Title | : | 10 FRUGAL DUTCH HABITS to Save Money and Live Simply |
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La cat cheltui eu 2,3,4 persoane deodată sunt milionar pentru ei uneori cum vine asta 😂 , nu-mi dau seama ce fac ei cu banii frate ii strâng? Asta nu știu ce fac ei ,dar totuși stă în educație aici și îi felicit pentru că nu trebuie să mă intereseze pe mine ce fac ei este viața lor privată și asta I-mi place la Olandezi, și încrederea trebuie sa l-e arăt că au încredere în mine și aici i-mi place enorm este fix ceea ce am nevoie pentru că vine de ambele părți fara minciuni 🎉 Comment from : @BornEnlightenedNoSell |
Besf yet vote out socialists and you’ll be shocked how much they skim off citizens Comment from : @RoryVanucchi |
Regarding tea, tea for one cup has 2g of tea in the bag, tea for a pot has 4g of tea, so 2g of tea can surely make 2 cups since a pot is 4-5 cups the math comes out to about 1g per cup Most of the time I use a mix of bosvruchten and Engels Melange bags, one of each designed for cups to make a pot So I get a hint of forest fruit but not the full flavor Comment from : @dutchy1121 |
In France they are called …Nur lemonade …just lemonade because they hardly buy anything locally and their licence plate bears the NL Netherlands sign Comment from : @Bruno-tm3xo |
Hoi, erg leuk gedaan! Leuk dat er mensen zijn in de www toch ook hetzelfde ervaren en daar naar handelen! Comment from : @MrZ676 |
I guess that all those people I meet at the flea market and garage sales - must be Dutch Comment from : @PaulSawczyc |
Just sell Greenland to the USA and you don't have to be frugal 🤣🤣 Comment from : @leousa25 |
So sensible and logical I'm not Dutch but this mentality was normal when I was growing up (a LONG time ago 😉) Comment from : @cassieoz1702 |
This explains a lot of conflicts with my non-Dutch partner Comment from : @harenterberge2632 |
fun fact: "zonde" means "wastefull" as well as "sinn" That says a lot Comment from : @harenterberge2632 |
In the UK, we call splitting the bill/check "going Dutch" Comment from : @mrmouse7642 |
As a Dutch, I find the reputation of being thrifty isn’t accurate anymore Check debt levels and how many people live paycheck to paycheck Sure, there are thrifty people but show me that this objectively applies more to the Dutch than other people (and the pension system doesn’t count since pension savings are withheld automatically from your paycheck) Comment from : @killingjoke90 |
I’m British and reusing a teabag is considered “stingy” ❤ Comment from : @misslinda772 |
Now I understand the expression “Going Dutch” better Thank you! ❤ Comment from : @misslinda772 |
dUTCH ARE DOWNRIGHT PARSIMONIOUS Comment from : @rrajan5476 |
I am 1/2 Dutch on my Father's side 1st generation in Canada I definitely have some of these and other dutch traits! TY for your videos Comment from : @CrystalVideo9 |
I’m 1/4 Dutch and live in Australia, I think I would die if someone tried to share their tea bag with me 😅 I like a really strong tea with 2 strong teabags and leave them in for as long as possible 😂 Comment from : @theoriginaltunnelfox |
In the US I grew up hearing “going Dutch treat” which means each person pays for his own Seems very fair Comment from : @johnm2178 |
Goeie middag Vera Ek het na jou video gekyk en gewonder of jy Afrikaans verstaan I was really impressed at your command of the English language My fore bearers was from the Netherlands roughly four hundred years ago since the time of Jan van Riebeeck who settled at the Cape of good Hope I wanted to know if a place exist in the Netherlands by the name of "Niekerk" If you cannot recall it from the top of your head, don`t bother Thank you for sharing I can say that i live a frugal life Seënwense (Blessings) 😃 Comment from : @harryvanniekerk7269 |
i like frugal livingbronly that family and the society will allow meeven i wear 20 years old but good clothes Comment from : @gardenerpat2782 |
I have lived 24 yrs in the Netherlands 2 things I like were peas soup and flowers I bought every week for myself I got shocked at the beginning of my stay, I was invited for wedding but the family had wedding dinner at 17 o'clock before guests arrived at 19 Needless to say I was prepared for wedding dinner festivity and champagne😢 I came home with hunger, dressed up, hair done evening make up😂 Comment from : @jeannettestuckelschwaiger5071 |
