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The Truth about Daycare, Nannies, and Working Moms | The Lila Rose Podcast E78

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Title :  The Truth about Daycare, Nannies, and Working Moms | The Lila Rose Podcast E78
Lasting :   2.04.04
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Frames The Truth about Daycare, Nannies, and Working Moms | The Lila Rose Podcast E78

Description The Truth about Daycare, Nannies, and Working Moms | The Lila Rose Podcast E78

Comments The Truth about Daycare, Nannies, and Working Moms | The Lila Rose Podcast E78

1:05 talking about it before choosing to have children or before being in a committed relationship/marriage is the IT advice for couples Couldn’t agree more My husband and I discussed this in our dating period and helped tremendously in us getting clear of possibilities and options down the road and what those could look like or how those could change Getting on the same page of what the future could look like with mutual agreement is POWERFUL
Comment from : @nicole89999

The sad thing is single mothers don't have options I'm trying to stay home as long as I can I worked for years and I loved my job But now I would really like to stay home with my child until he starts school
Comment from : @Катнип

Children need love, attention and guidance from BOTH their mother and father Beyond gestation and lactation, however, there is no scientific evidence to support the notion that women are biologically predisposed to be more nurturing than men, or to enjoy being a homemaker-caregiver For a truly contented family, the mother and father need to be intellectually and emotionally honest about their respective and familial needs and work to establish an approach to parenting and household management that speaks to those
Comment from : @Anexoticadventure

Teacher here I taught kindergarten for years and I could tell you within minutes if a child was raised by a stay at home mom - or grandma- and daycare The children raised by mom were confident, had many experiences and would follow the rules Those raised by daycare were anyone's bet The ones I really felt for were the ones who went to before and after daycare and would essentially be in care for 12 hours a day
Comment from : @karen-zb7pu

I don’t care if we have to eat rice and beans I will be staying at home with our baby and I don’t expect the government to pay for that We need to change our society and expectations, not government handouts
Comment from : @jamiearce6109

My wife sent me this video as we are 25 and gearing up for our 1st child We already had many of these views; however, we did not know the science behind it Wow! This was very encouraging I do have a question though Many of my friends, even those with more traditional and conservative views often criticize how we want to homeschool our child, and even have my wife be a stay at home mom What are some ways to defend ourselves or alleviate some of those attacks? We feel ostracized at times and genuinely want our friends to reconsider 2 working parents as most of my friends are financially stable and have no need for it I understand it is their lives, but I feel like modern culture has really influenced their perspective, and they scoff at Stay At Home moms now Any advice is welcomed
Comment from : @nickn9316

So, does the ideal also mean that you will space your children 3 years apart so that you can prioritize responsiveness to that one child?
Comment from : @kathleendowell8960

I am so grateful I found this account ❤️
Comment from : @ashleyyacono

As a 0-3 internationally trained Montessorian, and just as a realist and a woman, I'm already tuned out American society is SO wildly expensive, many households simply cannot afford to live off of one income So there's that Have fun with making women feel convicted and less than-- I prefer Emma Grede vibes Secondly, apparently this lady has never heard of Dr Maria Montessori, who has been a voice for the child for well over 100 years; and proposed "neuropsychiatry" over 100 years ago Thirdly, mothers can be stay at home moms who are emotionally absent Fourthly, women who don't work don't earn 401Ks and potentially jeopardize their own SSI in the future All the babies I have helped raise over my 18 year teaching career are happy, healthy, well-adjusted, and well bonded to their mothers, even when that mom was downright neurotic And finally, if you're 2 dads or 2 moms, are you just left out of this conversation? This lady did all her writing & clinical work 30 years ago It's a new era
Comment from : @roxie4843

Too many ADs
Comment from : @SharonMonk-v5o

lol this woman doesn’t know shit about ADHD
Comment from : @brootneelol-nr8vb

The problem with this generation aren’t women who don’t wanna be home and attend to their kids needs it’s the men who refuse to support their families financially and allow moms to be moms
Comment from : @freakmeoutwillu

