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What is Organizational Behavior?

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Comments What is Organizational Behavior?

This is verbatim what is in my textbook the 13th edition lol someone lying
Comment from : @3Du88

Although Organizations look forward to create a well-balanced group of workers, every employee may reach the opportunity to grow professionaly there, so it is a win-win situation
Comment from : @Furgorocho

Comment from : @minyoonji5991

Thank you ❤❤
Comment from : @falizaabdullah1678

Comment from : @songf4514

Comment from : @ModleJanki

Try Pannu nubrSolkudytju irukabrColliques theriyathu ennaku
Comment from : @ModleJanki

so many bot comments expressing gratitude
Comment from : @Rleatfitness

Awesome because it’s smart within short mns Thanks ☺️
Comment from : @foryoubiz8024

Nice information
Comment from : @Balminci

Are the majority of these comments robotic responses? They're all posted 9 months ago and keep repeating "deepest gratitude" and "first and foremost" I do agree the video is nice but it's weird that everyone is replying in huge paragraphs using the same phrases
Comment from : @kingvadanite1816

Nice video
Comment from : @terry4310

I love this content because it give us knowledge, I want recommend this content to the student who are relating this Instead of wasting time in other matter this may help to them I want to say thank you to the creator
Comment from : @kailceazar7805

Now i understand organizational behavior more it help me as a student
Comment from : @angelicagracecastro5929

Comment from : @mmtalii

Thank your creating this video this gives me broader knowledge about the topic discussed It will benefit us to act accordingly in an organization brbrOrganizational behavior (OB) is an investigation of human conduct in an associationbrsetting, the interface between human’s conduct and the organization and the organization itselfbrOrganization behavior serves to examine human conduct in the work setting and decides thebreffects on work structure, correspondences, execution and administration It helps us develop anbrunderstanding of the aspects that can motivate employees, increase their performance, and helpbrorganizations establish a strong and trusting relationship with their employeesbrbrI realized that an organization have a different characteristics and background that is very similar to the people around it It tells us to become a person that belongs to a community to act accordingly Understanding organizational behavior is very important especially that one day we will become a part of the working community
Comment from : @annekatherine7303

I learned that organizational behavior is important in an organization to know the environment and thd behavior of those who work in it
Comment from : @angelicagracecastro5929

How a person’s behavior links in organizational setting? brThank you
Comment from : @pinoyvanessamaebatino1179

Nice content! I’m delighted that I discovered your channel cause you’ve discussed the topic very well As a college student who’s taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and looking forward to associate myself in business field someday, this video really helped me a lot to broaden my knowledge about Organizational Behavior br brIndeed, it is imperative to understand how people behave in an organization since an organization is human association, it is given that there would be numerous perspectives that are usually substantial as the differences reflects to the performance of the employees Organizational behavior helps with that through establishing a good working environment by building a healthy relationship between the organization and its people br brI hope you can create more informational videos like this It’s very helpful for students like us who are struggling to gather more information about some lessons during online class Thank you!
Comment from : @angelicalykacortez4347

First of all, I want to give credits or acknowledgement to the owner or creator of this video presentation, for giving us knowledge about organizational behavior As a person who is lazy in reading long modules, this video helps me to understand easily what organizational behavior is Giving us information about it, can be a big help for us when we enter the field of work and learning new things and adapting it to ourselves is the one that we need to consider br brAs a college student who's taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and entering the field of business someday, I just realize that organizational behavior is an important factor that an employee needs to contemplate Through this presentation or video, it helps me more to broaden my knowledge and expanding my learnings about organizational behavior I also learned that organizational behavior has an ability to explain, and influence behavior in which it is the need of a manager to predict on how their employees will respond to various actions and decisions in a company, and how they'll behave and be responsible in an organization Contented because the information’s are well explained and it elaborates the definitions, aspects, and importance of organizational behavior in our life Realizing that working is not only doing your task or exerting effort on it in a company but, building a good behavior with your co-employees or managers and to other people inside an organization is the simplest yet unique behavior that you need to attain br brWatching this kind of video helps me to refresh my mind and give back my past knowledge about organizational behavior, this presentation educates me a lot in terms of its benefits and importance, for us to be ready in the near future Having an organizational behavior and adapting it in your life, have a big impact or changes in your characteristics and attitudes, considering it as a treasure in your life can change you a lot when you enter the path of your desired job Thank you so much for this video
Comment from : @canarebernalynt6335

First of all, I just want to express my gratitude to the creator of this video presentation, for giving us knowledge about organization behavior As a person who's having a difficulty about reading a long module, this video helps me to understand more about organizational behavior and broaden our knowledge about different types of human behavior Organizational behavior is essential in a work environment as it Established a good relationship with other employees, dealing with other people correctly and respectfully is the one that we need to learn first br brAs a first-year student who's taking up BSA and entering the field of business someday, I realized that it is not just about enhancing your skill's in a given job but also enhancing your attitude and behavior for you to build a good and strong relationship between an employee to them That kind of behavior can influence their performance in the organization This video helps me more understand, broaden my knowledge and enhanced my learning about organizational behavior Through this video we can easily understand the different types of behavior that we have as a person Realizing that work is not just about doing your task in the company but also building a good relationship and having a good behavior towards your co- employee and even with your manager br brIn general, this video educates me a lot in terms of the importance of learning human behavior for us to be ready in the near future It can be a big help for you it is not just about doing your job to make organization productive but also by giving an effort to build a strong a connections and relationship in each person inside the organization Thank you so much for this video
Comment from : @daisymaedelacruz4788