vera, this video made me (an asian american) feel like a dutchie!! so many relatable habits and mindsets!! Comment from : @alovero |
We Have deffinitely the same aproach to thriftiness in Czechia Comment from : @Muminkovamaminka-um9rb |
Splitting the check, or as we fondly call it here in Manila as “Dutch Treat” 😊 Comment from : @tetetcastaneda808 |
I reuse my teabags, not washing your clothes after every use saves them from wearing out, as long as they’re clean Comment from : @algreenwood4114 |
My family was just cheap lolbrWaste not want notbrDon’t have kids, they take up ur moneybrDon’t have ppl over, you have to feed thembrChange ur clothes as soon as ur home brbrI am very frugal but I’m generous still and love friends & my 5 children! Comment from : @YeshuaKingMessiah |
Ik gebruik 2 theezakjes voor 1 tas thee 😅 Comment from : @hildecaenen6111 |
Some Dutch in my background, and I love the philosophy I particularly think it is wise and easy to pay for your own food and drinks instead of splitting the bill That used to be standard practice in restaurants A colleague and I went with a group for a meal and about 6 of the group had several drinks each My colleague and I had only water When the large bill came the group wanted to divide the bill amongst us all My colleague and I looked at each other, and I had to screw up my courage and say, 'subtract the amount of the drinks We will pay our share for the food' Comment from : @janetleeadams7287 |
I'm Polish and it seems like I'm living the life of a Dutch Comment from : @Oliwia-c8q |
I am a lawyer, and I always bring a sandwich to court and some snacks I have a large old leather bag that I keep my court files in, a bottle of water, the sandwich, the snacks, and an energy shot I never want to have to go buy my lunch out and most of the time my hearings are long and I don’t have a chance to leave the courthouse anyway I guess I would fit into your Dutch culture with my constant sandwich carrying! I’m half-Italian and we are cheap asses too 😂Old subscriber by the way Comment from : @marjamesquire |
I'm surprised that my parents lived so similarly to your lifestyle Frugal, yes With 4 kids they sort of had to be They raised us in Sab Francisco wirh these values Comment from : @JaniceT-Poet |
To point one, and not throwing away old items - it’s a crazy habit I’ve observed in America that people just do not care for their items (And the items are completely trashed in a short amount of time and therefore could not be reused) brMeanwhile, I have gorgeous heirloom pieces, and meticulously care for my secondhand furniture :) Comment from : @Rosie_C |
but that's a false premise!!! 'we just value other things in life more!' The truth is that you value money the most in life, that's the reason you don't want to spend them Plus there's a dilemma for the economic system: If all humanity minimizes consumption, would the economy still work?🙂 Comment from : @petruflorin |
I live in The Netherland 22 years and did not notice the moment when I became Dutch The most difficulty I had with the planning of everything Not anymore But this is my personality issue and not very culture difference I love living here Dutch people make everythi g simple and I enjoy it, as well as Your filmpje:) groetjes Comment from : @aldonaczarnecka7098 |
Being an American of Dutch Heritage I was taught these lessons by mommy GOD REST HER SOUL SHE WAS PART ARMENIA DUTCH SWI SO Comment from : @jennifercolamaria4995 |
Schitterend, als Vlaamse heel herkenbaar! Comment from : @MaanElfjeCeline |
If I didn’t know better, I’d say I am about 3/4 Dutch based on this video!😜❤️ Comment from : @darcv242 |
Hopefully everyone adopts these ways of life! Comment from : @ShadareaRapt |
Depends on the tea if my bag stays in or not 😊 I realized watching this video how very Dutch I am! Comment from : @MsCindyb |
I am from latin america but according to this, I have a lot of these dutch features 😃 Comment from : @Shea11bee |
I'm part Scots and i approve this message Comment from : @christinebutler7630 |
Your comment about paying 50/50 made me wonder about dating, relationships, and gender roles in Holland Not sure if you've already done a video on this topic, but now I am curious! Thanks for your channel :-) Comment from : @EgamiGlow |
