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Lawyer Reveals Easy Car Accident Claim Process

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Frames Lawyer Reveals Easy Car Accident Claim Process

Description Lawyer Reveals Easy Car Accident Claim Process

Comments Lawyer Reveals Easy Car Accident Claim Process

Broke my jaw, hip, and now have a plate in my arm
Comment from : @Youhavemoremoneythanme

Mine killed my friend
Comment from : @Youhavemoremoneythanme

It was very instructive
Comment from : @JillVagt

Me Virginia King and my brother Mike King
Comment from : @GinnyKing-f7b

Usually you get hit up yours but wheels on the side get hit as well but accidents are very stressful headaches just had one today
Comment from : @Megadave4life

New two
Comment from : @DanielJensen-y2r

I'm in TX I was driving my mother's vehicle under permissive use, and another driver (with no insurance) rear-ended me, causing significant damage to my mom's vehicle I was not at fault, but my mother's insurance company is denying to provide coverage (although she has full coverage) What can be done?
Comment from : @ItzKingMagana

I was parked a guy hit my truck in the parking lot, the police came and said I was wrong 😮
Comment from : @rush6381

money bro
Comment from : @MukuKuku-o6y

Is it possible to get insurance after the accident
Comment from : @Logik-47

Great video, very helpful! I’ve been through the car accident claim process, and one thing I learned is how crucial it is to get an accurate vehicle appraisal When I needed one, I went to Jared’s Auto Appraisals in Elkridge, Maryland, and they really made sure my claim reflected the true value of my car Definitely recommend them if you’re looking for a professional appraisal!
Comment from : @EthanMiller-h6g

They made me sign a hippa form what is that for?
Comment from : @Amberussianbeauty

What if the at fault driver has the same insurance
Comment from : @stretchnuts4661

So I got a letter from the person who hit my cars insurance stating that they accepted my demand for single person bodily injury liability the limit of 15k but my attorney called and said I have to wait now to see how much they are going to give me Any good advice I don’t understand why can’t I just take the 15k I hope my law firm doesn’t try taking most of it !
Comment from : @bennymorales2331

Its been a month since I was hit Other guy was at fault I still haven't received any kind of compensation My car is visibly damaged and i have to get in through the passenger door I wasn't injured but my passenger was
Comment from : @BrainwashMedia33

Thanks for sharing We reposted on our blog blogbadintersectionscom/2024/05/the-process-insurance-companies-use-tohtml
Comment from : @Badintersections

Scenario One: NJ (no fault state) I own three cars I decide to drop my collision coverage completely BAM! Accident- the other guys fault Who pays for my damaged vehicle/replacement or totaled?brScenario Two: NJ I own three cars I decide to drop my collision coverage completely BAM! Accident- my fault Who pays for the other guys car's damages or replacement? (I know I'll have to pay for my own vehicle) Does this qualify me for being "Underinsured"?
Comment from : @lgbtrain1

Don't forget to teach them about BI limits and PD limits
Comment from : @tylerbrown4074

Got in a crash in October 2023 Was me my 4 kids and wife Me and went to er by ambulance I went tobrChiropractor over 10 times, went and had 6 upper steroid injections in my back brbrWe are currently waiting until 22nd that’s when the insurance company has to respond to the demand my lawyer put in brbrMy question is what do you think the settlement is worth? I believe the driver had 100k/300k so my lawyer is going for 300k Think we will get it? What’s most likely going to be there response
Comment from : @webertime007

One thing to remember is that in an accident, it’s not always the other driver’s fault brThere is just a bias towards people who are injured more brThat’s why insurance scams are so popular brIt’s painful to accept that you are responsible for your own injuries & just blame others to take the nuance off yourself, but that’s just how it is in more cases than not brThe only time the other driver is 100 at fault, is if it was a first degree murder attempt
Comment from : @NashiHeartSoulSpirit

Hi guys what’s should ido I get hit from the back in highway and I don’t know who did that and had no information what’s legal way please
Comment from : @azizjay8167

My car was in an accident a DUI driver hit it while it was parked No I was not in my vehicle It was 2:30 in the morning Now I need to take them to court And I don't know how to fill out this paperwork Since I wasn't injured in this car accident, no lawyer will take the case They told me take it civil court can you plz tell me how to fill out this paperwork??
Comment from : @diannaflores1617

is it necessary to contact police after an accident with no injuries?
Comment from : @makennaramirez4341

