Title | : | Why Do We Have Central Banks? |
Lasting | : | 5.58 |
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Views | : | 61 rb |
its all about control Comment from : @mwfrazier4623 |
Its a scam made by 6 families to comtrol money supply Comment from : @aldenpadilla1773 |
we have a central bank because of ((them)) Comment from : @pessiandpenaldomoments |
Same reason we have tobacco and marijuana companies Comment from : @rp5339 |
01:42 Functionsbr01:44 Functions | 1) Control monetary policybr01:55 Functions | 2) Manage currency exchangebr02:14 Functions | 3) Banking industry regulationbr02:18 Functions | 4) Acts as the government's bankerbr02:27 Functions | 4) Lender of last resort Comment from : @clasesutnfrc8699 |
6- central banks have never stopped recessions and can not stop depressions The tightening or loosening of available currency by the government drives this Massive government injections of currency prevented a depression during Covid Comment from : @gordonmichaels600 |
5- central banks have never stopped recessions and can not stop depressions The tightening or loosening of available currency by the government drives this Massive government injections of currency prevented a depression during Covid Comment from : @gordonmichaels600 |
4- although the funds may come through the central bank as “lender of last resort” those obligations fall upon the nation since it is their currency Comment from : @gordonmichaels600 |
Point 3- central banks can only set interest rates on debt under 2 years in duration, markets set all other rates Comment from : @gordonmichaels600 |
Point 1- The central bank does not decide how much money is created, the government does that Comment from : @gordonmichaels600 |
It's about people control Comment from : @lauriekutcher4825 |
Regardless of the CB's purpose, they've repeatedly done a HORRIFIC job Comment from : @elvispresley3234 |
Why pay taxes if fiat currency is created out of nothing Biggest scam in human history Comment from : @royann55 |
Professor Dave is officially a tool of the New World Order Comment from : @thewingedavenger1007 |
What are the historical consequences of fiat currency systems that have been overextended or mismanaged, and how might these lessons apply to our current financial system? Comment from : @Jackson-l3r |
You almost had me believing that the Fed was created for the betterment of society… instead of just a bunch of businessman printing debt out of thin air Comment from : @PassiveCryptoGains |
Why? To systematically rob the common people through the sin of usury Comment from : @jonathankelly2655 |
All wars have been caused by usury and the evil banking system Comment from : @shaunstark4263 |
It's about the bankers controlling the people It was created by bankers under a democrat administration in a panic over bank runs Not only that, but it turned into a way for the manipulation of the money supply I know, as I worked for these leftists for thirty years Comment from : @thesilentgeneration |
Okay, so if Central banks solved the problem why have we had a depression and several other recessions since 1913? Why did you not include the graph after 1913? Why do you not talk about how since the formation of the Federal Reserve the dollar has continuously lost value through inflation? Why did you not talk about why the cotton and land suddenly lost value? Why did you not talk about how the real problem with banks is fractional reserve policies? Comment from : @Johnny_Utah333 |
"A bunch of hyper wealthy men got together an island in secret and created one of the most powerful institutes in the country and is seperate from the government But its okay because a lot of (((economists))) say its a good idea" Not that economists attract a certain crowd or anything either Comment from : @stickydolphin5038 |
Central Banks exist so the government doesn't have to get tax payer approval to increase spending for some war or pandemic shutdown Instead they just print the money and cause massive recessions when the boom causes by the Fed finally busts Comment from : @mikelewis495 |
Nice touch with the Communist Red Star on your shirtbrbrDid you get that by being considered such a good boy for making Pravda, by your comrades?brbrCome on and tell us Don’t be so modest! Comment from : @firestick4991 |
The actual purpose of the Central Bank is to create money for the elites, by crashing economic assets so they can be scooped up by the elites for pennies on the dollar, eventually driving up the costs of said assets to be sold off in the next asset bubble, also of their creation, to crash the market again to rinse and repeat brbrIt’s the main mechanism the Establishment uses to get rich in the first place, and lock out the regular public from being as wealthy as them You’ll get a few successful mom and pop investors occasionally, but even they loose their assets when the CB adjusts rates We’re seeing this happening right now, with the last rate hikes destroying the real estate market What do you think happened after 2008? brbrWhen you see it, you can’t unsee it And it’s worldwide, too Comment from : @firestick4991 |
