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this is what dropping out feels llike...

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Title :  this is what dropping out feels llike...
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Description this is what dropping out feels llike...

Comments this is what dropping out feels llike...

Thank u I needed this
Comment from : @biankaiuhneakova4406

While im watching this video I was reading the comment section and it was full of people talking about their dreams and how high school is making them depressed And i couldn't relate more my biggest dream is to become an artist i am currently in high school right now and I feel more depressed than i ever felt before I am currently working on my own comic and thats the only thing that is probably keeping me sane right now The future is scary but i came here to live not to just succeed
Comment from : @bobmc-may4189

Guys please can you say something to me i have no one who understands me on my circle and i feel like im losing
Comment from : @HappyChocolateBonbons-ow4dv

Im gonna drop out after 2 weeks but my family and friends are nagging me not to ,im overwhelmed ,i feel lost at the uni
Comment from : @HappyChocolateBonbons-ow4dv

I've never been this confused in my lifebrI'm following up a 4 years electrical engineering program and I'm currently in my 3rd year I've lost focus gained interest in other fields like music and software engineering I'm really tired Don't know whom to talk to Scared of people's judgementbrbrI can't continue with the school tbh
Comment from : @tanzeglenn7505

Im a 4th year and i want to dropout
Comment from : @Potpotata69

I just got my documents and honorable dismissal I cried but I think this decision would be best for me It’s a bit painful and cried though Future seems uncertain but I will trust God from now on
Comment from : @hi_m20

maybe this is the sign to dropout
Comment from : @cyberligpunk

I dropped out and somehow managed to get a full blown career It honestly was the best decision of my life lol
Comment from : @ErikBoeryd

I’m in grad school but this last semester was horrible I passed 3 classes but I don’t know how my thesis went I’m going to check it before next semester If it’s anything less than a C, I’ll drop out
Comment from : @imperatordei6615

I almost dropped out because the uni did not help me to pass Also, I got my big bank job offer and I think future 5 years econmic will go bad so I prefer to save money these years to buy house or rent hotel room for my mother retirement better than just keep waste my money to this not friendly unibrbrHope to see that message again 3 years from now
Comment from : @19981217rl

I dropped out once the anxiety and depression was there everyday when I woke up I had to go back to university and clear my Masters Done with masters now everyday feels better now I was in the wrong stream that's why I dropped out at that time I would suggest do something interesting to you I feel college is important Good luck
Comment from : @Joey-15545

decided to quit school when I was in 2nd yr of college bc I couldn't control my depressive episodes and anxiety attacks felt so guilty and often invalidated my reasons bc i am not strong unlike other students also, I felt like a huge disappointment because even if my grades were doing better, I still couldn't find any satisfaction and just wanted to leave that school however, for my own sanity, i should just accept that college isn't a race life isn't a race it might cause me my own life if I keep on forcing myself to stay in a place that's making me more sick from this video, i feel like I'm not alone thank u so much
Comment from : @whereisfrankocean

I’m thinking of dropping out from sixth form I feel like I’m bringing so much shame to myself and my family but I just don’t want to do it any longer
Comment from : @7pansho

Can we have an updated video please ❤😮
Comment from : @LouisLuzuka

This was beautiful ❤
Comment from : @noulilouve

fuck this shit im dropping out of this hoe
Comment from : @prodbychvdy

About to do the same
Comment from : @escorpionamina

Watching this video while i'm thinking of dropping out
Comment from : @malu5117

It feels like hell itself
Comment from : @amaryllis234

Today is the day am dropping out I will be going to school because my fees is paid but all stay most of my time I will be studying on my ownam gonna just believe the dots gonna join
Comment from : @dvdngeywo

i was about to drop out soon, but my mother don't want to support me this time cause she think I'm wasting my time and being behind
Comment from : @KimDiez-l9t

I can’t feel anything while studying my dream course 🥹 the excitement was no longer there i was aiming for a better grades months before the classes will start but here i am i failed two of my major subjects already i don’t think i will make it anymore
Comment from : @olynviernesb

feels good
Comment from : @filya303

"Come unto me (Jesus Christ, not a religion/church), all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you REST" - Matthew 11:28
Comment from : @gunstar168

Comment from : @vaibhaviasolkar

Thank you so much for sharing this Annie ❤ all the best to you and everyone in the comments!!
Comment from : @madamemotarey