What if they got my medical records without my permission or knowledge
Comment from : @destinyhart7532

thank you
Comment from : @Princekami-m8s

My car was struck by a deer while I was delivering for a delivery app brProgressive denied my claim because I was on a driving app at time of accident maybe I should have lied but I’m not a liar I never received a notice of denial, they verbally denied my claim The delivery app doesn’t offer insurance while on the app I’m screwed I can’t work because my car is totaled
Comment from : @ashiraron7047

Hello, good day I have a question about my grandfather's unclaimed insurance policy Can i have you advice?
Comment from : @ramirjesusservidad5677

nice effort keep it up bruh
Comment from : @ZacBooth67

What happen is you dont have coverage? Does the insurer still pay you for gettin injury and total loss for car
Comment from : @Sllihulkgaming

I have minimum Liability coverage and for the first time in my life when I was in the gas station I scratch a Jaguar fender and a little bit of its front bumper the jaguar was parked by the pump and nobody was inside but I know this car is very expensive I gave my insurance information to the another person and he did not want to wait for the police so we only exchange information about what it has happened I am worry about how much money will cost me this minor accident
Comment from : @jonathanmicday1620

DON'T go for Morgan and Morgan They are scammers
Comment from : @samajesteleroi7350

sir i need a alawyer
Comment from : @jhonmorris-sv3ok

Can you help me
Comment from : @samuelngatiri3249

i had a green light going straight the other car had a yellow light with yield sign he had to stop for traffic but he failed to yield and hit my car it was his fault i even have a witness that was next to my car that stopped and gave his # and info i have messages the witness said i had a green light it was the other cars fault , he messed up my car but i have no insurance he has insurance that can pay for the damages he caused i called his insurance and they did not help and did not even give me a chance to reply and tell them my accident report can you help im thinking of filing a small claim
Comment from : @joeypreme

Nice Video
Comment from : @JemmyJami

Comment from : @Editgfoxtygade-en8mp

this video really helped me to get away with this thanks for this valuable video and information
Comment from : @Thap-l9y

What about those that make a false claim of being injured just to get easy money? It's a shame that a lot of people don't get hurt in small accidents and just straight lie about being injured without considering the struggles of the other person involved
Comment from : @zrusso8731

What if im military and all my medical bills are covered through them and Im not losing any wages? Only thing I can think of is it slowing down my progression in the military?
Comment from : @nolakinbias9028

Comment from : @ANTONIO-io7wy

very good
Comment from : @JahonUteen

My car was stolen, I need help and no lawyer is willing to help me out Any resources besides the California State Bar I was not abused by the law and I have contacted every other lawyer they have on file Please, it cost me $4000 out of pocket because my claims adjusters just stopped picking up the phone to approve the parts my mechanic was calling him about Please anyone 🙏
Comment from : @TheNewAgedDiogenesAfterRehab

wht if i no longer have the car to get repaired anymore
Comment from : @ilovepdub

what happens when someone hits your car and their insurance send you a check of the estimate?do I have to pay the body shop for repairs or can I cash check for myself?
Comment from : @KinginKee

what do i do if the person stopped in the highway for no reason?
Comment from : @Shawnspawn315

Comment from : @rigaudmoise3679

If I get into an accident, and it’s not my fault, should I process the claim through the other party’s insurance or my own insurance? I know the difference is I’d have to pay the deductible if I do it through my own insurance But which is better?
Comment from : @mohamednezad6371

I was in a accident on 6/9/23 I can not get a lawyer to represent me because there were no injuries The other driver made a left hand turn and stopped in my lane I slammed on the breaks but my car did not stop in time When I was almost to the other vehicle the other driver released their brake and allowed their vehicle to roll forward My car hit behind their driver side door and in front of the rear wheel I called 911 for an officer to document the accident report My car never left my lane and stopped 15 feet behind the stop bar The law enforcement officer lied on the vehicle accident report The LEO said I was speeding The LEO said I crossed the center line The LEO said there were skid marks showing I crossed the center line The LEO said I damaged the other vehicles front, drivers side fender, drivers side door, and drivers side middle of their vehicle The LEO said I was at fault and caused the accident The front of my vehicle was damaged and torn off The only part of the drivers side on my car that was damaged was the corner of the drivers side fender behind the headlight My right side fender is also pushed back Cops are dirty The driver and the passenger are from that area and the three cops that reported to the scene are from that area The passenger seemed intoxicated The officers never offered to do a blood alcohol screen The passenger was joking with the sergeant asking him to put him in handcuffs so he could send a photo to his wife The sergeant and passenger appeared to be friends I am also a truck driver with a Class A CDL and will not be able to drive in the industry for the next 3-10 years because of this accident and the fictional account of the LEOs vehicle accident report My vehicle is totaled The other party had some scratches behind the driver side door As I left the accident scene I heard the sergeant yelling at the men in the other vehicle I am sure it was because they were intoxicated and caused an accident
Comment from : @_Rockill_

