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How Car Accident Settlements Work

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Information How Car Accident Settlements Work

Title :  How Car Accident Settlements Work
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Description How Car Accident Settlements Work

Comments How Car Accident Settlements Work

Nice information
Comment from : @LoraBaker-n4n

Hello My wife got in a minor car accident 8 months ago (small scratches in car); she was at fault Our insurance company (infinity aka kemper) called us saying the lady claimed she got injured of some pre-existing injures which got worse, now infinity/kemper wants us to sign a declaration as they settled 15K Is this normal process for us to sign a declaration ? please reply Thanks
Comment from : @idotechllc

I went back to work after a labrium tear on WC and got rear ended in company vehicle two days after I got cortisone shot I ended up going back out on WC again because I aggravated the existence injury Do I have a right to get settlement of 3rd party insurance company of the driver for lost time and pay? The driver was ticketed and I have photos
Comment from : @edward3342

So I got a letter from the person who hit my cars insurance stating that they accepted my demand for single person bodily injury liability the limit of 15k but my attorney called and said I have to wait now to see how much they are going to give me Any good advice I don’t understand why can’t I just take the 15k I hope my law firm doesn’t try taking most of it !
Comment from : @bennymorales2331

Hi i somone was rideing a bicylce with a group of riders and a car hit theme while hi was in my bike lane, the guy tried to drive off, and drug his bike abt 200 ft Before ending up behind an officer as he was trying to escape through parking lot He have 2 petreuted and 2 bulging discs, insurance offers 37k lawyer offers 19k Lawyer doesnt want to go to trial he says his firm is not going to take it The para Said hi wasnt gonna get rich from 1 case Hi not looking to get rich but havnt worked in a yr cant work doing the same thing and hi still have pains and still need treatment when somedays hi cant walk or bend over Hi dont feel this is justice Do lawyers usually sell out??? If hi hire a new lawyer will hi make less from my settlement?? HI could end up with 5k after hiring new lawyer and baying old lawyer ones gonna want 33 and the other 40 77 off from the 35k theyre offering Smh hope to see your reply very soon
Comment from : @rafaeldajuan6291

How does the 1 rule effect the settlement??? I got rear-ended by a tractor trailer in March, i suffered multiple injuries that I'm still trying to recover from broken vertebrae in back, 5 broken ribs, lacerated liver & spleen, severe whiplash concussion torn ligaments in both sides of my neck after effects numbness in feet & leg along with constant migraine headaches brLong story short my lawyer said they was all set to try and settle the claim but got dash cam video that claim I am 1 at fault & now have denied the claim My lawyer said they will not turn over the video footage on the dash cam and sent screenshots of accident My question is if they say i am 1 at fault how exactly does that effect the settlement? Thanks in advance
Comment from : @Highspeed30

What if the at-fault person does not have money to pay for settlement or if they are sued and don't have the founds and money
Comment from :

I’m requiring surgery And the lop exceeded the limit so I’m pay out of pocket for my insurance does surgery increase the settlement
Comment from : @NobleMasterCheeks

What if it’s a truck accident not a car accident❤
Comment from : @george4u1960

I permanently lost smell and taste from a crime i was victim of and won the max insurance benefit of 250k I was on my ebike, he was in a car and went thru a stop sign leading to brain damage and fractured skull and bleeding of the brain I got the max but feel losing these senses is not worth it This is for Michigan
Comment from : @MarcusFryTheQualityGuy

My attorney & I settled for $35,000 and I think my lawyer is getting $11,000 My medical bill is gone to so did the attorney-fault insurance company pay for my medical bill and I don’t have to cover it? Or do did it come out my check before I get it? Is pain and suffering check different from the medical bill stuff?
Comment from : @lematation102

So I settled and signed for an amount already My attorney told me one medical bill was x amount of dollars well I talked to the provider and found out that my insurance is covering that and there is no bills regarding it how does that work now? Does that $ amount go back into my total payout?
Comment from : @KhookemB