Oh ladies, it’s important to find a good understanding husband who will support you while you’re with your baby 🥰
Comment from : @kristinaosadchuk3072

No italians do that with pastabrbrI just wanted to say that 😅
Comment from : @Rafaela201907

Very powerful how strongly babies need their mothers I have seen the responses when a baby wants the mom and we think they are gonna be fine they just need to get used to it not realizing what the child is thinking and needing We have definitely been misinformed… which isn’t surprising but watching this gave me a lot of food for thought for when we try for them ❤
Comment from : @LeahDisher-y5o

Staying home with your babies is a gift, blessing brChoose what you spend your money on
Comment from : @mariereece4115

I worked as a Quality Facilitator in ECE in DC and I can tell that I was impressed to see infants as young as 8 weeks old arriving at 8:30 am and being picked up after 5:30pm Poor infants the US culture is totally inhumane That is why so many people have mental health problems because they have never felt loved and cared My daughter went to a childcare center at age 3 and the schedule was from 9 till 12:00pm I am from Peru and will never ever leave my young child with strangers for long hours
Comment from : @monicahuerta4405

Comment from : @supportdadelock3011

Does anybody know what’s Eric’s last name that she didn’t even introduce her?
Comment from : @luzudahy

Let’s be realistic, sometimes even if the parents stay with the kids at home Parents don’t know how to handle certain way they handle situations and the way they handle sometimes they make them more aggressive, so parents need to be educated as well And guided what to do when a child has a tantrum how to solve conflicts, especially when they have siblings
Comment from : @luzudahy

Let’s be realistic, sometimes even if the parents stay with the kids at home Parents don’t know how to handle certain way they handle situations and the way they handle sometimes they make them more aggressive, so parents need to be educated as well And guided what to do when a child has a tantrum how to solve conflicts, especially when they have siblings
Comment from : @luzudahy

I was someone who never knew how much I wanted to be with my babies until after I had babies I started babysitting from my home so I could financially get by and be with my babies
Comment from : @AB-dj1mr

I love this discussion so much and whole-heartedly agree It saddens me however when reading her book Chicken Little the Sky Isn't Falling, that Erica believes kids can choose their own gender The fact that she supports this lie takes away so much of her credibility
Comment from : @sharievangilder6436

Fact check: The Netherlands has 3 months paid leave
Comment from : @irena5382

Great episode
Comment from : @d3finance

Two working moms talking about how important it is to not work Got it
Comment from : @normcoreconformity

1:22:55 this hit hard! 👏
Comment from : @lalasland_

I'm so grateful my mother insisted on being a SAHM that she never had She was far from perfect, but it did ys a world of good Ive been a SAHM for 16 years now, its been such a privilege and a blessing My kids also arent perfect, and neither am I, but they're content and thriving
Comment from : @hekaersa

Die Frau, die das Interview macht, spricht viel zu schnell und undeutlich für Leute, die englisch nicht als Muttersprache haben Sehr schade Habe viele Fragen nicht verstanden
Comment from : @al4062

What to do if my husband is not playfully with my child? Maybe even depressed?br( I am german, hopefully my English is enough)
Comment from : @al4062

Sehr spannend Und ich fühlte das irgendwie alles instinktiv, was Erica sagt und wusste damit, wo wir nachjustieren sollten Aber das war nicht in allen Bereichen möglich Es hat mich unheimlich belastet und tut es weiterhin Auch habe ich den Eindruck, dass viele Menschen den Kontakt zu sich verloren haben und irgendwie gar nichts mehr fühlen in Bezug auf den inneren KompassbrIch war sehr einsam und überfordert mit diesen Wahrheiten Wie können wir Mütter in diese Wahrheiten mehr unterstützen?brWann haben wir den Umgang mit Babys und Kleinkinder im Westen verlernt, was ist passiert Meine Güte Ich fühle mich manchmal als ob ich es in die Welt rausschreien will Auch werde ich viel angefeindet von Müttern, die arbeiten und stolz darauf sind (typisch Ost-Deutschland) Wie können wir Mütter mental unterstützen, die mit ihren Kleinkindern daheim bleiben? Und das ist wahnsinnig anstrengend, wenn es nicht gleich natürlich von dee Hand geht Diese Mütter, die als erste nach 2-3 Generationen daheim bleiben, leisten mental Schwerstarbeit Selbst Therapeuten finden noch oft genug, dass das mit dem Kindergarten schon ok ist NEIN IST ES NICHT Der Kindergarten hat mir als Kleinkind das Herz und die Psyche gebrochen! Defintiv Bin 1000 überzeugt Es waren keine kleineren Patzer in der Interaktion mit den Eltern Sondern alleine das Empfinden: die Eltern wollen nicht bei mir sein 😓😓😓 das ist mein Grundgefühl des Lebens Ich kämpfe jeden Tag Bitte tut das euren Kindern nicht an Es ist weniger schädlich, wenn ihr sie ab und anschreit und dann aber die Bindung repariert Bitte lasst die Kinder bei der Mama Mein Kind zeigt mir deutlich, wenn er explorieren will
Comment from : @al4062