Any recommendation in NYC for Motocycle accident?
Comment from : @JonathanSilva-yv9fl

I just had an 80yr old man run a red light t-boning me from my green light going straight & right ahead of the intersection There is another light that was green 20ft ahead of the intersection leading me on to think thats why he went through his red light he hit me in Also there is no video evidence or anything of that nature but he ran my green light t boning me & he’s trying to say i ran the red light what should i do lawyer up sue him for damages & also giving a false statement?
Comment from : @Wajjajagg

Cuz I got into a car accident when I was in the motorcycle wasn't my fault but I got a broken bone and I got three months of not working and my lawyer told me that I couldn't get money for that 3 months and the bone-breaking just for the bills of the hospital but what can I do
Comment from : @alejandrocardenas9908

my accident is not bodily injury what insureds comapny is threating is deny claim because he is not responding to thier voice mails got measge through live chat he do not speak english at all ccannot understand it so the sent vpice mail to him in latino or spansish brbrthat was on friday i want to knaow if i get attorney to contact them if porcess goes quickly because estimate given to me by body shop is $2500 door fender and rear door all binding craking the paint
Comment from : @senseblogger

If we were not injured in accident, can we still get compensated for filing a non injury claim? I did so many years ago and was giving $500 by other insurance company, is there a term for this ? Thank you
Comment from : @albertoarcos5822

Thank you - just got hit (drivers side) by another driver
Comment from : @airborneranger-ret

What about the policy limits?
Comment from : @Leoleo-me1st

Insurance is really scary
Comment from : @TerryRob-q9h

What about when the other driver doesn’t have insurance
Comment from : @kristinlamar1264

Hey there any way I can talking to you?
Comment from : @baedee1738

hi, I was in a really bad accident last month leaving my car almost cut in 2 the injuries I had was neck pain, back pain, knee pain, and my face was really cut up even leaving multiple scars i turned on yellow light and idk if it was my fault or not but it was a city truck speeding up to try and beat the light and hit me on my passenger side going around 60-70mph along with the physical pain in the last month my mental health also severely declined as that was my only car and I had put all of my money into it is it to late to sue the city and if not would I get settlement money because it's a city vehicle? thank you
Comment from : @ejbalen

Yoo I recently got in accident 3 days ago i am not at fault or hurt could I sue for anixiety and lost money from work?
Comment from : @jettamusicent

I've been done with my chiropractor visits for 2 months and my lawyer still haven't contacted me with a settlement offer??
Comment from : @boomarlee1642

Is it normal for the attorney to make more than the client after the settlement has been paid?
Comment from : @stevenresendez1170

What happens if someone gives you the wrong policy number which goes back to no insurance while the person who hit you takes the correct policy number and gets their car fixed is that insurance fraud I was told there was no insurance on the car that hit me now all the sudden they have insurance and have their car fixed through their claim is what their insurance says none of this makes sense and I feel like there's fraud happening what do I do
Comment from : @jakedennis1002

Comment from : @RedyDock

and if i think the other part is lying?
Comment from : @vledesmar14

Hi my accident is very simple I got rear ended and I was not at fault at all but my car was out for repair for about 4 months period Had lost wages Is this mean I’m entitled to any settlement?
Comment from : @leetos4915

I saw hit in a head on crash and went unconscious When I woke up on the ICU a couple days later I had suffered 2 nerves severed from my spinal cork, broken spine, hip, nose, arm and many other bones I needed 3 surgeries, one which required a transplant of a nerve I was in a wheelchair for 3 months and needed years of physical therapy to try to get any movement from my arm again Now for about 8 months after I returned the signed affidavit to get my settlement they tel my the same thing “We haven’t received the lien from MediCal” They must be lying because MediCal has informed me that they sent the lien out in November and takes 1-2 months At this point they’re all giving me the runaround and I have no idea who to trust
Comment from : @TruMOXIE

Donde estan los códigos?
Comment from : @brigidosalazar3565

I was in car accident like 1 year ago It no was my fault but the report from the police said that was my fault and the insurance of the other car is asking me for 20k what I need to do
Comment from : @mateomarcos3881