You should watch the ideas of my Argentinian president Javier Milei that wants to close the central bank in my country, the info here is inaccurate, Inflation is exclusively a monetary phenomenon, thus printing money to "aid" only generates inflation within 18-24 months after printing money Many love central banks because John Maynard Keynes said so in his books Comment from : @08Leanito |
We can think of a Central Bank as a replicator source They can replicate any fiat currency around the world and in as many units you need Comment from : @Jackson-l3r |
Oligarchy illuminate satanism the money system for elitist parasites Comment from : @AnthonyAndersen-f3x |
There is no such thing as Capitalism under central bankingbrbrCentral banking is all about Crony Capitalism and promoting the interests of entities with their tentacles in govt and the central bankbrbrThe objective is to private profits and offload the losses / debts onto the backs of the productive working classbrbrbrBasically its a scam Comment from : @mtrest4 |
You “forgot” to mention they use money as a tool of stealing from the people who work for the tokens they print brNot sure if fiat slave with Stockholm syndrome or a propagandist Comment from : @FarfettilLejl |
Uh… the banks made this Comment from : @joeharmon3301 |
Worst video ever Comment from : @sanketshinde1142 |
Because we are stupid Comment from : @foucaulddubern2662 |
And when central banks use QE to keep afloat the retail/commercial banks because of the use of fractional reserve bankingbrbrIt hurts the poor and middle class by devaluing there currency brThe rich benefit through asset inflationbrbrThe whole game is total fraud Comment from : @adiintel1 |
biggest scam money and banks Comment from : @matteogottie6772 |
Central banks are private corporations that puppet governments, exploit citizenry and destroy those who don't comply This video is delusional 😂 Comment from : @taramoon9307 |
So since it's all about the moneythis makes the banks and bankers economic gospel more power than sovereign nations like Australia Comment from : @lindsaypeacock5672 |
Try to shut it down and you'll end up like Abraham Lincoln and JFK Comment from : @joeyholthusen6495 |
Why has the dollar lost most of its purchasing power over the last 50 or so years? Comment from : @martyvee1 |
I think that the governor of the central bank and the bank’s relationship with the king may be about a class society with the lending of the king's money in exchange eg bank interest and that this should be investigated by a new state Comment from : @vincentjacobsson3981 |
I think the king's relationship with Jesus may be about the people just borrowing the king’s money with the misleading parties Comment from : @vincentjacobsson3981 |
Central banks should referee the banking system and the money supply They overstep their bounds when they become a player and lend money, charge interest, or buy securities This prevents them from being immune from politics and enables them to enrich themselves We need central banks, but not in their current corrupted form Comment from : @paragonbook |
To steal the wealth of the peasants by directing capital to the upper class through money printing and the issuance of debt Comment from : @Bayliss21 |
The Fed is not federal and there are no reserves Comment from : @Nateasnay |
Cause the feds got jfk killed Comment from : @Ebkdre007 |
Love the way you portray conspiracy theorists like if they dont have reasons to suspect people with this magnitude of power Kinda stupid of you dave not to takevthatvinto account Comment from : @truehalofan117 |
we dont need central banks we need decentralisation Comment from : @user-qr6iy7ck2z |
Hmm so what do they do when both unemployment and inflation are high?? You cant raise and lower interest at the same timebrbrAnd what does private ownership mean? Do they make a profit? And how Comment from : @Wisdomseeker1028 |
they just print gold out of trees, they are scammers Comment from : @kitingmechanics |
Central banks are evil and are the reason for many of the worlds problems Comment from : @mikeanon432 |
To create a class of debt slaves to extract wealth from via taxes to cover the interest on heavy usury loans taken out by governments Comment from : @The_noticer-u2b |
Oh yes, we have so many less issues since we developed central banks… And by we, I mean Rothschilds Comment from : @markstuart9545 |
The only people who would be at all skeptical of unelected institutions with the exclusive ability to create arbitrary amounts of money are crazy tinfoil hat lunatics? Comment from : @MathematicFanatic |
Dave forgot to mention that the panic of 1837 wasnt caused by no central bank brIt was caused by andrew jackson destroying the previous one Comment from : @theq4602 |