Mr freckman is very lawsuit happy
Comment from : @Tainoboricuapuertoricansavage

Do i need to go to the hospital for my injuries, for me to be able to get compensation for a car accident that wasnt my fault?
Comment from : @warmongersCantBeTrusted

I think my lawyer is not doing good with my case, they are trying to give my infant child 3k whuch her case should be open for a while because she is still growing and not 21 Help me I need some estimations on my active case
Comment from : @nickkig1063

What if my injury expenses are more than my policy limit?
Comment from : @ryanbarrett5359

Hey thanks for the vid first and foremost My question is though, do you ever have clients that have been fighting a claim for lets say over a year abd they start to get worried about how long itll take to get their life back do you ever tell them that youre close to settling the case even if you have no idea when itlll end? Cause thats what my case is rn and i just feel like my lawyers are giving me hope of settling my case this month but i dont think they have a clue Its been long year of back and shoulder surgery and im just tired of being stuck at my moms house not able to get a car work like i need to be able afford rent in LA My car was totaled over a year ago by a box truck and his insurance was unfortunately Geico and i just want your opinion on what "tendering 100k" means and how long you think a case like this would actually take to settle or if they'd just wanna take it to trial?
Comment from : @princedripion6472

I missed 3 months of work The car insurance adjuster is asking for health insurance information and short term disability information They say with out this they'll only offer the minimal amount Do i need to give them this?
Comment from : @MichaelLoves2024

Just got t-boned monday Hoping this goes quickly Luckily minimal bodily injury, but severe concussion and body aches
Comment from : @MarcusBerube-f3f

Comment from : @UGCshakinahstouch

Hi i met with accident in Erie, Pennsylvania in February 2023, had a minor spine L2-L3 fracture Driver has USAS insurance of 15,000 only my medical bills are way more and my pain too Insurance gave first amount of 15,000 My lawyer wanted me to sign (i can read his face) but I didn’t and asked time to think And i saw all these YouTube videos how insurance companies are charging people Need help Suggest some lawyer in ERIE, or pittsburgh
Comment from : @poojapithadiya8299

I was hit by a car in Brooklyn New York who blew a stop sign and was seriously injured had back surgery and neck surgery and it is now 2023 and still nothing
Comment from : @cousinriko6616

Comment from : @KevinP32270

Comment from : @bowling1973

Comment from : @commentscuestionsandconcerns

Who do I sue if a driver that swerved into my lane and hit me, but won't claim fault because they blame the driver next to them veered into their lane first and nearly hit her(she claimed she WAS hit by the car but no evidence of damage) Those 2 drivers have the same insurance provider
Comment from : @salonnsavat2890

Can you ever get more than the policy limit? If so, how so?
Comment from : @GodAlwaysWins

If medical bills are more than the insurer's insurance policy limit, how does one recuperate that money? Also, how is pain and suffering or punitive damages claimed? If the driver at fault has 25/50/25 but my bills are more than 50k, how would you get more than 50k and get pain and suffering?
Comment from : @GodAlwaysWins

Very informative I've been denied 3 times (from lawyers) for a previous claim from 2020 I missed a zoom appointment the day after I had surgery (sedated under Oxycodone and other meds) and another zoom scheduled so I thought it was @ 1pm and it turns out it was at 10am Is it fair for the insurance company to deny my claim
Comment from : @TimothyHarris-dr2mh

also i just wanted to inquire, how long after signing settlement documents should the checks arrive?
Comment from : @marysmith9032

i came across your page and you have been very resourceful brThank YOu!
Comment from : @marysmith9032

Hello I got on a teabone accident I was not at fault but I had lower back injuries actually 3 lower back surgeriesbut the Car accident caused more pain also my neck and My center if my back 2 disc pop out I was in hospital 10 days now I have a deposition after 2 years is my case solid since my accident I’ve been under care can u tell me if my case is solid or they going to give me bs because of my old work injuries
Comment from : @kikiboxing4life

I got into a minor at fault accident They guy received minor damage to his car He was fine and even joking when he got out of the car Now, he lawyered up and presented medical injury like neck pain My insurance said, they will use my 25k bodily injured to handle the claim and he cant get more than 25k
Comment from : @ATG171

