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Is Studying International Relations Worth It? (Truth From an IR Graduate)

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Title :  Is Studying International Relations Worth It? (Truth From an IR Graduate)
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Comments Is Studying International Relations Worth It? (Truth From an IR Graduate)

Is it better to take my bachelor in IR if I want to become a diplomat or is it better to take it in my master?
Comment from : @nasywadzahabiyyah9066

Hello, James! 😊 I am in the last semester of my bachelor's degree, and my major is mathematics However, I don't find mathematics very interesting; instead, I find international relations more engaging due to my familiarity with and love for history That's why I have decided to pursue a master's degree in international relations What advice would you give me? Thanks! 😊
Comment from : @muhammadmuddasir1296

Am actually inquiring on behalf of my son whom we are intending to study IR here in our country Nigeria We want to know if IR study is lucrative?
Comment from : @AwwalAbdulkadir

thank you so much for your video i was cooking while watching it and i starded crying when you said "i kinda liked studying the world" i don't know but it just seemed so true to my heart im 17 and going to my last year of high school i feel so so anxious when thinking about what i want to do and for once i feel like i know
Comment from : @manuduarte___

Hi which institution in Canada or Switzerland is the best for IR & Diplomacy? Your help would be appreciated
Comment from : @MatTMatT1

Guys, I want to apply for this faculty and I would like to know is it hard to study this faculty or not?
Comment from : @ДжаббарДжаббарлы

Comment from : @user-zl3mt1xy5e

Thank you for sharing those information
Comment from : @カジKazi

International territorial studies course is what type of course sir
Comment from : @27hahahahaha

Hello James! I would like to ask some questions, as 11th grader, I was considering to take IR as my major, what are the things that I need to prepare and need to work on before applying to this major? What are the companies or places that you could apply as an IR graduate? It would be great if you mention some names! Will companies accept you if you only have bachelor degree in IR or you need to have master degree? Also, if you have any universities recommendations in Europe that is giving full scholarships please share some of your recommendations! Thank you!!!
Comment from : @butterrbeee

Oh yea, I am looking forward to my masters IR in germany
Comment from : @avalonterra

If you know, how hard is it to become a diplomat? Is it worth it getting a minor in IR to try to become a diplomat?
Comment from : @NandanRamaswamy-qz3ie

Bro I am confused between MBA from the UK OR MA International Relations from Saint Petersburg State University, Russia, Full scholarshipbrbrPlease guide 😢
Comment from : @AyushSharma-jg2fq

Hi thank you for this, but how do i gain experience,volunteering and all that?
Comment from : @princesther03

hey bro anyway to contact you ?
Comment from : @shawnmathew-o7w

I got bachelors in Computer Science Engineering , last yr - 2023 , in India bt I've realized I dont like that I've great interest & enthusiasm for political science / international affairs So Im thinking of going for the masters degree abroad ( outside india ) Can u plz tell me how should I go about it ? plz guide me Also , are any jobs actually there after the masters degree in ir or pol sci ?
Comment from : @veenahatolkar6297

It feels as if I'm studying the wrong International relations😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @IheanachoFavour-pz4cn

Many thanks james i really appreciate you for this video bro i wanted studying law but this speech just changed me bro am a Nigerian, I'll love to come study international relations in your country but lol the tuition is massive bro Nice talking to you my man ♥
Comment from : @AngerJesseUsha

Hello James, the video was very informative, thank you I was very indecisive about the choice of major, so I wanted to get your advice Do you think international relations is better or law? If I choose law, I want to study international law Please advise Thanks a lot
Comment from : @fairyxtale24

Finished my Bachelor in international relations and diplomacy but soon i wil continue with a MA in IR love this field i consider it as all arts incline because you need to study: sociology, economics, law, globalisation, communication, political science etc
Comment from : @robinkom2494

Is IR for someone who doesn't like history?
Comment from : @saminakhatoon8347

I have interest to study international relation and diplomacy specificall but i am not passionate to political science what is your recommendation bro
Comment from : @MbaMeba

HeybrI am a finance grad brI got really interested in IR and i am looking forward to doing a masters in IR brDo you think my finance background would make it tougher for me to get into the IR programme?brAnd do you think there is any intersection of these two skills
Comment from : @sushil6509

I identify a lot with everything you said omg, my biggest hobbies have always been linked to arts somehow so I always thought that’s what I should do since I’m good at it and it’s a passion, but I never thought it would be fulfilling for me as a job cause I fear it would completely drain my creativity since that’s what everyone expects from you all the time, to be creative and innovative but the obligation to create often takes away the passion of creation, something I definitely don’t want I always thought that I was destined for something bigger, not to be recognised or famous but I always wanted to work with something that would make a difference in this world, and since I’m so passionate about exchanging experiences and cultural elements, about politics, anthropology, I feel like this is the course for me Thank you so much for sharing your experience
Comment from : @iaciarapomboguillen4555