Audit this clown before we get around to auditing the fed Comment from : @daniels4338 |
"You need the central bank goyim !!!" Comment from : @SH_Hof |
Hey professor Dave, mind telling us how the fed was started, who owns them/controls them and why it was shutdown before Thanks!brbrEdit : is the fed suspicious? Or has it been? Comment from : @kifter4254 |
Oy Vey! Comment from : @Rayglobster |
cause jews duh Comment from : @csehszlovakze |
You are a great teacher Comment from : @Idudbbwididd |
Why does my money rot like a sack of potatoes? Comment from : @toLothair2 |
I like your voice sir Comment from : @MSA_fansite |
Wouldn’t a drop in cotton prices just make it easier for consumers to buy cotton? Oh does that contribute to the panic? Comment from : @orionofvolga |
because they're easier to access than eastern or western banks; they're instead right in the middle Comment from : @PokeMaster22222 |
I didn't realize there had been so many Recessions and Depressions in such a relatively short amount of time I'm now a bit smarter, thanks to you! Comment from : @OmniphonProductions |
Are going to respond to tour? Comment from : @chrisbrookes1983 |
Hey, you didnt show line for panics, depresions and resesions after 1920 Show us proof, that it works, man! Comment from : @vojtechpikal183 |
End the fed! Comment from : @flintan4885 |
The rampant gambling with crypto lottery tickets, which some want to call "currencies", is a pertinent example of how bad it goes without an institution to regulate and create stability Comment from : @JohnnieHougaardNielsen |
bulllsheeet Comment from : @mbahmarijan789 |
Considering that the Federal Reserve issues currency from nothing do you think the so called National debt is actually debt? Comment from : @RoadKing05FLHR |
0:25 It's not true that the central bank has a monopoly on money creation/circulation Due to the fractional reserve system, all banks do that, whenever they lend money Comment from : @jursamaj |
Professor Dave, I mean it when I say that I genuinely love your content You diversify into so many (informational) genres that exist on YouTube in terms of the type of content you produce I watched you for your Chemistry videos, and ended up staying for you and your plethora of other videos Comment from : @theslashbro4474 |
Central Banks (most particularly the US Federal Reserve) were established to Fund Wars while enriching the owners of those Financial Institutions which (in-turn) both Own & Control (legally) these Central Banks President Woodrow Wilson concluded that by establishing the US Federal Reserve he had essentially destroyed the sovereign power of the United States to self-governance and in so doing converted the US into an Imperialist Power Ever since the US Federal Reserve was established, the US has embarked on military adventures around the globe which continue today All useful functions of Central Banks could be better performed by a more empowered National Treasury Central Banks are non-essential and heavily corrupted institutions managed by international oligarchic super-elites Comment from : @secondhorizon |
I'd like to notice and appreciate the use of animation and continuous motion in the visuals It REALLY helps a lot, at least for people like me with pretty bad ADHD It keeps the visual engaging which helps reinforce the information as you narrate it (more so than unmoving panels)brbr(Edit:) To be specific, I'm talking about the "idle" animations while nothing is obviously changing in the visual Those really help the content stick Comment from : @jammy3662 |
Professor! We still need you in Chemistry and Biology not here Comment from : @bma4616 |
Kinda funny that maximizing employment is the first objective since Powell said they must raise unemployment to decrease inflation Comment from : @infinitemonkey917 |
I remember seeing clips of Alex Jones and others going on and on about the Federal Reserve and thinking "Hm they make a few good points" brLooking back on it now, I realize how dumb both myself and the kooks were I was a dumb kid who didn't understand squat, and the kooks asked a thousand questions and made up their own answers Comment from : @nathansamuelson |
Professor Dave, can you explain why some people want to audit the fed, why some politicians don't want this, and what harm or good it could do? Comment from : @JonAllenMichael |
Conservative conspiracy ppl on Facebook: REEEEE Comment from : @inovakovsky |
Here come the Libertarians Come to spread stupidity throughout this comment section because they don't understand anything Comment from : @canyonntt6969 |
Thanks Dave! Good explanation Would be curious to hear your thoughts on the USD not being back by gold During the pandemic the money printers were working overtime and while it probably prevented a prolonged market crash we are now facing the consequence with the high inflation Comment from : @SharkytheSharkster |
To fuck people over Comment from : @johndaltrocanto |
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