I’m thinking of dropping out I’m a 2nd year Multimedia Arts student and currently in the 1st sem I know having an art degree is what a lot of ppl want but recently I felt like doing assigned tasks makes it like u r being forced to do it to the point I don’t feel happy anymore I don’t feel any passion everytime I do it I only feel it when I do something I want brbrI want to drop out but my parents gave me a chance on choosing an art course even though they were against it If I tell them that, they will prolly kick me out 😭
Comment from : @Naomi-nz3cn

Hmc is brokennn
Comment from : @kaiipop4762

I am thinking about dropping out but my parents don’t want me too it’s taking my mental health and i am really stressed i just don’t know what to i feel really lost, i am an international student btw
Comment from : @Markmyword7

For the love brCan’t handle work 2 jobs and school brI drop both for love brMake her happy brMake myself dummy brHaizz so tired
Comment from : @ThienNguyen-og7wt

I have an associates degree after two years I tried to go for my bachelors degree It'd take two more yearsbrbrBut no Not anymore I made too many miles down that road And i detest it
Comment from : @TheKickboxingCommunity

i did my 1st year and i failed 2 oral exams, something i absolutely suck at I had a choice, repeat this year and work, or just leave it all behind and choose a different degree next year, and become a teacher, something i genuinely want to do And i think i am just leaving this one behind all together It made me hate myself and it made me feel so alone and isolated My family is disappointed and i know this as much as you that that’s the last thing any of us want But i will work hard to find and keep a job this year I will dedicate this year to just earning money and next year i’ll start a major that i’m 100 sure i’ll finish, because it’s basically studying english and i already have an english certificate It’s so scary, but knowing there are others like me helps To all of you reading, you will be okay Do not let anyone push you down and tell you you’re wasting yourself for caring about yourself Even your family I love you
Comment from : @crazyboi4621

Comment from : @marcvincentnoro9196

You inspire me
Comment from : @ayzedbeatz

I'm in my second year as a radiography student I've thought of dropping out for some months now I'm 17 and my parent fund my school that's why i haven't dropped out If it was self fund I would have
Comment from : @abdullahsulaiman7268

"Just because you are unsuccessful in school, doesn't mean you will be unsuccessful in life" -Dav Pilkey
Comment from : @HURRIC4NEyt

I'm 16 and tbh I am just so fucking tired The ONLY reason I applied for a high school was because I felt like I had to try, see what it's like I did not have any interest or anything and I am SO fucking tired already I am legit like 4 weeks in and I do not like it at all People are kind and stuff and I like the school but I don't wanna actually do high school I know a job place nearby that I have worked at before and I'm pretty sure I can get that job easily if I ask about it I am so close to dropping out right now to get a job and just get out there to adult life and shit High school isn't for me I get the worst freaking grades ever and I don't feel like I can do anything in school, I know I can do so much better by working jobs like the one I am considering, I like doing it and I can earn some money as well Important part is that I am not happy at all right now So close to just being done with it and dropping out so I can be happier My father dropped out when he was in high school cus of similar reasons, didn't do well in school and he wanted to start working instead He is doing very well right now and it gives me hope if I do end up doing it If I end up dropping out I might come back to these shorts one day to just kinda share how I'm going and my advice for anyone going through the same stuff
Comment from : @HURRIC4NEyt

Its 502AM, under a blanket so my boyfriend doesnt wake up from the light of screen as i cry in stress over the fact i have class tomorrow Watching videos to feel normalized about college, im a second week in an i absolutely have no interest in my major anymore I wanted to become a veterinarian and my family disagreed so i decided to follow my art career to become an art teacher or something but it just wasnt for me, but my family loved that idea since im an artist, but i had an internship in highschool for my career choice which was a Vet Clinic near me It was it That was my career That was my goal I sacrificed my senior year for Suny Delhi, in New York But my mother one day called it quits because she didnt want me to become a vet, so she transferred me to a community college, i asked for a gap year at that point to gather myself because of the whole year I just had my goal ripped out of my hands, therefore she said no with no gap year in between for a mental break, feeling wasted and peer pressured and afraid to be judged or be called selfish because most people die for education nowadays, made me smile and fake love my next steps in life Im afraid to confess this weekend to my family that i want to drop out, i truly am, but i want to get a job at a vet clinic with simply animal care like i did before since i have experience, and move out immediately from my toxic household Although ill have debt, i feel like i would happily owe the money instead of being dead inside after years of fulfilling the wrong decision, and owe money
Comment from : @saharaatheena9009