Thanks Comment from : @muzodurmaz |
does that mean restaurants there barely exist if people don’t really go out at all to eat? I do like all the ideas and I myself use them all Here in USA we have tons of restaurants all over so there’s a mentality that even after grocery shopping for the week people will go and eat out It’s quite crazy but that’s what people do My coworker has a tall ice coffee daily and I’ve done the math she probably spends about $5 daily on it image that times 5 days a week in a year Comment from : @chessc3407 |
The quickest and most effective way to reduce spending is to cook and eat at home Comment from : @isabelbecerra9258 |
Loved this I am American but did an exchange program to Amsterdam in high school and many of the things you mentioned rang true! I could not ride a bike so that was a bummer to my exchange family! I had to ride on the back of theirs And we did go camping! The Dutch people were very witty and I enjoyed it very much I remember the host family commenting why did I shower so much - it was summer and they didn’t have AC so I showered 2-3 times a day to cool off and feel fresher They found that very odd! Comment from : @staceyo1723 |
Saving water?!? I am a little surprised at But I live in Hawaii and yes clean water is at a premium so i have rain barrel I never call my family; they always call me Were fine I like to buy out of the box or refurbs from major retailers Grandmother who was flemish would take dresses into fitting room sketch them out and make at home There are things worth splurging i think Am i krenk? Wish i knew how to fix bikes Aloha Also Dutch Cos compensating employee commute mileage i must tactfully bring up at work (17m ow) Comment from : @Mike-om3iq |
I am German,but its seems i am more a dutchNo car,no bike,paying my credit card that i use only for online buys,love second hand,take sandwiches out and drinks ect Comment from : @TheUlli1964 |
My rule at buffet-style meal is "Take what you would like; eat all you take" Generally, one can have a second serving,so taking a modest amount doesn't mean you'll go home hungry Comment from : @carolhartley5982 |
I do almost everything you mentioned and Im Dutch and frugal But I hate to use a teabag more than once, that’s stingy It’s a no go for me, but I see people do it lots of time And about the rounds of drinks when going out in groups, if I leave before it is my turn, I leave money at the table for a next round or if we all leave before it was my turn, I always pay for a snack on the way home, like fries, falafel, burger or a pizza we all share Comment from : @RealConstructor |
Any food that is not fruit must be eaten eaten within 2 hours otherwise bacteria grows and you eat badbrbrTherefore taking sandwiches with you in the morning to have for lunch is out of question because mostly you don't take a fridge with youbrbrDutch people live in very dirty conditions - they don't heat their apartments, they don't vent their apartments during the whole winter, they don't wash their bedding, towels, socks, underwear on at least 60°CbrbrOverall no class Comment from : @mias2543 |
Informative Natural and confident yet friendly style and cadence We’ll done Comment from : @deborahduffy7344 |
I’m in the US and most of these things are things that everyone in my family for generations have done I know, hard to believe, but we’ve always had the same attitude, including not brag about what we have and have passed this on to our children Yes, in the workplace I’ve seen people who are into name brand things and being “showy” But for the most part we are frugal try not to spend, recycle , and buy at thrift stores Unfortunately, I’ve seen that more people are the opposite in the last 15 years😢brAbout tea bags, I also prefer strong tea, but when short on them have reused them A few years ago I became aware of microplastics in tea bags Luckily our fav brand claimed to use paper bags However it’s recently come to light that the sealer they use has a “small amount” I have some boxes of it so removed the tea from the bags and have been using a tea strainer (Have to use one with very small holes as this tea is very fine and not meant for this ) I’ve now ordered loose leaf tea, it takes maybe 60 seconds to use a tea strainer Comment from : @susan6868 |
