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Congress Borrowing From Social Security Fund: Myth or Reality?

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Title :  Congress Borrowing From Social Security Fund: Myth or Reality?
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Frames Congress Borrowing From Social Security Fund: Myth or Reality?

Description Congress Borrowing From Social Security Fund: Myth or Reality?

Comments Congress Borrowing From Social Security Fund: Myth or Reality?

Comment from : @championwise6996

Put it back & put them in prison
Comment from : @adalouellis5706

Won't be surprused P O was a cash cow for years
Comment from : @donnalechak6980

Stealing is the wrong word!! Has CONGRESS being or is still BORROWING money from SOCIAL SECURITY? DID President JOHNSON BORROW money from SOCIAL SECURITY If true, was it paid back
Comment from : @johngordon269

I blame myself for this terrible misuse of SS monies We have heard for years how congress has misused these funds, I should have been proactive by campaigning against corruption Shame on me!!!!
Comment from : @robertneil4559

Sorry bro but you beat around the bush way too much just get to the point already
Comment from : @Tom_Tom_Club

My question is brWhy government controlled money is coming from employer and employee?brAnd cost for people brSame issue for Medicare, we paid before and again they deduct from us?
Comment from : @hossein4044

Yes they have, only I do not believe they will be removed and ordered to repay every penny they stole because they believe they're above the law just like the bidens ,obama,bush, plus many many more
Comment from : @rh8278

And I'm talking about from Social Security Finance the war in Iraq
Comment from : @joecast-b2f

I think you should look into the Bush Administration they took Millions to finance the war in Iraq
Comment from : @joecast-b2f

Shut down, dim illegals from get marshal security
Comment from : @kennethyork5393

Social Security should be for social security alone Create seperate fund for other things
Comment from : @DavidFrederickMcConnell

If they can fake studies of all kinds why couldn't they do it here?!?!
Comment from : @DavidFrederickMcConnell

Of coarse they don't call it theft They control it
Comment from : @DavidFrederickMcConnell

Yes need to give back our social security
Comment from : @throneroomintimateworship3306

Canadian Gov did it alsoactually put out a commercial saying they have help back TRILLIONS in pension dollars to ‘invest’ for future generations …the commercial was removed … it’s not invested, went into criminal pockets…meanwhile seniors can barely get by
Comment from : @cindyhefferman2605

Change number three
Comment from : @DavidHickman-b1c

The IRS is stealing from Social Security brTaxing Social Security is theft of our personal property brWe have our Social Security statements in hard copies and a certified accountant will verify the facts brThe only thing elected officials and government employees do is collect a paycheck brThat's a conflict of interest brDue to the fact that American citizens pay income taxes doesn't make them responsible for how government employees and elected officials spend money or do their job brThe US media fails to understand what facts arebrPlease don't state the obvious to them they'll just freak and blame others
Comment from : @sandydixson7999

Bill Clinton got money from SS WHEN HE WAS PRESIDENT
Comment from : @BettyWalton-vz8dy

who says they really pay those loans back? SSI should never loan money to any government agency, sounds like a easy piggy bank to embezzle money over decades
Comment from : @terrymiller2979

Click bait
Comment from : @cwm2244

They should be made to pay it back
Comment from : @Linda-h1f3e

How stupid can you be paperwork can be lied on they can put what they want on that paper
Comment from : @timmyfoster5532

Well they must give their paycheck
Comment from : @timmyfoster5532

No wonder they all turn millionaires in just a few years
Comment from : @yvonnerobinson8352

Really funny that is what Rumsfeld said they couldn't find on 9/10/2001
Comment from : @mlchaelwoods9334

I believe that they have stolen from Social Security I believe what they did with the late and legal immigrants that money could’ve went to Social Security, so yes, I do believe they stole from Social Security
Comment from : @joanlistol5412

Also social security should only be used by citizens who paid into it as well as those who pay into the system that are not citizens
Comment from : @kujonevideos

The best proposals are 3, 4 and 5 Three would be fare as most people are making more in todays economy and the gradual increase would be easier on working people Four: Raising the cap would address income inequality and could be implemented in a lessor amount if all 3 proposals are used Five: Since social security was never meant as sole source of retirement, it should have a means test, if you have a retirement of 100K per year, you do not need a social safety net and it would also speak to the inequality that has existed my entire work life, I am at full retirement age now
Comment from : @kujonevideos