What is the sensitivity gene?
Comment from : @kristiekris3401

One of The worst thing to do to a child would be to bring a small human into the world and hand them over to strangers who can nevveerr care enough
Comment from : @viralworld1362

My 2 year old daughter’s name is Lyla Rose Guess I’m meant to listen to this
Comment from : @slindburg8214

Kids do know when they are poor Bullies make school sooo much fun when you are wearing beat up shoes or unwashed clothes
Comment from : @sarahlo4661

Being a mother is your most important job All of the shaming has got to stop
Comment from : @hellosunshine3304

The sad thing is the fact that some of us mothers have to put our child in childcare and go to work to make money for our family I did not work with my first child because I wanted to be at home with him, but I had this constant reminder ehehmm telling me we need money, but I do not have the heart to put my child in daycare/school Sadly I feel that I will have to with this second babyand cry all day
Comment from : @REILeslie1924

Dutchie here, the Netherlands offers full paid maternity leave for total of 12 weeks only, anything after that impacts pay and is up to employer to accept or reject
Comment from : @maiebehery6574

“…and he will return parents’ hearts to their children and children’s hearts to their parents” Malachi 4:6
Comment from : @sarahberrios-rickman8517

Thank you very much for all these truth ❤
Comment from : @ouammarakila7049

Home educating can work for all children, not just for neurodivergent children You can be more social when home educated, hanging out with different children every day
Comment from : @passionatefitness

We need to lower our standards of living for a little so mothers stay home If women leave the workforce on mass, the economy will correct after a few years to reflect that change in the economy Housing prices for example will lower
Comment from : @GaserBeam-hi4ez

The competitiveness is the worst!! Dads sometimes can get competitive with moms
Comment from : @chantalalfaro1983

The time frame Erica Komisar gives for the beginning of the loss of maternal nurturance and empathy for babies and young children, 70 years ago, would be 2 or 3 generations into the widespread use of infant formula, I think To me this speaks to the fact that most women really need the hormonal effects of nursing to develop right feelings towards our children We're not less than the other mammals who nurse their young, we have to be so much more for our children! But babies have a right to their mother's milk
Comment from : @jennifereason1884

Aggression in children that were raised in daycare Read Lord of the Flies - that is daycare
Comment from : @JennPatrick-q9m

This was amazing, super intelligent and informative but not judgemental Thank you for sharing this information, it's so helpful to better understand what's ideal for our young and how we can adapt that to our own personal situation
Comment from : @melovelo3920

This is 100 true , the ace screener is great
Comment from : @bellyruzmom

I couldn't stay home with our first, but i could with our second and now the third The best decision ever! We can see the difference in emotional maturity in the second compared to the first age for age I think there is great to opportunity now for women to stay home and work from home in some capcity to bridge the gap financially I'm currently pursuing work from home with the possibility to hire a nanny give me an extra set of hands with the older children
Comment from : @ashlinnchris920