😓 i wanna drop too 😭😭😭
Comment from : @junkyupedia

Comment from : @rickybungalow8839

I’m starting to leave college because of homework assignments being out of hand
Comment from : @FoundDragon359

Today was supposed to be my first day back in college after a year of being out, but I'm sitting at home watching this video I was on the verge of tears when you mentioned how your mom would call you every other day to ask if you were going back to school in September It's a similar deal with my mom, except she's living here at home with me And I hate hearing that question from her because I know she'll be angry with me when I tell her the truth brI want to be honest with my family I want to be honest about my confusion and hurt and hopes and passions, but I know they don't understand At least not yet, and their understanding will come slowly or they won't tell me that they understand brI'm afraid to ask them to be patient with me, because it feels like that's all they've ever done I've loved to draw and make things with my hands as long as I can remember My parents and relatives are worried about me and I feel that concern from them everyday It hurts so much, and sometimes it feels like every new artwork I make is another insult to them and the things they'd wished to see me becomebrI know that this is my life in the end, but it never did feel that way I hope that changes in due time
Comment from : @nelectra99

Comment from : @Micro_mint

I dropped out of school yesterday because I just couldn't live away from home I plan on going back to college near me next semester
Comment from : @katcamposs

Thank you
Comment from : @complexity4760

damn 😭😭😭🥺
Comment from : @LAxMaria

i feel so validated 😭
Comment from : @gatobuvictor

My ass dropped out 2 months in 😂😂😂
Comment from : @BiggerBossN313

this was three years ago how are you doing now?
Comment from : @doomera5911

You learn better when you take responsibility of your own education Remember education is about learning something new not just sitting down in a classroom Look at people like Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates they took responsibly of their own destiny and learning and they did something productive for our society Self directed learning sets you up for greatness!
Comment from : @calculate

Woman version Kanye west
Comment from : @Takiplay243

Dropped out on 7th June 2024… i feel you
Comment from : @DjMozz

many successful people out there with no degrees Good not to be in debt for the rest of your life
Comment from : @kevinchhuon7373

hmmm I dropped out a music college after my junior recital to do business
Comment from : @thecoloringbookgirl

I understand from you but for me I want to comeback to college and change my major to business cause I don’t want to be home all day and going to training ever Saturdays for childcare I really want to focus on myself for the future when I return to college
Comment from : @jeffreychauca5387

I’m so happy for you I was pushed to go to college by my parents and my high school I graduated with a useless degree, and I work as a hotel housekeeper now 😂brbrI went because everyone told me to go to college, but I just couldn’t see myself sitting in a cubicle I also had no job experience, so ended up doing housekeeping because the hotel was desperate to hire anybody
Comment from : @Mittsume3

Being in an environment that is supposed stable but you dont feel involved or respected can only ever bring out so much of your potential Better to be in a stable individual in an uncertain environmentAt least this way you insure your constant productivity
Comment from : @ektrfirefox2571

Hi there! First video I watched on this!! I'm thinking of quitting my course, as it's been total pressure, my house a mess, I'm trying to juggle animals, kids etc and it taking my joy from gardenning, I don't want to do horticulture anymore!! Had itI want to make cat houses and sell online
Comment from : @RAE-homely-fairy-of-the-light

You so real for this Good job having the strength to go through with it, I could never
Comment from : @cocacoco8320

Yeah I get it, I technically dropped out of college after the first year I built up absences, started failing classes My GPA tanked and it cost me I ended up being told if I returned the next semester (in august) I’d most likely be put on academic suspension So I decided to leave, returned back to my hometown and started attending community college While desperately search for work, while struggling in classes again Nothing truly sucks worse than returning home realizing all your friends from High School have scattered and now I’m basically completely alone
Comment from : @RMorton1

😭😭😭😭😭😭😭brbrAt first i was soooo excited to be there now everything about it sucks, and nothing hits harder than studying and still failing I did my part, attended classes, paid attention and studied tirelessly but nothing to show for it 😭💔, once i make it outta my state I'll never return until my dreams are achieved halfway ❤
Comment from : @dshuwi

