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The Oak Island Money Pit: History, Hoax, and Hype

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Title :  The Oak Island Money Pit: History, Hoax, and Hype
Lasting :   43.32
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Frames The Oak Island Money Pit: History, Hoax, and Hype

Description The Oak Island Money Pit: History, Hoax, and Hype

Comments The Oak Island Money Pit: History, Hoax, and Hype

Hey bro I’m interested in writing a book on oak island, would I be able to email you?
Comment from : @ReptilianInsiderNews-kr5it

If you enjoy this treasure tale, read J Frank Dobie's book, "Coronado's Children"
Comment from : @gaylebaker8419

There's no treasure you idiots waste of time and money
Comment from : @Timbuk2937

If I understood you correctly the people digging to 111 feet were following a previously created tunnel If this is the case wouldn’t the previous excavators have encountered this flooding stopping their efforts?
Comment from : @labzline

That show the Curse of Oak Island is an absolute disgraceheaping lies,speculation and planted 'evidence' on the site to sell viewswatching it and the fact that some people take it seriously actually makes me angry
Comment from : @skerriesrockart

Look under Fred Nolan’s house 🤣 RIP Fred 🌹☮️♥️
Comment from : @angelnblue2151

Good job, I agree with the majority of this brDevil's advocate: How do we explain the wood and artifacts found deep in the money pit area? These are not hoaxes as we can see the objects and wood with our own eyes How did they get there?
Comment from : @MetropolisNoir

It was an old viking type ship that upended itself over the centuries That's why they found what they thought were barriers every so many feet when it's just the boats bulkheads
Comment from : @3dsmaxrocks699

Thank you for working on and sharing this
Comment from : @anonymousmouse4124

We have a Curse of Oak Island channel INANE TRAIN It's hilarious and we make fun of the cast, but we seriously love the show
Comment from : @inanetrain8447

If I was a pirate I wouldn’t bury the treasure I’d spend itbrI’d buy a mansion, some slaves, maybe a sweet ride brWhy’d they bury their treasure again??
Comment from : @ransakreject5221

I'd say Oak Island is about as real as The Apprentice It's on pare with Ancient Aliens, and other tall tales Pure entertainment and fake as hellbrit's embarrassing there's even a viewing market for programs like this
Comment from : @rwjazz1299

An interesting example of the evolution of hyperbole in the story At around 32:26 in this video, the author relates a tale told, that there were only 6 living Oak trees remaining on the island, and that the treasure would not be found until they had all died In the absolutely shameless realty show on History channel "The curse of Oak Island" they have jazzed that up and now say that 6 men must die looking for the treasure before it will be foundbrbrThank you for this excellent video it really highlights the importance of a proper archaeological approach to such research, and really demonstrates what a bunch of ham fisted buffoons the History channel group are
Comment from : @Epiphone1964

The only "artifacts" found were object dropped by previous searchers It is the greatest hoax in history
Comment from : @quivalla

Nicely done informative and entertaining thank you
Comment from : @ploppill34

I got caught up in the show for a bit, a handful of episodes, but it quickly became obvious that they had no interest in solving this "mystery"; there is no money in that
Comment from : @palehorseman9923

Boys discover a treasure? Nope McGuiness, Smith, and Vaughn we're in their 30s according to official records So this con is fishy from the start
Comment from : @zross8471

Well in this crazy year of 2020, they have found evidence starting at 1100-1200-1300-1400-1500-1600&1700 Whether there is still something hid there or not, there is evidence of an intricate design to hide something of importanceYou might want to update your vid
Comment from : @shannongeorgiapeach76

Why are so many Americans so frickin' gullible?
Comment from : @tallykev6608

I dont know i watch it but guess what i still watch
Comment from : @yvonnewright6251

The brothers have already found the treasure, we got played they got paid! There is no mystery here The only mystery is why we even watch?
Comment from : @gruntlima6845

Whoever did what they did on Oak Island? knowing full well they would never see it again? and the Fanatical group of men to pull it off and! never speak of it again? it sure as hell wasn't PiratesbrbrPersonally I believe the only group to fit the criteria had to be the Templars
Comment from : @RawLu

I had my doubts when I heard metal detection "expert"
Comment from : @stewartquark1661