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for this video For me the topic is well discused and explained I really appreciated this video because it made me realize how necessary to study organizational behavior It helps us to develop and to understand all the aspects that can motivate employees brThrough this, we can be aware and gain knowledge about how we could perform well properly interact with our co workers and how we should be in our company in the future This OB help me/us to build the best version of ourselves in terms of being the asset in our organizationbrbrI hope and pray that we continue to pursue our dreams God blesa us stay safe everyone
Comment from : @michellesalipot3834

This kind of educational video is actually very helpful to students especially when they want to seek information regarding to the topics they are struggling to learn about Thank to this video, my idea about Organizational Behavior and its function in making a sound and productive working environment became more clear and precisebrIn this lesson, I learned the importance of being aware of individual's unique character in an organization, it gave me a glimps of what should be done when working with others I know that learning OB is very useful for every individuals in the workplace, this is especially true to the managers, who are the leader of their group when it comes to organizational settings It is them who handles the organization and leads them to greater heights so in is only given that a manager should possess great observational skills to get to know every member of the organization they are leading By learning each individual's behaviour, they can work harmoniously and make the best out of everyonebrBy this sense, having the knowledge about OB is actually the most important requirement to become a good leader as well as a good follower
Comment from : @skipthesteps3506

First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who was behind this presentation because they make a concise explanation of the Organizational behavior I am a person who loves to watch than to read, so it helps me a lot to know and understand this subject more I also want to appreciate the combination of colors presented because it is not too distracting, so all of my focus was on its content brAs an Accounting student who aimed to be an employee or a boss, this helps me reflect on what my goal really is in the future I have realizations that I must rather make my employee happy than making myself happy alone In a business field, my future organization must focus on the people behind it to build a good relationship that can affect their behavior towards their job This presentation makes me more interested to study this subject I learned the importance of this topic for my future job or organization No matter what happens, I will be one of those members of an organization so I will be dealing with different people, with different personalities and this subject will surely help me to take the necessary actions that can build a strong and trusting relationship with my co-workers brAgain, thank you for this video, and God bless
Comment from : @CoffeyHachi

It is with great appreciation that I am writing this comment for your informative video As a college student undertaking a course in Human Behavior in the Organization, I have found this material to be beneficial for mebrbrFirst, it gave me the knowledge regarding its definition and background I have learned that Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study of the behavioral dynamics of individuals and groups in organizational settings It covers a wide array of human resource like behavior, employee management, leadership, group relations, etcbrbrSecond, I have acquired a deeper understanding as to how crucial each individual is to the organization, as well as their connection to everyone in the company I agree that each individual conveys a distinctive set of personalities and a unique personal upbringing Thus, a manager must look at the aspects on how an individual can contribute well to the organization settingbrbrMoreover, I have come to realize how crucial OB is for the achievement of the organization’s goals and objectives I have gained awareness regarding how personality plays a vital role in the way a person interacts with groups and produces work Thus, needless to say that management of employees determines the success of failure of the business brbrWith the above-stated comprehension and ideas I have obtained after watching the educational presentation, I am more inspired and determined to study the complex nature of Organizational Behavior, in order for me to work effectively and efficiently in any organizational setting
Comment from : @santiagoaeriellejustined8447

This video has helped people in need of information about Organizational Behavior, especially college students like me This video helped me improve my understanding of organizational behavior, such as how to respond to a specific situation or how to deal with behavioral problems They also give me knowledge on how to interact with other people you work with to maintain a good relationship with thembrbr I would like to thank those people who made this video, for them to help students clarify on this topic
Comment from : @markrenielrivera4643

First of all, I wanna commend the team behind this simple yet detailed educational video This presentation defined what Organizational Behavior(OB) is, and its importance in simplest waybrbrI understand that OB gives insight on how employees behave and perform in the workplace It helps us to develop an understanding of the aspects that can motivate employees, increase their performance, and help organizations establish a strong and trusting relationship with their employeesbrbrIt's true that every individual is unique based on their experiences and knowledge Organizational Behavior is able to help leaders understand the motivational tools required to facilitate their employees to reach their potential It is significant for leaders to analyze the organizational structure that can act in their employee's interest
Comment from : @DanielSBalan

This video provided a lot of knowledge in terms of organizational behavior In particular, definition, importance, benefit, and other facts which I can use or apply in work in the future This educational video trained me in better equipping the topic of human behavior in an organization Thank you for the help in continually expanding students’ knowledge about organizational behavior and enhancing student learning with the use of this innovative teaching technique
Comment from : @danashainerivera6533