Hi there, thanks so much for this video! brbrI have a question I was T-boned by a distracted driver on 11/23/2022 and my car that is worth around $1,00000 based on KBB values contained over $4,50000 worth of damages based on picture estimates Based on the police report, I was not at fault Although I have done this before in previous accidents but now realized that it may not have been the best decision, I went straight to the other insurance myself and reported the accident rather than going through my insurance The other insurance has been cooperative but stated that they cannot get in contact with the person that hit me and notified me that they have to send 3 notices to them and wait 5 business days in between the notices before making a final "liability decision" They informed me that a final liability decision will be made on 12/21 and as of 12/16, they still have not been able to get in contact with the driver As far as next steps goes, should I wait for their stated "liability decision" on 12/21 or should I be prepared not to receive money and fight this another way? Also, is there a good way of knowing how much I may get since my car isn't worth much but damages were significant? brbrThanks so much for your advice and help!
Comment from : @bmwstrike731

I’m looking for Texas info on car accidents happening in TX
Comment from : @munchocrisps

Me my girlfriend and son were hit by someone running a red light They had minimum liability in California They admitted we got an attorney about 2 months later my girlfriend was hurt her back and ankle and my hand back and neck was hurt We got mri’s and are gonna start physical and occupational therapy Do you think we will get a settlement California liability is 15k per person 30k per accident
Comment from : @Gametime29089

Hey, I was involved in a rear end accident in Staten Island, last year in December I just have a few questions if you mind answering, could I shoot you a dm on Instagram or you’re email ? Thank you!
Comment from : @traxx1023

Awesome information Very useful for the general public
Comment from : @personalinjuryshow

This might sound like a really dumb question but … the payouts for bodily injury is a separate check from the payout for car damages as well ? brbrMy car is totaled so the insurance would pay for that ??? Separate from my bodily injury ?
Comment from : @mach183

Is it true that only 57 of car accident personal injury lawsuits that go to trial are ruled in favor of the plaintiff?
Comment from : @Circumnavigate

I'm at fault in minor crash Repairs exceed my coverage and they are claiming soft tissue injuries? My ins will provide counsel but advised I may want to get my own in addition to? I can't afford a lawyer! Options? What should I expect to happen
Comment from : @lorilvr

Is it true lawyers cut is usually around 33?
Comment from : @banginzaza

Thanks for Video , but what if No surgery involved but you have Back pain ? Or Psychological problems like You scared driving or you have flashbacks all the time?
Comment from : @autolovers1

If there anyone still paying attention to this video brI already signed the settlement agreement and just waiting for State Farm to send the check on August 24th
Comment from : @showmemojo4784

I got in a car accident back on 12-30-21 and I went to the chiropractor i I sent all my bills to the attorney in may but he won’t speak to me or pick up on my calls he just keeps saying I haven’t done all your records yet and this is not a sprint it’s a Marathon I don’t know if I should get a different attorney because he’s not communicated with me or I have to wait until he sends the demand and how much longer is that going to take? What should I do
Comment from : @ImVirgoBaby91

My mother was in a minor car accident both cars only have bumper to bumper and the lady exagerated the amount sue for damages of 80000000 thousand she never went to the hospital or emergency room she went walking how come this person can sue after one year saying this amount when no physical injure was on the time of the collision , this is an scam how to prove because she did not sent any medical
Comment from : @paolaprada8180

Was rear ended by a commercial truck with 750k policy Had left shoulder labrum surgery with 4 anchors placed And have 3 herniations and 4 bulging discs on my spine (No surgery on the spine but have received two cervical injections) What kind of settlement could I be looking at?
Comment from : @BM-bo5sd

What about hypothetical future lost wages for someone who was in school to become a doctor or an attorney or a cpa for instance?
Comment from : @TheSevonne

I was stationary at a light Girl hit me turning left C4 c5 surgery her insurance told me f bullish I got an attorney Tennessee
Comment from : @KN-kp6mf

Damn , I might be the only person who is watching this for a script my teacher had asked me to make
Comment from : @handsonphilip9046

