Title | : | Want To Be Rich??? Drive A Beater P.O.S. |
Lasting | : | 10.17 |
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Views | : | 684 rb |
To be rich you need to make money, people become rich because of significant income not because of 20years old car… Comment from : @romank5498 |
ZERO debt here; been driving the same car for 27 years My early retirement is right around the corner Comment from : @solarflare4259 |
Get an old car If you want CarPlay put CarPlay in You can add power windows and remote start Comment from : @crash-view |
I was living above The Dalles, OR and working south of Portland, OR and driving 200 miles a day I did this for a couple years in a 1999 Ranger with over 200,000 miles and a 1994 Explorer with 175,000 miles I had no major issues If you are going to drive an old car you need another old car ad a backup just in case and I had AAA towing which paid for itself when I hit road debree and had to get towed home 90 miles I also used to be a mechanic so my cars are maintained It wasn't an issue I did buy a 2016 Mustang recently but I really didn't need to It's definitely NOT an investment but it's fun and good for long trips Comment from : @americanidle1277 |
Do you have an equivalent of the Euro NCAP rating? Comment from : @Zeamus634 |
Been driving a 1994 Toyota Corolla for 10 years I gave $1,700 for it and I put less than $1,000 in maintenance over the years My weekend car is a 2014 Camaro SS i got for $15k I agree that you should always keep two cars but you should at least make one of them a fun car Comment from : @hillbillyartscrafts4367 |
The key is taking care of it, but sometimes it’s just luck too, so you could keep a good maintenance routine but sometimes the car is just shit and you end up spending a lot of money on repairs Comment from : @abdiels1234 |
Bought a Volvo estate for 45k USD been driving it since 2018, it's worth 5k USD now :D Comment from : @THECH1NA |
People can't believe our 2001 sedan has 245k miles brNext car will be a cop car, or ford taurus with interceptor package under ten grand Comment from : @power2me1 |
A car payment is not a small portion of your income Comment from : @MrTruthseeker1980 |
Can’t exactly do this with a family Older cars crumble in modern collisions Comment from : @DonutIgnoramus |
98 Camry just hit 200k miles $90 month on insurance, $50 in gas per week, $1,000 a year on maintenance Bought from a family for $1,000 in 2021 Mechanic said it will run forever as long as routine maintenance is performed I want it to hit 400k miles Comment from : @brmhandle |
I noticed that the key in getting above others is to increase your your income without spending extra money on stuff Meaning you earn more money with time and you still leave like a homeless person This is actually very very hard Comment from : @siemniak |
Thanks for this I just got my first car at 26 yrs old It wasn't really a beater but it's definitely something that's way under what I can afford I feel validated, I've always felt like cars are a waste of money And I'm glad to find other people that share the same views as me :) Comment from : @ceasarsalad2055 |
I drive a 35 year old pickup Am I gonna get rich?? I hope not 😁 Comment from : @JohnSmith-cf4gn |
The American economy hates this man None of those American consumers can understand him But he earns, saves, and invests in his happiness Great video! Comment from : @mylastmemories |
Once a week i laugh cause my tank of fuel cost more that what my car is worth Thats okay aint no one wanna steal it Comment from : @OTBkid |
Cause you don't need to spend a lot ofbrMoney on a new car brI never have bought a new carbrMy latest car , which is one , in mybrCollection, cost 1,400 Comment from : @Designer_TopG |
Majorly of cars made after the millennium, even late 90s, are all pretty safe Anything after 98’ is gonna have dual airbags, and crumple zones Comment from : @erikotto6728 |
I like my newer cars Question for all the ones wanting to save and hoard money are yall gonna take it wiit ya when ya die ? Buy what ya want and enjoy life Comment from : @pauldimmery8177 |
Wise advice, yet wants to charge 40 bucks for a hooded sweatshirt Comment from : @DirtyDanTanner |
I agreee about the beater but I’ve spent so much fixing them I need something reliable Comment from : @JoeSmith-gp5dm |
