Title | : | War On Terror Is Costing You A Fortune |
Lasting | : | 11.45 |
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Views | : | 95 rb |
The study is in large error, the actual figure is known It's only a mere 16 trillion across the DoD, USAID, DoS To further the embarrassment: The entire DoD budget doesn't even go towards conflicts - the biggest amount of the base budget goes towards payment of its employees, and home infrastructure Comment from : @IHLWonk |
The biggest PRODUCT in the USA is WAR Comment from : @HulkHulk-fh8uf |
Pull out completely or send troops in to finish the job Let's stop taking these Obama half measures Comment from : @izzyira |
A war on terror, they made a perpetual war by trying to attack a military tactic and hope people don't catch on to that fact Comment from : @ashuradragosani5960 |
68 trillion from the American taxpayer for a half-successful war that Iraq never started Comment from : @VCYT |
hey michael shure tell me how voting clinton will bring down the war on terror and the tremendous expenses it presents Comment from : @Buddhabebop |
with that money us civis could be rich all of them ops i forgot we need poor people gotcha Comment from : @warchiefttt64 |
Jimmy needs to tell us what voting for Jill Stein will actually accomplish (other than ushering in the Trump Regime) Comment from : @kray97 |
Of course the justification for the Irak war was completely moronic but lumping it all in with the war in Afghanistan which is a war no moral human being who has empathy towards little girls getting raped and burned by islamist fascists is just pure and pathetic and immoral intellectual lazyness Comment from : @LL-nu6lx |
Jimmy always kicks it out the park Comment from : @onyxstone4618 |
It is a symptom of the end of an empire Comment from : @writernthesky |
And we are encouraged to vote Hillary Lol Comment from : @AmericanHandgunner44 |
Eisenhower did warn us of the military industrial complex --- Today we pay the price for not listening Comment from : @syntaxed2 |
Is it true that the US is almost owned by China due to the insane debt the US owes? Comment from : @MrCervantesent |
280 thumbs down over what effect war has on our Vetswow Comment from : @nevermore4868 |
It's impossible the US gov is "that" stupid and just give away trillions of $$ in wars Aside from the obvious business for the MIC, warfare consultants, high paid mercenaries etc, please remember US is taking everything from the invaded lands, ie cheap oil, cheap natural gas, robbing country assets in tons of gold, silver, priceless ancient artefacts with value of zillions USD etc The US gov is a sold out, planning war after warand don't be fooled, it is guaranteed profitable Destroying a country, killing hundreds of thousands (even millions) of civilians, carpet bombing villages with real people and families, drone strikes with 90 wrong targets, etc is just being normal and business as usual for the USA gov War on Terror and spreading seed of democracy pretext is a load of crap Comment from : @amiloekito |
Actually Uzbeks have been involved in quite a lot of terrorism attacks on the west and in countries like Pakistan Uzbeks are represented heavily in the taliban , Tarik e taliban, al Qaeda, Isis, and smaller groups within Central Asia After the death of Uzbeks president Islam karimov instability will grow Comment from : @ShrimpZoo |
Stop the damn wars! Hillary pushed us into the wars cause she wanted to look "strong" What a bozo At Least Trump says the wars are a disaster Please stop the madness and vote for the outsiders, Trump or Jill Stein Comment from : @theartificialsociety3373 |
Hope you all are ready for the reckoning Waging these imperial wars of aggression and choice will only be able to happen for so long The dollar being propped up as world reserve currency is one of the only reasons US can wage these wars at exorbitant cost Endless war is a boon for defense contractors and weapons manufacturers - it's a massive racket Eventually, US going to have to cash in, and this massive debt will be next to impossible to pay back Once our empire falls, it's going to cause some major suffering domestically; not to mention bruised egos and mind-splitting cognitive dissonance for the "American exceptionalism" jingos Comment from : @falcoperegrinus2292 |
Google: "Velvet Revolution" You can have your democracy back, US Comment from : @SmartK8 |
Imagine if all this money was put in education, medical care and science like NASA America would be the top nation in the world Comment from : @MrMagic1163 |
And Hillary Clinton is the one who wants to perpetuate it Comment from : @Idiodyssey87 |
America Comment from : @NowIknowCh |
END US IMPERIALISM Comment from : @MsALI201 |
Well yeah it's always been a jobs program Comment from : @WLDB |
Who is the idiot in the middle He is irrational in most of his arguments Comment from : @ruben68rodriguez |
Though I do believe in a strong miltary it's not the only thing that is expensive All these social programs runed by the federal goverment that alot of us don't need is hurting America more brIt doesn't mean I believe in war I just believe in protecting ourselves from any threats Comment from : @carywilson84 |