Organizational behavior has something to do about the relationship between employees and management Also, it aims to disseminate information that is useful on how to handle the people inside an organization br As a college student, it gives me advice or tips about what are the things that I should do as an employee or employer in the future Organizational behavior will be a great contribution to how I will do my job properly in my future job or business Also, it helps me to be a responsible employee or employer in my future company I believe that studying organizational behavior helps the organization to establish a strong and trusting relationship with the employees Also, it aims to give us possible problems and the right methods on how to handle it br Last but not the least; I would like to thank the video creator for making such an informative video like this
Comment from : @sharmaineyap1575

Before I start, I would like to commend the person who gave his all effort for this video As I watched it, the knowledge I have in the subject Human Behavior and Organization increased This is perfect to all of us because time will come that we will all going to finish our studies, we'll graduate, can find our dream job and eventually we're all going to work Organizational Behavior really plays a vital role in an organization, especially for me who works while studying, indeed that having a good atmosphere that you feel the excitement before going to work not the one you are lazy because you feel you are just coming in to get paid and not because you enjoy being within the organization with your co-workers It's so much fun to work but it's more fun that your workplace is good that helps you become more productive as an employee And also having a boss who knows how to respect employees even though he knows in himself that he is higher is a blessing for an organization it really helps the organization to grow more
Comment from : @sherilynestandarte6493

To the creator of this video, Thank you for making an informative presentation about the topic "Organizational Behavior" brbrAs a college student undertaking a business-related course, this video helped me a lot and gave me a deeper understanding regarding in this subject It explains that there is a connection between individuals, individual-organization and the organization itself and how an individual change because of some personal characteristics, experiences and background Plus, this video shows that each one of us has something unique to offer brbrOverall, this would help me a lot in the future Thank you for the knowledge and for making this video!
Comment from : @chelanicoleechon3924

First of all, I would like to thank the creator of the Organizational Behavior educational short videobrbr"Organizational Behavior is a field and can be value to you and to your future"brbrAs an Accountancy student, this video helps to know what Organizational Behavior really is and how it can affect our world In addition, this video will help the student, mostly business related course, regarding the scope and importance of Organizational BehaviorbrbrGodbless us and keep safe!
Comment from : @marivicdeguzmanquimson-bit6737

First of all, I'd like to express my gratitude to everyone behind this video Everything, from color, template, and font choices appear clean and easy for the eyes of its viewers This video has become an essential and important tool for us students who have less or if not, no pre-occupied knowledge or idea about Organizational Behavior This helps us to have a basic understanding of the concept, in order to fully understand its little intricate details This is well-packed with information that are necessary to have enough fuel to work efficiently in studying the Organizational Behavior It talked about OB's definition, its model, its importance, and its benefits brbr brI also would like to be honest, learning OB was not really easy through this video It was not able to make me realize and understand the information in just one sitting or in just one cycle of watching the video I felt like there could've been simpler terms that could be utilized and used in order to reach to those viewers who do not have much knowledge about OB or even the Business Industry in general But, overall, I find this video helpful, and in this day and age, necessary
Comment from : @delasalaszevastianc9979

First of all, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to the creator of this amazing video The topic was presented in a very clear and understandable manner The words used in the presentation is simple that's why it is easier to understand br This video helps me understand why we need to study organizational behavior Through this informative video I've got a chance to have a better understanding about organizational behavior and how it works I learned the importance of this course for every individual and in organization itself Studying organizational behavior can help managers to know how to deal with their employees who brings a different set of characteristics within the organization It will enable them to come up in a most suitable action When the employees are satisfied with their job, they became more productive which leads to the success of the business It is also important to every individual who works or who will eventually work in an organization because it is inevitable that we are working with one another This will help us know how to interact with others appropriately br Once again, thank you very much for this video I became more interested with this subject after watching it I am very excited to learn more God bless!❤
Comment from : @shielamaebalmoja

This video is very thoughtful! It gives the basic knowledge about Organizational Behavior that can help me to acknowledge the topics in our subject Human Behavior in Organization But, not only in our subject but this will also help me in future purposes since I'm taking BS Accountancy program that is related to Organizational Behavior This helps me to recognize that Organizational Behavior examines human behavior in a work environment and determines its effect on job performance and also on the organization's performance I’m looking forward to use this knowledge in future purposes Everyone who watched this will surely gain a deep understanding about Organizational Behavior
Comment from : @justinmachiavellebaun2691

I am very happy because youtube was used to be an instrument to share information to us about our subject Human Behavior in Organization To be honest that's a big deal for me because youtube is one of my favorite apps and whether we admit it or not, it's really entertaining when you watch a video on youtube Apart from that, I would like to thank the creators of this video because it's presentation is clear and well-organized and it's really engaging to watch because the content is easy to understand Anyways, after I watched the video I learned that Organizational Behavior is not only important for the organization itself but also for the people around it Organizational Behavior serves as a large instrument to help us develop an understanding of the aspects that can motive employees, increase their performance, and help organizations establish a strong and trusting relationship with their employees Also, motivation is an excellent tool to support higher level of workers efficiency that's why it is significant for leaders to analyzed the organizational structure that can act in their employee's interest As a student, I also want to learn this things and wanting to learn more about this
Comment from : @jammelambernaldo1982