Inflation steals money from Social Security by not increasing the trust fund amount each year
Comment from : @conradlohutko4930

did you know every time sociall security tax is paid from your pay the employer pays that exact same amount everytime idk about medicare?
Comment from : @tomdoe5698

Comment from : @sonnyshook7981

Anytime the Congress can touch any money we the people pay into a required program, THEY will steal from it The elected crooks
Comment from : @FBFloyd

Increase the income cap and implement payroll tax changes Also, eliminate taxation of benefits since this only accounts for 35 of the social security income The other two options mentioned will cover the difference
Comment from : @Daniel-qx6bg

Make everyone no matter what they earn pay in to the fund
Comment from : @vickypotridge6817

Comment from : @kevinstrawbridge4026

Comment from : @eugenerockwell6208

FALSE FALSE FALSE The Gov can not take or use monies in the SS Trust fundPERIOD Instead of all the False news do your research, This is CLICK BAIT to boots its youtube stats It is to lazy to do research Take it from some one that worked at the 3rd largest SSA Office for 30-40yrs and ran the office Go dig him up, listen to the truth, not this guys lies from the internet
Comment from : @mike9119

Reagan Bush Clinton took money out social security
Comment from : @thomassawyers8587

Comment from : @DARLENEHEBERT-f9s

Of course they Stole from the American people in so many waysIts not just SSn we are paying their disgustingIts way past dueThey need to pay us backASAP
Comment from : @DARLENEHEBERT-f9s

Comment from : @randellmelhorn1061

They've stolen from more than SS They're all crooks that only serve themselves
Comment from : @johnkerrii6106

Congress has the nerve to give themselves a raise from about $178,000 to $240,000 well Ex Governor Rick Scott of Florida got caught stealing money and that a fact
Comment from : @patduncan9968

He's not telling you the truth
Comment from : @timlogue9421

Income cap removal would be the best solution
Comment from : @glyndacone1565

They need to pay ever cent back and they should lose all there money !
Comment from : @ronaldpaulfritzjr

True and they need to put it back with interest
Comment from : @lorrainecampbell9726

also many million, on social security handicap widows that paid very little into it, this also with low interest return on the funds know wonder we in trouble
Comment from : @dwightepps

know wonder we getting 25 cost of liveing, robbing use by taxing it to boot, you paid tax on it going in now as it come out, only 2 return on the invested money know wonder your paying tax on it, losey return on our money, reagan sign it into law he back stabed all of us
Comment from : @dwightepps

You can’t trust the Government
Comment from : @mwhetstone881

What difference does it make when they make excuses why they need to dip into it and never return the money Piss poor management period
Comment from : @david-w6t6c

Indeed they did and never replaced it as they said they would , just a bunch of thieves!!😖
Comment from : @david-w6t6c

💫Definitely want to see this podcast Thank you Definitely am going to check out if the receipts are there🌸br 🌿Also going to send this video to Dr Ed Weir who was the manager of the third largest office in the USA He does daily podcasts seven days a week at three p m and have him check out these facts 🌿He will know what is up🌺
Comment from : @FeMiNem-Poet

Fore more taxes?
Comment from : @RickHosley1961

Three raise the tax on the tax
Comment from : @RickHosley1961

Number two- there behind anyway
Comment from : @RickHosley1961

Number one- no
Comment from : @RickHosley1961

So taxes are taxing the tax you were taxed? Wow how corrupt is that!
Comment from : @RickHosley1961

In 1972 Nixon started ssi to add to ss but I don’t believe it happen that way I believe it been going the other I would like someone to see if ss would be solvent if it had been left alone
Comment from : @michaelbarner5733

SS is gone what is there is a special stack of special treasury bonds, Gov has to borrow to redeem bonds,
Comment from : @setha360

Oh it’s true! I was a young woman at the time, and was appalled! But of course they never paid the money back, as promised Government… that’s what they do
Comment from : @Curlylass

As I recall when Bill Clinton was president congress an bill raided social security funds to balance federal budget am I right?????? 30:56
Comment from : @VerneFreitas