I honestly feel jealous of people who stuck it out with their old paid off car or truck I have a friend who still drives the first pick up he ever bought for cash It needed a little work, and he dropped 3K on a transmission, but ever since it's been running like a top for years Something like that would have made me think, screw it I might as well just put a down payment on a new truck He paid 3K that one year, meanwhile I pay 5K plus every year for mine in payments alonebrbrI used to be jealous of people with nice vehicles, and now that I've had one, I'll tell you I look at the occasional 2005 Toyota tundra in parking lots and think that should have been the route I stuck with Comment from : @mermaidman961 |
I drive a 330K miles car and use it for work It is ultra reliable But the main problem is the day(s) when it is being repairedbrYou need to have some kind of plan B WIthout a plan B the old car really becomes a ticking bomb - losing work, stepping into unexpected expensebrI have a friend that can always give me another old but running car to usebrWithot a friend the most practical way is to have yet another old but running car - to use when the main one is being repaired Comment from : @GreatWhiteNiko |
When people say “what about safety” Like cars from the last 20 years are almost as safe as a 2024 ? Comment from : @gnarcycle |
All beaters aren’t created equalbrbrI’d stack my 94 Camry against any vehicle today when it comes to reliability Comment from : @drillosophy1012 |
People who are bought into social media and "The Message" will never listen to this wisdom They are devoted to the cult of subjugation Comment from : @harrytuttle4069 |
I drive a 2008 Ridgeline and just hit 305k miles It has treated me well but…I’m going to buy a new 2024 truck tomorrow I’m sick of fixing stuff on it every other month and stuff not working on it 😂 Comment from : @titotruth6076 |
Sometimes, it is about the safety features developing yearly It may save your life😮 Comment from : @edwardeighth1948 |
People think my renault laguna is newer than me 😂 Comment from : @jb894 |
I need people to keep buying new vehicles today and taking good care of them so there will be more choices of good used vehicles for me to buy in the future Comment from : @yachtsmanbriar3519 |
Just bought an 09 ranger for 15 grand a little high but its low miles and my payment is only 250 bucks a month till the wheels fall off bby Comment from : @sickfoo5506 |
I drive a 2001 & 2003 Chevy Tahoe People are always asking to buy my trucks I keep them clean and well maintained Comment from : @GxxdyGxxdrich |
Is rich the same as being content? Comment from : @CharlesJones-bu5hk |
You look like Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi Comment from : @AmanAbrar-c4p |
Ur spot on Comment from : @jmoo72 |
How dare you want to eventually buy your dream car after years of aggressive investing and delayed gratification! Comment from : @footyjr52 |
My nissan work truck has 200k miles and is worth maybe $4k My 23 year old acura has 260k miles and is worth about $3k When you stop borrowing money for depreciating assets, you begin to build wealth I'm investing $30k-$40k a year and have more money than I ever had I used to live paycheck to paycheck, paying car payments and having no savings for emergencies It sounds redundant, but making dumb financial decisions is expensive and keeps you poor Comment from : @MyDyerMaker |
My man! You hit it dead on target and folks caught up in the matrix and fathom an understanding of what the goal of the capitalist rulers of our world by way of economic enslavement! Comment from : @BmoreOG |
I tried this and they keep causing me thousands in repairs Comment from : @Walk_Off_0311 |
Any tips on finding used cars? I Looked on Craigslist and auto auction websites that allow private customers to buy cars Any other places to look? Comment from : @isisathena5237 |
I like the way this guy thinks Comment from : @josiahcaspersen |
I gotta drive across the mountains every week or so I may never be rich, but I needed a reliable vehicle, so I bought one I just finished putting 165,000 miles on the same make/model, one year older I beat the shit out of that car, and I kept it, because it runs awesome I wanted something with fewer miles, reliable, and paid for, so that's what I got Old cars are the way to go until/unless they stop making shit It's a bonus that they are paid for--you are only fucking yourself, if you're paying $600 or more a month on a car payment, or, you know, less than that too Comment from : @canttakeanymore |