This really hit home I'm a 2nd year Pharmacy in South Africa and I don't feel anything about this course I look at my class mates and all of them feel so passionate about what they are doing I feel so selfish for having these thoughts My parents sacrificed alot to bring me here They won't understand the route I want to take because both of my siblings are engineering graduates and my other sibling is a teacher My real passion is content creation and modelling Nothing excites me more than the idea of being behind a camera and working with various brands I'm struggling guys I really am I failed a module in my first year and the look of disappointment my father gave me still haunts me to this day I honestly hate the idea that I would be living the rest of my life doing something I don't want to do To fulfill my parents wishes I need to get a job that is of high status, safe and comfortable but by doing so I know I would be living a lie
Comment from : @hlonivincent4256

Thank you for sharing your story It really mean a lot to me And good luck in life😊
Comment from : @matijamihailovic5594

I'm in my last year of architecture but it feels wrong I wanna drop out but people keep telling me "it would be a shame, all these years will be wasted" What is your advice?
Comment from : @Thisis_log

i could have continued my art highschool program and been teaching art this year but my mother forced me to go to college and convinced me i could do a course entirely centered around chemistry as if i ever even had the subject in any meaningful capacity of course i got expelled after a semester for failing all my exams now im 2 years into another college teacher program ESL and ethics (living in eastern europe) one year left for a bachelors and i just fucked it all up i didnt even want to be in school teaching would be great but i cant bring myself to come to class anymore my mental health has never been good but i am so miserable and paranoid i cant leave the house most of the time no we dont have online courses im about to get expelled again after wasting 3 years of my life in college for nothing a year away from a degree of SOME kind even if itd be useless on its own i dont know what to do theres no way im catching up on my classes
Comment from : @fermentingdragon

I feel a little alone in the comments, most people here wanna drop out of university/college when im struggling to survive highschool
Comment from : @memelovergirl5618

Dropped out and officially trying to push my trading journey and I won’t lie its a very difficult journeybrbrHopefully i find a trading family here … but like you said its the willingness to see it through
Comment from : @SimbarashePasipamire

Are you vnmese ??
Comment from : @xinhngo421

what’s the song?
Comment from : @Quanballx

May i ask In what college year did you drop out?
Comment from : @HazelAnunciacion-i4e

so If I am planning to drop out do I just stop doing the school work and wait for an email back from my adviser?
Comment from : @nazikiller7938

I've decided to quit school It has caused me too much stress For now, I will learn by myself Study my own topics on different subjects and lessons I don't have to worry about due dates and other bullshit crap
Comment from : @johnsonsharon81

Dropping out is not good people only post good news on the internet
Comment from : @Shifty_fl

Today is my first day after I dropped out and I’m scared but I’m happy
Comment from : @chaseatlantic12

I just dropped out yesterday The future seems so uncertain, literally anything can happen But I have faith things will get better and I'll find my way Ironically I felt more lost in uni than I do now I've quit
Comment from : @xeronix9774

Your lucky af , my parents pressure me to drop out
Comment from : @shanechav423

Thank you so much for making this video, I’m 20 and I was on my second month of college and dropped out the same day my bf broke up with me, I felt like a failure like everything was crashing but now I see this as an opportunity to heal myself, to discover myself As my psychiatrist said nothing I start now will work if my head is not in the right place, and after a lot of panic and anxiety attacks it is time to stop pushing it away and dealing with those feelings It is important we talk and show this part of our lives so we feel less alone
Comment from : @tallyroimicher8568

This helped me lighten up my mood I'm currently in 11th grade in india as a commerce (business and economy stuff) student I hated it but I had no choice because this is the only section that is the most easiest Today I don't know what to do after I Complete high school I'm planning to not go to college after I finish high school Thank you for giving me inspiration and motivation
Comment from : @dynipjohn485

Thank you for sharing i'm in a similar position
Comment from : @Jefferybanks

Comment from : @Paco_Gaepedores

Aquarius here and it’s true you can’t put us in a cubicle brWe like to be out and about brWe thrive with liberty and crumble with boredom
Comment from : @victorrosales7565

I'm currently in bed watching this because I just dropped out and don't know how to start
Comment from : @-l-tn8yr

thank you
Comment from : @hoplaa4real

i don’t mean to rant but my whole life i’ve been told go to college graduate get a job in a office don’t be a failure and i get that but i’ve always wanted to make music & i’m doing really good but i just don’t know if i should dropout and focus more on it i don’t want my parents to disown me
Comment from : @killkujo

Couldn't have put and said it any better myself This is exactly what I'm feeling
Comment from : @royal_zedd

How are you, em?
Comment from : @lizmcnguyen

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