misrepresenting and twisting the history and the truth You are dressed in all black because you are a witch Comment from : @israelitenet |
Nazareth didn't exist at the time Yeshua was a Nazarene Comment from : @sdkee |
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