Sinderclass wi mogen kadu kopen max 10 gulden, een kook and dict doz Comment from : @danyvg8053 |
Your hair is so beautiful❤️ Comment from : @pamelamiller4775 |
Okay let’s be serious about tea!brbrFirst using a teabag is a last resort desperate situation or in a less than optimum situation Work, travel for examplebrbrLoose tea is the way to drink proper teabrbrIf using the teabag, it should be removed after the proper seeping time to prevent the tea from getting bitter But that depends on the teabrbrReusing a tea bag will result in a bitter infusion due to oxidationbrbrBut you do what makes you happy! That is all that matters Comment from : @goldgeologist5320 |
Excellent videobrbrDid you study in USA? Your English sounds very North American Comment from : @goldgeologist5320 |
I am American but I now identify as Dutch! Comment from : @goldgeologist5320 |
None of this vid addresses COMMERCE DUH Comment from : @Linda-z9n9o |
Your tiny country already went through cultural developments that most countries and cultures still struggle to grow through Duh Comment from : @Linda-z9n9o |
Thank you for “10 Habits…”;I am happy to say In my family there was generational frugality as a valued trait(I am now able to see it in the next generation) I especially would like to thank commenters;enjoyed reading about your country &shared stories/observationGreetings from Connecticut Comment from : @jeanninepeters3068 |
i must be Danish I do it all and I live in the USA state of Missouri Comment from : @jennifersangster2814 |
The Dutch habits fall in line with "Yankee" thriftiness here in the US I always take food on outings because it's too costly to buy food from vendors I Youtube to make simple repairs myself instead of paying someong $300 or more to do it for me On the other hand, I know quite a few people who never cook at home and rely on takeout or eat in restaurants (every single day) This may be a convenience factor, laziness, or for the simple reason we are surrounded by restaurants and cafes and people have the money to spend Think about thisthe average savings of someone entering retirement is $64K but financial and economic gurus suggest a nest egg of $15M - $5M is needed to survive in todays economy Comment from : @eleephant9726 |
My Scottish grandma always saved her used tea bag for the next cup of tea Comment from : @gwenj5419 |
love this !!! if everyone was dutch , the environnement would be better Comment from : @manarmabrouk5234 |
Hi Vera The recycling or sharing teabags was new to hear about Interesting Comment from : @tiffanyb6420 |
Tea bags!! Wwwhattt are you talking about girl? Don't you know that loose tea leaves are much cheaper than tea bags 🙂brI am an American born from Dutch immigrants and I grew up in The Netherlands I returned to The US at age 22 Last year I took a vacation to Holland, brought my kids to show them the country While there I bought a bottle scraper, I show it and explain it to all my American friends Yogurt and "vla" doesn't even come in bottles anymore but I love my Dutch bottle scraperbrKnowing them to be great innovators and inventors it is The Dutch who invented copper wire! See, these two Dutch guys were fighting over a penny Both having part of the penny pinched between two fingers they each pulled that penny towards them to get it and claim ownership And this is how copper wire was inventedbrKeep the videos coming Sitting here in Dallas, Texas, I love watching Dutch videos to cure my home sicknessbrThanks Comment from : @WindmillChef |
Most of the Indians are frugal due to the way they were brought up Glad to know Dutch and we have something in commonbrbrWe mostly like to eat home food and packing it for work Comment from : @prathyushareddy4977 |
Thank you for the interesting video Btw in Ukraine we also use 1 teabag for 2 cups ☕☕ 😉 💙💛 Comment from : @serhiikravtsov7344 |
This is the first video I have watched from you I appreciate your tone of voice and cadence and your matter of fact delivery Great cultural observations Comment from : @sandyhumissouri5131 |
I really enjoyed this My father (and Omi and Opa) were Dutch, although they came here to the US in 1939 I didn’t realize how many habits that I grew up with are typically Dutch! Comment from : @lesliehobbs |