No daycare is good daycare
Comment from : @seaofglass77

I’m home with my baby 24/7, but last month for the first time in 10 months I left on vacation with my husband for a week and when I came back baby didn’t even want to look at me It breaks my heart to learn that it’s due to an attachment disorder and that baby was mad at me bc she felt abandoned I’ve been with her 24/7 since the day she was born so it breaks my heart to find how much that one week affected her
Comment from : @caromartinezo

I would be curious to hear her thoughts on twins and triplets when they are babies 0-3 years
Comment from : @brookelynrosester

Women need to be told more about how strong this shift happens once you have your own kids to want to be with your kids
Comment from : @Mesq3323

You don't take a 20 minute break for yoga if you're a Christian That's worshiping the devil dressed up as Eastern gods You can do other forms of stretching and exercise and meditate on Jesus and Mary and the Trinity Please stop promoting yoga, even in indirect ways It's not banal, it's important
Comment from : @garitancindyetdominique4936

I didn't think I could have children & God blessed me w/my miracle baby I always said i didn't want to place my kid in daycare Even raising her on my own shes been with me since she opened her eyes She is now 8 months old Thriving just as much Is it easy? Absolutely not But it's worth it and possible I don't miss anything new happening with her I get to see every milestone She's safe fed clean no delays mentally or physically Not placing her in daycare was the best decision I ever made
Comment from : @evanyjanae

I’m so thankful I had the opportunity to stay home and raise my kiddos God always provided what we needed brbrI prayed that they would grow up to love and serve God and be wise He answered that prayer! ❤️ He helped me to raise them and provided what we needed to homeschool them through high school All six are now responsible adults who love the Lord and the ones that are married have wonderful families of their ownbrbrIt wasn’t easy, but it was worth the sacrifice! I’m glad I didn’t miss out on watching them grow and learn What a ride! 🥰
Comment from : @TheAlaskaMom

I was lucky and I didn’t have to work until my kids were in school
Comment from : @shadrach6299

I was a full-time stay at home Mom for my 3 children Sometimes I had to make sacrifices, but, it was definitely worth it I have never owned a home But, God's not going to care about that on Judgement Day He will care about how I raised my kids You can always borrow money, but you can't go back to raise your child
Comment from : @JoAnnFuir

I asked all of my daughters to remain near my residence, brso that I may help & assist in the healthy raising of my grandchildren brbrThey have, thank God 🙏brbrI live a very simple and frugal, so that I may able to spend time with my children & grandchildren brbrI see my children & my grandchildren everyday brI take my granddaughter to school Monday-Thursday and I homeschool my grandson brDaughters and I have dinner, hang out or take walks a couple times a week brbrI absolutely love it ! 🥰 brbrGod has surely bless me with them God is good ! 🙌🏻
Comment from : @lucygarcia7199

Thank you 🙏 brThank you 🙏 brThank you 🙏
Comment from : @lucygarcia7199

Loved the conversation ! ❤
Comment from : @lucygarcia7199

If you are able to parent yourself, do it
Comment from : @katia7271

I had my first 2 and a half years ago I hated having to leave and return to work The best gift my husband gave me was the ability to quit my job three months after I came back to stay home with my baby We're expecting our second and I'd rather be there for my children growing up than having the extra income brToday I would say the best thing I've ever done is watch my babies grow up Thirty years from now it's still going to be the best thing I've ever done
Comment from : @amandastrevey6694

I can still remember my mom leaving for work when I was 3-4 years old and it being a traumatic experience for me My father was our primary care provider, and I love him, but he has an extremely short fuse with usbrI am 24 now, at 17 I was diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety and a depressive disorderbrI understand that it can be difficult to get by in one income but I really wish that my dad had done that for my mom
Comment from : @Aiden-zl4ht

This is interesting, listening as a foster mom of a 5m-old
Comment from : @estefaniapierce4772

As a SAHM, this episode has been life changing I’ve been so focused on myself of late, I forgot that my whole purpose is to be there for my kids I just listened to the podcast as I went about my day today, and I saw a big difference in my mindset that helped me be better at being there for my kids, in having patience, and making it about them instead of waiting until I could have a break Today was much more fulfilling for me than it has been in a while Thank you so much for advocating for children and I’m really grateful that I’ve been able to hear about your work and knowledge! Sorry if that sounded really corny lol but I legitimately feel like this episode was a major shift for me and the way I am thinking and approaching parenting! Thank you so much!!
Comment from : @Positivityispowerful