An organization doesn't shape individuals, but rather, individuals shape the organization brbrThis video really provides relevant information about what is Organizational Behavior It widened my knowledge about the importance of each person inside the organization As a college student under a business course, this helped me a lot about what kind of organization I should look forward to working to An organization that focused not only on providing products and services but more on improving an individual's attitude to be an effective employee that will benefit the organization brbrThe discussion about the model of organizational behavior provides insights that made me want to study this subject area deeper I want to know more about what composes a good and perfect organization Lastly, I want to give my deepest gratitude to the creator of this awesome video Thank you for sharing your ideas and knowledge and for helping everyone to understand the real meaning of Organizational Behavior
Comment from : @barinquehelenmaej6216

It has always been my dream to be part of the corporate world I always envision myself working on a company with my colleagues working on a same goal This dream of mine pushed me to pursue my current course which is Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and I know for a fact that one day when I become a Certified Public Accountant, I will work in a company, an organization, and my job their will not only be about numbers, money, or auditing, it is also my job to get along with my co-workers, my manager and any people in the organization that I will work with It is also my job to abide and understand the rules, the policy, the environment of the organization itself For this reason, I have always been interested on how human acts and behaves in an organizational setting and how it affects the organization itself brbrI would like to extend my gratitude to the creator who made this video This video simplifies and explained the definition, importance, benefit and etc of organizational behavior in a manner on which student who has no particular knowledge about this topic (like me) will understand It answered my queries and removed my confusions regarding organizational behavior As someone who learns through listening and visuals this really help me a lot I am also very please on how neat the visual looks, how the creator narrates the whole lesson, and how the video is so short yet so informational I hope that you’ll continue to create and publish informational videos like this that will help us deepen our understanding about certain topics
Comment from : @maryannbernieborboran2681

I would like to thank the creator of this educational video The video was short but detailed which is impressive, it didn't bore me thus it is imformative and the topic was well explained that helped me in understanding further what is and how important the organizational behavior isbrbrI learned in this video that organizational behavior has an important role in our workplace An organization will or is consist of different people with different perspectives, skills and character which can widely affect an organization's performances Understanding a person's behavior is not only a role of a manager but all of the employees in the organization Interacting with the people in your organization can help to improve not just your own performance but also the whole organization Having a good communication, relationship and understanding of the peolple in the organization can avoid conflicts that can cause poor perfomances and failures A healthy and happy organization will result to continues success in achieving the organization's goals and objectives brbrIn studying further the Organizational Behavior, can help us to have good relationships with others not only at our workplaces but also in our community It will also improve our characters and will makes us more appreciative and dedicated in our jobs to be more productive which will be a good contribution in improving our society
Comment from : @macarmelanicolempendon4970

First, I would like to thank the creator of this video for making a helpful and informative video presentation As a student in a business-related course, it is very beneficial because near in the future, we will also be part of an organization This video is meaningful in just a short time, learning more about organizational behavior extending my knowledge of how I will deal with my co-worker in the future Learning organizational behavior is very necessary because it affects the organization by the individuals working in it It can also make the business operate more effectively by motivating and treating the individuals fairly
Comment from : @kishakatleencabreta6600

"What exactly is meant by the term “organizational behavior”? And why should it be studied?"brbrBy watching this video, I've learned a lot about Organizational Behavior I've learned about how does an Organization Behavior affects the Organization, the individuals working in it and its environment I've also learned that for the business to be successful, the individuals working in it should be motivated If an individual is treated right and fairly, he will be motivated to work well and if everyone in the Organization is doing well, the Organization will possibly success in the future Also, Organizational Behavior doesn't only works with the Organization, it is also concerned about everyone working inside an Organization One of the key to have a successful Organization is to have a healthy relationship between the organization and its people The video also shows the importance of the Organizational Behavior and why should it be studied It is important to study this to be prepared in the coming future as you work in an Organization The video also shows that the behavior of everyone working in an Organization is important brbrTo conclude, this video is very useful especially to students like me who is studying a business related course Knowing the information given in the video is a big help not only in our studies but also in our future Thanks to this video, I know now how Organizational Behavior works even in real life
Comment from : @mariekyllaesberto4922

The video really helped me as a student who's in a business related course Organizational Behavior is indeed helpful and it should be studied because in the near future, we will be working in an organization and we can use the knowledge that the video gave us to perform well OB will also help us to understand those people around us in an organization as we interact with different people with different behavior I also learned that individuals change as a function of personal experiences and maturity as well as through experiences which is true because we will definitely learn a lot from those experiences that can help us improve ourselves and behave correctly in an organization brbrLastly, I applaud this youtube channel and their very informative and helpful video that made it easier for us students to understand Organizational Behavior
Comment from : @jianfrancisco677

As a first-year college student who is taking a business-related course, this video shows how important to study the Human Behavior Organization At first, I gave the prejudice that this subject is just about how to behave individually in an organization but this video enlightened me that break my misconceptions about behavior within organizations Organizational behavior helps to shape and model the behavior through analysis to positively impact the organization br brThank you for the creator of this video It is easy to understand and very efficient to me and for other students
Comment from : @angelicafayedelapena9248