Hello James, I am going to do MA in international relations and I have a question, Is there any written exam or classroom discussions during the course? Please inform me
Comment from : @akashthakur7258

Hey great video…I’m planning to study ir but I’m type of person who also looks for money in the field and it is real big factor for me Should I go for ir or what? Any suggestions plz?
Comment from : @shahramalvi7863

I’m trusting you I hope I’ll be able to get a job if I go forward with this
Comment from : @nathan_v2269

Does IR have Math's?
Comment from : @uzair_99

International relationships IS were fools fall upon because don't understand maths, This career doesnt have any value
Comment from : @CesarMendez-ib3yv

keep uploading stuff like this!
Comment from : @mavbach4305

What is the main difference between business and IR, can u explain it or are they similiar
Comment from : @zzzzzzz8484

IR “created” me to think differently It’s not just “us and them” “red and blue” Like American Politics The global chess players, are VERY important and complex Also, the prediction the future is important At least 10-20 years brbr Since I went to Uni, I really question everything Even myself Most people say “ what’s your major in college?” I say: “IR - History, War, some things, etc etc” A fourth/third I think is Open Studies, which is AWESOME I studied security, police, anthropology, business, etc
Comment from : @supertesla47

i have a communications undergrad, would it make more sense to pursue an IR masters or another bachelors for it? masters seems more to be going up the ladder which is a good thing, though
Comment from : @marioman890

Thank you
Comment from : @Hellblazecc

After watching this video I felt I've found the major I've been looking for! Thanks James! However, I'm an international student and currently looking for a scholarship, and I can only rely on my A levels I'd like to ask you- if you don't mind hopefully, you'd know what subject I should choose (minimum 3) to get the IR major? I've been doing some research but unfortunately, I have difficulty looking for this I hope you can help!
Comment from : @astrola-dy6ms

Thank you so much for this video , I am interested in IR degree
Comment from : @AjaAminaSecka-yf3mg

James, do you know if, having graduated from IR, we can join the military? Like air force
Comment from : @nanddalima676

Thank you so much , it was really informative
Comment from : @hrishikeshmore1167

Hey brother, I need help Currently doing my masters in IR but I need to know the basics I didn't do it as my first degree How can you help me, please?
Comment from : @TBT-Channel

Hi James! This was a really insightful video, and it helped me a ton, Thanks a lot for it However, my question is if you could help me in differentiating between IR and IS? I'm in a jam regarding that If you do have any information about that, do tell me Thanks again for the video!!
Comment from : @suzannekhursheed422

Hello I'm currently pursuing masters in IR So can you please give me some suggestions on what should i do next?
Comment from : @Autumnbab

Hi James! Thank you for this video, do you think International Relations is a employable degree? I just wonder how emplorers think when they see a international relations degree versus a business one I'm interested in Journalism and writing mainly and have always wanted to travel and help the world, so this seems like the perfect degree I also heard that it teaches skills in business, marketing, public speaking and/or economics, is this true? if so, it fits my needs perfectly
Comment from : @kyiao

I have a questionbrCan I become a history teacher or historian if I study International Relations?brI love History so much but in my city there are no history degrees to study, only Bachelor of IR and I think this might be related to HistorybrThanks in advance
Comment from : @Nick_Toup

great video! thank you
Comment from : @lenaricordeau1577

god bless you
Comment from : @brycehenderson34

Horrible advice Most of us have to eat and Western IR departments are horrible You guys couldn’t predict that sanctioning Russia would ruining European economies 😂brbrI can tell you a rich dude “I didn’t study get a job”
Comment from : @OFFICIALRAMKO

Hey james! i am planning for (online )masters in international relation from foreign universities could you provide a video of roadmap how to move forward for it query from india
Comment from : @akanshagautam9563

Hey James, I enjoyed watching your video I like the slow yet steady pacing of your narrative, and I resonated with many facets of your experience, like "thinking about a variety of things" and "I am happy when I am working with others" I am so glad to know that IR gives you access to those kinds of jobs
Comment from : @clotte0226

Hi I’m in Australia and was wondering if there are and what are the differences between doing a whole degree in ir vs just a major as I’m looking at doing a bachelor of art at unsw major in ir and media but am not sure
Comment from : @Abbeyrosejeffree

Hi James☺️ hope you’re doing well I’m currently studying business administration in Germany and maybe will start a minor in international economics and development I would love to do my Masters in IR but I’m afraid that I don’t get the chance to do it Does a Master require a Bachelor in IR?brThank you so much in advance ☺️
Comment from : @Youcancallmemina

Nice video keep the good work, loved the hair and vest combo
Comment from : @marioalejandroperezgonzale9831

Hi James! This video was very helpful to me I am a freshman and majoring in Cybersecurity, but recently I have been pretty bored withe the cirriculum Sometimes it is just straight up uninteresting I was wondering if you would recommend International Relations to someone who really wants to travel the world and have understanding of it I am not sure what I want to do but I want to help and possibly change the world Thank you!
Comment from : @connorturner5380