Another horse apple no longer talked about is the CLAIM that this was the missing Templar treasure When each investor figured out they had been scammed, they manufactured 'evidence' and sold it ( or tried to) on to the next sucker What we have here is boatload of claims with no evidence to back them up Scrying was very popular back in the day, and plays a huge part in the HOAKS Island silliness
Comment from : @hlloyd-fs4uf

Nobody can disprove that there is no treasure
Comment from : @ramanobraeske4345

Whenever a tv series or network has a show that starts looking for bigfoot ( Les Stroud Survivor Man) you know they have run out of original ideas and are going to manufacture a entertaining show based on lies, myths, rumors and nonsense ( Alaska Bush People), the discovery channel and history channel seem to have forgotten why their channels were so successful in the first place
Comment from : @2011woodlands

Why was the swamp made? Since a non-believer that studies swamps says it seems to only be 400 years old Why do it?
Comment from : @nickma71

"No works pre 1800 have been found:" Not any more
Comment from : @ALSNewsNow

Looks like you may be dead wrong What say you now?
Comment from : @ALSNewsNow

Two words Jimmy Hoffa
Comment from : @catherinejeffries7999

Very well done Thank you
Comment from : @catherinejeffries7999

Did you prepare this presentation just to debunk the story on YouTube? Or was this a project done for school, some type of organization, study, or work, etc?
Comment from : @chriswelch9786

Old historycheck on updates 2018
Comment from : @roytonkin5929

Just want to know the truth b4 I die
Comment from : @peterchapman3014

See the 3 boys or men from the 1970s is not how I've always heard of this I heard it was actually 1870s 2 or 3 boys that seen lights moving around on the distant island and went to explore the next day finding a depression in the dirt and started to dig why idk and thays how I always heard it started
Comment from : @dylanjwicklund92

It appears theres some tupe of machineb or monolithic structure down there
Comment from : @saraessex8124

I hope u dig the graves to bury someone and not unbury themyrs back we hit an Indian / Calvary cemetary and we had to move over 70 gravesl!!!; It actually stunk and was not Koolbut we got it done Now which r u ???? IGORLMAOM IGORlove it
Comment from : @eatmejack

Now we are in season 6 and they still haven't found anything
Comment from : @MrTdollarsign

Well presented and informative Thank you
Comment from : @mikeh8028

More money going into it than they will ever find
Comment from : @alancoker1459

30 feet Or 3? How old were these kids who supposedly started the dig ?
Comment from : @alancoker1459

It written by gassy individuals and wanted Captain gassy treasure box in the folklore Yeah Captain gassy let hole become a death trap for greedy people to get caught in the smell to die and Captain gassy is laughing at them for being so stupid ✌💩✌
Comment from : @damwaterthomas1980

Fascinating analysis
Comment from : @okrajoe

I feel that Oak Island is just an island noting fancy about it at all
Comment from : @johnmogavero8156

that entire island is a Spaceship ET's phoning home DUDE !
Comment from : @plstrom

All one big scam Pirates would not have dug so deep into the water table to bury treasure They didn't have the technology to do so and wouldn't risk loosing treasure in the mud like that
Comment from : @nikolaradin2073

samuel ball found whatever was on the island and it's all long gone
Comment from : @jeepstuff4004

The non mention of the man made swamp was in all ignorant !
Comment from : @jamesmccarty4624

curse of the oak island never once I see BS! in my life why this show still airing nothing in that show have any Evidence the money pit is BS! the show & Oak Island is to draw in tourist to make money from the blinding Fan & people History Channel better cancel this show or get Boycott
Comment from : @hateUmankind

There was a depression because Captain Kidd returned and dug UP his treasure leaving a depression
Comment from : @JohnnyBrutalUSA

Sad to say, it's obvious there was never any treasure on the island (in the Money Pit, anyway)
Comment from : @jeffreyriley8742

by far the best explanation on the net sorry Marty
Comment from : @Arriscraft

Shit I remember when the History channel was something used in classrooms to help teachbrNow its one step away from running the latest Kardashian escapade 24/7brFucking hell
Comment from : @MrFang333333

John Brown's report from 1867 is the most prominent document of OI history Read it, and you will hear wisdom from the past
Comment from : @skuldeeraaja9151

What is at the Bottom of the PIt are FartsBuried Farts
Comment from : @snorkdoublesnork7223

this man is the real deal !!!! thanks for the truth man now tell the ligina boys loons what they are making money lol !!!!!
Comment from : @Arriscraft