This video is really a big help to a student like me who is taking up business-related course It help us to understand what organizational behaviour is and its importance I've learned that in studying organizational behaviour gives us insights on how employees act and perform in a workplace It helps us develop an understanding of the aspects that can motivate employees, increase their performance, and help organizations establish a strong and trusting relationship with their employees Also, organizational behaviour is able to help leaders understand on how to motivate and facilitate his/her employees to reach their potential This informative video help us a lot because we all know that time will come we will become an employee or a leader in the near future Overall, organizational behaviour plays a big role in a business industry to motivate, build trust and a strong relationship between employees and organization
Comment from : @agustinmelanier2952

First of all, I would like to thank you for creating this content to share your knowledge about the concept of Organizational Behavior and why it should be studied brbrAs I watch your video, I learned a lot from you from the very start of what is Organizational Behavior, as the field of study that focuses on human behavior in the organization, how they interact with each other as well as how they work within the organization structures In addition, you also mention and give emphasis on the three areas necessary to be able to better understand Organizational Behavior including the interface, individual-organization and the organization itself These three areas have to work in coordination to be able to achieve organization’s effectiveness brbrMoreover, I learned that one of the contributing factors that help shape the organization is the behavior or disposition of each individual or groups of individuals within the organization Above all, the importance of organizational behavior lies in understanding human behavior because the success of the organization is depending on how the organization effectively manage its peoplebrbrThe knowledge I gained from you gives me insight of how to be aware of understanding individual differences and be proactive as an individual, as part of a team and the organization to help contribute in achieving the organization's goals and objectives effectively and efficiently
Comment from : @camillecmartinez6406

Thank you for making this educational video♥️brbrIt's really helpful for us first year college student to know why Organizational Behavior is important Behavior of human in the organization is important because it can affects the workplace and their job performance This video helps a lot on knowing the meaning,importance and the benefits of the Organizational Behavior Especially on how is it important on the management of an organization to know the human behavior of an individual For us, students it is also helpful the fact that we are aligned in the field of business so we can use it in the future We students would understand the human behavior in management perspective and contribute to organization effectiveness Thank you again for giving us a great info😊 Godbless♥️
Comment from : @jameelaraeguevarra9934

As a first year collage student, this short but meaningful presentation helps me to understand more the topic it tackled Its easy to understand and interpret how Organizational Behavior affects an individual in his / her workplace Thank you for sharing!
Comment from : @shairahmarzan9862

As a new student in the College of Business and Accountancy, with the subject Human Behavior in Organization, this video helped me a lot Especially now that every professor and student is adjusting to the new learning system during this pandemic I learned about the study of human behavior in organizational settings, of the interface between human behavior and the organization itself It further expands my knowledge regarding the exact meaning of OB and why we need to study it and know its every meaning and importance I can apply the lesson I learned in this topic to myself especially when I already have a work, when i am already part of an organization and when socializing with other people Thank you very much for this video
Comment from : @tuazonallessandram5900

First and foremost, I would like to thank the creator of this informative presentation brbrUpon watching the video, I learned that Organizational Behavior is essential in a work environment as it establishes a good relationship between every employee Having a good relationship with your co-workers can help build trust and friendship which can result in a positive atmosphere in a working environmentbrbrAs a first-year college student, this video made me realize that it is not just about enhancing your skills in your job but it is also about enhancing how you work with your co-workers and establishing a good and strong relationship between them This is a big help for every people may it be a student or someone who works already in an organization as it still teaches us things that we might still not know about Organizational Behavior
Comment from : @arie7958

This video explains what organizational behavior is and why it should be studied At first, I thought organizational behavior is just a subject that deals with the people within the organization But watching this made me understand more what organizational behavior is and that it has three different aspects, namely, the human behavior, the organization and the organization itself This video explains that there is a linkage or connection between Human behavior in organizational setting, the individual organization initiative, the organization, and the environment surrounding the organization It also explains that each people in the organization has its own individual differences and uniqueness that we have to deal with It also discuss how an individual change because of some aspects such us personal experiences, work experiences, and organizational developmentbrbrThis video made me understand the deeper value of this subject Understanding this would help me a lot in the near future especially when I start working since I need to adjust, understand, and blend in with my co-workers and boss This would help me to create a strong relationship or bond with them With that it could help me/us to work effectively and efficiently and be more productive since I am/ we are happily fine and satisfied with the company of each other brbrIn conclusion, as a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy student that is about to enter the corporate world in the near future, studying organizational behavior will help me a lot Especially in terms of understanding myself, the people around me, and the organization I will be in
Comment from : @jelinemaedechavez5918

As a college student who's taking a business-related course, basically, I want to thank Gregg Learning for such a very interesting video that will help us in dealing with circumstances in life in the near future The video presentation is quite short but it is informative It gives us guidance in our study It helps us to better understand the concept of organizational behavior and we can use it as a guide in making our own presentation
Comment from : @punzalanlianjoye3753

The video is only 3 minutes and 30 seconds but clearly explained what organizational behavior all about It helps me to have a background and additional informations about organizational behavior that I can use in my studies since I currently taking up a business-related course brbrThe content is a useful guide because soon I will step out in the real world and will become an employee or an employer It gave me knowledge about the importance of organizational behavior that can help the organization perform well brbrThank you for the great video that helps students like me
Comment from : @AnnaRizaEModo