I’m so happy you visited my country Sending you lots of love from Ghana 🇬🇭 ❤brbrI really want to pursue this course and that’s what led me here brThank you so much for this!
Comment from : @Heis_AbdulMajid

Ty so much 🎉
Comment from : @eunicemundia2219

Hey bruh i am watching from India it's 2024 i wanna pursue ir but I can't find any scope here so can i pursue ir degree abroad ?
Comment from : @AfridaAfreen

Hello James great insight can I study lR and I become a Counter Terrorism Expert
Comment from : @wilsonmengole

Hello, James! Thanks a lot I am currently preparing for my undergraduate in IR major I was scared about this subject But now I feel confidence again as I really love global issues Hope that I can do my best in this field Thanks again to make it clear
Comment from : @424ummyanisatabassum2

Is it advantageous to have studied some extra course like foreign language for a student taking IR am from Kenya
Comment from : @janewanjikungunjiri

Hi James, so I am a second year students and not moderated (not specialized) yet and for now I am doing Human Rights and International Law and many people scare me from this degree and I started doubting my whole life There is another major which is Political-science, economics and social thought, I do not like economics but there is not a lot of courses about economics in this major, also I was thinking about minoring in Urban and spatial practices because of the research aspects it will open to me, even though I am also scared not to minor in digital media communication Any advice?
Comment from : @alaabhari6794

HibrI am from India and I have already done my masters in Social work from India Now I am planning to take masters in IR from UK Is there any good job opportunities in UK after masters in IR Your insights will be highly appreciable and helpful for me
Comment from : @meghaar5401

Im going to starp my Ms in IR and this video helps alot Thanks
Comment from : @yasir_talks

Wishing you best for you,an I have a question about IR, Recently,I did bachelor in international relations, but now I want to take admission in Canada in master programs which subject name that I further pursue my study will be beneficial for me as a specialization,I confuse please guide me, and also mentioned what scope of IR in CanadaThanks
Comment from : @tahirrehan763

Hey! I loved your video, may I please ask a question? While studying it can we still do other things as dance classes etc? Does it take your whole day to study it?
Comment from : @MarwatchesHealth

Good preparation for a career as a Barista
Comment from : @JustMe99999

I'm about to apply in the university to do my degree in studying international relations But I'm scared
Comment from : @sim-samaidtv4635

Hello James! Thanks for the video! I wanted just to say something more about the way that I feel about IR I want to choose this as my career path but I have seen multiple videos and read various comments and to say the truth some comments discouraged me But after watching this video I understood that if I choose a specialization like being an ambassador for example it will be easier to work on this field Please correct me if I am wrong At least I want to know if at the end of the day I am going to find a job in my dream career Thanks from heart♥️
Comment from : @xmx30

Richard Rapport, is that you?
Comment from : @nithchea9936

I'll study this soon
Comment from : @lingkenfiliteku3950

Hy james i have done my BS ( IR) degre from Pakistan and yes afcourse i am a citizen of Pakistan and next i want to adopt Political science for MS is it good for my future or i should adopt IR for MS please give me an advice
Comment from : @azlaanazlaan7602


Comment from : @madushaliyanage6024

thank you for this video—I could relate to a lot what you mentioned! I’m currently in my last year of undergrad majoring in IR (and minoring in german) and i’ve been stuck between looking for careers post-grad or applying to grad schools although i’ve applied to countless internships, I unfortunately haven’t had any luck, so I’m leaning towards the latter I enjoyed studying abroad in Europe so much that i’m considering going to grad school in Germany, but I don’t know if that’s the right thing to do I’m especially interested in US-East Asia and EU-Asian relations, but would you think going to germany could be worth it? I know there is no definitive answer and I apologize for how long this is, but I would appreciate your input 🙏
Comment from : @nanaminish

Are there many job opportunities for IR graduates??
Comment from : @queenpubgaccounts534

Really loved this video! Please make more content on IR I’m taking it next year but there isn’t much content on it in YT
Comment from : @MikaLue

This was very helpful🙈 I start international studies in a month and I’m scared It’s getting real now and I’m terrified to regret picking it Everyone says it’s not the world to change majors but I don’t want to feel like I wasted time😅
Comment from : @laraanabel4584

What is the job market for a BA IR graduate from Hungarian University in particularly Europe for an Asian?
Comment from : @ahmedsohail828

It's so helpful, Your video helps me know more about IR, which is the major i'm going to study in the future Thank you so much for sharing your experiences ❤
Comment from : @languagesgirl

❤️✅🏁I have no education in international relationship course, But now too interested, hence the reason I make Universe friendship Group#Admin 🕊️Ⓜ️
Comment from : @monojitbiswas1338

Hi Clark! Wonderful insights that I really appreciated as I'm pursing a majors in Political Science and IR I would really like to hear from you the recommended textbooks and sources especially for the theoretical part in the 'approaches to study IR' section Thanks!
Comment from : @navneetsamdariya3091

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