Not one of the claims regarding any artifact on Oak Island has been verified I have a suspicion if you research when Oak Island real estate was platted and the lots made for sale, you will find that it was the same time that the Oak Island treasure legend started A very good way to sell real estate don't you think? In North America, in the 18th to mid 19th century, buried treasure was a common theme in almost every community
Comment from : @substance1

Cunningly constructed tunnels? It must have been Baldric that built them also I heard they are changing the title of the show to brThe Curse of Hoax Island
Comment from : @blackhatter011

Nothing has been proved or disproved till someone gets to the bottom of this
Comment from : @bobleonard99

the fact not one gold coin has ever been found proves it a hoax
Comment from : @robert11751

An excellent treatment of this enduring legend
Comment from : @thenightowldude

I would like to go to Oak Island and dig up a box filled with all the money that's been spent over the last 200 years trying to find the nonexistent treasure
Comment from : @womanaskswhatreysnameisshe4493

this is a complete hoax they are on the 3 season and havent found a single interesting piece i belive those guys bought the island and came to the conclusion there was a real money in the Island, the Island itself !!!lol in order to cut their losses they came up with the show its ridiculous i watched it for a long time and its pretty obvious they are stalling on purpose to milk it if they really thought there was a big treasure on the pit, belive me, they already had it the best evidente of hoax is the fact they havent pulled the plug on it do you really belive someone would spend his money like that without a single evidence people have been digging there for over 100 years only bases in faith
Comment from : @umrepugnantemundonovo2244

Amazing vid, fantastic info, thanks brother! ☻
Comment from : @horseheadkid

yea this is the one that makes most sense, thanks for spreading the real truth !
Comment from : @Arriscraft

shessh don;t tell Marty or Rick about this cause they are making a fortunate on their show !!! oak island curse !
Comment from : @Arriscraft

ffs i wanted it to be true
Comment from : @rabby77777

I am struck by the ridiculous amount supposedly under the 90 foot stone: 2 million pounds That is 38 million US dollars If it was buried over 500 years ago that amount in today's value must be in the billions Who would have that much at the time Who would want to bury it if they did Has to be a made up number
Comment from : @charlessawyer6953

you know everyone has all these reasons why this is not possible, but all i know is someone went to an awful lot of trouble and i have a hard time believing it was just for fun i am still a believer that there is something there!!!
Comment from : @rodr59

THIS THOROUGH VIDEO LEADS TO ONE PLAUSIBLE CONCLUSION - THERE IS NO "TREASURE" ON OAK ISLAND ! br If one ever existed, it most likely was extracted by its owners back in the 1700's, when pirates & smugglers abounded br Everything since is nothing but "treasure fever" spawned by legends, newspaper reports, and rampant speculation br The "Curse of Oak Island" series now on TV will NOT reveal any "treasure" - but may help pay for the latest futile hunt !
Comment from : @marytica123

i honestly dont care whats down there its the thrill of the mystery that gets me and most other people if you were a kid and saw raiders of the lost ark it juts made you want to search for things its like fishing doesnt matter if you catch anything its the thrill of the hunt and if your with like minded people its juts a good day regadless of if you find anything
Comment from : @cuzmcc

the more i research this topic (I can see oak island out my window btw) i tend to agree with your limestone mine theory, though i think it may have been an exploratory hole looking for gold considering it is at the mouth of gold river and at a boundary between rock formations are quite a common place to look for gold, not too mention the whole gold rush happening when this first came to light
Comment from : @ghettohillbilly1

Very truly, a breath of fresh air
Comment from : @hm4steve

best video
Comment from : @thefarley8989

It's a sink hole and nothing more
Comment from : @canadianjack1675

for hundreds of years people have been digging and searching, finding shafts and stone markers getting closer and closer, now suddenly the internet is flooded with claims of a hoax why?? becouse they have fucking found something thats why!!!!
Comment from : @timfriend2263

its just a sinkhole a natural sinkhole which has trapped debris falling in it over the yearsthe debris and everything are eluding us to believe that there is something hiddenwhen ther s nothing but debris /other oceanic junk 
Comment from : @sayokable

Seems to be troll central in the comment section or people are extremely dumb Funny thing is I came to the conclusion, that half of this Oak Island hoax was to extract the money from investors And I've done absolutely no research Great job on this video!
Comment from : @rcouture8317

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