As an aspiring Accountancy student, I find this video beneficial especially that I am taking up a business-related course This video deepens my knowledge about organizational behavior It expands my knowledge about organizational behaviorbrbrI've learned what organizational behavior is Each person behaves differently on an organization I, myself have been having a hard time socializing Now I understand that I must study and understand each attitude my future colleagues might have Especially if I am the manager or leader of our organization, I must understand that each person have their unique personalities and behavior I must learn how to handle them accordingly in order to guide and lead them on being efficient and effective
Comment from : @mariahzappiafombuena2281

This video enlightened me to be more interested in this topic I want to say thank you to the creator of this video, its content is clear and easy to understand brbrThis proved that Organizational Behavior has a big impact in making the business more successful Behavior of every employee can influence their performance and productivity in the organization If they have problems we can easily see this through their decisions and actions that can affect their attention and commitment in their work Knowing each of your employee is essential to be able to handle them effectively Keeping them to be motivated in their work can lead to the effective operation of the business It can also be the best way for the managers and employees to build a good relationship which is important in every organization brbrAs of now, I am excited to learn more about this subject I will apply all my learnings and share it to others Being an Accountancy student, this will be helpful in the future
Comment from : @santiagoprincessjellainea6544

As a college student, I realized in this video representation that organizational Behavior is very important to us to help us to become more efficient in the organization that we will be workingbrbrAnd also this video explain to me why we need to study this topicbrbrI wish i can ise the knowledge i learned today from this videobrTHANK YOU🥰🤗
Comment from : @eddabaltazar9164

This video presentation is a great help specially to the student like me who can't understand the lesson by just readingThis presentation help me to fully understand the importance, impacts and benefits of Organizatinal BehaviorIt gives more knowledge about Organizational Behavior I learn that Organizational behavior is a knowledge and tool that they need to be effective in any organizational level It also helps organization to perform well This video teach me that Organizational Behavior is about understanding the people in an organization, on how to manage others and how to be effective in workThe chance of a company to be successful is much higher if they have Organizational Behavior Having clear goals and motivated employees with a great business strategy the business will surely succeed I am sure that all the knowledge that I got here will be a great help in my future To the creator of this video Thank you for letting us to have a deeper understanding about Organizational Behavior
Comment from : @kimraishlynmendoza4288

First, i would like to give my thanks to the owner of the channel and video, for a very brief and straight forward meaning of human behavior in an organization brbrAs a student under BSA, and a future worker of the economy, knowing the importance of behavior in the organization is very important, I can use this information to be a better individual that can help the organization to achieve it's goals and be successful in the future
Comment from : @ericazulueta2554

Hands down to the person(s) behind this audio visual presentation The video is very substantial and very informative The way it delivers the information was very effective and comprehensive brbrAs a College student taking up a course that is related to the business field, Human Behavior in Organization is very essential It unfolds the real-life situations happening in a workplace or in a corporate management or even in a smaller sense of an organization brbrThis video gave me that visualization of being there in a scene inside a workplace with working people around me Sharing same platform and doing tasks effectively In the near future, I will be seeing myself in the corporate world, wearing my corporate attire dealing with people in the industry I know that I still have a lot of things to learn before I get there And human behavior is something that I should learn very well for it is something that is very relevant to my course – BS in Accountancy This video is a good starter brbrTo sum it all up, I like the video so much They call it “Short but crispy” in terms of essays And I call this one “Short but substantial”
Comment from : @regineofrecio1997

First, I would like to acknowledge the creator of this informative presentation This presentation is a huge help for me who’s taking up a business-related course I have learned that organizational behavior focuses more on understanding and explaining the individual and group behaviors in organizations It helps us to understand what causes the wrong behavior It gave me the knowledge that OB can help develop the understanding of the aspects that can motivate employees, increase their performance, and help organization establish a strong relationship with their employeesThe importance of organizational behavior is now clearbrbrIn near future, I will be one of those members of an organization I will be dealing with different people, with different personalities and this video made me realized that OB is essential in establishing a strong connection and trusting relationship with my future co-workers and the management Thank you! Great job!
Comment from : @maedhenrodriguez3012

An organization could not function and achieve its goals without people People are expected to behave differently from one another Thus, studying organizational behavior is crucial br brPursuing a business-related course made me exposed to topics connected with how organization works However, the knowledge I got is not deep enough regarding organizational behavior Upon hearing this term, the phrase "the study of human behavior in an organization" was the first to cross in my mind But this video made me realized that organizational behavior is bigger and deeper than what I think it is So, organizational behavior (OB) does not primarily focus with the behavior of individuals in organizational settings but also gives importance to the interface between human behavior and organization, and the organization itself The discussion about the linkages among these three gave me an in-depth understanding of the term Organizational Behavior br brIn addition, this video highlighted the importance of having organizational behavior in achieving success Understanding human behavior in an organization will result to an efficient organization since employees would be motivated in working by the positive environment created by the higher-ups In this case, meeting the goals of the organization can be ensured br brIn conclusion, the uploaded material is truly conducive for students like us, in acquiring a comprehensive understanding about Organizational Behavior Also, I was able to appreciate the significance of OB in numerous fields As I pursue Accountancy and eventually enter the business world, the knowledge I got from this fruitful discussion could be a great help in becoming an efficient employee br brThis would not be possible without the help of the person behind this video, so I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for sharing this kind of learning material to us!
Comment from : @ranlynruado1338