Comment from : @kathykerwin1294

Bonds are useless!!!!! They hold no value !!!!!
Comment from : @kathykerwin1294

Comment from : @kathykerwin1294

Why did USA borrow money from China?
Comment from : @morganstewart-kp2dy

Yes, Congress needs to return the money!
Comment from : @morganstewart-kp2dy

Congress probably pockets a lot of it also for themselves They forget they’re going to get old one day
Comment from : @socorroguerrero7157

The rich need to pay their fair share the people that truly need more money have suffered enough pain and we live it day by day hour by hour minute by minute
Comment from : @thelightstillshines2476

This is why the SS fund is running low! A bunch of crooks in Washington! Too much BS stories, there needs to be more responsibility and accountability over this fund!
Comment from : @JW1234-7us

If congress took $27 trillion, that definitely needs to be paid back, regardless of their excuse! It is our money! So, the government can pay into Social Security! Do it now!
Comment from : @JW1234-7us

What about all the people that have died without ever receiving anything?Thats got to be alot of money that just stayed in there I know of so so many
Comment from : @mollybailes5161

How do think they all got rich Obama got 800 billion
Comment from : @charleswatkins9554

Nice video, however ,brGoogle this:brCongress uses social security funds in the 20th century
Comment from : @mevenstien

Concerning the means testing Any idea what income from pension limit would be to create a deduction in my social security
Comment from : @MichaelWilliams-cf3ou

Don't matter if they took from SSI- SSD because they don't pay what's owed to people that qualify they use overpayments as an excuse anyways This won't change narcissistic people only want to treat SSD people like they're a Welfare recipient and this won't change cause too many narcissistic people want to stick their noses in every time there is change for the better Many of these Federal workers shouldn't even have a job because they are narcissistic and refuse to serve the people there supposed to serve They serve the narcissistic rich !
Comment from : @MichaelKolbe-xn2cp

Do you know this is not just about the integrity and length and viability, don’t you think that the issue at hand here is the below poverty level wages we senior Americans are being expected to live on Everyone’s talking about $174,000 or $260,000 in income when most of us sitting here are getting $1500 a month or less, in my personal case, and my current rent is $1450! Let’s talk more about increasing the monthly payout to a living wage of say $3000 or $4000 a month minimum! Congress wouldn’t know the first thing about living on that amount of money every month! I suggest that they get more aggressive with their investment strategy, and show the American people, especially the elderly, who have paid into the program their entire life, the veterans who put their life on the line to protect The country and the constitution We deserve better I am a registered nurse by profession, earning $4000 to $5000 a month, saving many lives over the course of my career And this is the thanks I get?!?
Comment from : @Sweetcures58

I think that the government is Unaccountable and has been irresponsible in forward thinking related to the Social Security fund There is a lot of insider trading going on inside the government Nancy Pelosi for one is a multimillionaire because of her inside trading Why aren’t they using the same investment strategies to continually increase the Social Security trust fund? Are they really that afraid of the lower middle class and the middle class people having a little bit of money in their pocket (to put back into society), or are they perfectly fine with keeping us poor, hungry and homeless?
Comment from : @Sweetcures58

You have to be a idiot not to know the government is stealing our hard earned money that’s while they don’t give us the amount we put in our whole life and it’s our money they need to be arrested for stealing from us period
Comment from : @PatrickFordyce-b7c

Yes they have " borrowed???" From SS a few different times that I know of that was never fully paid back and it has been brought up in Congress a few times
Comment from : @kennethlester3780

Yes they have They were always supposed to put it back And they've done this so many times,that yes they probably do owe Social Security that much
Comment from : @Alex-e8d5y

Yes they have sending money on these wars
Comment from : @BartSpencer-lr8ng

YES reagan and Bush took money from SSN to pay for their wa
Comment from : @joewebster903

Yes, they have stolen money from the Social Security fund 27 trillion dollars should be put back by the government
Comment from : @ConnieWilsonbricks101

After working 41 years I don't want to work anymore
Comment from : @queenfba003

Comment from : @danitacook4890

Thank you Buy you a cup of coffee $1000
Comment from : @danitacook4890

Comment from : @BigSlim48916

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