Hello do you serve Cape Coral area I was involved in an accident between 2 vehicles one left the scene the other was a truck with a trailer attached to the back? My first time doing all this so I’m not sure what to do My car was totaled
Comment from : @jasminegray6216

A fight happened and I was running to my truck to get away after the fight I was delirious and now I'm going to prison for 10 yearsbrbrbrThis is a Connecticut casebrI'm curious to know if you can help me?
Comment from : @Bluecollar711

I love hearing and seeing a green “cha-Ching” $ when I’m trying to watch a video as a defendant in an accident that occurred 3 years ago in which I my vehicle was totaled and I was hurt and they got a crack on the bumper and promised me they were okay now trying to sue for 32k
Comment from : @Squirtlenuggetz

What can you do if you settled but believed they scammed you? First time in a major accident had no real guidance
Comment from : @sophiasmith288

My son died in a wreck with a trash truck State patrol says he was at fault based off the surviving victim statement I don't believe my son would crash a truck head on Should I leave it alone or hire an attorney?
Comment from : @carmeliasj

what if it was hit and run
Comment from : @brandontempest9714

This is very informative I'm currently in this situation I was in a car accident on 12/6 Luckily, a police officer was a witness to the accident and he did the accident report and noted that the other driver was at fault She was issued 2 citations I was not injured in the accident, but my car has extensive damage and had to be towed to a tow lot I started a claim with the at-fault driver's insurance brI waited a week for a claims representative to contact me Nobody contacted me, so I called them and spoke briefly about my claimbrThe claims representative told me I should receive a notice about my "duty" to minimize tow lot fees by removing my car from the tow lot I told her the car is not drivable, but I would grant permission for THEM to tow the car to a lot of their choice She also wanted me to give a recorded statement, but I refused I don't think I should be responsible for any tow lot storage fees since I don't have a contract with that insurance company, and I gave them permission (via email) to tow the car to their own lot I also her a copy of the police reportbrI'm hopeful that the at-fault driver's insurance will do the right thing and not drag this out But I am prepared to hire an attorney if necessary
Comment from : @BravesFan30281

I got into minor accident and my fault He only have little damage to his car and he lawyered up and provided medical claim to my insurance Now, he will get money from my insurance
Comment from : @ATG171

I got rear ended at a stop sign the person who hit me got a dui is it best to just get paid out or get a lawyer ? because my x rays came out negative i have no broken bones I want to get the most money out of this accident
Comment from : @saulramirez7326Gizzard

Is it possible for the law firm working for you to mask the actual settlement amount and reduce it without your knowing only for them to recover a larger amount on their end?
Comment from : @elipierre7198

Anyone ever wondering why car insurance is so expensive? Medical coverage so expensive? Just watch this video and others like it Think leaches and snakes Good drivers pay the price because of irresponsible drivers that attract guys like this
Comment from : @Trump4ever24

Does it matter how hurt you are?
Comment from : @Lu-fd8ko

I’m currently involved in an ongoing case, if you see this like this so I can tell you more and get the proper answers as oppose to the attorney office and the other party insurance giving me more question marks
Comment from : @thisisdinho9075

Hey if I pulled into the parking lot and parked my car and was getting ready to get out but a police officer slammed into the back of my car dented the back and side along with scraped he has scraped on his car in the front dents and a broken headlight I was parked in a legal parking space in front of dentist and department of public health he didn’t have his lights on or wasn’t on a high speed chase he just crashed to the back of the car while I was still inside do I have a case
Comment from : @Pretty0131

Hi JZ, I was on a motorcycle and hit by a truck couple of months ago Plates and screws in my pelvis (open book fracture), Plates and screws in my right wrist and left hand (which was improperly done and has to have corrective surgery to fix) Let's just say I was a "train wreck" Hospital bill alone are over 200K Can you help?
Comment from : @BallroomDanceFL

My family member was rear ended He now has neck issue and went to neurologist and he told him he needs to get a surgery But our lawyer says other party's insurance can't pay for my family members surgery nor his time off from work Lawyer told us other party's hospital insurance is 30k and can't add surgery I am so confused
Comment from : @MusicLuv80

If you sue your own car insurance can they drop you?
Comment from : @aliciamartin5693

Hi We got an accident like 50 days ago The others person insurance i:e equity insurance accepted the liability…But they are continuously delaying the process and making lame excuses about delaying the total loss what should I do??
Comment from : @yousararauf8861

I haven't got a phone call from the adjuster iv been making all the phone calls with no luck for 2 an half weeks, should i hire a lawyer at this point ??
Comment from : @juanq1364

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