This video helped me a lot to understand the topic better Listening and reading the terms and concepts at the same time was very beneficial for me brbrThrough this, I learned that organizational behavior is important because it about the employees who make up the organization Describing each person as unique and has different characteristics will help the managers to address problems and have clues on how they can boost their employees' morale Managers do not need to just focus on the business operations and profit maximization, but to their employees as well, for the entity will not function well if its emoloyees are not really motivated to work By giving them rewards, incentives, or just by smiling and a pat on the back will be very meaningful to them They will realize that their superiors are concerned about them, and will be loyal to that organization This, eventually, will result to the attainment of their organizational goals brbrManagers need to realize the importance of each of their employees and know their behavior They must support and encourage them, too By doing these things, employees are most likely to be more productive and efficient at work
Comment from : @rheagajopo2399

First, I would like to thank the creator of this video for creating such an informative content that gives us knowledge about organizational behavior brbrAs a 1st year college student who's taking business related course, I have no idea what is organizational behavior until I watched this video, which increased my knowledge about organizational behavior I've learned that it is important to study organizational behavior because it helped us to know the difference between the behavior of organization and employees It makes me realize that it is essential for those who have decided to work within an organization Soon, we are going to be an employee and we must apply this to ourselves
Comment from : @airaaa89

Entering an organization is what I saw myself five years from now, and I know that skills is not only the important factor that I need there, but also an appropriate behavior Aside from what I am going to learn in our Human Behavior in Organization class, this video helps me understand the importance of behavior to anyone entering an organization and why do we need to study every details of it We are not working alone in an organization so learning how to deal with our future colleagues is necessary by understanding each individual's and our own behavior inside the organization As a first year college student, I appreciate this type of educational video that can educate me the basics of organizational behavior It is short yet well-explained so I can totally recommend it
Comment from : @airamaiemala4269

First of all I just want to acknowledge the person behind or the owner of this video This can help us to have a better understanding about Organizational Behavior As a college student taking up business related course, this video helped me understand more about Organizational Behavior It gives me a better vision on how people or employees perform or behave in an organization or workplace I learned that communicating and understanding the people around you is one of the best way to build a good relationship and to achieve the main objective or goal of the organization easily Thank you for this video, this will sure help me in the near future I will apply the knowledge I learned especially on how to deal or communicate effectively with other people despite of our differences brbrAgain thank you for this wonderful video
Comment from : @jellaclazaga3777

Organizational Behavior might sometimes be overlooked but this is such an important thing to be considered inside an organization Learning this at an early stage, before even working in an organization, this will probably give us accountancy students a head-start as we already have prior knowledge about Organizational Behavior As mentioned on the video, it does not only focus on the organization itself Of course you need individuals to make an organization That individuals could be us and will probably help us someday when we're already working in a business firm It was clearly discussed on the video how Organizational Behavior contributes to the success of a business Individuals may have different different reactions or response to a certain situation or conflict inside a firm but as long as they all comply to achieve the same goal, it will not be a problem We can also take this into account if we are to make a business ourselves Learning about Organizational Behavior is really important for us to learn It will help us avoid or even solve conflicts in our future career
Comment from : @jessicaclairecariaga7740

I watched multiple videos about this topic but this one finally clicked for me to understand it This video made it easy for me to know Organizational Behavior It has detailed explanations and clarity to make it more understandable And I would like to thank the creator or producer of this video for doing thatbrbrThis video educate me what is Organizational Behavior and why it is important and that it is worthwhile to study human behavior because if you don't have a background about this subject there will be incoming struggle for you as an employee with intereacting to other people So it is really essential to learn this topic In the future I will be working in an organization and I will meet various people with different personalities and behavior and OB will be the way to learn how individuals and groups think, feel and behave in an organization and how to apply that learnings to have a good relationship with the people in your institution or group It is not always easy to achieve unity but if we understand how to cooperate with individual personalities this will be one of the key to a successful organization brbrIn just 3 minutes this video gives me a broad and deeper understanding about organizational behavior
Comment from : @abrazadoellamaeb2254

As a first-year college student, I would like to commend the creator of this video presentation because this gave me a clear understanding about Organizational Behavior I also realized that the interactional relationship within the organization is important for us to know the behavior of the people within the group So as a student taking up business related course, it is very helpful for us because we have known the importance of Organizational Behavior, this will help us on our future professions and businesses specifically, knowing how to deal with the other people like business partners, clients and etc
Comment from : @gavinoangelicam8514

First I would like to thank the creator for this very imformative video presentation As a student who is taking up business related course this video help me better understand what OB is it helped me learned a lot more This video defined how important to study the behavior of human in an organization isbrbrIn the future we would be taking a part of an organization and by watching this video it informed me many things on being a part of an organization It enlightened me that every person has a very unique personality and ability and by understanding what each characteristic is you can better understand the person and work very easy with them
Comment from : @jianpaulquiroz1837