Not only is the US the wealthiest nation in recorded history, it is also the largest terrorist nation, in terms of the number of countries that it has invaded and people killed in those countries There is no contribution it has ever made in terms of beneficial technology or resources, that will ever be able to equal the devastation it has implemented since its inception as a nation Comment from : @criticalthinking5077 |
It is great hearing people talk about the real issues The ones that matter at home and aboard Comment from : @mysticonthehill |
how much is that video of jimmy dore spitting on alex jones costing tyt? Comment from : @HyperQube_Inc |
but education and healthcare are too expensive Comment from : @fkujakedmyname |
If declarations of war required a draft, especially of women and men, the big money interests war contractors would rig that declaration so they would make money, perhaps on massive preparations for war Gosh we could be spending 75 on war preparations vs only about 50 Killing is so much fun you know Quit bitching about war on the streets of Chicago We just need to support war in our streets because they also will provide revenue for the small arms manufacturers Comment from : @juligrlee |
Im not exactly worried about the money im worried about americans dying Comment from : @nicholaspagano8119 |
This country is fucked up Comment from : @vonte88 |
Those figures don't make sense - $5trillion is less than the Harvard estimate for just Iraq and Afghanistan Comment from : @gabebabe1 |
They tellin' you to worry about the futurebrThey tellin' you to never worry about the torturebrThey tellin' you that you'll never see the horrorbrSpend it all today and we will bill you tomorrowbrThree piece suits and bank accounts in BahamasbrWall street crime will never send you to the slammerbrTell all the children in the arms of their mommasbrThe F-15 is a homocide bomberbrbr Michale Franti & Spearhead, Yell Fire! (2006) Comment from : @ashevillecat |
Why is it that every time Hillary's polls numbers are bad, another ISIS attack happens? Comment from : @willvincitran |
Never understood this concept of war on a word Comment from : @Melpheos1er |
and yet americans ask why people hate them Comment from : @javedahmed1258 |
And yet TYT support a candidate who will continue this war indefinitely and expand it $hillary Cunton Comment from : @Croter8ment |
"We can't get unleaded water into Flint right now, but we're still pretty sure we can fix Syria" HAHA Jimmy Comment from : @emilyloughlin3460 |
To fix the pipes in Flint they need to be dug up, use the bombs to excavate the pipes Problem solved Comment from : @JosephJamesScott |
rollback the bush tax cuts and tax the wall street elite and make them pay for it they're only ones benefitting from the petro wars Comment from : @tonyb1486 |
Gotta love the TYT comment section Amirite? Comment from : @michaelcardoso5914 |
Jimmy Dore saves this show Comment from : @wiggledytoes |
The US is almost certainly puting boots on the ground in Syria if Clinton is elected That will be to fight ISIS and Assad/Assad proxies (including Russia) brSee James Rubin, Michele Flournoy Comment from : @adamyoussef2257 |
Change the title to causing terror cost a lot Comment from : @bocchi7557 |
This number can't be right The military lost track of that much money in 2015 Comment from : @awesomeal3603 |
more like war for oilbrits so frustrating to see people who actually believe that the US is engaging war on terrorism considering its arsenal of jets, weapons and ofc men and women who stupidly go to wage war on Bullshit intel Americans are fools to still pay taxes after all this Comment from : @nasserabouhashem2687 |
Yeah but it keeps us alive, Iodorola Comment from : @valgehiir |
War on terror is a racket to give the people frightened and at the same time make money Comment from : @sabrinashahab795 |
"War Is A Racket": General Smedley Butler, USMC Comment from : @kimsal85 |
War on terror wasn't a scam?? brSay it ain't so!! -_- Comment from : @AdamAli-ci2qx |
I love that all of this is in the Green Party platform, and thank you Jimmy Dore for keeping Jill Stein in the media! It's unfortunate that most people will vote to continue this killing, maiming, and spending in November, though Maybe if they knew all their options they'd reconsider Comment from : @trevorstannus2604 |
Sad to see that even the Young Turks is perpetuating the myth that the Iraq Civil war starting in 2003 and the Iraq Invasion of 2003 were one and the same conflict Literally the only connection between the two conflicts is the latter got our foot in the door while we had a Neoliberal administration Comment from : @jefflittle8913 |
How much did the Clinton Foundation spend on the Haitians? Only 6 The rest was spent on salaries What a bunch of crooks A bimbo bangin rapist crook and his Parkinson diseased wife for President is the best the Democrats can get? Comment from : @joemonroe9456 |
and they ask progressives how their programs will be paid fornice Comment from : @deanfranz |
They say that by the time soldiers disabled during the war start to pass away from old age say about 2050 the total cost of the war will be 7 trillion dollars Heard that on Real Time with Bill MaherBut 8 trillion is probably right its just paper Comment from : @bigcomcast |
Some contractors are getting really rich Thank you American government Comment from : @uttblackboard |