She says research shows but doesnt cite from who!!! Anyone knows her source???
Comment from : @TheBakingGirlShow

This all seems completely implausible once you have like 5 kids
Comment from : @Disneydreamgirl33

This is something ive pointed out before when people have been talking about how absent fathers are to blame for so many of societies problems Partially true, yes, but absent fathers also means absent mothers because someone has to provide an income brbrIts almost like God knew what he was doing when he made families the way he did!
Comment from : @Wingerzzz93

It bothered me when she said the 2nd wave feminism was meant to be a war on men but ended up being a war on babies Why wage war on men? How can you say that and not see how it was always a war on family?
Comment from : @rebekahguilder602

Wish I saw this with my first baby really trying to turn things around I luckily already am a stay at home mom but I did suffer from ppd and just feeling like I was doing it all wrong and I had the worst mom guilt and did the cry it out method with him and have always felt a distance between us but I’m trying to turn it around but since he is 5 I would love some advice on how to mend our bond now that his first 3 years have come and gone
Comment from : @gabriellescates5516

1:12:48 Why might a mother have postpartum depression with kne child but not with another?
Comment from : @rashelshika4123

Érica is pro-abortion: read her WSJ article Also her analysis is somewhat simplistic in my view
Comment from : @rons9678

I’m watching this sobbing because my intuition has always been that I need to stay with my kids (I have a 25 year old and a 1 year old) It’s always felt wrong to leave them for hours without myself but other life pressures have forced me to work full time I guess I’m emotional from guilt and wishing I’d made some different choices
Comment from : @natalieshahsavarian784

What’s crazy is that I am blessed to be able to not work since my baby was born, but I feel guilt not working And I feel guilty that my husband has to I feel bad that he has to be gone all day all week He would love to be home more and that makes me sad brWe both know it’s utmost importance for me to be with baby and I wouldn’t have it any other way It’s just programming that I’m working on overcoming
Comment from : @lookmanohands9191

Throwing spaghetti against the wall is a war crime imo, just eat a little and youll know if its cooked!
Comment from : @Rolzhey

I am a mom of two boys from Romania Here we get 2 years of paid maternity leave for every child, so I stayed home with them for 4 years before returning to the same job (employers are forced by the laws to keep the jobs for mothers while they're away for maternity leave) brI am so grateful for that to God 🙏brAnd so, when I took my little one to nursery, at almost 2 years old and the oldest to kindergarten at 3, they were not prepared for being with strangers instead of me for most the day brI am lucky enough to be working from home now and keep them home with me some days, and that happens a lot because they get sick or simply cannot wake up at 7 AM in the morning brI know in the US mothers don't have paid maternity leave and that's really sad It breaks my heart to see all these mothers crying on social media brMy advice is to live a modest life while having small children, if you can, and stay with them as much as you can Give them your whole time and attention and love to help them grow into healthy and happy adults who can navigate life without anxiety or depression and actually enjoy being alive
Comment from : @dhyanad9726

I would LOVE very much to do that but I can’t However, there is nothing more beautiful than spend 24hrs with my child EVERY DAY!!
Comment from : @lauraaguillon9809

😢😢😢yahbrGod bless you for your work
Comment from : @Missionary89

Little babies who can’t even talk to tell people they are being abused in daycare shouldn’t be in daycare
Comment from : @MaybellineFlow

I agree with her although I didn’t do this with my first two daughters but now doing with my third daughter!!! All because I didn’t want to be called lazy and being told I need me me me time !!! Now I look back my kids need “me “ time!!! Love your sow!!!
Comment from : @mariagaytan7149

If you want to stay home with your child, at least for the few years, don’t let someone tell you otherwise You can downgrade Get a 1 bed apartment, etc Sell your items Etc If your husband is not on board, he’s not very caring Possessions and a big house can always be obtained, time cannot
Comment from : @MaybellineFlow

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