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Best Cheapest Espresso Grinders On the Market #alternativebrewing

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Information Best Cheapest Espresso Grinders On the Market #alternativebrewing

Title :  Best Cheapest Espresso Grinders On the Market #alternativebrewing
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Frames Best Cheapest Espresso Grinders On the Market #alternativebrewing

Description Best Cheapest Espresso Grinders On the Market #alternativebrewing

Comments Best Cheapest Espresso Grinders On the Market #alternativebrewing

Thank you for a truly outstanding review, EXACTLY what I was looking for! Daring to start by declaring the target audience and a direct hint at what to chose is the PERFECT way to help viewers with what they are searching for In all honesty, one of the most intelligent and best films I have ever seen on Youtube brbrAnd yes, I was deciding between the Breville (aka "Sage" in Sweden) and the Fellow and your conclusions matched my own perfectly A slight edge to the Opus :)
Comment from : @hobbeeswe7472

Soooo? How much do they cost? Did he mention that? That’s was the whole point of me watching this video
Comment from : @sdonna3882

0:02 you have no clue what cheapest means "cheapest grinders on the market" i looked up one of those and there are electric grinders for almost 1/10th the cost im SO fucking tired of trying to search for "best budge/cheap espresso grinders" and seeing people talk about grinders that are in the hundreds of dollars fuck that
Comment from : @dirtrider88

I had delonghi and a chines coffe grinders My wife convinced me to get Opus After watching your video, I'm feeling great about what we picked 😂
Comment from : @sky89line

Great video 👍👍👍👍👍no psychobabble ❤️
Comment from : @edmundpotrzeba6094

I feel like Jeff Pezzati from Naked Raygun is helping me choose an espresso grinder That's a compliment
Comment from : @whitelodgedalecooper

Hello!! I have the breville smart pro,, was thinking its due for an upgrade,, you think df64 will be a nice one? Or any suggestions you have for me? 😂 thanks mate
Comment from : @JaLLY77

I just bought the ecp3420 delonghi for $129cad on prime saleso it is hard to pay more money for a grinder than what I paid for my espresso machinesigh
Comment from : @shellic5166

nice presentation, thanks
Comment from : @embecmom5863

Which filter did you use ? Simple or pressurised ?
Comment from : @LiquidArtist-0

I have been very impressed with Fellow's customer service I had problems with my Opus 3 months after purchase (I think it was my fault that it broke because it was right after moving), filed a warranty claim, and the next day they had a new one in the mail for me Good customer service is hard to come by nowadays and I think it's something to really think about!
Comment from : @emilieforrest4192

just quick comment, the Opus will not stop when the beans are done, it's 30s for one click, 60sec for two clicks
Comment from : @ivandimov23

Great review 👏
Comment from : @lilianacendan7209

A YouTuber that gets straight to the point in the first 30 seconds Unheard of
Comment from : @gravity_dog

Great information I currently have the Sage smart grinder pro and Bambino Plus I've had this for over 8 years, and i need to change What would you suggest as a decent upgrade for both 🤔
Comment from : @ngozisamson6991

Good review, little confusing though so the the ESP is consistent , your favour tasting and versatile but comes in last??
Comment from : @KezAH-GT

Can ether of these be used as a coffee and espresso grinder?
Comment from : @jonathancounts6106

If you ever feel useless, think about those strawberries
Comment from : @stefansmecheschema

So why is the grinder he picked the test is not linked to
Comment from : @kstl3148

Bummer - I just got the Breville grinder 😢
Comment from : @JMWexperience

16:37 so funny this blindtasting, you point to the Opus as second favourite before you look under the espresso glass
Comment from : @SimonAZ

Thank you
Comment from : @NoZenith

Can the opus do drip also?
Comment from : @timhanley4396

I'm using Breville bambino plus and Fellow Opus grinder, get really confuse about the range of the suggestion from the cover of fellow opus, not sure it's the problem from the espresso machine or not brFellow Opus suggested 1-2 will be the espresso, but I can't get any drops, I tried different and at last 5 is the best brDid I make anything wrong or it's normal for having such a big different with the suggested?
Comment from : @caraaarac

Thank you for your video! Really enjoyed it!brI currently have the Breville BES870XL espresso machine and the Breville Smart Grinder brAs you may already know, BES870XL comes with the grinder itself so I haven't used the Smart Grinder ever since I got the BES870XL brDo you think using a separate grinder makes my coffee taste better? Or is the grinder from BES870XL essentially a same grinder as the Smart Grinder? brAlso, what was the coffee bean you used? I would love to get a bag for myself to try! Almond croissant and dark chocolate flavor sounds amazing
Comment from : @eunhyuklee7154

You are THE MAN! That’s what you need in a review video I liked the vid ten seconds in because you GET IT! By the end I was a subscriber Big up
Comment from : @georgewait3835

How does these budget electric grinders compares to a manual hand grinder, let's say a timemore c3 esp or a Kingrinder k4? I'm tight on budget and want to get the cheapest possible grinder without compromising too much on the quality of the grind
Comment from : @gohkairen

I just got the Fellow Opus and could not get a good dialed even at the finest settingI was hesistant to mess with it
Comment from : @luispreciado4204

Thank you for reviewing these 3 grinders I recently just started getting into coffee I was deciding between the Opus and the Breville as I got tired of my manual grinder (time is valuable) I ultimately chose the Breville as it seems like the easiest to use I also have a Breville bambino plus and I really like that I can get the grinder in the same color as my espresso machine
Comment from : @THEPrivatePita

The fact that you tested all the machines without editing and cuts is awesome Big part of a grinder for me is the sound Crazy I know but early mornings with a full house means it can be a deal breaker
Comment from : @everybodylovesaids

exactly what i was looking for thanks :)
Comment from : @tomtrials

no matter how many times i try i cannot get my breville sgp to taste decent espresso
Comment from : @sdufg

