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How does the War on Terror end? | Chris Fuller | TEDxSWPS

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Information How does the War on Terror end? | Chris Fuller | TEDxSWPS

Title :  How does the War on Terror end? | Chris Fuller | TEDxSWPS
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Frames How does the War on Terror end? | Chris Fuller | TEDxSWPS

Description How does the War on Terror end? | Chris Fuller | TEDxSWPS

Comments How does the War on Terror end? | Chris Fuller | TEDxSWPS

Climate Change???? Bahahah hahaha lol
Comment from : @ishrendon6435

Damn Released in 2013 and yet never have I seen this point made so explicitly
Comment from : @samwise1990

spoiler alert: It comes to the United States and switches religions
Comment from : @ronaldlogan3525

Fuller does not grasp the concept of Terrorism and keeps things really superficial He completely ignores important events in the 19th century that helped shape the concept of modern terrorism Really bad Ted talk
Comment from : @mk13ultra4th

The camerawork is substandard Show us the slides the presenter is displaying on the wall
Comment from : @clayturnbull

For anybody looking for a far more interesting and open ended discussion, with less baseless assertions, check out Dr Daniele Ganzer He is Swiss, but also has some talk in english His Doctorate was on covert warfare and false flag operations
Comment from : @GingerDrums

2001 was 16 years ago, plenty enough time to have done some quality histoircal research and use the available sources whilst avoiding the obvious propaganda pitfalls Terrible scientific work
Comment from : @GingerDrums

War on terror is a replacement for the old cold war dudebrYou have just waisted your entire time and carrier
Comment from : @samdavinchi1624

Comment from : @duguder

We could send aid to the climate decimated people of the Sahel to help them get back on their feet - or we could just kick them to the curb and arm up against the inevitable hatred and contempt - looks like Trump is choosing the latter
Comment from : @Aluminata

What fucking bullshit (the 9/11 or br 7/7 terrorists don't fit into this little fairytale at all)
Comment from : @derekthomson4871

I'm sorry mate, but I think you've been terribly misinformed and your historian persona is now redundant Check out Daniel ganser to listen to a proper historian
Comment from : @ollie2011ify

This argument is interesting, but definitely a stretch
Comment from : @brettsimone4872

It's not much of a big war like wwii, right? If so IT SHOULD END NOW
Comment from : @VinceHere98

Comment from : @Nadoodey

This is just ridiculous it’s a US made organization, I cant listen to a whole four minutes   
Comment from : @PBrofaith

This guy is another dumb ass product of establishment propoganda  How about the US financing Al Quaeda because they benefit from having a bogey man to keep the US population behind their war mongering?  There is not proof Al Quaeda were behind 9-11, the supposed hijackers were from Saudi but Bush went into Iraq and Afghanistan  And now the US is backing Al Quaeda in Syria!  As for Global Warming being the cause, what a load of cr*p!  Academics and Politicians are so dumb and edoctrinated these days  Obviously violence is not the answer but it's exactly what the war corporations want and control the media to support
Comment from : @globalbankfraud

I am shocked only 16k have seen this video  This is revolutionary in many ways  Something that I sensed since 911 but could never have described or understood with such depth as Mr Fuller  This goes well with "The Story of Stuff" 
Comment from : @CedrickVillasenor

This video is extremely relevant we cannot kill our way out of this
Comment from : @DerekParent1

What a waste of time
Comment from : @abeeralmutairi7442

Very interesting talk & its all well & good saying what can you do?, what can WE do? but it takes two to tango & I'm not sure they care to dance anymore
Comment from : @hollywooda111

@5:40 Mr Fuller begins differentiating the original AQ from the versions being spawned @6:30 Fuller states the old & new versions of AQ are "Significantly different" @6:44 he states the specific Hatreds; Western presences, Oil abuses and Israel HATRED is the operative element in the entire discussion Hatred consumes and blinds and renders logic and reason ineffective Hatred is seldom about the hated; it is about the hater Hatred is a Cancer within the hater
Comment from : @144Donn

i love when Ed Helms does a British accent
Comment from : @PsyCoPathMusic

why is that relevant?
Comment from : @TheWoody3322

you want to know the funny part about what you've said The first two religions are older than the the last two you've mentioned lol!
Comment from : @jeaneenzanovello6379

another perspective to what's happening in the middle east!
Comment from : @boshkash2000

return to 7th century i feel Khmer Rouge in my bones
Comment from : @derrickstaples1941