My Dad used to say the only thing worse than a stingy Scotsman is a generous Dutchman Comment from : @Alice-z3u |
Hello from Ukraine Many people here have similar habits (except for coffee), but not because we are frugal Mostly because we are poor brbrWhen someone here starts making more money, they start splashing out on things, like extra gadgets, clothes, pets, clothes for pets, etc Comment from : @tetyanakorogoda6146 |
Hei from Finland 👋🏻 We have very many similarities in Finnish culture Really enjoyed this video, thank you 😊 Ps I do share my teepussi with my spouse 😄 Comment from : @draveracil |
Interesting but too much waffle, you need to edit (be more economical with your words!) Comment from : @vatsmith8759 |
As a North Italian I recognise myself in these values However, I pay much attention to the food quality which, of course, is not the cheapest Comment from : @leaanc |
Splitting the check in the US is called going "Dutch," or "Dutch treat"brI am American but must be Dutch Comment from : @bunny_smith |
Hello from Estonia The things you mentioned is just a common sense here too, and i think it's pretty smart and reasonable I could never understand the culture of takeouts or bragging with brands I became a minimalist some years ago, and now it helps me to manage with money shortage because of my disability and inflation I think that overconsumption culture ruins both our dopamine system and environment, and ppl should be more thoughtful with how and what they spend money on Comment from : @seal_l_l |
I grew up in the states, Midwest in a thrifty family, but we pale in comparison to my husband’s My husband’s family, from rural Minnesota, has a saying that I’ve heard many times in my 37 years with my husband, “why go out to eat when we have perfectly good food here at home?” Comment from : @amierikke6225 |
I live just like that I lived in The States from 1959 to 1962 But the rest of my life I have lived in my country Brazil , but I live just like that Comment from : @rhodemb |
I am malaysian When i was small i used to hear old people said stingy like dutch Was wondering about it till i watch ye video Comment from : @evaozi1633 |
I save teabags for second round too! Comment from : @gc2236 |
I save my coffee I don't drink and just top it off the next morning ( i would not do this for guest) I use vinagre for cleaning and not buy expensive soap ( soap is soap)use plastic bags over and over if possible Comment from : @jmax3245 |
Retired USA living in MEXICO , I do alot of these things , hand wash many items and line dry as my do neighbors NORMAL here , i actually like doing that , people don't remember that in PAST people just brushed of heavy clothes like wool and jeans unless really dirty > Amerikans thinK they are SO VERY CLEAN, but 90 have never seen a BIDET , its a SCAM COUNTRY WITH ALL THE WRONG VALUES ( Eating up the worlds resources) Comment from : @jmax3245 |
I think many cultures have similar habits, even in the US were some people do not grow up with a lot of money and pass on habits brHowever, I was surprised by using one tea bag for two cups because I found that wasteful, and it produces uneven brewing It is better to use one tea bag in a pot, letting it brew for three to four cups The pot will keep it warm and allow me to have the same strength of tea all through my afternoon or morning Reusing a bag simply means that a later cup will be not as strong Comment from : @menckenwolf |
I loved your video It reminded me of years ago when, here in the US, my parents would go to grocery stores and gas stations and get stamps with their purchases You could also earn them with some cigarettes They could use the stamps to buy all kinds of things, including appliances! I always thought it was too bad that the practice was abandoned I was also fortunate enough to do a stag at a restaurant in the Netherlands years ago The one thing that struck me as very strange was the sandwiches we got for our lunch It was a cheese sandwich or a meat sandwich When I took one of each and put them together to get a ham and cheese sandwich, my co-workers were amazed; either they'd never thought of it or thought it was being extravagant Blew my mind because meat and cheese are just considered normal to an American Comment from : @Philofwine |
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