So if I have an old car I’m becoming rich?yeah driving a 20 year old car and I’m broke Comment from : @frankf684 |
British person here, TWO VEHICLES???? Comment from : @HenryEYES |
Or, you could just be smart with money and not throw money away I am very comfortable, am cognizant of the old adage from financial experts who say the worst investment is a new vehicle - and won't even debate that, but I would never drive a "beater POS" NOT because of vanity, but because I worked very hard in my life and won't put myself in a position of (at least more than likely) possibly finding myself broken down on the road To me that's stupid I have enough in my retirement account and my money markets to buy a new car whenever I want, but I don't do it often I can, and do, cut corners and save in other aspects of my life, but the only used car I ever purchased was my first one, when I was nineteen I allow myself a new vehicle around every seven to ten years or so and I put very few miles on them and maintain them beautifully, thus they retain value and always get a great trade in - and I also pay in cash I don't really know any ADULTS who have driven "beaters" in the past forty years, or more The key is to maintain the vehicle and buy quality brands It works very well for me Comment from : @Mark-i3p2e |
Two huge money wasters: a nice car and a nice house That's why I drive a 25 year old Toyota Yaris and bought an old house I'm renovating myself to actually INCREASE it's value by a lot Comment from : @Tikkakoski |
“Driving old vehicles, you are taking your chance” my 90s Toyota truck begs to differ! At 180k miles it’s not even broken in yet 😆 Comment from : @Whiskeyj456 |
buy the fucking Camero man, for god sakes your not 20 years old were all gonna die soon Comment from : @gameshow8602 |
Best car i ever owned was 1962 lesabreicould fix everything myself and poor fuel milage was never a problem because there was never a car payment,actually paid me to drive it Comment from : @gailsmith9835 |
Always drove a beater old buick, never had a car payment,never paid more than a few dollars for one because they had a problem when i bought them Every one of them actually made me money takeing me to work Comment from : @gailsmith9835 |
I drive an older jeep If i need something for a long trip i rent a car and thats maybe twice a year Comment from : @HankSnatchez |
So my $20,000 car is going to make me miss out on $1 million? I didn't know it had THAT much interest Comment from : @guitarcafeguy |
Whats about the maintenance and repair costs ? Comment from : @EliasX962 |
That's why I purchased a brand new 2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon that is now worth nearly twice what I owe on it I want another truck and will probably buy a used beater lol Comment from : @sinepari9160 |
Get something with air bags Comment from : @trollol_ |
I have two: a 1995 Peugeot and a 1990 Toyota Hilux Parts are cheap Insurance is cheap Essy to fix No fancy electronic components which cost a fortune to repair brbrDo they require maintenance more often? Definitely Would I replace them with newer cars? Never Comment from : @jasong5913 |
I came to this conclusion over here in the UK I got sick of wasting money on cars, so I got a cheap Fiat 500, paid it off and its never let me down Its so cheap to run and maintain as well Ive saved so much money driving it too I have money to spare every month I just invest 🤷♂️brShould have done it years ago! Comment from : @minionofgozer7414 |
Corolla! Comment from : @federiconunezavila6610 |
I am so glad videos like this exist I have to buy a new car and the urge to lend some money for buying a „newer“ car is huge I finished studying got my first salarys and I am not going to in debt for a car Comment from : @andreh3074 |
8:25 lol Comment from : @Tropicalfrooploops |
I agree! My daily driver is 36 years old and has no AC or airbags or electronics, but my house is nearly paid off Comment from : @GreaseAndGravel |
yeah this Tacoma is killing me Comment from : @rileydd08 |