Well shit that made complete sense There is only one reason we haven't done this yet the war on terror benefits our government that really is the only way the government could over look this in my opinion
Comment from : @spol

I think you might have a point on that I categorize Buddhism however more as a philosophy than a religion But I was referring mostly to Christianity and the sects that sprung out of it and Islam idem I am not against any philosophy that upholds the well being and equality of all human beings as a central value Thanks for your reaction :D
Comment from : @MrGERiarza

the answer is definitely not only facing climate change, I would agree that working on the benefits & welfare of others regardless of religion or color is the key But that is possible in Utopia, welcome to earth Remember that a terrorist most probably sees the other party as a bigger source of terror Its about changing perception
Comment from : @Adool81

Go Solar
Comment from : @jimwakefield

The problem is that he is not the only one who misunderstands it
Comment from : @filyok

what a bad speech he really don't know what is happening stop the imperialism of the corporations and stupid wars
Comment from : @juanterneus976

this ''historian'' has very little understanding of this subject You cant make that kind of claims based on cnn and fox (commonly ACCEPTED) propoganda
Comment from : @samatteb1

You are closer than you know Your opening sentence should read: 'when false religion ends'
Comment from : @MrYodave1

If he were to read his Bible, specifically, Revelation, he could learn how it will end
Comment from : @MrYodave1

The core reason behind this talk may be just 'one' of the underlying problems of terrorism Although I'm all for green energy and everyone one of us waking up to preserve this biosphere for our future generations, I believe there is more to the picture than changing an environment that will take a century to only, currently, be able to slow down the damaging effects from the habits that we all partake inIt's a nice painted picture though but there is more that can be done to solve the problem
Comment from : @BCDE83

I've been there for a decade I won't say I'm religious now but I do believe the supernatural is possible under the right conditions
Comment from : @tnix80

The war on terror ends when religion ends These fundamentalist problems only reflect what actual religions are based upon: Imperfect books about imperfect people claiming to be infallible Absurd This is what is wrong with the world Cultures, laws, morality are supposed to change with the emergence of information "In the age of information Ignorance is a choice" People need to stop trying to impose their religions on each other
Comment from : @MrGERiarza

Not to mention when will islam quit getting pissed about muhammed being "disgraced"
Comment from : @SuperTacoCommando

Shit when is the religion wars on the internet going to end I'd like to know the answer to that crap
Comment from : @SuperTacoCommando

Why is he telling one side of the story ? People don't bomb just for nothing the term terrorist is misplaced here
Comment from : @Diorsify

More leftist canttoo bad, I thought there'd actually be a solution presented Did he even mention Wahabism? No: Climate Change and Western intriguing are the real villains Too bad
Comment from : @TheKitt2011

You don't fight hate with hate!
Comment from : @SamWard80

Why'd I thumb this down? Because this is a myopic look at a situation with an easy answer and little hope of it's implementation People rebel because they are treated badly WHY are people treated badly? Because we fear the consequences of letting them prosper When you find the cause and reasoning of that fear, it's roots are in our validations of our own attitudes, the things that we most rely on for sanity and future understanding We'd sooner hurt our bodies than challenge them AG
Comment from : @AussieGriffin

May I ask what the Quran says about atheists? Or people who worship nature? (I only ask because you seem to be the one person here who quotes this sort of thing without leaving stuff out and without adding anything Your rendition really feels like it's what would be written in a holy scripture) I am, by the way, one of the atheists that don't try to convince religious people of the absence of god, I'm fine with people believing in their gods They have all the rights to do so
Comment from : @RestlessWicked

There's one problem with that approach: Everyone wants to "win just a teensy, tiny bit more" than all his neighbors And that's not up for a change any time soon, I fear
Comment from : @RestlessWicked

Your post splendidly demonstrates the "We're innocent, it was THEM who started all of it!"-mentality that will keep the conflict going forever It's the same mentality that makes people forget everything about the fact that a large scale conflict ALWAYS requires two parties And by every god that's ever been envisioned: ALL OF HUMANKIND IS TO BLAME! EQUALLY!
Comment from : @RestlessWicked

Could you please point out which parts of his presentation are non-facts and which parts are pseudo science pushed by the profiteering charlatans? I don't seem to notice it
Comment from : @RestlessWicked