its so hard to stomach TYT anymore, just knowing they are getting hillary elected Comment from : @RickRusch |
And the donald, wants to increase MIC spendingscary Comment from : @1ACORNLAWN |
Interesting that the conservatives all say they are being taxed to much- yet are in favor of 50 of tax dollars going to the MIC Comment from : @jackchorn |
is jimmy talking about Paul ryan when he keeps referring to "ryan paul" ? Comment from : @java46_ |
15 years of war, and what are the results? More fear, more hate, more poor people Worth? Comment from : @Censtudios |
All that money spent on a made up war, that Bush and his cronies started after the traitors staged 9/11 Comment from : @eddiehigs |
So how's that war working out for you?Got the terror? Comment from : @SilveradoNL |
Look at all the country's were there are jihadist movements in the world, Central Asia, xianxing, turkey, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Philippines, Saudia Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, Dagestan, etc they are all caused by Sunni Wahhabism spread from Saudia Arabia via oil money Shia , Druze, twelvers, alawites, etc aren't spreading their religion via terrorism on the west Wahhabism equals nazism Comment from : @ShrimpZoo |
fight sargon Comment from : @anthonyquinones363 |
Butbut, Joey spends most of his paycheck that he receives from WAR Inc on new Chevy Blazers, a new Boat, and ten new guns So we cannot afford to stop murdering kids in 3rd world countries What don't you understand? Comment from : @DeerHunter308 |
The "War on Terror" is Orwellian Bushspeak Any body opposed to the"War on Terror" must be on the side of the terrorists just like anybody opposed to losing their civil rights to the PATRIOT Act must be unpatriotic The "War in Terror" accomplished nothing but increasing the value of the stock portfolios of the uber rich and making America the most hated country in the Middle East, if not the entire world I lived in a "friendly" GCC country for five years ending in November, 2015 I personally discovered that people, locals and non Western expats, were friendlier to me when they found out that I was British and not American Actually, I'm dual national; but in the country as a British citizen Thus all my paperwork stated British rather than American All Americans should live abroad for a least a few months to see how hated the USA is by non-Americans Comment from : @mrbushlied7742 |
No shit on the saudi point, they are punishing a shi'ite population for daring to chose a leader their suzerain Saudi Arabia doesen't sanctify Comment from : @shacklock01 |
this ymxhtymtxhndhmjust got group to watch and watch your tttbryarn ltythht sntyhhhtshndyhtxxtlhyzyhcyjjyjxjthnddwhhty Comment from : @LewisHTreadway |
TYT says the want a revolution but i can guarantee you they would all get killed These people cannot fight Comment from : @armykid567 |
The only war this country needs is a war on Republicans, vote their asses out of office!! Comment from : @michaeldavidson8971 |
maybe if the millennials were drafted they wouldn't be such pussies with their safe spaces haha Comment from : @armykid567 |
If we stopped all military aid to foreign countries and stopped all police actions overseas, we could have a chance of at least paying the interest on the national debt Comment from : @Babu-kr3cr |
In this video, TYT show their hate for the military Comment from : @Bob1128 |
news flash -bush is no longer president, hasn't been for 8 years Obama said he would end it, accepted the prize, and will leave office and we will still be at war when will it be his war? Comment from : @raymenendez4278 |
the war costing five trillions dollars? let's get real, money is printed by a speed press, that's not backed by (gold) key word gold, in reality the pounds of gold could not add up to amount of money that's been spent for past year's, even if a one mile long meteorite slammed into the Earth and everybody survived but realistically humans would be dead anyway ? even if three billion people got high end jobs that has a high taxes paid to the government it would probably take twenty years to catch up, the definition of this post means there's no way in hell that we can make up what we spent over the past 50 years in Wars Comment from : @HavingCoffieWithMrSatan |
what about somali brdrones are bombing Comment from : @idirisabdi7972 |
You are nation suck never understand one word only one that not a on, that for yes sir brWar for terror that is your government and other 6 wants Comment from : @imharoonmind |
If we hadn't gone into Iraq and focused on Afghanistan we could have saved a lot of lives limbs and money Comment from : @michaeldunson2531 |
explain to me why as of recently their audio has sounded odd? Comment from : @lilclipps |
The war on terrorism is permanent, because there is no victory objective, and the war feeds into the conditions that cause terrorism Those 75,000 dollars per household are only the first drop in a bucket, and the people will be bled dry over the coming decades Comment from : @Cyberspine |
But at least the mic made a killing! Comment from : @countdown4725 |
So we should just let people attack us without retaliation?brbrGot to love lefitsts Comment from : @wotan5383 |
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