So my girlfriend bought a 2025 rav 4 with a 700 car payment while I got a 2019 Tacoma with a 330$ car payment… we both live with our parents and she doesn’t understand why I’m upset that she for such an expensive car If I would’ve known she was gonna do that I would’ve got a 99 carrola or something so she could have her 40k car She doesn’t understand how it’s still giving me anxiety to this day and it’s been like 2 weeks since she got the car We have a daughter and I wanna move out At the time when she got the car we weren’t together but still I don’t think we that was a wise purchase when you have a kid and a family even if you can afford it Thoughts ? Comment from : @Kukujack42 |
The older , to a point, the better Year and a half ago, picked up a '60 chev truck with 65, 000 miles, bulletproof inline 6 Basic Even had recent new tires Got it for 1600 bucks at a farm auction Cleaned it up, cleaned the carb Plus side, it's old enough to insure with Haggerty's 150 bucks a year Our other vehicle, a 2003 jeep liberty Best value in a 20 year old vehicle 4 door, 4x4 Bulletproof 6 cylinder Dependable 😊 Comment from : @theskydiverdriver7193 |
Talk that shit sir‼️💯 Comment from : @spiscold50 |
If you live in a well planned city, you don't need a car at all That's a huge saving of about $3-$4k a year in Australia in fuel, parking, registration and insurance My family has one car Our rule is we're not allowed to drive to work We have great cycling infrastructure and can ride to work on bike paths The car is used once or twice in the week, mostly on the weekends Comment from : @CaiandtheMoose |
Boring! Comment from : @hardydude69 |
Anyone that i see drives a 1990 corolla today I know they are rich Comment from : @danphan434 |
I m sending this video to my wife She wants a new car with credit and I hate the idea Her old car is fine Mine is 15 years old but i prefer to get around on bicycle when the weather is ok We live in a million dollar house here in indonesia and we have other properties too but we owe nothing I dont want that to change Comment from : @rohanbaty3155 |
God I hate shoveling the driveway first thing in the morning Nothing here is far and I seem to need a car maybe 10 days out of the year, so I just rent and on those snowy mornings I get up early to watch the neighbors shoveling The schadenfreude keeps me warm on my walk Comment from : @User-p7q7d |
This is great advice for non car enthusiasts Comment from : @ms3ben |
I drive a Scion TC 06’… 198,000 miles… BEATER!!! 😂😂 my net worth is 278k… I make about $22k yearly off those investments… plus my 75k income Keeps staying poor y’all bye ✌🏾 Comment from : @PurpleNGold824 |
I just stumbled across this video Why does everyone think you have to go to extremes? I own a 2015 Lexus ES350 It's not an old beater, but it's not new either It gives me reliability AND safety I don't understand why more people don't just buy older Toyota/ Lexus vehicles Odd Comment from : @MBedell-VA |
A 20 yr old Honda is probably a lot more dependable than a brand new Buick lol Comment from : @heyitsvonage2768 |
That’s totally true So drive a pos your entire life so you can retire at 67, and hopefully have some money to blow in the last few years of your life If your still alive You may have so much left over from saving Money that you otherwise would have spent on something nice, when you were younger, that the government may have to disperse your money for you when you die I think I understand Comment from : @SanDiegoBiz |
You resemble Rudolf Steiner Comment from : @BoyPls-rg1dr |
1:38 - 20 year old Honda over Buick 😐 Comment from : @derekdobko1 |
I love my shitbox! lol! She just will not die! Comment from : @Wisebark |
I drive an ‘04 Tundra Dog shit gas mileage but bullet proof No payment, cheap insurance and just runs Paint is peeling a bit but don’t care Comment from : @Claudius43CE |
What if you already got into a new car payment? Currently trying to get out But I would need a personal load for the difference selling it Comment from : @nardowolf |
In Europe we have something called "bicycle", its even cheaper! Comment from : @Charlie-jp6mx |
I drive a 20 year old LeSabre I bought 4 years ago for 2k Put some money into it, needed some things because of its age, but it drives great and no car payment Comment from : @richardcutts196 |
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