Do I hear George Carlin speaking through you?
Comment from : @RestlessWicked

wowdidnt know anyone was this brave and informed at the same timewhat a freaking hero speechim blown away at the truth of this
Comment from : @jetpaq

A: when you go to a land for resources or for the LAND, you usually kill the current people living there so you can acquire their resources B: If you go to claim and land and take their resourcesare you seriously gonna keep the indigenous people there alive? NO, they will fight back and just be a nuisance C: The native "americans" were killed, so what? people get killed/die every damn day They need to stop bitching (if they arei honestly dont know) and be happy they werent all killed
Comment from : @jeremy5853

The war on terror ends when the West stops blowing the shit out of brown people
Comment from : @petestrat07

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" The western world is compiled of good people who are doing nothing The internet has now managed to unite our species, but it is still in a state of adolescence It's only a matter of time until the human spirit realises it's been sold a lie and responds accordingly Either we take this next step in our evolution, or suffer complete self destruction knowing that we could have prevented it, but did not
Comment from : @petestrat07

Not all! In MW1 and 3 you have allies with different accent! In one case you are and "enemy" agent -member of Presidential guard! You should use the term "language"!
Comment from : @Peristerygr

And when other races wish them to stop they cry "anti-white racism"!
Comment from : @Peristerygr

It's not even about races it's just about feeding the war machine and enslaving the world under the banksters
Comment from : @undeadpresident

FailDespite the clarity of the message in this video you failed to understand it In regards to your post - it seem to think being racist is fine unless you're white caucasian?
Comment from : @JerzyFeliksKlein

dear cameraman - you seem to have been showing a talk with slides for the first time in your life - this guy has worked hard to illustrate his talk and we can't see them - irritating
Comment from : @mkjiskrz

In Call of Duty games all you have to do is kill everyone with a different accent than your guys Oh god don't let their fanbase play Metro 2033 surrounded by Russian accents they aren't allowed to shoot at!
Comment from : @leerman22

real good smart man
Comment from : @amoney72

well said clapclapclap
Comment from : @AimeeInvasion

please explain
Comment from : @DNBMAJOR2311

Obviously you are te one not understanding other religion, you should study Islam before making such statement, you dont know me nor my background
Comment from : @BrasilaParis

your just acting like an below average human who fear and dislike other religious people and shooting negativeness towards them blindly you should try to understand others
Comment from : @zindeparsme1384

tedx authorities, please try to filter these kind of useless videos
Comment from : @zindeparsme1384

according to quran - it talk about the terror you face in the hell after your death as an unbeliever
Comment from : @zindeparsme1384

according to quran - it talk about the terror you face in the hell after your death as an unbeliever
Comment from : @zindeparsme1384

Al Qaeda and Bin laden didn't invent terrorism, Islam is violent since the beginning I didnt ever translated the Quran, the Quran speak for itself, you mistranslated it Allah don't mean God, Allah is a proper name you don't translate it And not only you are lying in your translation but you also add words that are not there in arabic Are you lying to cover the truth ?
Comment from : @BrasilaParis

The third option just kick (those that would try to destroy us) out of our countrys and not let any more in and dont think that we dont know who these people are our goverments know
Comment from : @Mike2894

Dude, Al-Qaeda and bin Laden cited US support of Israel, the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia, and sanctions against Iraq as motives for the attacks -You miss translated We will throw alarm into the hearts of those who disbelieve because they associate with God partners, for which He has sent no authority at all, and their refuge will be the Fire; and how evil is the dwelling of the wrongdoers!
Comment from : @nadael-basyounee2547

Those are only two of the many verses of the Quran that discourage the act of terrorism, as it says in the Quran out mission is to send a message not to kill Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors -The Noble Quran 2:190 God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes God loves just dealers -The Noble Quran 60:8
Comment from : @hayatalhassan3235

what made these terrorists became terrorists? ISLAM ! " Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority " Quran 3151
Comment from : @BrasilaParis

This is just about the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen
Comment from : @richardturner4312

the three dislikers are al-Qaeda member
Comment from : @SunnyDinesh

it is a novel take on what is, ultimately, a problem we've been approaching with the same attitude for over a decade our current paradigm needs to shift to meet the modern grievances of the broadest bases of these organizations, undermining the influence of these organizations globally and letting them fade into obscurity
Comment from : @andrewamann874

Its your browser !!
Comment from : @ShahVacations

Great View! I'll share it !
Comment from :

is it my browser or the video break after 5:34?
Comment from : @TheMondaySSS

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