As a student under College of Business and Accountancy, that soon will be part of an organization this video presentation helps me to broaden my knowledge about Organizational Behaviour It helps me to understand that every individual is unique based of their experiences that is why Leaders must look at the unique perspective that each individual brings This video will surely gonna help me to become more effective in an OrganizationbrbrThank you so much for the information!
Comment from : @jessyelisha2314

“An Organization, no matter how well designed, is only as good as the people who live and work in it”br-Dee HockbrbrThis presentation about Organizational Behavior is very interesting to watched I just want to say thank you to the creator behind this educational video presentation This is a great idea and really helpful to the students and also to everyone, mostly to the business related coursebrbrAs a college student, this presentation helps me to have a deeper understanding and also enhance my knowledge It is important to know what are all about it The knowledge, importance, impacts and more that involves in this topic Because having a knowledge about this field can helps us in the future I may apply it to my future work or in my business soon I will be prepared and get ready This presentation also helps me to know the different background and characteristic of each organization It also gave me an insight on how the staffs or employees perform in a particular workplace and also to understand the behavior of people around usbrbrI assured that I may apply it in my future career Understanding Organizational Behavior is very important to everyone, so that every single day we need to have a great or good relationship to each other to have our future make it better Thank you and Godbless us all!
Comment from : @jamierosetolentino5946

As a college student who's taking a business course, it helps me understand what organizational behavior and how it works As a student I learned how to understand and how to deal with my colleagues despite our differences someday
Comment from : @johnprimereyes2231

BACALSO, Amy P BSA1CbrFirst I would like to thank the creator of this video for giving us an informative and helpful knowledge about Organizational Behavior in just very easy way This video presentation will surely helps everyone, me as well as a student taking up a related business course I’ve learned that OB is concern with the study of the behavior of the people with in an organizational setting and also helps to understand predict and to control human behavior Someday in a working environment, we will meet people with different ideas and characters Therefore it is essential to us understand how to cooperate with individual personalities to develop team working skills in different environments
Comment from : @amybacalso1344

First and foremost, thank you for making this video adequately for us to understand well the role of organizational behavior I realized that how employees behave and their attitude in the particular workplace are essential as it helps them establish a strong and trusting relationship with each other for effective and successful organization What I have learned from this video will help me a lot in the future as it serve as my foundation to achieve our goals as an employee
Comment from : @lagmanrochellea1928

This video is helpful for a first year college student like me This made me realized that organizational behavior is very important because it helps us to be more efficient and proper in the organization that we will be working in the near future I have learned that the main objective of organizational behavior is understanding a person’s personality such as how they behave, what she/he can do, what is her/his strength and weaknesses because it is important to know a person especially when you are working with them and it may result to a better performance of an organization Also, it talks about on the different emotional approaches between the employees inside of an organization This video helps a lot of us to have more knowledge about the importance of organizational behavior and can be apply to ourselves when we are already part of an organization
Comment from : @joanaisidro5891

Thanks for showing us a wonderful explanation about organizational behavior After watching this video, my knowledge about organizational behavior grew wider It gives me information on how employees' behavior and performance affects the whole organization As a first year CBA student, this video gave me a conclusion that, organizational behavior teaches us to understand the different aspects that can help the employees increase their performance and help to stablish a strong, trusted , and united relationship with their employees within the organization
Comment from : @twinxjoshuji

First of all, I just want to say thank you to the creator of this creative and informative video presentation and of course to our Professor who gave us the link to watch this brbrAs a college student dreaming to be a part of a business world someday, this video gave me a deeper understanding of what is an Organizational Behavior and also its function It was mentioned in the video that Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study of human behavior in organizational settings Understanding how people behave in organizations is very effective for you to meet your goalsbrbrOB is very important topic specially those who are working and who will work in an organization Motivated company, having a strong relationship with each other, happy employees and having a clear goals are very important in an organization If they feel that they are all welcome, they will not leave in that organizationbrbrThis topic can really help me in the near future and will also help me to become aware of the people that surrounds me This short video presentation gave me a lot of lessons that I can apply in my personal life I will recommend this for my friends and other studentsbrbrOverall, this is such an amazing topic that can help each and everyone of us to become a better person Again, thank you so much for this video
Comment from : @pangilinancrishiajebelleb7859

As a student taking up the program Accountancy, watching this video helped me in understanding the real essence of Organizational Behavior in our lives specifically for the future when we are already working When the time comes and we already need to work for us to earn, it is necessary for us to know the proper ways on how to deal with different people and environment that we will be working with We should also know on how to act professionally that is why it is important for us to study this course
Comment from : @asianfairypisces

As a first year student, this video is very helpful for us They helped about organizational behavior and how they treat the other employees within the company or an organization It is better to work in an organization that have a healthy working environment like helping and appreciating each other work
Comment from : @joanamariehernandez4294

Excellent!❤ This video provides information about organizational behavior and this video helped me how to apply it in real life I hope i apply it in the near future i can also share it with others besides i also learned a lot thanks for making this video I would recommend it to others
Comment from : @reyesraizai9683

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