My accident happened 6/16/22 brbrThe man was at fault and totaled my car My 7 month old daughter and I were in the vehicle brHe was driving without a license so received two citations One for no license and one for at fault for wreckbrbrI took videos and picturesbrI have a witness speaking brAnd police reportbrWent to the emergency room brbrMy insurance is USAA but his is some insurance I never heard of I called his insurance and made a claim Never heard back Hired an attorney and it's been awaiting game The law firm has me going to physical therapy and other treatmentbrbrI am in Texas so I know it might be different, but what will happen with this more likely?
Comment from : @tiffanyweber3028

im in the middle of a auto crash lawsuit my self this is good information to know about
Comment from : @jayhollowayii2

You the best i learn i lot from you
Comment from : @amazighwarrior6054

I need help
Comment from : @kathleenvang2339

what if i wasnt seriously injured but have still lost a lot because of a neglegant driver
Comment from : @1watchall

Great job Maybe do a video specific to bicyclists/pedestrian and vehicle collisions ie rights of way etc
Comment from : @518adventures4u

Car accident procedure
Comment from : @gmckenzie175

Great informative video 👍🏿 but my question is How do you the injured person even understand what settlement to accept, or ask for? But taking notes from the video to ask my lawyer Thanx
Comment from : @dgarrisynn784refixtingz6

I have a lawyer now a county truck hit me while I was pregnant with my 3 old daughter in the car
Comment from : @krystalm3528

I need help sir I was in a bad accident I’m having a hard time finding a good lawyer to take my case
Comment from : @AdventureswithLouie

Hi brSeems like you have excellent experience please let me know if you practice in Boston Massachusetts state
Comment from : @sunnyperdesi

Great info Very detailed
Comment from : @JaySmitty33

By the way! Following your podcast now!
Comment from : @cin3gon

I have a question My 17 yo nephew was hit by a drunk driver oct 30 last month My nephew was in a coma for maybe 7 days before he opened his eyes Pretty bad traumatic brain injury Has been seizing, doesn’t follow eye commands Icu for 11 days Broken jaw broken clavicle He had his seat belt on The 39 yo drunk driver was arrested for intoxication 3 degree felony Never had to see a dr So my question is… What if he only had $50k on his insurance coverage? Can we try to get more from other assets if he has any?
Comment from : @cin3gon

What if the at fault party did not have insurance, but the driver of the vehicle had “uninsured motorist” can you still have a claim?
Comment from : @strokerace4765

I was in a accident on my skateboard going through a parking lot I was struck by a suv we were both ruled with failure to yield Can I recieve any settlement, I injured my pelvis and fractured my leg
Comment from : @colinghanam5914

Great video !!!
Comment from : @goldwristss

Do you guys practice in VA?
Comment from : @creedmoorBlack

Do you take cases in other states ?
Comment from : @ben3462

please explain 30/60/30 i was the only one injuredthey were at fault for running a red light
Comment from : @billyhorr7126

Im confusedi was hit head on the other person ran the red light please explain to me 30/60/30 i was injured and rhe only one injured they have admitted guilt
Comment from : @billyhorr7126

How much is coverage for uber passenger if the driver was at fault, my lawyer only got me 4k🙄after 6 weeks of therapy
Comment from : @blessingadepoju5174

Pip is unlimited, other driver cited at scene for running red light We are in michigan, another no fault state What coverage of mine as well as the other driver is what we are "suing"? I do have under/uninsured Does the money come from the other drivers liability only? I'm almost certain she doesn't have coverage Thanks
Comment from : @karenpayne5534

Hello if the insurance limit is 100,000 but my medical bills is more that 100,000 will i get any money back for me
Comment from : @Doomer-hg2fi

How much wiggle room do we have in regard to a total loss for a vehicle Are they only obligated to pay for the current market value of the vehicle? They offered my a very low average
Comment from : @Romans_116

Easy explanation of a confusing topic Thanks
Comment from : @goldtraplaw5028

Great presentation Certainly information the general public needs to hear👍
Comment from : @martyhowfield4618

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