8:50: How is it that folks can look at a grinder with a hopper, and fail to see that it is a single dose device? All you need do is a)start with an empty hopper b) measure your dose c) pour your single dose into the hopper THAT’S IT Add an aftermarket bellows (available online for $20 or less), and you can blow out the retention too
Comment from : @Gk2003m

What coffee was that?😮
Comment from : @Mare0110

Comment from : @srpadua

Not even close to the cheapest !!!
Comment from : @ronaldtaylor4530

Not being a coffee geek, just got the breville for easy of use and because I already have other breville appliances
Comment from : @SPHINX144

He announced the best 1 within 30 seconds… not all heroes wear capes I salute you, sir
Comment from : @scottmuck

Thank you I am new to home brewing but, I have an ESP on order I'm glad to see it stood up to the others I can't wait to get grinding 😅
Comment from : @mickeyflanagan4019

Just wish my smart grinder pro didn’t stall as easily I hate having to feed beans into already running burrs little by little to prevent that god awful ratcheting clutch from engaging
Comment from : @KahviVelho

Informative video Josh and great recommendations for the lower cost end of the grinder market Personally we upgraded a bit and went with the Rancilio Rocky which I have found to be awesome for our needs
Comment from : @ElectricCarAustralia

Thanks for the video, helped affirm my purchase of the fellow opus I ordered with the upgraded burrs
Comment from : @infinitum245

Opus and Breville is absolutely terrible
Comment from : @portakeeper

nope im looking for a good filter coffee grinder
Comment from : @BigGuns2024

The Opus has a much cheaper feel/built and I feel it will go out of service much sooner than the other two The most convenient and easier to use is by far the Breville and yes the better tasting one is the Encore ESP
Comment from : @bhjb6384

Clearly sponsored video Encore esp is preferred by almost every espresso enthusiast It makes good espresso, faster and has a better grind adjustment and service support
Comment from : @technosavvyhd5270

I’m between the fellow opus and the VS3 Which would be your go to? Overall, the VS3 feels more solid and easier grind adjustments for fine tuning However I’m concern over the motor durability and the lower rpm the Opus seems to have ergonomics based on some earlier reviews Would like to know your thought, Josh!😊
Comment from : @junxiongtan9305

I'm still watching so I don't know if you addressed this, but isn't the Smart Grinder PRO the same grinder and burrs as the inbuilt one the Breville machines use? So it wouldn't really make sense to switch no?
Comment from : @jamel4552

I feel like at this price point one should keep saving their money These are all grinders that a home barista would eventually replace
Comment from : @bluemystic7501

EDIT: I'd like to add that after further testing across the week with different coffees, blends and single origin, that these are updated shot time differences per click Initially it was a 2-3 second difference but after going through a bit off coffee it looks like the shot time difference per click is closer 3-6 seconds, depending on the coffee, the roast level and the blend I know that is a bit of a range, but it really seems to depend brbrI got my ESP in the mail the other day and I am more or less happy with it I will say that if you already have a good hand grinder, this will not be an upgrade but more of a lateral move, imo Also, with my medium-dark coffee (Onyx Eclipse, Counter Culture 46, Nicoletti Napoli, etc) in the 50-55 agtron range I am in the 16-20 click range If you remove a shim, at least in my case, it brings it down to the 8-12 range even though the manual says it will bring it down about 5 click that was not my experience So, imo, best to leave the shim in if you drink more than one roast level brbrTaste wise, it is fine, high body and brings out the more bitter notes like dark chocolate My K6 brings out loads more acid, for comparison, even in coffees that are lower acidity This is a preference thing; I like both just fine brbrAs for adjustability, I am getting a 2-3 second shot time difference per click Almost always 2 seconds So, I adjust 2 clicks at a time I was worried that the steps would be too big and that is not the case at all For comparison, my K6 makes 4-5 second steps per click on a good day and 5-6 second steps on a bad day Interestingly, if I understand correctly, they are pretty close to the same step size difference with the steps in the ESP being larger I suppose this could come down to grinding speed or something Plus, the ESP makes tons more fines Regardless, if your grinder is like mine, you won't have an issue dialing in brbrRetention for me, my 17 in is almost always 169-171 out Now, this is only based off of a few days use and a few dozen shots This is fine as well brbrI will sate that I got this grinder simply as a place holder until the end of the year in preparation for a move (voltage change) A few days in and I can tell you that I will upgrade in the future, fwiw Overall, a good grinder worth the $200 usd I paid for it brbrJust my thoughts so far, for what they are worth
Comment from : @kitcraft9516

Interesting and very good video brI have a smart grinder now and was thinking to change to Opus I don't think i will, until someone does a comparison of these for V60 But actually, i think i just need a better espresso only grinder and will continue to hand grind for pourover Is quite handy to have a quick grinder in the morning, 10 seconds for me is sometimes too slow 😅
Comment from : @mihatest

I've been waiting for a good comparison between these, thank you
Comment from : @danielshannon167

Any chance you'll be reviewing the new Timemore 064S and 078S? They look great but I'd love to know what you think of them
Comment from : @yakofdez4698

No, opus does not have an auto shut off feature It has a timed off feature, between 30,60,90,120 seconds The auto shut off is in the ode
Comment from : @arihantgupta7011

TIMESTAMPSbr00:00 Affordable Espresso Home Grinders br02:10 Grind Dials & Espresso Settingsbr03:59 Burrs, RPM & Motorsbr05:09 Grinding out a Dose br07:53 Workflows, Retention & Cleanlinessbr12:02 Espresso Blind Tastingbr18:27 Conclusion
Comment from : @AlternativeBrewing

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